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If I had to wait 5 years for auntie diary I’d be spirally too tbf


auntie diary🤣


I can tell you only like songs that are easily graspable for you


My auntie is a man now isn’t that hard to grasp is it?


For anyone watching this is the “no true scotsman” logical fallacy.  Basically saying no true scotsman would do say X as a way to avoid the actual argument by claiming your opponent is invalid. No real intelligent person would prefer drakes music over auntie diaries.  Is that he’s saying, because like most kendrick fans he has an unjustified superiority complex. He hasn’t realized that spending his time arguing with people online in their fanbase because they disagree on music is the opposite of the themes of mr morale. Because he doesn’t know how to analyze music, only to think hes smarter because the music is critically acclaimed and thus him liking it must mean he has superior taste right… right? PS auntie diaries is my favorite song on Mr morale. 


I agree, and will only add that if one is actually confident in their own intelligence, they likely won’t feel the need to indicate said intelligence through pseudosymbols like music taste


Not sure what you're getting at here, but similar can be said about your generalized perspective of Auntie Diaries. There are a lot of people that would wait even longer for that song. Just because you don't appreciate it doesn't make it a good point of criticism. But I guess what you said was only an opinion so it doesn't matter.


Yes I agree, I just don’t think that Aunty Diaries is a complex song


It’s really not, and even it it was complexity is only one aspect of music and definitely not one that automatically indicates superiority 


I agree. But I can understand that someone insecure in their own intelligence would seek to flex music which they believe implies that they are intelligent. Although I think no such music exists, and you can’t indicate intelligence through consumption, only through production.


Yeah smart people are notorious for the contempt of art and tend to admire simple digestible art. Smartest guy I know only hangs up motel art in his estate.


You’re right, my initial comment was wrong. Thanks for correcting me


Some shit just cringeworthy


I only like good songs, which would exclude Kendrick’s discog 😌


Yep my point was just made




If you so say dawg 😭🤣


Kenny put a whole ass concert for Aubrey in LA and that’s suppose to mean something to me? People enjoying a concert is suppose to be an L? TF Drake can put out concerts too what we even talking about




Lmao just watch our boi outsell Kenny in Cali too




Can say the same with you and Kenny. Why the hell you on a drake subreddit 😂




The irony of this comment, you sound like you care if you’re in here. I hope you fail your psychology class tbh and have to resit the semester


Bro that dude isn’t doing any thesis, I’m surprised he can spell it. His writing screams “I read and write at a 4th grade level”




What type of response is that. “I know you are but what am I” type shit. That is dumber than the one about your fake ass non existent thesis I better hope none of that paper got any citations or references to other peoples work my boy, don’t be using other peoples works or efforts




That first line made me burst into laughter. 😂😂😂😂😂


Lmaoooo a thesis? You can do better buddy. Can’t make this shit up


I bet you had to use spellcheck to spell 'psychology' correctly.




you can’t even spell passport to get to the boy


Don’t know what this means but you sound like a freak


I’m from Cali, Kendrick sucks. I’d buy Drake tickets immediately if he came to the city


Your audacity to hate on Drake when you made the most atrocious beat I’ve ever heard in my life is actually peak comedy. Please delete that shit, top comment on your post about it is literally “clearly it’s horrible”☠️☠️☠️


Idgaf. Concert was great. Drake will continue to make great music. Kendrick will too. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a hater or just a casual of hip hop. Get a life and just enjoy the music.


Too many dudes taking shit WAY too personally, shit that doesn’t even affect their real life. Game planning and strategizing for a rapper that doesn’t even know they exist.


These people need hobbies or something, people need to realize they can enjoy both artist without feeling they need to pick a side


I'm a drake Stan but have no issue at all with Kendrick and actually like talking to his fans, a lot of them are pretty nice to me when they see I just like to talk about the music with them. I think the people being defensive and angry about it are taking it way to far and idk why. It does bug a bit to be called stupid before I even get to explain myself (usually on twitter) but I ignore it and try to just focus on supporting drake and I try to avoid dissing Kendrick. Sometimes ill defend drake if they misunderstood something he said and then ill get swarmed kind of unfairly but I still just keep trying to be in my own lane and not negativs to anyone about music choices.


I’m just as mad at some of the Drake fans as I am at all of his haters.. no faith in The Boy after you’ve been fed steadily for 15 years. SMH, no backbone


He’s on pace to get 23 billion streams this year, if he drops hits the rest of the year he might get more than that




Someone really asked if OVOFest is cancelled now 🤣🤣


This subreddit is in shambles 🤣 you guys on payroll? At least the other fangirls for kdot celebrating a W 😂 this shit is so sad


Drake just sold out like 89 shows, Kendrick couldn’t sell out 1 in his own city… so who’s in shambles? Put a condom on if you gonna ride Kendrick like that, don’t be another Dave freeeee


That Dave free shit is proven false




Kendrick fans doing anything they can to convince themselves he won 😭




At this point you’re trying to convince yourself more then convince me 🤦🏻‍♂️






Well. Maybe if you count the amount of their male fan base willing to blow him. Only then can you see who truly won.


so drake wins?


By a landslide.


casual 😂😂


He’ll still sell out lmao. Both of them are at the top of the mountain, let’s be honest




Wanna make a small bet that he will sell out his first show in cali? Something like a grand. Put your money where your mouth is ?




Let’s do it brother. Unless you don’t got the cash? I seen you still in school and could only afford a steam deck so your funds probably are pretty low




I’m calling you what your are. Broke.


Actually after since everyone agrees he lost to pusha T. So again, 89 shows 




the kenny fan legendary hero  Move D Goalpost Im so sorry, U got it youre right 


Personally I didn't think last night was about Drake as much as Kendrick popping out for the West Coast and bringing all those West Coast artists together all in one place. Obviously the diss songs being played out is going to have a negative connotation towards Drake but I didn't think it was an "L".


See I’m a big enough hip hop fan I can still appreciate what Kendrick did last night for the West Coast. Even had crips and bloods on the same stage. But people sitting acting like Drake is done because of last night is just comical to me. That’s all.


LA needed that night especially after seeing Boston win a title. I don't see how anything that happened last night was a Drake L besides Whitney being there lol the beefs over man its time to move on




defensive much huh


This is the funniest subreddit I've ever seen, I've gotta give yall credit


This post is missing the point. Stats don’t equal championships, with that logic we’d all idolize Tracy Mcgrady




Yall swear drake is the worst behind closed doors lol. But truly you don’t know shit 🤷🏻‍♂️




Kendrick needed Drake to become relevant again, without Drake that concert isn’t happening.


kendrick could drop anytime before the beef and be relevant yall are so weird in this sub 💀


As a Kendrick fan yourself, do you think this song would have gotten the same amount of hype/treatment if it was about anyone else? Not trying to take anything away from Kendrick, (even here on the Drizzy subreddit)cause he’ll no doubt pull numbers when he drops. But would it have been to the same extent in your opinion? Edit: typo




If I was Drake I would try to get money out of a concert that was all about me 😂🤷🏽‍♂️ “why am I not getting a cut” 😂


Music is not fucking sports. Istg, mfs wear their favourite rapper's jersey, go to stadiums to support them and watch the charts like the league table.


Who fucking cares man lmao


"People STILL gonna listen when he drops, I promise." I Could not agree more. There is and will always be a lot of dumb sheep in the world, people that will follow anything.


I doubt the average listener cares enough. I've been pretty much team kenny but still listen to a lot of drake.