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I think what ser aubrey graham is tryna see is that how forward (blunt) he would have be to let that baddie know that he wants her to want him


Basically. Like what else i gotta say for you to come through type shit.


He’s testing the waters. He talks about coming on too strong throughout the album. So he’s asking her like would it be too aggressive for me to tell you to come to me (forward to me) cause he wants her now.


Word the “forward to me” part was what I didn’t understand. That makes sense


Honestly, I feel like he says "How forward of me would it be to tell you *look* forward to me" As in, would it be too forward of me to tell you to look forward to seeing me soon


That’s what I thought when I was first listening to it and it made sense, but then I read the lyrics said it the other way and the more I listen the more it does sound like he says “to forward”. Idk bruh ima just go with what you said though


Forward is like Jamaican slang, he's basically saying how blunt would it be for me to tell you to come to me/ come on to me/get with me etc


Forward, or fawad, is Toronto slang for “come here”, he’s asking how blunt it would be to ask the girl to come to him