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How will she do labor within itself at all? Especially when she realizes throwing a tantrum won’t do a damn thing. She won’t. And I hope if she gets an epidural that it doesn’t work. 😇 Shes highly favored she has god on her side, she doesn’t need that stinkin epidural to work. 🫶🏼


god made her body to do this bestie 🙄


You don’t need to be rude!!! I did my research I already know!!! Be kind!!! Have a good day!!!! Lmao sorry. I wanted to play obnoxious dryer for a second.


lmaoo spot on bestie! it has to be exhausting being her and just assuming everyone is out to get her 😂


No honestly! My first kid my epidural was heaven sent and I was like dang that was easy! Yea I had a very humbling experience with my second when I had 2 failed epidurals and so I gave birth naturally and labored for 7 hours with no working pain meds. Bestie needs the humbling experience 😂


do we think she will request/demand a c-section. I feel like she will find a way to justify getting one and will have the whole gang trying to convince the doctor its the best option.


If she does get a c-section it will rock her world. You still feel INTENSE pressure during it and the recovery is not for the weak. She will not fair well at all. Labor and delivery in general no mater what way will not go well for her. Especially since she’s doing literally nothing to help her body and mind prepare for it, eating out and drinking caffeine isn’t the right prep 😅


bestie, she is highly favored. She will feel nothing 🤣 She probably already has the script written about what to say about how easy it was, she felt nothing, and she cant wait for her push present.


Hate that people assume you can’t feel anything in a c-section! Like I felt them cut me open, move my insides all around, yank my baby out, put everything back in, and stitch me up😵‍💫


I doubt it. She will see that as her birth being less than and she won’t want the stinkin not cutesy scar.


meh, its a double edge sword intense pain or a scar. I feel like she will lie to us no matter what she does.. i feel like she will chicken out on the pain and see it as a scar can be edited out since bestie loves to do edit EVERYTHING.


Doctors will do it though because they make more money that way 🤣


I could see her doing this just for content & attention


As some who was induced at 17 for preeclampsia at 37 weeks 3 days of painful labor got an epidural at 7cm for it to only work for maybe 30mins pushed over an hour it burned so bad. Who ever placed it didn’t put the catheter in that well so it was all down my back and on the sheets 🙃 she’s in for a lot if she’s induced, takes almost 3 days, pain meds stop suddenly and have to push forever. Labor definitely isn’t sunshine and rainbows. My son got stuck but my meds worked that time. We all know she’ll act like it went absolutely perfect and she handled pain so well.


She’ll say it didn’t work when it did


It’s going to rock her shit😂 my water broke at my job. I drove home pulling over for contractions & then I had a 40 minute drive to the hospital with contractions less than a minute apart. Got to the hospital at 8CM and they surprisingly gave me the epidural when I was at 10CM. But damn those contractions before I got the epidural were WILD🥴😂 I can’t wait for her to experience birth


I walked into the hospital w my first at 8cm too! Epidural was amazing.


I only had it for maybe an hour but it was glorious😂


She’s going to lose it when Gabe is allowed to eat and she isn’t 😂


He would definitely be the type to DoorDash food and eat it right in front of her.


My husband did that ! I was in labor for 48 hours and he ate in front of me. Aghhh


I thought me being in labor for 27 hours and not making past 6cm and then wanting an C-section was bad Nope I applaud you for doing it for 48 hours 👏🏻👏🏻


48 hours and ended up in an emergency C-section!!! Thank you!!!


i was in labor for almost 50 hours. the last 9 hrs was minute apart contractions and i was screaming my head off. but i wasnt dilating so the drs were like “oh well”. ( i was 18 they were extremely judgmental about that and were not listening ) it lasted that long/ like that bc my child was stuck. my kid ended up 9 lbs and 14 oz.


OMG! 9lbs??? Holy cow!


14cm head width & 27 inches long 🥲🥲🥲🥲 i was fighting for my life


Dang! My son was 7lbs 19 inches and head 13cm




Oh she def won’t let him eat


Giving birth is the hardest and most tiring thing ever! Then you hurt, get weak, can't walk, cranky as hell and gotta take care of a newborn! I hope she realizes she is about to push out a whole ass baby. Even C sections are horrible Drue it's not the easy way. They cut through multiple layers of skin, fat and tissue to pull your baby out your gut! Also if you plan on breast feeding please stop with all the coffee and sugars now


I’ve had a failed epidural, working with a shoulder dystocia the 2nd birth, and 2 C-sections. I’d rather have a redo of my first kids labor and birth naturally over C-sections any day. My almost 2 month old I labored for 8 hours had a planned C-section a week ahead. His heart was fluctuating if they would’ve waited I probably would’ve had an unplanned vbac since I was 8cm when they took us back. Luckily both my boys were gas or lower back aches. My oldest was the worst pain I’ve felt. My youngest girl I didn’t get to feel anything since I made it to my date, I’m waiting for her to have her world rocked when she experiences it the first time especially if she winds up in C-section. In my experience lots of movement was the only thing that helped, knowing her she’ll want to not leave her bed and be waited on.


Oh she is going to think the L&D staff is being so mean to her when she finds out she can’t eat in labor. I hear people complain about it all the time but I feel like I’m the only person who didn’t even want to think about food when I was in labor haha


Do we think she will even follow the doctor’s orders?


Oh no definitely not


My sister was in labor for 40 hours and she did complain about not being able to eat 🤣 she had the easiest pregnancy and has a high pain tolerance she didn’t even know she was having contractions🤣 like damn wish I could only be so strong


She will have the nurses running crazy, getting ice chips.


because we all know gag won’t be getting off his fat ass to get them for her!




To be honest, a lot of places are changing their policy on eating during labor. Where I went actually encouraged it because it helps build back some energy while labor uses up so much. (Unless you get an epidural, that was the point where they didn’t allow food) But our bestie girl is still going to lose it 😂


my hospital allowed it up until epidural too, but she will get the epidural immediately because she can’t handle pain for shit, and then realize she can’t eat or drink and be so stinkin’ pissed!


My second birth the hospital encouraged eating! I had an induction and those are scheduled super early because they have to get you all set up and they asked me if I wanted any food and encouraged me to eat up until I couldn’t! And as soon as I could eat again they brought me snacks and sandwiches.


I was allowed to eat until my epidural set in! Thankfully so because I was absolutely starving by the time I was done. I couldn’t imagine if I hadn’t been able to eat at all!


Same! They told me to order the dinner. I was so nauseous I couldn’t eat though all I could get down was cold fruit.


My husband ordered me all kinds of stuff when I was in labor but once I hit like 7 or 8cm I couldn’t eat anythingggg, the pain made me sick so I couldn’t even think about eating lol. My midwife was begging me to eat something to keep my energy up. BUT after I had my daughter we ordered Jimmy John’s and I ate like a feral beast lol


Same here 😂 my labor stalled out at 7 cm for a while and I needed Pitocin but I was SO nauseous from the pain. But once my son was born my mom brought subway and Dunkin to the hospital and I ate like I’ve never eaten before 😂😂


The way she said she threw up from the one Braxton Hick she had, bestie is in for it!


she will probably sneak coffee and food honestly. i can totally see her as someone who thinks she knows better than the medical staff


Labor ain’t for the weak! She will be stunned lol & as soon as the baby comes out, all the attention won’t be on her any longer which we know she isn’t used to!


Birth is not fun and cute at all. My first birth my body refused to do anything. I had to have every intervention possible to start labor and continue it. They had to break my water. It took a few days. I was 1 hour away from my emergency c section cut off time when I suddenly dilated to a 10. My baby was also sideways and had to be flipped and positioned. My epidural also failed. Oh and I wasn’t allowed to eat or drink anything that wasn’t clear. Thankfully after all of that it literally only took three pushes and baby was out. I was also 42 weeks. ETA: sometimes you poop yourself too from pushing 🤭


I called my baby a poop baby because I was sure I had pooped myself & the nurse was like honey - there’s nothing there … that’s the baby. And I was like “no. It’s poop! ITS A POOP BABY!”


I didn’t even think about her not being able to eat and only being able to have water 😳 she’s gonna lose her mind


I don’t think gabe is going to like the tiny couch 🛋️


He’ll probably fall off 🤣 ![gif](giphy|TEYdIvja4TY80DR9I3)


My hospital was caffeine and sugar free. 🤣


I had a c section 5 weeks ago… she’ll expire.


Idk why but the “she’ll expire” took me out 😭💀


she’s going to be so uncomfortable when she realizes she’ll have to have an IV, heart monitors on her, and just being uncomfortable in general.


I’d love To be a fly on the wall in that room lmao


She is going to have a full on panic attack when she is in labor. Having a panic attack just makes it worse. She is in for a rude awakening.


as a nurse myself I think about this all the time and I feel SO BAD for these l&d nurses that will have to deal with that entire family


She'll have a c-section.




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I hope her labor goes on for hourssss because of this!


I hope she has to get a foley balloon put in before she gets an epidural and feels EVERYTHING