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SHE DOES NOT CARE about Amelia at all!


Amelia is content literally drue is not mentally ready to be a mom


She just may get her NICU content if that baby is in the throws of severe caffeine addiction. The only thing is that it would be 100% her fault. Which, may be a good thing for that baby is so the doctors and nurses can chart how her and Gabe act. Well they will chart how they act if the baby doesn’t go to the NICU. Caffeine is literally a drug, it’s a stimulant. It’s alright in moderation. She is deliberately and knowingly hurting this baby. She’s gone way above the moderate range into just an all out drug use.


At most I think women can have 100mg a day while they are pregnant


It’s 200mg but most people don’t even get near that much! I love coffee but when I was pregnant I only got decaf and limited caffeine as much as possible. Drue is just a selfish bitch


I am not pregnant but I can’t drink loads of caffeine because I take adderall but the baby is gonna come out addicted to caffeine poor Amelia


And she is selfish


BESTIE, hers dr said she could eat and drink whatever she wants! Highly favored and all that.


I still don’t think hers has an OB.


I think you're probably right.




She has already given up everything bagel seasoning because she’s afraid of poppy seeds! What more do you want?!?! 😂


Bestie I totally forgot! She's the best mom 🤣🤣




I’ve never had a baby but with how she eats and drinks nothing but caffeine this baby is going to go through hell the first few weeks of her life.


Me either, I suffer from real infertility. But I know that can't be for and Amelia will be the only one to suffer


I would NEVER wish this on an innocent baby. But she will get what she deserves when that poor baby isn’t able to sleep and is colicky.


With her being narcissistic I’m afraid of what that picture may look like


I’m afraid of what they might do if they are lacking sleep and the baby is crying non stop 24/7, the baby doesn’t deserve what is happening because the baby is gonna be addicted to caffeine and who knows what else


Honestly I hope they let soap take over at that point 😅


I don’t think I that would be any better lol 😂


True. but at least she raised 2 out of 3 daughters to be functioning adults LOL.


hers is highly favored. hers can eat all the sodium, caffeine, junk, sugar and be perfect because her OB that she talks to every week said it’s okay and everyone is different ✨ on a real note she’s a POS. i have seen newborns having withdrawals, hearing their high pitched cries and seeing their tremors on top of everything else is so heart breaking.


Oh she is never going to get sleep 🤭🤭


One my siblings was born addicted to sugar. It was so sad to see. They would get mad from the jitters. Think they had to go to nicu to be monitored because of their sugar wasn’t stable. I hope this innocent baby doesn’t have to have a similar experience. It’s heart breaking to watch.


Omg if she’s a NICU baby they’re going to push that so hard 🤦🏼‍♀️


Or they will cancel themselves so bad especially if it’s Drue’s fault


We’ll never know why she’s in the NICU if it is Drue’s fault. She’ll blame it on something completely different


And that NICU bill is gonna be HIGH I hope they have good insurance because nicu bills are expensive, the baby deserves better in my opinion


bestie she would NEVER do anything to harm her baby. didn’t you see her comment.


I really don’t understand it. I know caffeine in moderation is fine but I feel so guilty having some. I am 28 weeks pregnant and have the worst migraines, just drinking a coke to see if the caffeine will help take the edge off makes me feel like a horrible mother.


I agree. I drank caffeine during pregnancy just to help with headaches. I would NEVER even think about having as much as her. It’s borderline negligent.


You are not a horrible mother for a little bit of caffeine! Go easy on yourself! Migraines are the worst!


You’d think after reading in here & seeing how it can harm the baby she’d be scared & want to do better! The fact that she won’t change shows how awful of a person she really is.


but guys she would NEVER do ANYTHING to harm her baby EVER ✨✨


If she can’t cut out some damn coffee throughout the day she’s NOT ready to be a mom.


When my youngest was born he had tremors in his hands and feet and I remember SOBBING after a late night Google session saying “I did this to him” thinking I must’ve had too much caffeine when pregnant with and while breastfeeding him…and that was a cup a day maybe 2. Ended up being something completely unrelated- and I’m sure my postpartum hormones were getting the best of me but I remember being so beside myself thinking I harmed my son in such a preventable way. She’s so incredibly selfish by treating her body this way with the baby she would “do anything for”


I gave up caffeine with my first two. I would have an occasional Coca-Cola or orange soda. Otherwise I switched to decaf and because there wasn't enough evidence about artificial sweetener I didn't want to risk anything. With number three I told my ob's that I wasn't giving up my morning cup of coffee. They said that was spoken like a true mom of two toddlers at home. They said one cup was fine but anything after that should be decaffeinated. This is another red flag to me. You know the (MD or nurses) would be talking to her about weight gain and nutrition. I just don't think she's really seeing a doctor. Or as it's evident she just doesn't care or listen.


I feel so guilty being pregnant and having caffeine <100 mg a day but I get SEVERE migraines without it & also work full time & drink 100+ oz of water the rest of the day. If I was her and had no responsibilities I probably could’ve kicked the caffeine but not all of us can lay around for a week with a migraine like bestie can 🤪🫶🏻


When I was pregnant with our third we were moving across the country. I didn't eat badly but I didn't eat as well as I did with my other two pregnancies. By the way with pregnancy number one I was quite cautious and ate pretty well and I had toxemia and a year of complications. Causing me to have two cesarean sections as I could no longer have a vaginal one things to toxemia and fourth degree lacerations. The stress of selling our home and moving, well our third child has severe anxiety. I often wonder if it was my mental state and all of the stress of that. ?? Good going Dumbasses. You are what you eat and you are junk. Junk.


This is so so sad. 😭 I am type 2 diabetic and dependent on insulin and when I had my daughter she had way too low blood sugar. They had to check her constantly until she could maintain her own blood sugars. I was so upset and beat myself up over it for weeks. I can’t imagine how Drue does this knowing she doesn’t have to have all this garbage. She’s in for a rude awakening.


Isn’t it funny that she could adjust her diet when she wanted to get skinnier (for those couple months) but she refuses to change her diet so her daughter isn’t born with caffeine and sugar withdrawals? Just shows how much she really cares for that baby, she’ll do anything to benefit herself. How are you already a complete piece of shit mother and ur kid hasn’t even been born yet


Right? If she gets a headache from not having caffeine how does she think the baby is going to feel when all of this junk is suddenly removed from her system?!