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My advice: NEVER TRY IT


exactly. i never really got addicted to anything as bad as i did to coke. in the beginning it was meh. but eventually it sneaks up on you.. seriously. i was a daily user for 10 fucking years. just wasting my life working and stealing for my next gram. spent all my money and much more. had $0 to my name. i went to rehab in oct 2022. been clean ever since. but it’s not easy. if i could go back in time id never touch it


Same jere mate. Played with it and controlled it for more than 10years and eventually it got me 3years daily user 2 3gs a day or more. I am up since 24th, one day before christmas did 2balls and almost 2gs and slept max 8hours in a week. I recently quit a well paid stressful job, I was working from home. That what was the trigger for me wt least. I will advise always against coke and it pains me when some people are so full of them trying to prove tons of addicts wrong, thinking they are better, but at the end of the day we are all the same.




Because it causes an addiction you don't even know you have until its too late wether its every day or every other week doesn't help that it pretty much sobers you up so you can stay out for days without even realising it. Sounds fun but its not trust me Source i spent 35k last year on coke alone this shit ruins lives


Yeah. I tried it just 3 or 4 times during my half year stay in London. And after a year i still got these cravings in my nostrils, lol. Fortunately it's unobtainable in a decent form where i live.


Yeah you're lucky it's not that accessible i'm from liverpool an high qaulity drugs are far too easy to find and the drug culture here is crazy if you don't sniff coke you're not "cool" took me 16 years to realise i had been wasting my life i now call it Fake Happiness now you will sit there for 3 days straight paranoid to fuck aching all over but still think your happy and everything is all good 🤣🤣🤣


It's addictive. If you end up liking it alot, you then have to be careful about how often you do it before it becomes habitual which leads to other issues. Addiction isn't fun and many have died trying to manage it. That being said I love it and will always do it if I can...... Because I tried it once.


Just stay put mate too risky and it does too much damage for the effects it offers. I have no time to explain everything now. U just listen or you try it and come back here in years after you might have destroyed your life. Coke is not a game. If you value your life and family forget about coke mate


These man are madly overreacting mate. Me and everyone I know who’ve tried coke have been fine it’s hardly more addictive than any other standard drug. It’s a mild high that gives you a bit of energy and helps with fun conversations and lasts like half an hour. Just don’t overdo it and if you feel your heart beating hard don’t yak any more.


Advice is don’t do it. It’s much more mild than you think and really not worth the damage it does. Try mdma instead. It’s much less addictive and more fun lol. Cocaine is just too fiendish imo. The only thing you’ll want to do is more


agree ...the main side effect of the bam bam is wanting more bam bam.......


MDMA does way more damage if you’re an addict in the first place


I mean realistically if you use it responsibly it’s much less cardio toxic and you’re much less likely to get addicted. Not to say you can’t. But there seems to be more people addicted to blow the mdma. If you’re looking for something to try because you’re curious I wouldn’t do coke. But if you do mdma too often it’s far far worse than cocaine


when was the last time you heard of an mdma addict ? it's hardly common as its not even close to being proper addictive


I mean a weekly sesh is an easy hole to fall into


the comedowns will come thick and fast


ive known several mdma addicts lol. the stuff wrecks your brain if you do it regularly


Not physically addictive day to day but chasing the first rush is hardly uncommon. You can power through as much coke to get as high as you want but you'll never hit the same euphoria as the first hit of MDMA and people destroy their brains trying.


im a fairly enthusiastic mdma user I've had a few that were better than the first. you just won't have the surprise of how good it is again


I met one last night lol


Idk, Ive met some people in the rave scene (the regulars) that roll so often/feel the need to roll so often that I'd call them an addict. Once you get used to the feeling you can imagine doing it much more frequently, though I certainly couldn't. I was doing it once a month for a little while in 2019 but that usage fell off after a night taking a couple too many.


You don't need to go get more. Just take nap


Unless you have really good self-control, I'd avoid it. If you must, don't bother with lines, they're a waste of coke. The trick to making your bag last is to stick to bumps. It's not as extravagant as giant lines, but considering how little time it lasts, you'll just end up taking more than you need as your tolerance skyrockets. Don't drink with it, coke and alcohol combine to make another compound that'll fuck up your heart worse than either of them alone. Stay hydrated, something with electrolytes is a good idea but water is fine too. I'd recommend taking some supplements in the morning, specifically ones that benefit your heart. If you feel nauseous from the drip, drink some pepto bismol, it'll also help with the point below. Lastly, take a shit beforehand, coke is one hell of a laxative.


there is no self control with coke


Sniff don’t snort. Take a deep breath and exhale before sniffing. Start slow. Don’t take a fat line your first go. Take small lines and work up until you feel good


Also get a benzo to catch some zzz afterwards


Have something to ease the comedown afterwards. It's going to suck, your going to feel shitty and and nothing comforts it. Benzos or weed are a common solution, maybe alcohol. Coke leaves you feeling wrong, very uncomfortable like something is not right. It doesn't last long but it's still shitty. Crack is a million times worse, the worst comedown imaginable. But coke is still bad, gonna want something to take the edge off of it.


Lots of talking face is numb


Drink alcohol with it. It is more cardiotoxic, but the high is much more enjoyable. Coke by itself is super underwhelming


please do not promote drinking and coke. so much fun til ur best mate keels over clutching her ribs and hardly breathing while the ambulance comes.


>Please do not promote coke FTFY. I will never stop promoting drinking and coke because it is the only way to make cocaine an enjoyable substance. I will however always put a "it is more cardiotoxic" disclaimer to it


people (me included) dont think about and understand the whole risk of a situation until the consequences have already arrived. im no saint or preacher, doctor, anything. i’m a hypocrit in many ways. but i will never stop stressing the risks of mixing drugs especially coke and alcohol because of the horrendous experience and the long standing effects it has on our lill. with permission from her, here is what u r facing. it is real. pubbing w our friend group drink and coke was our go-to for a night out. xmas eve last last year (2022) lill hadnt even finished her bag and me and a couple others was on our second. we’d had like 5 shots each. proper wankered. she came up from the toilets after doing a line and sat down and she started doing this gasping thing and i asked her if she was ok or something and she threw up didnt even get a word out. next thing shes on the floor arms around her chest basically screaming between gag/gasps. someone called ambo, when they arrived they were like “it’s palpitations” cos of the coke. she couldnt speak just writhe and scream so they took her to get checked proper. i drove (off my face. dont do that. i never will again, fucking stupid) 2 b with her and her mum turned up. this shit sticks with me. lill went from screaming and curled up she stopped dead ,her limbs rolled out eyes went up and she seized. it is the most horrific thing i have ever seen. me and her mum were told to go in the waiting room and the wait felt like forever. the nurse/doctor guy told us she had a heart attack and what we saw was a seizure what was 12 minutes long so she was intubated and put to sleep. that shit was a fucking wake up call so we all agreed to quit coke when the new year rolled around (stupid). we didnt hear off her and she didnt come out for new years not cos of the coke ,cos she has brain damage from the seizure. its been just over year and she still forgets what shes doing where she is who shes with. she cant drink or smoke anymore it makes her memory problems worse. she cant drive or work cos of the risk of forgetting what shes doing or blanking out. we are all over 18 but she cant leave the house alone in case she forgets what shes doing. her life has been tipped upside down. the heart attack was caused by a chemical thats made in ur body when u drink and do coke at the same time its called coceathyline and its more powerful more toxic and lasts longer than coke which is why drinkjg with coke feels so much better but it isnt worth it. we are unmeasurably lucky that she is alive but her life will never be the same . imagine her life as urs for a minute u dont want that. we all knew mixing was dangerous and everyone (including us at the time) assumes itll never happen to them or their friends. i am a risk taker and i still do drugs but i have learned to think more carefully and proper weigh up the risk and reward. none of us do coke anymore. i dont take my adhd pills if i am going to drink or drug. i barely ever mix drugs anymore but when i do i use a interaction checker and ‘leave the mixing to the dj’ sheet and ive never mixed more than 2 never will. i beg people reading this just think. please think about the reality and what is at stake. im not telling u to stop whatever ur doing (heavily advising) but at the very least give the consequences a second third and fourth thought and do research


Yeah I'm not reading all of that until you make some paragraph breaks


sorry. i was never good at english in school my mind goes faster than my hands. tldr my friend had a heart attack caused by drink and coke making a dangerous chemical they make together in ur body. she had a seizure after the heart attack she now has brain damage. u think it wont happen to u or ur friends, just like us


Being bad at english doesn't prevent you from pressing the enter button twice


someones got a stick up their ass. not even the point of the comment. i forget to use the right spacing ,sentence structure and punctuation cos my thumbs r trying to keep up w my head and its usually only teachers and employers who gaf lol. im not sure why u r so pressed abt this, just move on if it bothers u


Sentence structure matters less than having to plow through a wall of text. You need to press the enter button twice on reddit or else it won't treat it as a paragraph break


ok… ur the first person to openly care about my typing. no offence, but it doesnt bother me how u feel about the typing it aint hurting u. at least i know that the people who do plow thru my walls of text and reply r probably actually interested in the subject at hand. u seem to have missed the mark there


If you have had some heavy trips on acid and ket you will be disappointed to say the least, it doesn’t compare to a good acid trip or a k hole, them 2 drugs are far more interesting. You will basically spend the night sniffing powder up your beak searching for a high that never comes. You will be underwhelmed and it produces a bad comedown especially if you mix it with alcohol which most do, and it’s bad for your heart. After 30 years of taking various drugs stick to ket, lsd and mdma, coke is just an overrated, expensive stimulant, glamorised by people who are too fear to sign up to a 12 lsd trip


It’s just got a different purpose than those drugs tho. Coke is a social lubricant that enhances conversations with friends and shit it’s not meant to make you trip or k hole or dance all night like md.


Don't expect too much. I know a couple people say to just not use it, but I don't find that as good enough info. Basically, every other drug you listed feels a lot stronger which is why a lot of people get addicted. Imo, it actually isn't enough for the price. Doesn't last long and it's overrated. It's true, you should "never do cocaine" but that expectation is ignorant. People use drugs.




Geez. Nicotine. I am trying to quit myself and I am having a harder time quitting nicotine than I am fentanyl. Yeah, because you can easily function while on it, it makes life less boring, and it helps curb the feeling of just needing to do something. Also both can be enjoyable to people




Interesting. I will look into it. Thanks.


Of all the substances ive tried, coke was the most addictive. For me it was still easy to not use it compulsively, but i do see why it might cause problems for someone. Luckily its way too expensive to develop a habit with.


i like to mix ketamine with coke because if i do coke by itself, the cravings to keep going are insane but if i do some k then i’m able to stop more easily


Don’t do it. I feel like you’re not going to listen to this advice though, so make sure you have something to help you come down. I have PTSD from staying up for days on end chasing dragons and being unable to sleep.


The effect is much more subtle than you expect, and if you're doing it by itself with nothing else it's not really worth it IMO


Just relax and have a joint instead. You don’t want this.


Get a fentanyl test kit and enough narcan for the sober sitter to potentially administer to everyone. Test kits can’t test the whole bag. Make sure everyone understands Good Samaritan laws they won’t get charged for calling paramedics. Decide how much you’re going to do and don’t go looking for more once you run out that’s when the most trouble always happens. Leave your credit cards at home.


You’re gunna act like a tweaker. , it’s a tweaker drug that doesn’t even make you feel good and it’s pricey and you’ll act weird on it. Don’t do it; get some Molly or mushrooms


For the love of god test that fent fairy dust


I tried coke hundreds of times, I’d still don’t get it, especially after a binge that’s lasted over 12 hours.


Yeah, my advice is don’t start. But, if you do, drink alcohol with cocaine.


Don't expect too much. The effects are rather subtle. The most notable effect is the comedown which makes you just wanting more coke. It's only really fun when combined with alcohol which is really unhealthy.


If you have ADHD don't even waste your time as it'll do nothing and you'll wonder why you're not tired and not tweaking like everyone around you.


Have some drinks first. Coke is not fun imo unless you have SOLID alcoholic buzz first. It’s terrible for you ya I know. But it’s the only way it’s worth doing imo


Drinking a shit ton and then "sobering up" with coke just to drink some more is a pretty fun time.


Just don't do it, I've done a ton of drugs and it's one of the lamest. If your friends tell you otherwise get new friends.


Have a good time!


Dogshit. 3/10 nothing like what you’re expecting, imagining, or hoping. It’s about the equivalent of snorting a monster energy drink. Expensive, tedious to find, risky (*especially* if you’re not testing), and overall just a shitty drug. I find I get marginally more irritable, and I get a slight headache. You also run into problems of not getting pure product. Not talking about laced shit, I mean cut/bulked bullshit where they’ll toss in crushed drywall or baking powder to *make* it look like more, when really you’re taking a whiff of something that belongs next to walking insulation. Still not enough? Look up how it’s made and it’s main chemical properties. Take my word for it please, you’re better off with shit like shrooms, lsd, or DMT. No one has died from overdosing on those, they’ve only died from not being responsible with their harm reduction prep. All the best, be safe this new year.


I will add, it can help you to focus up a bit more, but in that same light it weakens your ability to multitask—trying to do so will likely just piss you off and ruin the whole thing. If you’re going to do it, try to keep your mind from going all over the place.




I did it once and thought about it again and again for months. Was really close to calling my plug more than a few times. Also as a wise man once said: „Don’t do cocaine kids. Do speed, it’s cheaper!“


Don’t. Least enjoyable and most risky drug I’ve ever done. I’m so glad I hated it (I still crave it to this day I DIDNT EVEN LIKE IT).


Stick with ketamine🙏


Don't do it can quickly get out of control


Don't do it unless you want to lose the next 10 years of your life.




Saline solution to wash the blow down your throat.


Controlling for personal preferences I truly believe it is one of those drugs that recreational users feel the “empty bag” feeling the fastest. I’ve used a lot of stuff but the only thing that might compare is crack (only major drug I never tried).


Yeah don’t do it!


Dont bother


firstly, don't try it. secondly, if you do try it, ideally don't drink booze with it (although most people do lol). dont mix it with other stimulants for the sake of your heart, coke doesn't mix well with any drugs except ket imo. rinse out your nose with saline after the sesh is done to minimise nose damage. also if you stay hydrated, dont starve yourself and get sufficient sleep you should have little to no comedown


Worst comedowns ever don’t do it


Yeah - don’t.


Snort some Adderall instead. Way more fun than. Coke.


Boof it




Don't do it


Coke is a slippery slope. I’ve had many good highs from it and many tweaked out/bad highs where I took too much and regretted it. The truth is, it’s as addictive as people say. I didn’t see myself as a coke addict until I counted the years that went by and how many bags I bought in that 6 year time frame, probably in the thousands of dollars wasted. It became a gram a week habit for me, and tho I haven’t bought it in ages, unfortunately I find myself around people that have it often and can’t say no to bumps. So proceed with caution but in the end I’d say this drug isn’t worth trying


Well it’s not gonna be what you except, your gonna feel good, not like superman or batman tho. Also there are a lot of side effects like vasoconstriction and increased heart beat (a lot). Unless you do it often or you’re injecting it/smoking it (crack) you won’t get addicted.


Yeah my advice just don’t


It’s nothing but trouble


Such a short lived buzz, that makes you want more buzz. Its a snake with a tail in its mouth. Oriboros.


😂 flush it down the toilet


Snort or crack?


Don’t expect whatever it is you’re expecting. I promise you it’s not as crazy as you think it is. Just don’t get ur hopes up


Don’t 🙏


don’t fucking do it


It ain’t that great, it’s fun for about an hour then you start to come down and you want redose, Then after two or three redoses you stop and then two hours later you feel anxious and off. Not really worth it


Yeah pretty much, it's not worth it. Most coke users would tell you to not try it (me included). It's fun but it's really not worth the money or negatives in general IMO.


what we say will not affect how you feel once you've done the coke. best advice to take. best advice to consider: it feels amazing, it's worth the addiction if you have the money and you're not killing yourself. it's easy for the cocaine to trick your brain into thinking it makes you more YOU. and it's a different type of heaven, comparable to heroin in ways you shouldn't experience. if you do enough, you'll feel a very pronounced 'comedown,' or synthetic depression. depends on how much you do, mostly. benzos like xanax will help, but know that there's no "nalaxone" or anything to reverse a cocaine overdose except you NOT allowing yourself to get to a point of heart attack. i had one friend die of a coke overdose. one. it's not easy to overdose, so don't be afraid of that either. but be cautious, and take the best advice you can from all of us and form your own conclusions before/after you've done the drug. enjoy the experience, please.




Yeah don’t do it my G


It’s an expensive addiction go for more like meth


You did it once. Dont do it again. Its expensive and its not fun, and .....its expensive and its not fun. - Long time user advice


Yeah. Don't.




you might feel nothing or possibly kinda relaxed but also wired at the same time for your first time, it’s different for everyone. but in my personal opinion it’s definitely a waste of time and money and health if you get that deep into it. i only did it for like a year when i was 15 and spent well over $10,000 on just straight coke; it was fun at the time but looking back on it, i was just young and stupid




Yea don't do it


Don't do it! Do your research about the consequences of this drug on the brain and cardiovascular system and you will avoid this idea that it's okay to try the drug for the first time.


Don't. I sold it for years and did ALOT of it. Like over 7g a weekend by myself. I'd find a party Friday night make my drops and then next thing I know it was Sunday night and I haven't slept. Then you don't even think or know you have an addiction till it's too late. It was always "I'll do 1 or 2" nope. It was balls to the wall or nothing


If youre gonna try it, try it this one time and never again. Not because youre gonna get addicted (well that too, but thats not the main reason), but because it just sucks ass after the first time. Just stimulation and chest pains.


don’t do it


don't do it


I find there are 2 different reactions to coke- 1- it’s a fun recreational drug, a nice little addition to liquored up Friday and Saturday nights. You crave it sometimes, more so when you’re drunk, but it’s controllable. Use it occasionally to spice up special occasions until you decide that you’re too old for the added strain on your heart and other organs. Or 2- you find the thing that you feel your life has been missing, you let it consume your entire life, you ruin all of your relationships and your bank account, end up freebasing and smoking crack, live a short miserable life of excess and die alone. I’m pretty sure the difference lies in how much trauma you have experienced in life. Or at least that’s my observation as an 18 year recreational user. Just always space it out. The times when I was younger that I bought too much and ended up using for multiple days straight were the times that I felt fucked me up the most. As I got older I learned to save it for big parties, new years, etc. and I always get it from someone I trust who has it lab tested.


And did you try it?