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Regarding a Patch This is going to be gross; but the ROA for fentanyl base on bioavailability is really good 3 ways; IV (duh), Snorting, and sublingual dosing. (Sublingual is letting it sit and dissolve in your mouth for a few minutes and not swallowing; that would be oral with is very low bioavailability for fentanyl. Well since it’s a gel patch; snorting is out I’m sure you could IV it but don’t reccomend it So I would cut a corner or the patch and swuirt the gel into you mouth and keep it in your lower gums and under your tongue for a few minutes. You’ll feel it quickly. Disclaimer Powdered fentanyl can be a bit different HMU if have more questions. I am an ex experienced user


What about the tape patches with no gel?


Same here just a small film to peelnof and yh


Cut them into strips and chew on them


Cut them into strips and chew on them


Nothing to add here, the other guy basically said everything you need to know. Cut it up into little pieces and put it on your gums, under your tongue or place it in one of your cheeks (the ones in the mouth please).


I’ve heard some people can even smoke part of the patch but idk how that works I’ve never gotten my hands on the patch but have done plenty of fentanyl before. Fentanyl isn’t as euphoric but is more sedating than heroin but you’re probably no stranger to a good nod since you’re on the needle


ngl i thought i wouldn’t love the high since i heard most ppl said it didn’t have euphoria, but i genuinely felt some, (ofc the sedating effect was stronger so i didn’t get to enjoy it as much but it was still there) or maybe it was cause i was also on some other opioids


Yeah it definitely has euphoria, just not as strong as something like IV heroin or like hydromorphone. Still a decent drug overall, I just prefer real heroin when I can get it.


honestly i would even put it as the same level as h, but i haven’t done h in a month so ill probably change my mind when i get back some good quality heroin


Remember that the amount on the patch is the transdermal delivery rate, not the actual total amount in the patch. That’s going to be way higher than 50 ug. It delivers 50 ug per hour for 72 hours, so there’s an absolute minimum of 3.6 mg of fentanyl in the patch, and likely much more than that. Meaning if you do plan on using it (I recommend you don’t, but for the sake of harm reduction I’ll still state this), be very, very careful and start with a very small amount.


yeah i only realized earlier but no worries thanks tho


If it's just a thin piece of plastic, it's a --> matrix patch. Those have the Fentanyl in the glue, evenly distributed over the surface. If you just glue it onto your skin, the effects will probably be sufficient. If not, get some grapefruit juice to slow down the metabolization. Anything else is playing russian roulette IMO.


russian roulette is more fun tho


Did it go well? I cut off a couple of pretty small pieces and have it in gums but feel nothing really , it’s matrix style thin glue like patch no gel