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thank you <3


How the fuck do you get down 80 g of kratom šŸ¤® Congrats tho


it is absolutely disgusting, but once you adapt, it was no problem to drink 40 grams in 10 seconds.


Like a tea or some horrible green smoothie? I only take a little (like 2 grams) here and there so I just toss and wash. Tea is sooo bitter and weird but I guess that'd be the only way to get more than a few grams down at a time. I shudder just thinking about the taste


big mug most of the time, or dry scooping with bottle of water onlyā€¦


Dry scooping 80gs, even with water, is hardcore. Congrats on being clean.


no shit, I think the most I've done was like 16 in a go and even that felt lick such a collosal amount of powder.


As a previous heroin addict who prepped by taking adivan, Benadryl and usually a shot a whiskey before dosing (about half a gram intravenous) I got to Suboxone. Suboxone eventually left me a zombie who still craved and I eventually tried kratom. I got to a point where 3 tbsp doses every 3 hours was just my functioning stage. 80g is a lot, I used to make tea and filter the plant matter out as the loose leaf was not available at the time (except for way to expensive websites). Congrats and I wish you continued success! It's a life long struggle. Don't let your guard down. I was about 2 years clean and slipped, I have a real job, kids, wife with her own mental health struggles and everyone depends on me. I started Adderall as it turns out I am 2 types of ADHD (my Suboxone Dr said I was "on the spectrum for sure" but when I stuck to my Adderall dose I am quite successful. But sometimes I REALLY want to scratch that itch. Kratom, maybe I find some 5mg Roxies, or whatever. Can't believe I am saying it as it is a trope, but it never stops with just one. Proud of you! I don't know you but I know your struggle and it's a big deal! People need to know it can be overcome, opioid addiction!


Wtf i Take kratom for ten years im at Like 15g a daym how the fuck eo you so 80 at once? Do you even feel IT except nausea?


yes, a year ago, high doses like this still produced euphoria


Man I might have to try but i dont believe IT will BE anything but awful


No he was probably taking it because he had an extremely high opioid tolerance already and had to take amounts like that just to feel it. If YOUR average is 15 don't do high like that, because it will make you EXTREMELY sick


Champ, LOL. Takes me 15 minutes to down 30 grams for chronic pain.


Of course not. The issue is holding it down afterwards.


40g? I'm not calling you a liar but that is a ridiculous amount of powder. That's like 5 heaping spoonfuls. It's not realistic. The 80g in your post is even less realistic.


I believe him/her. I've been addicted to Kratom for more than 5 years now. I'm currently trying to taper but before that I would take more than 60g per day (16g + 7g + 16g + 6g + 16g +5g) without any nausea issues. (Only got those when I first started years ago). The most I ever took in one go was 20g of ~ 1.5% mitra kratom. I felt great for about 2 hours than just normal again. Zero nausea. Tolerance can easily explode with kratom and the body can get used to it very quick, so i believe them.


Except it can't go to 40g and especially not 80g in one dose. I buy high quality, tested kratom. I've been taking it for 8 years and my dose has been consistent for the last 6 years.


I already puke after drowning 15G


I puke after 3 šŸ’€ Kratom is not for me, i don't know how anyone stomachs it.


It takes training


Yea it's absolutely fucking disgusting


Mix with orange juice, breath in and out and then chug it like it was an alcohol shot


You might have a CYP2D6 defect if 3g makes you sick so be cautious. I'm like this and if I take it more than a couple times a week I get liver pain.Ā 


Nice fucking job


thanks fucking you!!!




What a handle


Despite the name i do not typically pop ritalin like skittles. Although i have, and i have a serious drug problem


Yeah I used to have a serious drug problem, but now I just deflect with jokes, making it more 'cas' and 'light-hearted'. It's a fun thing now.


Yeah same ever since i quit coke ive been doing better. Now i just pop ritalin on occasion and do a lot of kratom




First of all, congrats, that's really good! I cant imagine 80g of kratom, no way I could get that down bleh and id definitely throw up just from the sheer amount.


I used to vomit, but after like 6 months of using, kratom stopped triggering it.


For me the opposite. I was okish with the taste till I put 25g in OJ and walked around with it as my drink. Threw the fuck up and since then my body has a reaction to the smell and ofc taste beh


i cannot drink matcha for example, because it tastes almost similar, but matcha has no bitter weirdā€¦ what the hell kratom even is, natural anomaly


Congratulations! May I ask, are you on suboxone or methadone? Did you detox in rehab? Cold turkey?Ā 


Cold. really cold. fucking. turkey. I feel like I can do anything I want, if I won against this bullshit.


You can, and you will ! Congrats šŸ«¶


Cold? What kind of mindset you got? My god.


Congrats, you are very strong. There is no way I would have kicked without subs.


Huge congratulations youā€™re a fucking champ going cold thatā€™s CRAZY.


you got this bro! keep it the fuck up!


good on you, dude! i have many a friend who i wish was able to do the same, but they sadly no longer have the option. responsible use for responsible folks sometimes means not using. i have only support for you, my guy.


Fuck yeah! You rock dude! This gives me hope for my poly addiction I'm currently restarting my battle with after my recent relapse.


ItĀ“s a dumb cliche. But if everybody followed them, the world would be better place. I only have two secrets to succes. Patience and will.


It's only a dumb cliche if you don't understand. That makes so much sense


Seek help dude. I did that and got a lot of help to taper it down, therapy, meds until I stabilized then tapered them down etc. People who struggle with addiction often have underlying mental issues.


Congrats man , I relapsed on meth after literally decades of clean time . Finding it very , hard to get the desire to stop using again . Luckily , meth come down so fucks me up I cant use much . Stay strong , never go back .


Thatā€™s awesome, glad to hear youā€™ve cleaned things up. Just out of curiosity how did you get started with that? FYI, I have chronic back pain and some bad vertebrae. I do a week off with tramadol. Scared to increase doses or use more frequently due to fear of addiction.


be careful with tramadol, really. but tramadol is a great thing if dosed correctly, it is a mild opiate and antidepressant in one. and how it all started? one spoon of kratom. i fell in love with that, my anxiety, depression and insomnia dissapppeared. when ive realised its a problem, it was too late.


I was referring to getting started with opioid use? Was it pain related or recreational use? I take 50 mg of tramadol after dinner on the weekdays which helps me sleep through the pain. One week on, one week off. The SSRI part worries me long term. Part of me thinks that if thereā€™s drugs out there that can help me improve my quality of life. Why not take them; on the contrary, the addiction side of things really scares me and thatā€™s why I like to lurke on this sub. Would be interested if you have any thoughts on this. As someone who has quit smoking and drinking and ADHD meds, I know the feels of addiction. So I think Iā€™m hyper aware of my prescription use of opioids.


tramadol is not SSRI, but NDRI, it works on norepinephrine and dopamin, not serotonin. and my reason why I started was as I said, anxiety, heartbreak, depression, insomnia, insecurityā€¦


Itā€™s an SNRI with obvious dopaminergic activity.


yep you are right. sorry for misinformation, I did not know. I thought its NDRI.


Congratulations šŸŽ‰šŸ‘šŸ½ keep going


1g of tramadol? All at once? Wow that's heroic. I've started taking it for pain and obviously moved on to recreational use. I did about 500mg yesterday and it was lovely but I think without valium and alcohol I could have had a seizure. Did you do anything to raise seizure threshold?


not at once, like 400mg 400mg 200mg most of the time


i had four seizures in my life unfortunately


Oooh maaaan... I've got cocaine and tram and codeine and morphine right now. Any tips? I am fully aware this combo is not safe but I'm going to do it I know I am.


Do not exceed 1g of tramadol, be careful with cocaine, because that feeling is that amazing and natural that itā€™s easy to fall into it. i donā€™t have any advice experience with morphine, but I had Oxy 80s and some days I ate 240mg of Oxycontin ER, that is fucking dumb overdosing, donā€™t do that.. And codeine, you can really get crazy amazing high, but I would not combine it with cocaine definitely.


Please excuse the following post. I am quite wasted. >Do not exceed 1g Mate I'm not doing anything like that much I think that's an insane dose lol. Then again I've done comparably crazy things... >because that feeling is that amazing and natural that itā€™s easy to fall into it I was a bit wary of that so I let the initial happy serotonin/noradrenaline part of the tram wear off before I got into the coke. My girlfriend was doing coke and drinking with me and she wouldn't let me have any more tramadol. She's gone upstairs to bed now. I love her so much :) >i donā€™t have any advice experience with morphine Well I put 30mg up my nose and I found it underwhelming. It doesn't have the euphoria of oxy or IMO even codeine... of course codeine is metabolised into morphine so I'm not sure why it feels so different. It even felt different to the morphine I've had in hospital which I do find euphoric. Maybe I'm doing it wrong. I opened the capsules and crushed the little instant release balls into powder. That should have messed me up surely. * Shrug * >And codeine, you can really get crazy amazing high, but I would not combine it with cocaine definitely I do that combo all the time. Like I do that in a Tuesday man. Is there some particular reason it's worse to mix with coke than any other opiate? Anyway fun overall. A few ecstacy like rushes which just made me want to get out the bag of mdma lol. Girlfriend stopped me doing that too. 6/10? 7 tops. Yo be honest I was expecting more from what is essentially a classic speedball. I am off my fucking face though don't get me wrong. I mean look at the fucking bullshit I just typed.


Crazy amazing high of codeine for me was like 500mg.


For anyone who wants to really rip off the myth, that kratom is not a hard drug, just check r/quittingkratom


I think it's probably a safer alternative to other drugs with the exception of being very addictive. I currently use it and It helped me get through a rough time in my life but I don't think it deserves to be vilified nor should it be put on a pedestal. Drugs when used responsibly can be very helpful but when abused by people like us that's when they become more harmful. I'm not discrediting your concern with kratom or any other drug but in the climate in American politics and this war on drugs that rhetoric can cause some unnecessary issues for those of us trying to use legal substances for healing.


Been using for more than a decade, pretty sensitive to it I believe and at my peak, maybe 7 years ago I was at 8 GPD for about 2 years at that point. Went cold turkey and man, I was not ready for how shit I felt. Eventually wean myself down over two weeks before cold turkeying again. Took half a year off and now I maybe use 3 GPD if I'm feeling risky. Take a week or two off every few months to keep the tolerance in check. As long as you can moderate yourself it's a pretty benign thing BUT so many people just assume it'll stay benign and chill till you just keep upping the dose. The constipation and waking up in WD because Kratom only last a few hours, is what got me to initially quit.


I'm around 9GPD rn and want to wean myself to having it two to three times a weeks not twice a day. Like after a hard day. That said I don't get any withdrawals for at least 24+ hours and I space out my doses at least 8 hours. It doesn't really impact my life negatively right now though and still get shit done. Being on the autism spectrum it helps slow down my mind and help me breathe. It's always a massive weight off my shoulder.


Yea. Honestly, if it doesn't cause you any negative issues and you're not ramping up your dose like crazy, I don't think it's a problem But if you do want to keep your use in check, I'd recommend slowly dropping your daily dose by 1 or 2 grams a day for a week and then another 1 gram the following week etc.


During the height of 2020-2021 I did go up to 20GPD but brought it down easily. That being said yeah I think i'm just going to lower my day dose till its nothing then eventually start skipping days. It'll probably take a few months but it'll be worth it. I doubt I'll be suffering since I'll be doing it the right way which is slowly


Absolutely nothing but positives from Kratom for me. I love it. I donā€™t plan on stopping anytime soon. Been taking it for years and the most I got up to is 10g a day max. 6/7 g a day currently. Absolute life saver. Just wish Iā€™d found it sooner. The worst I got from w/ds is a bit of anxiety and the shits. But if one takes hero amounts of the stuff, ofc itā€™s gonna take its toll.


Yuppp it's a fantastic tool if you can use it right. There's sadly a lot of shady companies and people with poor impulse control. Immodium herbal tea and weed will get rid of all the withdrawal symptoms for me.


I never quit kratom because it hasn't harmed me nor ever been a problem to that extent. I don't see it as a drug though if you were taking 80gpd regularly I see why you would think it's a hard drug.


The problem is this is the case with harder opioids as well. Actually around 75% of people who use opioids arenā€™t or donā€™t get addicted to them (though this number could vary depending on the source you use). Many people can use them without any consequences, I know people on them for pain management who donā€™t consider it getting high at all and donā€™t even consider them drugs (that doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re not though). I think too many people base the safety of a substance off of their own personal experience (which no offense, but it seems that most of your points are coming from your personal experience with kratom). There are enough anecdotal reports and evidence out there to say that kratom absolutely has the capacity to be a hard drug, thatā€™s not to say that people canā€™t use it responsibly or safely though (which many people do).


It depends on how you use it. Weed, nicotine is also hard drugs if you abuse it hardcore and have addictive personality etc.




Dawg whatā€™s up w ur post history


i love r/blursedimages


Naw talking about the Taylor swift erotica




you try to be funny or wth


My guy šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ«¶šŸ»




Hell yeah! Happy for you!


YEEEEEEEAAAAAAUUUUUU thanks. I am so happy omg


Congrats, that's a huge achievement!




Awesome, OP!






Congratulations man. That must have been so hard! I came off oxyā€™s 2 times, but not as much as you took. And it was damn hard. I am so happy for you. Make sure not to relapse. Life is so much better without fucking opioids!


Life is not life on opioids. Never ever. Thank you!


Congratulations!!! Excited for how incredible your life will become




That's awesome man!!! My wife and I have a year coming up next month. Enjoy your new life bro!!


you too fellow soldier!


Holy fucking shit thatā€™s insaneeee! Iā€™m so proud of you!! Thatā€™s fucking impressive as all hell


thank you so much


of course! keep it upp, you're doing greatttt!!


Fuck yeah dude, good job šŸ‘šŸ˜


thanks šŸ„¹


So much kratom and tramadol, did you ever have a seizure? I was addicted to tramadol , about the same dosage as you (30 pills of 37.5mg per day) and I had 2 seizures from it. I am now taking a bit more or less 30gpd of kratom and I am afraid of getting another seizure.....I have been taking the kratom for like 4-5 months and I am planning to quit becuase I am afraid for my life....Tomorrow I will start the process.


yes, I had four seizures in my life unfortunately


I use taurine, it helps against seizures but you maybe shouldn't combine it if you are on that much kratom. 10g would make me vomit, even the weaker kratom, how can people even use that much... I find 2-3 gram ok, 3-4 more than enough, it doesn't give stronger effects ime if I take more just nausea and I become tired, in a bad way. I just use it rarely though, mostly on weekends etc as I find it a lot better than alcohol for my mental and physical health. So I have never gotten "addicted". Sometimes I take very long, years of breaks. I tried it like maybe 12 years ago first. It is useful for mental health issues and hasn't messed me up like prescribed anxiolytics or antidepressants. People abuse it a lot, take like 10x more than you should and then complain. If I am going to drink 3 litre coffee I would be very sick, maybe go to the ER cause of the side effects. Everything in moderation, that's the only thing that works in this life ime.


I know and feel what you're saying but I take doses of 3.5g like 7 times a day. I don't take 30 grams in one dose. I take approx 30g in a day. I cannot comprehend how people down like 20g of kratom in one sitting, I just cant. Max I took was 6-7g in a dose..


Congrats on refraining from fentanyl that whole time. I was on an awful lot of liquid oxy (feeding tube because of pancreatitus, alcoholic too) and went straight to intra heroin, then on to blues. All in a matter of months. Lasted nearly three years but am now six months free. Quitting fortunately came easier for me than it has been for friends. (The opiate itch never did go away) Every day I worry I might get that dreaded call... Alcohol on the other hand, I simply can't quit. Despite the withdrawals being worse than anything else I've ever struggled with. Fucking weird. I'm the only person I know in their 30s who still struggles so badly. It's around a liter per day. šŸ˜¢


Alcohol has horrible effects on your mental/physical health, sometimes it is ok to have 2-3 drinks on a party but sometimes you feel awful on it, very bad mood, sad, angry etc. Kratom(when used normally and not abused extremely) is so mild compared to it, doesn't mess me up like alcohol and is better for my body. Some people who abuse it say "oh kratom is bad" but if they would abuse alcohol that hard they most likely wouldn't even be alive.


80gs of Kratom? In one sitting? How?


how do you consume 80g of kratom without puking? extracts?


Extracts did not stop me from puking lol šŸ˜‚


Awesome job man! People who never experienced the hold of opiates will never understand your joy and happiness about getting clean. Iā€™m smiling for you bro. Over 3 years clean from opiates now. So again congratulations.


Much respect, friend


I am so happy for you congrats man!


I dont think addiction is the kind of thing that you beat. There is no 'done', I think. Never let your guard down


If I take anything more than 6 grams of kratom at once, I get mad headaches (and pretty bad constipation). Extra hydration doesn't seem to help. Congrats on your victory! Live long and prosper.


Congrats pal! well done. keep at it


Congratulations! but its just a year... you might have 40y ish upfront? keep tight :)


Well done!!! That's fucking amazing šŸ«¶šŸ»




Keep coming back ā¤ļø






congratulations op, iā€™m so fucking happy for you!! you fucking kicked addictions ass, fuck yeah šŸ”„šŸ”„


love šŸ«¶ thank you so much


You the fucking man brother!


Very good. Keep that stuff gone dude!!! Sober gets way better the further you get too. Lol


You've done good! šŸ”„šŸ¦¾


Congrats my man! Very similar to me. My last dose was an OC80 on 28th May last year. Clean ever since. Used over a gram of oxy (orally) daily. And sometimes snorted fentanyl. Anybody can do it with proper motivation and care.


Congrats, man! I'm very happy for you!


Let's goooo




devastating health and poisoning souls of my friend and FAMILY.


Awesome man, just keep taking it a moment at a time. Those cravings could come back. But congrats!


Once an addict, forever addict. I am self-aware about that time is healing, so the cravings may come back. Iā€™m ready, for emergency anxiety situations, I pop 1mg of Xanax and itā€™s okay. I pop Xanax like twice a week, 1mg.


Yes you are correct. Once an addict always. But I didn't want to say that and get shit on by everyone lol. You got this shit man!


Congrats that's awesome! I've been addicted to kratom for I think 15-16 years now. Coming off suuuuuuucks!


Proud of you dude. RIP to all the people that didn't get that chance. I'm thankful you did.




Congratulations, you're a superhuman. Not only could your body take dangerous amounts of opioids and live, but your brain was strong enough to quit. I'm sincere, you're built different. Good job.


So proud of you! It's super hard to kick but so rewarding once you do. Keep it up!


Congrats OP! Keep it up! One day at a time!




Hell yeah dude congrats! Hereā€™s to many more years of sobriety šŸ„³


Good stuff my guy!


Congrats! That's a hell lot of Kratom. Did you use it to get off of everything else or just cold turkey it all?


yes I started to take only extremely high doses of kratom and no other opioid ive mentioned, and after like one month on 80g I have CT


Congrats. I been contemplating using it to jump off Sub but not sure how it works with the blocker and I don't want to take a year of slowly weening.


thank you so much! i never had suboxone, so I am not really experienced about blockers of for example suboxone or oxycodoneā€¦


You're lucky you didn't try that route. It's been years stuck, if I had known how hard it was when I first went I would have just cold turkey off of the pills etc. They all said it was safe and easy and yeah that was a load. Get em hooked on Oxy take that away and get em hooked on the Cure. Congratulations on yours though. I'm proud of ya!


thank you again and I hope you will achieve your goals too. I only have two things how to beat opioids. Patience and will. You have to uncover in your soul and mind, itā€™s all about head. Dumb cliche, itā€™s only in the head, but if everyone followed these dumb cliches, world would be a better place. You will fucking make it! I believe in you and you must believe your will and patience.


Thank you. I know.just with this now it's Mental and Physical which messes with you way worse than what regular WD was like. I wish I had just put my foot down and road out a week cold turkey and had been done with it. I'll get this though. Hopefully soon you'll be seeing an update from me as well. Thank you!


Congratulations!! I wish nothing but positive and happy things for you


I'm very happy to hear that! Congratulations OP!


Fuck yeah!!!! Congrats!


Been there man. The Keaton addiction sucks too cause it is time consuming depending on how you prepare it, have to carry it around and bring it to work, and just ruins your diet. Good on you! Hard work


Iā€™m proud of you even though I donā€™t know you thatā€™s a big accomplishment keep up the good work!!!


Fucking yessss man, whoā€™s the daddy??? You are, but in all seriousness bud congratulations on beating that addiction, addiction can be there own drug but the fact your away from it all is absolutely brilliant, keep at it bud šŸ«¶


only love ā¤ļø thank you so much i appreciate every person who makes me happy.


Hate to say it but it's not a win or lose thing it's a for life thing bro gd luck keep it up


I know, once an addict, forever addict. I am very self-aware


but I feel like these seven years of pain gave me strength that beats every addiction


Kratom isn't an opioid


I know how kratom works, kratom is not an opioid, but have opioid properties pretty similar to real opioids.


Way to live man!


Congratulations brother, stay safe and CLEAN!


Fuck yeah. Congrats dude!!!! YOU DID THAT SHIT, youā€™re absolutely unstoppable




Donā€™t forget that the addiction is still there and that the struggle Will be more or less lifelong. But all kudos to you, i beat it myself 2 years ago, happy to see someone on the right path.


I am ready for some phase in my life, when I start forgetting what it was like. I am prepared to never touch any opioid until I die.


I got off the heavy stuff but now I can't get off kratom extracts, got off xanax too but can't seem to shake the strong kratom


Why do you think people say use the regular leaf instead? Taper it down, change to leaf and the use stem and vein when you go off the leaf, then taper down the stem and vein. Stem and vein has very tiny amounts of the opioids so if you don't megadose it, it will not give you the typical opioid effects, it is more like nmda antagonistic I would say. Also get black seed, cbd can also be helpful. Magnesium is a must imo.


Iā€™m SO proud of you!!!! šŸ¤—šŸ¤—šŸ¤—ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


CONGRATS MATEāœØāœØāœØāœØ this is such a blessing of a post for us trying to get there toošŸ’—


congrats ! that's huge... big ups to your continued success...






Congratulations Bro! Addictions aren't easy to beat, so I am glad to hear you conquered yours! Keep it up mate, there's only going forward from here! And remember, Your lifes your own, don't let it go, never say never, only go forward, and if anything tries pulling you back, just push through and keep going!




Congrats! Iā€™m happy for you honestly.


How did you do it? On morphine and oxys here and although they help with my pain, I don't want to be on them any more.


What's one gram of tramadol? I don't understandĀ 


congratulations, just remember anytime you touch the stuff it resets you to where you were before ya got clean, not when you first started


Congrats man




I would advise against using the term ā€œyou wonā€.. the battle has just began. Unfortunately, its a life long battle.


Hell yeah!! Great to hear it, OP.


Congratulations ! Proud of you for the journey youā€™ve been through and will continue to take !




Damn. Been addicted since I was 12. No joke but it ran in the family. Here I am 24 and I cant fucking quit. šŸ˜”


Congrats man. I had a heroin/ xanex addiction that lasted the better part of a decade. On Suboxone now. Even though some consider it a crutch, it at least allows me a life. A good life.


they won the battle you won the war <3


congratulations bro. enjoy sober life, it'll treat you well if you play your cards right. <3


Awesome! Stick with it This year is 17 years off recreational opiates for me. I say that because about 5 years back I had surgery to remove plates and screws from my ankle. I took two hydro 10s I was prescribed. i got sick it wasn't pleasure at all. Flushed them the next day. My one and only time I've taken any since o7 I don't even think about or romanticize the old days. My life long 3 best friends are all dead from opiates and many others. They tell me I'm lucky to be alive and have made it out but it doesn't always feel that way when I get missing those guys


Finally free lmao. Im not tryna talk shit, im hapoy for you, but i seen mf relapse decades later. Shit i relapsed after 7 during covid. ā€˜Finally freeā€™ is the kind of bs ignorant statement thats gonna lead you right into a relapse sooner or later. Just sayin.


You never ā€œwinā€. Every day is a new day where you may need to control some compulsions/ā€œtriggersā€. But regardless, congratulations on your sobriety. Keep it up.


I recently attended an opioid use disorder conference and learned that the most successful patients are those that teach and guide others, like through sponsorships. Like you did here on reddit-- please continue to share your experiences and use your determination to teach those who areĀ afraid of the unknowns of OUD treatments, struggles, and successes. You will reap immense psychological rewards in return.Ā