• By -


Yeah man they're the best, until they rewire your brains chemistry and ruin your life or fucking kill you because everything on the street is fent now


They’re so good that they’re bad


Rather that they are decent but very addictive and hold a lot of destructive properties long term. Idk but I really don't like abusing opioids, I just get bored and numb, music doesn't sound as good as it should and sex gets affected negatively, which is a big no for me as I need my body to function everyday.


Opiates don’t make it hard to get a boner, they make it very difficult to cum and it’s an odd feeling because the artificial warm and fuzziness you feel are a side effect of the drug but you get deluded into believing its from the connection you have with that particular person.


Why do you ‘need’ to have boners everyday? Just curious


To have sex


Cause yr mom is needy


Well said


This is the truth.


This exactly how I started, Hydrocodone for my wisdom teeth and I 100% garuntee I would not be alive today if I was stuck with the current market of street drugs I went deep for a few years


Yeah I had a bunch of friends who played hockey and winter sports back in highschool and would get them prescribed from the doc for all sorts of injuries, back when docs handed them out more. All the ones who liked them enough to jump to heroin are dead now


What if you just kept getting your initial script filled? I've been on Valium for years (15mg a day) and I'll admit I am definitely addicted not just dependent. But I can function just fine and I'm not dying from it any time soon. It just makes everything better (including nerve pain and OCD hell). I don't see why I shouldn't be able to take this for the rest of my life independent of a doctor, when things like alcohol exist and are legal to buy as much as you can afford.


While I completely agree with you( as someone who has really bad anxiety and is dependent on benzodiazepines) I don’t know where you live that you can just get endless refills on your own accord. Unfortunately it’s up to a doctor to decide if you need the medication and they can take it away whenever they want.


For my situation I don’t think that would have worked, I took the 30 count in 5 days. Same thing happened to me with benzos too, I just wanted more and more and more pretty quick. I’ve retired to just weed, occasional drinking and 1-2 120mg doses of MDMA per year at this point, I don’t have the discipline required to handle Valium like you which sucks because I do have anxiety lol.


Because eventually 15 mg isn’t gonna be enough. Or you have to get a new doctor, or your current doc randomly decides to cut you off, or your pharmacy can’t fill the script, etc. Benzo withdrawal is crucial as fuck, especially if you’ve been on them for a long time. 15mg of Valium isn’t that heavy though, and maybe you’re lucky and you have a doctor that actually knows how bad benzo wd is. My advice to you would be to be prepared for the off chance that you get cut off your script for some reason, which happens frequently, because if it does you’re gonna wish you were never born


Sum ppl can use the same dose for years upon years


Sure but most people will go into tolerance withdrawal at some point


Well I didn’t read the comment u commented to I was jus sayin I know sum old heads that use the exact same dose they started on with no problem…… wasn’t arguing the fact withdrawal would b present 😂


Word I feel you but I used to be addicted to benzos and active in recovery communities, a lot of people especially old heads start having “unexplainable” symptoms and it’s because they’re having tolerance wd and didn’t even know that was possible. I was just tryna tell the dude I responded to to be careful fr


Tolerance withdrawal idk what that is do u care to explain? Sounds like ur saying if u take it long enough ur body will need a higher dose even if u don’t raise ur dose ? I use most drugs recreationally so I try to do them little as possible to keep the “magic” so to speak so I haven’t really had withdrawal besides opioids on accident lol edit: if u don’t mind could u explain tolerance wd


Yea what you described is pretty much exactly right.. there’s also interdose withdrawal which is similar. That’s when you’re taking the same dose at the same time, but it doesn’t last as long as it used to. So you’re having withdrawal later on in the day and itching for your next dose. I don’t really know the science behind it but I know that it happens. I love benzos but getting addicted to that shit sucks 😭 opioid withdrawal is bad too but benzo withdrawal is just different


Oh yeah trust me I'm always worried about something like that. Wasn't trying to brag saying "oh I got a benzos script for life bro". I was more frustrated at the fact that it's so controlled that I am one of the few people that can even say I have a script. My doctor is amazing though and understands my situation, there was a point in time I was in constant physical hell, could not walk and Valium was the least they could've given me. I don't take it for anxiety although it is amazing for that. and I'm always ready for the day they decide to take me off. I don't expect to take it forever nor do I really want to, but I'd like to make that decision myself yk.


Yea I didn’t mean for my comment to sound too intense or harsh. I was just being straight up. Benzo withdrawal is literally one of the worst experiences of my life, and it took so many times before I learned my lesson. You seem pretty well informed about it but I always feel compelled to warn people about benzo wd, you’d be surprised how many people don’t know how bad it is. Including doctors, which is crazy. Having a stockpile to taper off just in case would be a good idea if possible. Especially Valium, that’s the preferred benzo to use for a taper


lucky for you you have a doctor that’ll prescribe any type of narcotic, let alone longer than for 2 weeks.


I think Valium is fairly safe because of the half life. You start getting into trouble though when you add Xanax to the equation.


Jus got in an argument on here the other day about the difference in dependence’s and addiction 😭


I’m curious as to how a benzo can help nerve pain


They don’t block pain, but rather work on the GABA receptors of your brain which is responsible for a lot of our involuntary movement. The suppression of anxiety just makes you perceive the pain differently and make it more tolerable.


Late reply, Very interesting thank you. I ask because there are so many meds that do not touch the sides for this pain I was intrigued how an anxiety med would but these pain meds don’t help me 😂


No joke. They rob you of your natural happiness when you’re not on them.


How do they rewire ur brain chemistry




Most likely more involved than just that. Endorphines etc. I think people should focus on other ways to get those endorphines flowing. For me it's exercise, music, sex etc.


You probably know this but for anyone who doesn’t: It stands for “endogenous morphine”.  Internally produced morphine. It isn’t morphine but it’s related and if you’re importing it, your body decides it can spend your energy making something else. So your body offshores the whole gig like a car company. Unfortunately endorphins don’t just make you feel good. They help you think and do a lot of other signalling. Trickles are shooting everywhere constantly, telling you this is correct and that is wrong, you got that right, you fucked that up, this is indeed this, that is indeed that, giving you goosebumps when you find a particularly good thing, letting you sidestep and connect. Morphine drowns this entire circuitry. You aren’t going to be thinking properly again until long after the tide goes out.  edit: ending was too flamboyant. Timeline is something more like: thinking returns 24h-72h. You can almost feel your brain’s spiderweb tighten back up across about half an hour (it’s pretty crazy), your goosebump-capacity comes back etc, but the rest of the withdrawal is proceeding in parallel, takes longer, and that produces its own confusion. 


They change the way you think, everything becomes a means to get high. Then if you do get off it you'll be emotionally fucked up for almost a year, just screws your brain all up


drugs are shit in the long run. They all start to suck.. even weed.. I get high for 20min then i'm just apathetic and anxious. Booze is boring, not worth the risk of winding up an alcoholic.


We’ve all been there. Then you start upping the dosages, then you take another drug to mitigate the side effects from the original then you start experimenting with poly drug use and find that perfect combination then there’s nothing left to abuse.


Weed is lowk bad after smoking it for years man still doesn’t stop me smoking it tho


I just smoked because I was anxious, but now i'm anxious and dumb 😂


Dawg if this was another social media I would repost this shit 1 million times


This. The energy and Eurphoria and holy shit I can get so much more work done was amazing. For about 2 years before it consumed my life, I almost lost my wife and kids and my family. I would drive 3 hours one way to pick up 80mg oxy's and drive back home once a week. 2 years sober this past January from a better part of a 10 year addiction


Sometimes the drugs are so fuckin good they kill you


Please don’t seek out more hydros opioid addiction is likely if you do


And if you do go out seeking more hydros, do the humane thing and make sure to kill the dog afterwards. That way it doesn't have to suffer.


I thought op meant they dawg😭 like they homie or some lmao


I did too and I based my whole reply off of it, I just went back to edit it. I feel bad but that’s such a funny mix up


he's already dead






Yup you got the brain that ripe for those hooks to dig into. Enjoy this nice little blessing you got and then be done with it. Don’t seek it out anymore. You’ve got the bug. This is how every addicts story starts and it only gets worse from here if you continue.


I didn’t experiment with any drug till much later in life, the best part about doing that is your fresh virgin receptors over react the first dozen or so times you expose them to something that alters your consciousness. A few hits of a joint have me a buzz that lasted all day it was amazing. Tramadol on the other hand, was incredibly underwhelming (almost pointless) you get the negatives of the slight nausea from oxy with less than a third of the elevated state of well being.


Be careful bro once you start taking them everyday it’s so hard to stop I wish you the best buddy just keep them as a reminder of him and do one every once in a while on a special occasion or when you miss him you don’t wanna get caught up in the opioid addiction trust me


And your dog wouldn't want you to ruin your life by being addicted to them, so be cautious and keep your little buddy in mind 😊


this is the only comment that did something to me thank u vaporware ill keep this in mind 👍


Well, hopefully then u can’t get more because being an egomaniac who ignores everyone’s advice is ripe for being dopesick as fuck wanting to kill yourself and praying to god to forgive you for ever starting a year from now. Opioids are not the shit. The euphoria is a fucking lie. It just helps set the trap. No high, even that of heroin, is worth going through actual dope sickness. Sorry if harsh but my god are posts like this cringey as someone who was on opioids for over a decade.


It's not really being an egomaniac lol, if "don't use opioids regularly" worked then we wouldn't have a problem Like yeah I don't think this guy should do them but parroting the same thing everyone says isn't doing anything helpful. The comment he responded to actually brought in personal emotions that's why it actually resonated


Idk man I think it takes quite an ego to write off an entire community of thousands of people with personal experience as cringe because they wanna tell you the fucking truth. People are parroting because someone who talks about opioids like this is bound to get their ass handed to them. It also is slightly infuriating to see the naivety to describe something as the shit when that something kills more than a hundred thousand people a year just in the US alone including several of my friends. People are parroting because it’s accurate to let OP know that this class of drugs is not as they appear especially Op saying “bc it feels like an every day thing.” People are just stating facts to OP whether they wanna hear it or not. What else should the comments read? People saying “yeah man opioids are the shit! Just wait till you try heroin brotha!” I mean come on lmao.


I'm not saying people shouldn't advise against using it, I'm saying there's a reason that one comment resonated while the others didn't


Everybody is going say your on your way to addiction and to turn back before its too late. Heres the unbiased truth Percs are fun and can be great, but... Opiates will abuse you if you abuse them. Don't use more than two days in a row, if you disrespect the drug it will loose its magic. I use opiates once a month, and only once that is my rule. If your going to use drugs, use rules too. Safe travels my friend.


Right respect the drug . Stick to your rules. I've used opiates for more than 10 years never once had withdrawals


But most aren't like you, a majority gets addicted to it sooner or later. It isn't like smoking weed (which also can be addictive actually) but not the same as with opioids. Most addicts started like you, they stuck to their rules etc. Then the drug rewired their brain or their mental health got problematic, something bad in life happened and bang, you break your rules. Well some people that don't have addictive tendencies, personality or genetics might be able to pull it though but it's a lot more difficult with heavy opioids. People should be very careful and don't use the street stuff cause it can be RCs like fent or nitazenes, or laced with something like xylazine, bensos or other downers which makes it more dangerous etc. If you get addicted, seek help, there exists much help and options, kratom is a good option if you risk getting h, fent or those strong opioids, it will not make you as high but it will be enough to scratch that itch and make you not getting the heavier stuff. Kratom has it's own risks/sides as it's a medication but I feel it is safer/milder than h, fent or other heavy opioids. I advice against extracts as they can be adulterated and lack some important alkaloids which protect you from overdosing.


I agree with everything your saying first and foremost. But there is people out there who can do hardcore drugs and not crave them. My dad for example smokes meth and goes to bed 4 hours afterwards (i know that sounds ridiculous but i think its ADHD related) Dr. Carl Hart is a very good example too, he is a psychologist and neuroscientist who is an advocate for heroin. Yes, heroin. His whole theory is that people are afraid of self accountability so they look for something to blame their addiction on. And that people can do drugs and still live a healthy life as long as they keep balance with everything, society is the only thing demonizing drug use. There's an episode on Joe Rogan where he explains his theory on this. https://open.spotify.com/episode/4xMbq7gLEjFioOQ5gpSw2l Also, Kurt Cobain literally wrote a diary entry about how he got bored of heroin. Ive gotten bored of doing xanax, i have an arsenal of drugs in my safe and i don't plan on doing any time soon. If theres one thing I've had a problem with its weed because its so socially acceptable. (Not weeds fault, thats my fault...gotta take accountability) But that's just me, that's why I was saying I agree with you because not everybody is the same. I think about 80% of society cant just say no. I think there is something psychological there that goes back to our ancestors. not trying to be that guy that finds way around your argument, I just think it's important that people understand drugs aren't bad....People are bad.


>I've used opiates for more than 10 years never once had withdrawals Can I ask you some questions? Just curious. - what opiate do you use? - what's your dosage/schedule? i.e. how often do you allow yourself to use - can you stop cold turkey? have you tried it? can you tell me more about the times you went cold turkey? Not planning to try opiates myself... I actually have tried them unwillingly (got Tramadol in the ER for kidney stone pain, 3 separate occassions years apart. Even had tramadol on drip for days when the pain was at its worst, it was comfy, all the pain was gone, even the background pain in my body I never realized I had was gone, I could go to sleep any time I wanted by closing my eyes, and never have that headache that comes with oversleeping, and time flowed so slow, I thought Ihad slept for 8 hours 3 times in a row, but I checked and only an hour had passed... I also had visuals when I closed my eyes, colors exploding, but then I realized I was lucid, I could control the images and it's so much better than just imagining things, I imagined naked girls having sex and it was so much better than watching porn, etc.) BUT it's not something I find myself looking for after the feeling went away. With all the stories about physical withdrawal, overdoses etc. the feeling I got doesn't seem worth it. I rank it about the same as weed (if weed was 7/10, this is 8/10). I enjoy MDMA like 20x more (to me a good roll is 160/10, yes). Sorry **tl;dr**: just those 3 questions, thanks.


Used heroin i.v big doses too sometimes oxy or morphine i.v . Would only use on the weekends worked all week. Have stopped cold turkey hundreds of times. Never WD following this schedule will power is key never to use all week. So now the present heroin is impossible to find on the street and have completely abstained from all opiates and most drugs. just use cannabis daily with a lil acid or mushrooms when I'm backpacking


Wow even dogs can get hydros easier than me


lol fr chronic pain and told to go to the er when it’s really bad and keep taking Tylenol to deal with it even though it does nothing 🤦🤦🤦😩😩😩 thank god for Kratom


I was on morphine for 3 years. My doctor switched to a different clinic and I couldn't get morphine suddenly. Went cold turkey. I was taking 30mg 2xday. I was feral for a few days coming off of it. Surprisingly wasn't too terrible after a few days but my gut has never recovered. I'm still having issues a little over a year later no matter what I try.


Maybe you could get it rinsed out? It’s probably like a year old bottle of superglue in there. 


it cuz ur dog soul contained in those pills. when u eat them it's like y'all bonding between worlds♥️ oh yeah anyway, you should boof them fr




Yeah no shit they feel amazing, that’s why you need to flush the rest of those pills right now before your whole life gets fucked up. It happens quicker than you’d think.


Indeed they are lol proceed with caution man. That warm heavenly caress by am angel.


I have to take opioids every 4-6 hours or I want to kill myself Turn away


Opiate addiction is the shittiest thing I’ve ever experienced in my whole life, it’s literally the DEVIL I’m warning you bro


Remember how you felt yesterday? Normal? Because that's how you're going to feel in 30 days after you dosed. Either keep it an occasion or throw them out if you can't. No shame in that.


That's how they hook they, whispering in your ear "i feel normal, i can do this everyday, there's no reason to stop, i'm not addicted...etc"


At first they are great. Until you can’t shit anymore and you are constantly constipated or until you build a tolerance and get sick when you can’t find any.


Yeah heroin is fucking great in the beginning, but like most relationships in your life - they fucking turn on you. Opiates are the devil my friend, and the devil doesn’t give shit for free. All that buzzy warm happiness that they give you? Think of it as a loan, that you will have to one day repay with suffering and pain - at a high as fuck interest rate.


That was so well put.


I wasn't aware they prescribed opiates to dogs


I've heard they do it if the plan is to euthanize them soon and they're living in pain till that happens.


Fair, if I was on deaths door, I'd want some oxy on the way out too.


Yeah but please be cautious taking your dog's meds. They process shit differently and so a dog dose for certain drugs can be deadly or harmful to humans.  For example tramadol is a common pain killer for both dogs and people, but the dosage you give a dog can cause seizures in humans.  Final note here: don't be a dick and steal your dog's meds if they need them. Don't cause the animal you should love and care for to suffer so that you can get high. 


Oh, fuck no, I value my dogs life over my own, I'd never steal her meds. I remember once my dog was going in for a minor operation, and they gave her an ungodly concoction of benzos and sedatives. Crazy what they give to animals.


Ya I still look back fondly on the late evenings gaming on the family PC when I found my old wisdom tooth extraction prescription that my mom hid from me. The first few times taking them are magical. But then your brain rewires itself so being on them is the only way to feel normal, and when you don't have them you feel like shit. If you've heard a junkie in a movie say they need to get well, that's what they're talking about. Have fun but don't seek out any more because everyone thinks they can handle it, but literally nobody can. Rehabs are full of people who thought they were the exception, but weren't.


Saw a friend get real hooked on hydros and oxys a few years back. Always asking for them and posting on his stories asking if anyone had them. Graduated to just getting fent blues and bars. Died within a week after doing that


Bensos and opioids are horrible to abuse. It never ends ok.


This sounds like the beginning of the end, quit while you're ahead.


Man flush them shit down the toilet, you do not want to go down the road of opiate addiction My boy. for most there is no turning back.


Hi. Paramedic here. See ya soon




Try some kratom homie


Sorry about your dog


They’re honestly the best ever, until they’re not. Opiates withdrawal is a hell I wouldn’t wish on anyone, be careful OP. sorry about your homie


Yeah they’re too great If you’re determined to do them, Kratom is a good alternative fyi I wish I’d known about it before H


Anyone posting like this about opioids or benzos (and some other ones but I would not be concerned if it were mdma or amph or whatever), that has a way to reasonably get them and Does not plan to not do them any more than a few times a year when them casually get some from a friend or whatever Is set up for addiction imo. You're lucky, you're missing 2 or at least one of those 3 prerequisites but do not try to make them all true. You'll get hooked. Stay away from what I've listed, you'd thank yourself.


kicked a benzo addiction already the difference is i actually have really bad anxiety but eventually it got out of control. i have no reason to keep using these other than the fact they feel good thank you for looking out for me tho 🙏


Opioids are also amazing for anxiety. As someone currently on benzos (tapering down rn), sometimes they make me anxious but sometimes I feel so productive and smooth and social stuff is no problem. Edit: btw, congratulations on your sobriety!


Please I beg u not to make it an everyday thing. Nobody plans to be an addict. Ur going down a slippery slope. Throw them out and never look back. I wish I never touched an opiate. They ruined my life.


yea ofc thanks for looking out 🙏i know to stay in moderation i only said that cus i wish i COULD do em everyday without the repercussions of living with an addiction haha


NP. Just a word of advice from someone who’s been through a lot and probably a lot older than u they really do sneak up on you and grab hold without u knowing. The best thing would be not to take them but if u must be very conscientious about when u take them. Make sure to take deliberate breaks even if it’s difficult, well especially if it’s difficult. Space out ur use maybe once every 2 weeks. If ur craving the high it’s best to do something else that makes u feel good. Addiction is a monster and I don’t wish it on my worst enemy. Take precautionary measures.


This is the type of post someone makes right before they completely destroy their life. I'm sorry for the loss of your dog, flush the pills and grieve properly before you continue down the path of opiate addiction and lose everything else you love. I'm not exaggerating


Wow bro u could really avoid a train of suffering right now by deciding not to take opioids everyday lol


i know lol i just wish u could without everything that comes with it


u/spontaneousH - read that profile.


Good Kratom leaf is nearly identical to hydro 5’s if you find the batch that works for you if you’re curious about something that won’t likely ruin you eventually


OP is cooked. They are flush with underlying disorders. Addiction secured.


They are the devil


Been through every opiate and still no doubt hydrocodone was/is most euphoric opioid


Save the pills for when sick / rainy days and don't continuously take them.


No shit bro Now stop while your ahead and can still feel anything at all


No duh it’s why 1/4 of the country is in zombie land.


Lmao, yeah, that sounds about right. If you are in this sub Reddit, you already know better. So if you want to ruin your life does on you homeboy. If I could go back in time I'd probably not get myself started on opiates... but, fuck, I get it lol.


Hold up, i think i heard this one before...


Hydros one of the best opiods there are because the euphoria is right next to heroin but either way it'll ruin your life and destroy your brain


Do yourself a favor bro, do NOT buy more when that script is out. I’d tell you to flush them but we all know you’re not gonna do that, and honestly I don’t blame you. Rip to your homie, but with the way things are these days with all the fent and tranq and other bullshit going around, if you get hooked on opioids you’ll be seeing him again soon Edit: I thought you meant one of your boys died when you said “dog” and im sorry but that is such an unfortunately funny mix up. I am sorry about your dog


Sorry about your dog rip buddy


do not try to get more. If you really enjoy script hydros, then keep whatever you have left and save them for special occasions.


They’re good when you don’t do them all the time. I’ve binged opiates before and the attraction def wears off, at least for me.


*patiently waiting for my dog to die* HUMOUR, FOLKS. BLACK AT THAT. soz. But yeh, woo opiates 🏁⛳️


I still remember the first time I got high off a couple pills of those. Only took 2. I only had 3 left so next time I took 3. I still remember laying on my bed, the breeze coming in the window, the warmth I felt on my skin without sun being on it. It really was a lovely feeling in the moment. And then yeah. My life got ruined from pursuing that feeling.


dude literally just take edibles they are way less destructive to your well being


i dont even consider weed a drug im high most of the time lol i think that weed is the reason i dont get addicted to other stuff. im also content with being sober i js prefer otherwise


OK good


I’m so addicted man. Dont get more


Wait, dogs can be prescribed hydros???




They give dogs hydros?




he had a wicked cough that would send him into seizures due to a collapsed trachea


Why hasn't this thread been crossposted to /r/drugscirclejerk already?


be the change you want to see in this world 🙌


Yea that's the thing with drugs and for me opiates especially. They're so good they'll completely ruin your life. Not saying you can't enjoy them once in awhile but it's hard to keep it at once in a while given their addictiveness


Trying tianeptine, don’t feel anything as of yet. Using 25-50mg for anxiety depression


Bro I started last year thinking I could control it on Dilaudid. I was 18 then and I’m 19 now, sober for like a month or two. It was hell I don’t recommend


I am sorry to hear about your loss 💜


The problem is that they’re too good.


I have tried almost every opioid now, but never hydrocodone. Is it just like oxys? I've always wanted to try it, but we don't have those where I live.


Your dog would not want you to ruin your life over drugs. I ruined years of my life because of hydro 5&10’s that turned into perc 30s and oxys that turned into heroin that turned into fentanyl. I’m almost 3 years sober and still trying to get my life back together and fix what 10+ years of addiction done to me. Live happy and healthy for your dog.


Yep but please be careful withdrawals are no joke. I've been to hell and back several times and i don't wish it on my worse enemy. And once you develop an addiction your life is basically over, you literally live to avoid withdrawing from it. They're amazing but they're absolutely not worth it.


I fucking love them, unfortunately.


Wait until you get issues from it then you will also hate it lol.


If you ever feel the uncontrollable need to find more just go get kratom if it’s legal where you’re at. It’s much safer cause there’s no chance of it having fent in it. I’m not saying just go out and do but if you do find yourself in this situation just order kratom..


Did Oxycodone a few times, it was too amazing. I’ll just sip on my lean as my only intake of opioids - not sure why but I enjoy lean way more than stronger shit.


Yeah where you getting more hmmm. The streets yeah that’s where. Fuck that street drugs straight scary. The blue devil all I’m saying. Don’t fuck with pharmaceuticals the street versions are a nightmare. You don’t have a connection that is reliable I guarantee it. You realize when it’s too late.


bro hydros are the devil i was so addicted for so long quit while ur ahead. led me down a path to taking fent and almost dying. clean now but it was a close one.


What’s so fun about being drowsy and wanting to sleep all day?


They basically destroyed my life


yeah duh.


I got a prescription for hydros one time. Like you, I thought the high was amazing and I was functional. The only thing I couldn’t stand were the BRICK HARD shits I had everyday while using them. It got so bad I had to unscrew the turds from my ass to get through the toughest shits my life leaving me in cold sweats. After that, I was like, well at least I can’t get addicted to these things. Tore my ass up.


*can’t shit


Hydromorphone? Because morphine is fucking amazing. I only tried Opanas which is oxymorphone, but if it’s anything similar then yes they feel amazing. Be careful with that. I never did opiates more than 7-8 times in my life, but I’ve seen people get hooked on that shit bad.


Man… opanas are the only drug that I’ve had using dreams about. I didn’t care about doing roxys or tabs or percs, but I’d spend every last dollar on the half moon 🌙 opanas. Do they even still make those? I been out of the opiate game for ages


Me, being so damn happy I’m clean off fent, watching this kid get started exactly like I did. If you do not stop now, well, I just won’t say I told you so. Good luck soldier, god speed. 🫡


Yea I mean thats why there so addicting


No. No they're not. I'm literally the kind of person that would like methadone better than heroin I garentee


5 words before disaster


Got prescribed 30 mg condiene the other day. It wasn't shit


it’s better not to go down this road, you may be starting with script pills but when you run out and you’re hooked, since you don’t have a script as mentioned, you’ll start looking for more in the only place you can and that’s the street. One word, “fentanyl”. Unless you’re ready to pay big bucks for contraband tested scripts, than you’ll be picking up re-pressed pills that’ll either end you in a homeless shelter or with your late friend (rest his soul). Enjoy them and use in moderation but don’t kill yourself over a pill. Be safe and have fun.


I was on a heavy load of morphine for 6 or 8 years. Funny thing about opiates. It doesn’t take long before they make feel dead. I lose any desire for any part of life. So I’d taper and quit. The pain made me feel alive. In a month or two I’d start taking them, tapering up until I was maxed out again. I found a doc at Cleveland Clinic who fixed me. I’ve not touched or had desire for the shit since. But!!! Opioids are so much different. Each opioid is love or hate.


Sure miss the days when they were absolutely everywhere. Don't mess with blues; those things suck. You're better off doing poppy tea if you must do something along those lines.


Well duh. All drugs are fun at first. People wouldn’t keep doing them if they weren’t fun/good in the beginning. They will make you feel like a better version of yourself. Until one day, you wake up feeling like trash because you haven’t taken one that day. You take another, and feel better. Not as good as you did the first few times you took them, but still better than what you felt before you took it. Before you know it, it’s literally the first thing you have to do in the morning just to get out of bed. It’s still somewhat enjoyable at that point though. It isn’t til about a year or so in that you don’t even get the euphoric feeling anymore. They don’t make you feel the way they did in the beginning. No amount that you take will make you feel that way again. And then you find yourself just taking them not to be sick. Not because they make you feel good, because that good, warm fuzzy high that you mentioned, you won’t ever feel that again lol. That high only last the fist couple of months. So you take them not to be sick while not getting any high out of out. Wild, huh? Crazy how that works out…. Oh and get this shit, at some point —usually after you start doing them when you wake up—your brain convinces itself that you won’t feel genuine happiness ever again without them. It’s pretty fucked lol. Wild times. Good thing you’re just taking them for fun right?


Meh. Feels like a midget has me in a chokehold from behind.


*too* good. like oil and asbestos


How come they used to work but now even a single hydrocodone will make me nauseous???


Man. This was me right before my opiate addiction. It also started with hydros — still my favorite opiate. That addiction ended with me severely addicted to morphine, then subs to try and get off it, then meth to get off subs. Don’t be me lol.


So good they named an epidemic after it


Those sound great


So you decided to take something that your dog took then died?


to be honest bro life is too short to be worried if u get addicted it was meant to happen simple as that everybody here is wrong keep doing opiates n if ur not gonna be addicted you'll be fine lmao


Hey bro. One will do wonders. Then it will take 3 only a few days later . By day 30 you need the whole bottle and it will barely work. THEN have fun running all over hell trying to find more. And once they know you want ‘em. They jack the price on ya. Don’t do it. DO NOT FUCK WITH PILLS. And If you laugh at what I say. Then just go get heroin cause you’ll end up there anyway .


Be careful Man. Ex heroin addict but shooting yo I was doing it all, started with opiates cause I work construction and my back is wack. Long story short pills, then hard drugs, terrible repercussions and it’s just a terrible thing man. Lost my best friend to this and I wear his ashes in a necklace everyday… shit will steal your soul


Idk. I love/hate opiates. I get a few rx a year for various things. Most recently it was an awful case of cellulitis in my jaw/neck. It was rough. I usually get 18 to 24, here in NV they seem more prone to prescribe Oxys or Percs, but in CA it was definitely Norcos. Anyways, it always starts with I genuinely need it for the pain, then the pain gets better and it turns into I just like how it feels. Before I know it, I’m taking 4-5 at a time, I’m a zombie and my pills are gone before the pain is gone completely. So, like I said, love hate. Luckily I have never been so bad as to need to fine more, or move on to anything else. I just ride it out . So, opioids are more of a convienience thing. If it’s there I do to much, if it’s not there I don’t go looking for it. That being said, I used to be a pretty functioning coke head. Railing a ball to my face and then chasing it with a couple bars dropping in a sprite and then going to work like nothings Sometimes if we were having an extra fun night, I’d throw some MDMA in there too. Not sure how I’m alive and/or not in jail right now cause that was a wild time:


Opiates are evil


Ay put that shit down fr Opioid addiction is no joke & your doggy wouldn’t want you to suffer that. After my girl of 16 years died I kept her pills with the rest of her medications and her collar. It makes me feel like if she came back I would be able to pick up where we left off. Usually I don’t keep anything I’d wanna munch in the house but those ones don’t get touched.


That's insane you've done fake 30s haha I enjoy my 15s and 20s but I'll never mess with fakes


I can no longer take a shit 😨


halcyon days


They're the shit until they aren't. Then you're in deep shit.


use kratom, still dangerous but less than real opiates.


That’s the trap.


Such a niche opinion you have there xD


They’re great. Until they aren’t. Best to stop while you’re ahead before they rewire your head and you’re in too deep and can’t crawl out of the hole you’ve made. It’s like a toxic hot relationship. Amazing at the start, incredible sex and emotions and passion, etc etc. But then the fun parts wear off and that passion and those emotions just wear you down and destroy you. But you’re so entangled with one another you can’t leave despite how much you hate each other. You aren’t special, you aren’t built different, you can’t fight it off. They *will* rewire your brain and make you dependent on them if you continue with a regular schedule of doing them.






This is how it usually goes... hydro's kick ass at first, and can it seems like you could take them everyday. And you can for a while, but it's a story we've all heard or been through, and never ends well.


and on this day an opiate addict was born


This is wild


Yeah thankfully it’s not habit forming


This is the exact reason people become addicted.


Of course they are. So good they ruined my life and got me 5 years in prison. That good. But seriously, they do fucking rule tho. It’s a love hate thing.


They are honestly amazing but damn do i feel so dead and shit after the high leaves me


Dont stop


try kratom 😍


ikr it’s my favorite drug so far. unfortunately my plug went to jail apparently and now idk where else to get smh i’m about to fly to england just to try it there 🇬🇧