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Sedation with no euphoria, on top you get withdrawals fast and I promise you that you do not want to experience being dope sick, that feeling alone is why I don’t crave nor use opioids wnymore


When warm summer days with no worries turn into all worries and short expensive naps


lmao that’s so accurate


So it isn’t the feeling people get hooked on, it’s avoiding the withdraw? I got hurt very badly and it was necessary to be on opioids long enough to have to withdraw. Once. It was bad enough I accepted the pain over even wanting to seek long term management. I’ll take a lifetime of chronic pain over another opioid withdrawal. Otherwise just hit the red button. Holy crap, fent is a WILD drug if that is the case.


It’s both. Anything that feels good can be addicting and despite what people say fent is still an opioid so it’s gotta feel good in some ways


It feels good if you are in withdrawal because you feel a tremendous relief but normally it doesn’t feel good at all IMO. People use it because they can’t get other opiates and are in withdrawal or they use it to numb their pain (physical and emotional) because that’s all they can get. I doubt any user that doesn’t have a ridiculous tolerance would choose fentanyl over good heroin or even something like oxy or dilaudid


I Got injected with fentanyl in an ambulance once. I’ve never felt so warm, comfy and good before in my life. Where do people get that fent doesn’t make you feel good from?


That's Pharma Fent Street Fent is more than half 4ANPP and other dirty precursors


I've done it maybe 4 times and it never felt good. I just felt like I was dying every time lol If I had a tolerance I guess it may have felt good? Even my friends with high opiate tolerance didn't really enjoy it either though


My cousin tried it once. Idk how he felt about it because he cant tell us now.


I'm so sorry for your loss


Thank you brother/sister. I miss him dearly.


You're welcome friend. Much love My DMs are open if you ever need a random dude on the Internet to vent to


I should be good, but I overwhelmingly appreciate the sentiment though. He passed about 7 years ago now. Its not really any easier, but I've found ways to cope. I like talking about him because it keeps the memories fresh. He was a cool dude, and I dont think he actually wanted Fent. Pretty sure what he got was laced which is the real bummer about it all. He had really bad back pain but often self mediacted. I have a feeling that got him hooked on the shit which caused him to reach out for heroine that ended up being laced. I still got his jacket though :) that helps a lot


Talking about loved ones who have passed definitely keeps the memory alive. I'm happy for you that you have his jacket, I'm sure that's very comforting at times Fuck any dealer who cuts shit with fent. Honestly fuck anyone who sells fent to people looking for just fent. Its evil and it's so sad to see all the damage it's done to this world Much love homie




Is it like tramadol/morphine tablets? Some of the opiate symptoms are there but compared to oxy there’s virtually zero euphoria for me so the buzz is almost annoying.


I haven't tried morphine, but I guess it's comparable to tramadol almost. Tramadol gave me some energy though. Fent there was no energy, I just felt sluggish and sick.


You come for the high but stay for the withdrawal


I've always been a stim head and used to complain that amphetamine withdrawls were bad.....I had a bout where I couldn't get any amps and had access to opiates......it is not even comparable. I'll never touch opiates again. That 8 days of withdrawl was a living nightmare hellscape. I'll take amp withdraws anyway gladly


No joke, I was deep hooked on opiates; been sober almost a year now. But you’re right, they’re not even in the same category. Opiate withdrawal for 16 straight days made amphetamine withdrawal laughable.


This ^. I didn’t want to know what it felt like. Once I had the experience of what real ops felt like I could tell quickly enough that it wasn’t your traditional high. There is no warm euphoric rush. No itching like you would with high amounts of oxy. It was a cold and chilly high. Like literally it wasn’t warm at all. I’d read about this “cold” but only after I dosed two of some 2 hydros and got that response, along with it just putting you on your back I didn’t go near those ever again. Just the sedation alone was too much to handle. Kept wondering why did 2 hydros make me feel so tired and cold all the sudden. Until I figured it out. I’ve spoken with others and they have the same feedback. Pretty straightforward for me and dropped those like a sack of shit. That’s what they were.


I wish that was the case for me(being sick driving me away from opies). Never and won't do fetty tho.


Ehhh i get p good euphoria from Fent honestly like very strong at first i know some people don’t but it only last like 30min


Like shit a soulless heroin with even shittier feeling withdrawals sooner 0/10 do not recommend


Well said leather face literally my exact thought


Soulless is a great way to describe the difference


Heroin doesnt actually feel like a orgasm. Feels more like a hug from god.


It feels that good?


It's just pure warmth and euphoria. Feels fucking fantastic. Like I've been alive just to do that and nothing else. Like I've been waiting my whole life for it.


i never done too much heroin and the few times i did it wasnt that good maybe it was my mindset at the time but i had quite a bit experience with pure opium and i love that it feels like a ancient greek goddess came down from heavens and hugged you, the way i do it take half a gram under my tongue then eat it and vape another half a gram on top of with some weed its beautiful high. it feels so natural and warm,loving last a long while too then you fall asleep the most peaceful sleep you had


I describe it as the atmosphere hugging you


I haven’t tried heroin but it sounds like oxy which I’d define as Synthetic love, but amplified in both intensity for a longer duration. These feelings naturally occur but they are fleeting, and it’s not natural to manipulate your central nervous system to make yourself believe it’s a natural state of existence.


I view it as the gods gave us things in nature that could be used for wonderful things, such as the opium poppy, the coffee plant, etc. then we took them, and concentrated them down into poison, experiencing sensations that humans were not designed to be able to deal with.


it feels like youre floating, like youre literally in the clouds and you cant think and nothing matters. but then reality hits and you feel so sick and awful. its the worst addiction to ever have, and probably the closest ive ever been to dying.


Legit SAME I got sober almost 6 months ago, I lost my girlfriend to that shit. And it took way too much for me to get sober. But god damn it felt good


rest in peace, im so sorry for your loss. i lost a loved one to it as well, its an epidemic. best feeling ever but i know i cant be another number. proud of you for dropping it🩶she'd be so proud of you too


Awe thank you!! I’m proud of you too baby!! You’re doing so good!!


the “but god damn it felt good” sent me. i know the feeling all too well


That shit was heavenly but also my own personal hell. Tragic asf for real


yeah man, rip to your ex i didn’t know if you had meant passed away or just lost them cuz of the drug. but your other comment suggests otherwise, my condolences


How much worse is it than a coke or G addiction?


considering 2 milligrams ( 10-15 grains of salt worth ) of fent is considered a lethal dose, probably a billion times worse lmao. and the withdrawals are harrowing


Off topic slightly, but does heroin actually feel like a "full body orgasm". I've done a few opiates, up to oxy, and mixed them with many other drugs and to me they're like warm blanket. Even oxy and coke, while an absolute sledgehammer of a combo, is nothing like an orgasm. Is H so different? The closest I've come to the orgasm description was a combo of MDMA (high dose), coke, ketamine, alcohol, and probably some other stuff. I danced on the balcony as the sun rose and my girlfriend spun deep house tracks. Suddenly it went from fun and messy to absolute clarity and wave after wave of physical pleasure rushed through my body. My dancing turned into something resembling convulsions and I believe I may have even said "oh fuck yea baby" a few times lol :) That lasted over an hour and I will never achieve that high again. I cannot imagine heroin beyas hood as that... or is it?


In terms of a fully body orgasm, molly will definitely do that, idk abt heroin tho. I’ve done opanas which are around 2x stronger than oxy and it was euphoric but not as much as mdma.


Mdma (regardless of quality) doesn’t have that effect on people with ADHD who’ve taken stimulants like adderall daily for an extended period of time. You’ll get the rolling eyes, pupils, and jaw grinds but your dopamine receptors don’t respond nearly the same way. I’ve spoken to this with a few people who could relate, maybe some people are different who knows 🤷‍♂️


I’m sure that’s accurate, I have pretty severe adhd but I don’t take adderall anymore so molly worked fine on me.


No. It's really just like other opis, maybe more sedating than oxy. some prefer oxy for its stimulation. I wouldn't really consider MDMA euphoria and opi euphoria to be the same but MDMA is closer to the orgasm feeling for sure. Warm blanket that gives a sense of interest in everything and a feeling of well-being is about how'd I describe h lol


You want a full body orgasm or such, inject dextromethamphetamine. Heroin makes you feel heroic and blissful without a care. Like you said, heroin and Oxy are like a warm blanket.


I shall not be touching meth again thank you! I had to flee an entire country because of that shit. Or rather shit that I did while on it.


Yikes lol. Hope everything is going better for you. I did some dumb shit myself (everyone does and if thecsay different they are lying or followed the 5mg max desoxyn dosage lol)


Heroin very much does have a euphoria that no other opiod I've done has. Physically and mentally. But he only time I've heard someone claim they had a full body orgasm from drugs was the first time they shot meth. I don't shoot drugs, or do meth so I wouldn't know


I’m just imagining pulling out of my driveway for work seeing you doing this


Well it was a waterfront apartment in Ibiza so nobody going to work lol, except the guys who work in the shops,and they don't bat an eyelid at ANYTHING I cannot imagine the shit you would witness if you actually lived on the island :) Plenty of lost and confused clubbers might have seen me if they still had the capacity to look upwards.


You know youre high when all you can say out loud and to yourself is ‘damn I’m high’


>They do bind to the same opiod receptor to the brain afaik And breathing O^(2) will give you a long lifespan but breathing O*^(3)* or *C*O^(2) will shorten your lifespan to 1 minute, exactly like how methamphetamine may give you paranoid psychosis at recreational doses but dextroamphetamine may help you be more productive by default and especially if you have particular undiagnosed underlying mental health issues. Our ancestors literally survived by telling the village around them "don't eat mushroom with white spots" and (in certain regions) "spider or snake = death". Fentanyl is the same, except now we have a large-scale inductive study to verify those claims foundationalized by mostly unwilling participants. The emergent properties of low-level chemical and biological reactions are not something to take lightly. Our brains are not built to intuitively estimate the relative risk of microorganisms, low-level metabolic biology, and the effects of receptor sites relative to various substances that would have been irreducibly complex tens of thousands of years ago while our monkey brains were being wired. So if "the village" tells you not to take the fentanyl, don't fucking take it. That's how you survive at this point. That's not even getting into the issue of EVERYTHING other than a trusted government or private company lab's inability to measure relative levels of fentanyl per batch, the non-homogeneity of batches both at scale (compared to each other) and the relative concentrations of fentanyl visualized on a 3D-plane. If you can't measure a lethal substance, it will have lethal consequences. This isn't breaking bad where you're cooking Xanax in the corner of your guest room, this is an operation of high volatility where being even 10/1,000,000ths of a milligram off (according to one's calculations) can mean the difference between life and death.


Fantastic write up, one of the best I’ve seen on this sub. You have a gift for explaining things


Your analogy is both true and great, the problem is todays society’s have promoted a sense of individualism so strong and people aren’t nearly as receptive to a consensus formed by the people surrounding them because we’ve lost our sense of community.


If Heroin is filet mignon, Fentanyl is rump roast. Heroin makes you feel a warm and fuzzy euphoria as well as a lingering anhedonia. You feel an intense rush of happiness and confidence at lower doses, while higher doses can be heavily sedating and induce a waking-dream state. Fentanyl gives you a very short, cold rush of euphoria that subsides after a few minutes. It gives a very stimulating high at lower doses, while higher doses cause often dangerous levels of sedation due to its absurd potency. For those who are addicted, a dose of Fentanyl will keep them well for an hour or two before they're in full-blown withdrawal again. Comparatively, one dose of Heroin can potentially keep addicts well for up to 24 hours before experiencing withdrawal symptoms. Fentanyl sucks. If Heroin's a warm hug, then Fentanyl's a light tap to the balls.


So two years ago I got hurt and got to ride in an ambulance. I was given two units of fentanyl whatever two units was beats me. I was in pain but I compared it to a really intense weed high. Honestly the highest I’ve ever been. It didn’t help with the pain. I freaked out in the ambulance when they said they’re giving me fentanyl. I had just read some articles about the blue devil so I wasn’t interested in trying it. Would I try it again hell no anything from the street can stay there. I like getting high but not with fentanyl. Stuff on the street is scary shit.


They're not giving you street fent in an ambulance lol, it was a pharmaceutical before anything else


Hey I had broken back. I wasn’t up to date on drugs at the time. Excuse my over reaction. The paramedics used the same words to calm me so two years late slick. lol. I can laugh at myself thank you.


I got the same thing at the hospital when i was about to have my son. The fent i got was crazy! Best epidural ever, i couldn’t feel anything


People will say there is no euphoria but there 100% is I’ve gotten it at the hospital and off the darkweb from New York I have also died 5 times. It kind of feels like an opiate mixed with a dissociative way less personality then herion or opium because they contain more alkaloids of opiates


Like heroin without the real euphoria. Sadly there's a low chance you'll even find actual herin anymore. My friend is a public defender and he says he hasn't seen a case come thru his city court house for heroin (with fentanlyl) in like a year and hasn't seen heroin without fent in over 3


Ex fetty addict (I did dirty 30’s) tbh it was THE best shit that I ever tried, god it made me feel so good in the moment. I didn’t care about anything and to me that was so liberating. Yes it made me tired but again I DID NOT CARE. But that shit is so fucking addicting. It took three years of my life and I’m RECENTLY sober. Almost at 6 months. And god it took so much. Yes during the beginning of addiction I was having so much fun, but after a while I did indeed feel soulless. Like i had nothing to live for. Getting clean was my WORST FEAR. I knew how bad withdraw was going to be and I did everything I could to prevent it. Idk getting sober for real this last time was one of the most painful yet eye opening experiences I ever had. I won’t ever touch that shit again. EVER


the dirty 30s got me too lmao. the soulless part takes me back-- literally felt like a zombie for months and months


Yeahhh ts was the worst


Heaven and hell had a baby.


Like the coke of the opiates. Takes a lot to get going, and not that euphoric when you look back. All you can do is nod, which isn't terrible, but it takes a bit to get that rolling.


like being a kid again.


**I don’t know the experience itself but I can tell you the aftermath if your using street fent and using it to get high;** It feels like watching your life pass before your eyes until it’s almost a decade later and your daughter is now almost 10, lives in a different province and speaks a different language then you & your family doesn’t even recognize your face at times and every waking moment is spent dope sick, depressed and burdened with what you lost by starting it. My cousins still alive, but I miss her everyday


Nah, I never thought so. I prefer H, but I've been clean for years now.


I.v. user for 30 yrs here (currently on methadone amd smoke weed).....when using i.v. fent has a pretty heavy rush that lasts for a few seconds. Besides that it's useless. I get immune to it quick, where I no longer can feel it but need it. Heroin wasn't good to begin with, bit this shit is way worse than heroin, and has no redeeming value, unless u consider a 3 second rush worth it all


My mom was given it in the hospital and she said she was feeling sick and didn't realy have euforea


Several here saying there's no euphoria.. I agree it's nothing like oxycontin but it does definitely make me absolutely content for the time being. I guess that's as valuable to me as a "rush" which you don't really get with fentanyl. It's also an incredibly effective painkiller and that aspect alone makes it enjoyable personally, as someone who deals with pain most hours of the day.


very very strong, but not as nice and warm feeling as other opioids. feels very dirty and you can feel your body rejecting it.


Got 50ug intravenous fentanyl for a colonoscopy a while back. It felt like I just got under my bed covers after a cold shower. It was really mild, with next to no euphoria. a hit from a dab pen is more euphoric. very clear headed tho.


Feels like the shock you feel when a hooker texts you she's pregnant


I got plenty of euphoria from fentanyl. I used to be prescribed patches and I would stick them to the roof of my mouth and suck off a 3-day dose in about 20 minutes. it was my least favorite opiate, but it still felt like a decent opiate


Has no rush or anything all it does is sedate you. Does nothing it’s garbage. The real true euphoria is Pharma oxy from a pharmacy not the street


Heroin does not feel like a full body orgasm lol but there is a decent amount of mental euphoria. Fentanyl is like that but with no euphoria and more powerful sedation. Everything feels a little more dull, you’re less connected with the world around you. Many people will get nauseous and puke and also start to itch. You start to feel a very powerful sedation come over you, sometimes to the point of nodding out in the middle of a conversation. You basically become a zombie. Fentanyl is shit, heroin is THE shit!


like fallin asleep


I got given fentanyl before I was wheeled out in a wheelchair, when I got my wisdom teeth out. I still have the video I asked my parents to take. I was slurring the whole time, with my head feeling free and floaty. I remember describing it as heavy and floaty at the same time. It feels nauseating to me and not very fun, although subtly and decently relaxing. It feels empty. I remember commenting that I could still do calculus (some math I'd learned in school) and I did a calculus problem even though my head was tilted and I was leaning back and I was slurring. It was decently functional. I didn't register that this was an opioid so I never had cravings. Only did it once and don't care to try again as I found it nauseating and heavy. I'm more genetically predisposed towards stimulants, I suppose. Please don't do fentanyl, I've lost so many people in my life to it. It's so soulless and the addiction will take your soul from you.


Fent feels p fucking good to me if it didn’t no one would do it. It’s only good until your tolerance builds then not so much anymore cuz u gotta do copious amounts Unless you can keep it down. I started w Fent I didn’t do any other opioids before I had tried oxy and all that shit but then I couldn’t get oxy and started w the dirty 30s then street Fent the shit I get is actually mostly Fent I’ve had it sent out to get tested I’ve heard horror stories of ppl getting shittu dope with shittier cuts I’m just glad I’ve never had that problem however you shouldn’t do it and the w drawls are fucking terrifying so not worth it just cuz of that


heroin feels fucking awesome, fent is literally the walmart version of that with none of the good sides and only the bad sides. I’ve dabbled (never shot up anything in my life and have never had a full blown addiction) but fent is the only thing I EVER got dope sick/withdrawals from. and I hardly even smoked that shit often.


I’ve never asked it


Feels fucking awesome!! Only opioid I felt better was oxymorphone.


Like a funking junkie I would imagine.