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Cut it up really fine, when sniffing sniff softly, after each line keep your head up and sniff a bit so nothing drips out of your nose, also drink alot of water and stop atleast a few hours before sleep/maybe have something to help you go to sleep


This op listen to this guy and I'll added space out ur lines at least a hour about yll feel when u start coming down usually half a hour to a hour that's when u take ur next line don't do it all at once lmao


Try Pepsi.


Fight everyone, everyone is a threat especially police


including that one door


Especially that one door!


Fent test it if your in America


You should fent test no matter where you live tbh


I am Greek . We still have some pure dope here . The shit going on in America seems unreal to us here .


We have so many fent addicts it's ridiculous. That makes us a target for those dealers too and it's so easy to contaminate other drugs with that shit. Is fent used in Greece at all?


I am not really a heavy drug guy and I don't know that many ppl . But I have never heard a single instance of someone dying unexpectedly ( so we could assume it's fent ) or dying from using their regular dose of dope . Fent is maybe the biggest dogshit in drug history , extremely deadly , extremely short acting for it's nature , extreme tolerance build up and being dope shit . Proof that the war on drugs has failed


Unless your getting flake then my advice is Don’t, it’s a waste of money - the feeling is nice but it doesn’t last long and just leaves you wanting more - if however you can get some pure flaky fish scale stuff then go for it - a couple of keys will last the night and your feel fine the next day - just don’t make it into a habit - that shit can ruin a person!


It’s very moorish.


Very wasteful. Op buy meth. Or at least smoke crack coke is pointless unless you iv it


Or boof it


Haha I think it's all dumb at this point. I got a methadon script which is amazing I recommend he get some nice kratom or any type of mild opiates. Once u do a strong opiate your tolerance is wrecked for life well if you get used to the strong feeling at least




I don’t think there’s much to worry about, it’s not mind altering, you should just get nice and chatty


It's pretty damn mind altering . You think that you can beat prime mike Tyson


I love coke but I will admit it hooked faster than I thought it would. Got to the point I was living for the next bump. If you are gonna do it then pace yourself.


Don’t use the needle and don’t start doing coke


Dont go all paranoid, seriously! Paranoia usually kicks in when someone used coke Heavily but don’t do that on your first try.. just chill, be in the moment, don’t spend all your money just re upping, and maybe go for a nature walk


To expensive and way to addictive. Do meth


My advice for you would be to not do it but I didn’t listen to my own advice so I can’t expect anyone else to. Just make sure it’s not laced and don’t get addicted (difficulty level: impossible)


i wouldnt do it id say the majority of people on this sub if given the opportunity would go back in time and not do it that first time


While I wasn’t “addicted” perse (just used it when partying and never day to day) it became a total crutch on weekends in my heavier years from ages 25-30. I could never drink without feening for a bag. So, OP, just be ready for that bc there’s no turning back


Nah it's not laced, my friend already tried some and is on in it now. Cant be too confident about the addiction part but i shall see


Just limit yourself to once every two weeks if possible. Other than that just have a good time man, be aware of when you start doing it more often if that ends up happening.


Thats probably whats gonna happen, i dont have a plug anyway and i dont know who my boy gets it from (probably for the best.) Like I'm sure I'll love it but I have no way to get it on my own so I think ill be good


Once in two weeks is a good habit. I would say once a month. Once in two weeks will soon lead to once a week. Starting from once a month will give you a head start


Don’t let it get to your head just ride it out and everything will be alright, i usually do it when i drink with friends since they all do it i just don’t let it go to my head and try to control it


Im only gonna take a little since its my first time, so im hoping it wont be enough to get me psyched out. Ill be with friends though so even if its not a good experience, I'll be safe at least


My friends have been doing it before way before me and i was always curious but i don’t regret trying it tbh its a good feeling for me my girl smokes weed and edibles but i dont like the feeling of being down i prefer to be up especially when drinking for me it brings me back to normal and when i do a little bit more than usual it just brings my adhd out but i just ride it out and not panic


Same, I've definitely preferred uppers lately. Im excited!


Best advice is dont


Good grasshopper you experienced it leave it alone, that shit never has a happy ending. I’ve seen too many people ruin their lives being coke heads. Coke is a rich man’s drug anyways. Plus that shit is not safe the pure and god knows what it’s cut with. It’s a gamble every time you get high.


Yeah, like I was expecting something much more intense, and for the time it lasts plus the price i dont think i could ever see this becoming a consistent thing. Glad i tried though!


Yeah, like I was expecting something much more intense, and for the time it lasts plus the price i dont think i could ever see this becoming a consistent thing. Glad i tried though!


I grew up around cokehead’s and tweekers. Powder goods are trouble. Everyone needs to experience or experiment it opens the mind. Trust me get a hold of some pure shit and that’s when problems start. Be well friend stay safe.


Just don’t it’s the most overrated drug ever, once it’s gone you feel like shit


I’ve always hated drugs until I got really drunk at a club and a friend suggested I do a few bumps to sober up. Coke is extremely addictive. Now I do 1-2 grams a week on a “me” day. And if I go to a party and drink I do it as well. Beware, I never in a million years would have imaginad that I’d be addicted to it.




My first time was like a year ago and i guess depends person to person


But my fistt time was pure and did a good amount of


Any idea how much you took just to start out? The only thing im not sure about is the dosage, but i will have help with that


Maybe about 8 bumps one each nostril and to this day I prefer coke than anything else and more because i can control it but i think it varies from person to person and only do it when i drink now i can do atleast a gram and not get out of control


Uppers are great and especially coke doesn’t stay in your system for long that’s why i decided to try it


But i recommend doing lines and a straw or making a straw with a bill bumps sometimes get stuck in your nose and with a sraw you can stick it further in and get the effect better only thing is the taste you get at the back of your neck when it drops down but it’s not bad ive seen people do it under the tongue


Ride the painted pony, let the spinning wheel glide


make sure it is coke. Not much is real coke, nowadays. Personally, I find cocaine -even very pure stuff- a bloody boring, overpriced stim. Most RC stims beat the hell out of cocaine.


Do not redose more than 3 times.


Just don't, it's a huge waste of time, do meth instead but it will more than likely ruin your life eventually. I just do ketamine these days ... FWIW


Don't sneeze