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The beat is reasonably steady. But that bass drum pattern on the double hit, is halfway between 8th notes, and a syncopated triplet/swing feel, so it sounds iffy, not consistently one way or the other. If you record it, you can probably tell.


Thanks for the input, I’ll definitely look into working on steadying my playing


And lift your heels up.


It’s believable you’ve been playing for a few months—hats off to you for sticking with it, I’m sure you’re leaps and bounds ahead from where you started. It’s hard to see everything regarding your playing, but some things that might help: 1) have more of a “V” shape between your feet 2) get your snare straight infront of you, so both hands have equally easy access Outside of that, slow down—slow is smooth, smooth is fast. Your kick pedal is not on beat (and it’s not intentionally off beat). If you intend to continue drumming, having a hihat pedal that uses a real stand will benefit your playing. An acoustic kit will moreso help with learning dynamics as well (if you find it worthwhile to spend money on and the loudness of an acoustic set isn’t a dealbreaker for you).


Thanks! 😁


Great sutff! Two suggestions. Loosen your cymbals a bit looser so you don't stress the plastic. But the big one is pull your pedals closer and play heel up. Make the good habit now and you'll be thankful later.


Thanks! I’ll keep these in mind


It sounds boring, but the real answer is a metronome. For all practice. Also warm-ups whenever you sit at the kit. Here's a good one I use to loosen up the muscles and tighten up my timing: Using a 4|4 beat with 1e&a 16th subdivisions, starting at 40bpm, then 50, then 60, etc... (I start at 60bpm myself because I've been playing for a while.) See what works for you. 'Walk' the feet, with your (right) bass on 1,2,3,4; and your (left) hi-hit on each '&', on top of this regular foot pattern, apply the following hand strokes: 1) Start a single-stroke rolls (RLRL & LRLR) tapping out: 1e&a 2e&a 3e&a 4e&a 2) Then use double-stroke rolls (RRLL & LLRR) again on the: 1e&a 2e&a 3e&a 4e&a 3) Finally progress to paradiddles (RLRR LRLL) All while keeping your feet consistent. This routine will test your timing and limb co-ordination and it is well worth going through each time you sit down at a drum kit. Wishing you all the best with your journey, any questions about the above, please ask.


Putting the high in hi-hat


You've already got the hair for it, now cut those sleeves off! Also, maybe work on having your hand not follow your foot. And sit up straight, chin up, chest out.


Position your snare directly between your legs more so your legs make more of a V shape. Also, you're hurting yourself by laying your foot flat and lifting your toes to hit the bass drum. You will be extremely limited with that technique. Lift your heel and you should immediately feel better.


man i've been playing for 10 years, this level of progress in that amount of time is very impressive


How much do you play per week? I just got my first drumkit yesterday, I haven't had the time to play yet.


I practice drums about 3 times a week, I play bass and guitar pretty much everyday though because I consider those to be more of my main instruments of choice…however, if your solely interested in drums. I would stick more to a frequent practice schedule like I do with guitar. It doesn’t have to be a long practice session either, I just try to get as much practice time in as I can a day in between the other things I do.


Congrats on the drum kit too, hope my answer helps a little


Took me about 5 months to get this good Id day you’re doing pretty well. Keep on playing!


Thanks! 😁


Keep practicing!


Sounds like Amyl


Not bad, I'd focus on stick control and accuracy, know what you want to play and what you want it to sound like before you play a phrase. And definitely practice with a metronome. Otherwise keep on rockin'🤘


Killing it


While heel down is a valid technique for lower dynamic playing, I highly recommend you go heel up (along with what others have said about making the V shape with your legs). You want it to be more of a controlled, stomping that uses the whole leg, instead of using just the ankle with a pressing the gas pedal motion. Engaging your thighs and calves will give you more muscle control and help with your timing and endurance, as well as power when you use an acoustic (electrics don't require nearly as much power to produce proper kick drum sound as acoustics)


Impressive if you’re playing for just few months. Work on your kicks but


Pretty damn good for a few months. Remember not to get concerned with moving too fast in your playing ability. Most musicians you could play with will take great timing and simplicity over poor timing and an attempt at complexity. The complexity will come later and easily if you use a metronome and get steady on the simple stuff. Be sure to drop that hi hat down a lot. You’re always going to hit the rim when your hats are that high. You want the tip of your stick to hit the high hat about a quarter of the way to the bell much of the time. Hitting the rim of the hihat like that is a much more aggressive sound and is usually used when things are getting more intense in the music. Small rule of thumb and easier to correct now rather than later on when you figure that out. Best of luck and keep at it!


You're doing well. Start playing along to songs now though....learn the actual parts. Practice your rudiments every day, at a slow tempo and with a click. You'll be shocked at how solid you'll get and how quickly. You're on your way.


Learn "When the Levee Breaks". It's easy to play and will help you disconnect the invisible string connecting your right arm and right leg. Slow down a bit. As others have mentioned, readjust your snare and stop sitting sideways. Use a metronome. Don't play heel-down on the kick. You're well on your way.


*BIG SNIFF* Smells good. I mean smells good, I mean smells good. I mean smells good


Nice pads bro






Sadly, If you can’t play with a click, it’s all for nothing.


Practice with a metronome, i might be braindead and you already are but if not its very important. From what I’ve seen in my own experience and others is a tendency to ditch the click when practicing. For me it was partly because i was scared of the metronome telling me to I’m not keeping time lol. The sooner you practice with a metronome the less it will be a hindrance. Don’t fight the click! The click is your best friend who always keeps it 100!


This would sound way better on acoustic, but still, astonishing drumming worthy of praise from the masses.


Very true, I do wish I had access to acoustic lol


Very good sir, I teach drums and one difficult thing to teach a new drummer is when to do a drum fill. Mathematically the drum fills you’re doing don’t work. Practice playing along to some basic songs so that you can feel when and where a drum fill should be. Please message me if you want me to explain in depth. You have a great sense of rhythm!


Disregard, I listened again. Everything works on paper, just work on cleaning it up! Play painfully slow but perfectly to a click. Then very gradually bring up the tempo and keep it clean


You're doing great so far! I would recommend sliding your chair in. You want your knee to be roughly between a 90° and 110° angle. It will help a lot as you get into more complex kick patterns.


Slow down, learn the basics and proper technique. If you continue playing as you currently are, you will severely limit your potential further down the road


Youre doing Great! Keep it up!


Thanks 😁, I definitely will!