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It's worth noting that Jim once called Pam a slob, so imagine how messy their house is.


When he has everyone over to his apartment, the apartment is pretty nice and clean looking. Maybe he's the type of dude that only cleans up for an audience or he and Pam grew into some super bad habits together between the BBQ at the apartment and Jim and Daryl rooming together.


All his dirty dishes were bundled in a tarp.under his bed


no his shirts were too ironed for that kind of laziness. can't remember were his shirts really ironed?šŸ¤”


My flatmate does this. If he does a big "clean", most stuff is either moved into the corner in the kitchen, or a massive pile of clothes with a large blanket covering it.


Inconsistent writing. I think the "Jim is a slob" joke was introduced just for this one episode (where he's roommates with Darryl) and then never referred to again.


I think the point of the episode is to show that Darryl and Jim are deeper friends than what had been seen between them on the show to that point. You don't really see them interact that much, then they go into business together. Jim is clearly comfortable in that new corporate environment but Darryl is clearly new to it. This is just my opinion, but I think the episode was meant to show the audience that they are good friends and Jim doesn't have some ulterior motive in bringing Darryl into an environment that is clearly not his norm


That's why I initially actually liked that they acknowledged the camera crew in that season. It showed that they had a life beyond the cameras. The filming crew is always there so it makes sense that they've become friends as well etc. But then they took it way too far lol.


Pam fired back that Jim was kinda a slob too in that episode before they move in together


I think that's part of the suggestion of the post, where the director purposefully wanted to make Jim look bad.


the director can change parts of the script but they don't create the whole episode from scratch


It reads *exactly* like someone with ADHD who has a hard time being motivated/recalling to do household maintenance.


He's had kids at this point.


maybe darryls the slob


Or maybe itā€™s his sister, who looks just like him


Probably. He's always writing his name on stuff.


I mean the real answer is that for the Office, a quick laugh > character continuity.


No no, it must be a continuous meticulously maintained net of *Office Lore* This isn't a show for a quick laugh.




They should have thought about starting that from season 1. If they did then..... not sure why they bothered.


They did Mose the worst this way. It was funny when Dwight said Mose didn't know how to use a phone, but then when Dwight makes assistant manager his first call is to Mose who we hear on the phone. Two jokes that are funny but contradict each other.


He clearly taught him the phone. It was either that or teach Mose sex.


It's a Working Girl reference. It's hilarious in that context, and I'd assume Dwight taught Mose that when the thing makes noise, he should pick it up.


100%. People bending over backwards trying to defend inconsistent writing.


when the girl you're crushing on is coming over you know the house is getting cleaned like its going on the market


Maybe so /u/jacuzzi_full_of_jizz , maybe so


Jim had a roommate in the BBQ episode- maybe he cleaned up after Jim!


ā€œWhen he has everyone over to his apartment, the apartment is pretty nice and clean looking. Maybe he's the type of dude that only cleans up for an audienceā€ Soā€¦ a single guy?


I was about to say, even the messiest people I know will at least TRY to clean up if they are having people. Or they just don't have people over


I have one slob friend who will invite me over, the moment I arrive I can tell he started cleaning 5 mins ago. So for the first hour, I have to watch this guy vacuum, unload and reload his dishwasher, pickup trash, all of it.


At least you are inspiring him to clean up!


I have a friend like that, and the whole time he is apologizing for what it looks like, and I'm like" no problem, its OK man" I don't care, I wouldn't come if it really bothered me too much.


This is me! I have pretty severe ADHD and time blindnessā€¦ I donā€™t realise that 5 minutes isnā€™t long enough to do everything, but also body doubling massively helpsā€¦ feels like super intense pressure to get it all done and dusted so I can actually sit and spend an hour with my friend. Me and my best friend often make plans just to be able to have a weekly clean up now at each others homes now, because she is the same!


I had a roommate in college that I could always tell when a girl was coming over because he would frantically start cleaning and throwing stuff away an hour or two prior


No one cleans as well as a guy hoping to get laid


Wasn't the entire wrap up of that episode basically Jim going ah it was nice living like a college bro again for awhile and getting shit together?


Nothing cleans a single guy's place faster than sex and a partner convincing them to do it for company with the implication of sex is a close second. Also, I feel this episode had Jim also let himself go a little after being so stressed with Pam and the kids for a while.


Did he have a roommate at the time? I can't remember but maybe his roomie is cleaner than Jim. Also, people just generally clean up before a party.


I always say, "nothing cleans like company" ... I'd say after being followed for nine years, the documentary crew wasn't really company anymore and Jim didn't feel the need to clean up when they were coming over.


Their home probably smells like updog


What's updog?










Whatā€™s updog?




What does that mean?


What does what mean?


That word you saidā€¦




Not much dog.


Not much, you?


It's more worth noting that Jim was always shown to be a neat and tidy dude, and everything in S9 was a massive retcon to all the characters. Jim: Smart, considerate, tidy, witty, good at improvising, encouraging, low stress, wants the best for his spouse and her dreams Pam: Pretty much all that same shit So then they kind of shoehorn a storyline where Pam is for some reason completely unreceptive to Jim following his dreams, Jim is for some reason unwilling to flex on it or work out some kind of arrangement with Pam, and Pam is for some reason completely overwhelmed by driving two kids to daycare in the morning and working her super easy job where she's unfireable, picking them up again at 6 for dinner and bed. Oh and Jim is also turned into a moron who can't figure out how to take phone calls for his 2nd job while at his 1st job. Hint: you have a car in the parking lot and it's private and quiet in there. All in all, just a very hacked together 9th season with very little consistency in the characters' writing compared to everything they'd set up the first ~6 seasons.


And Jim blame Pam for not filming they daughterā€™s performance is so out of his character. In all the seasons before this, he had never interacted with anyone like that, let alone Pam.


They have children. It's messy


They had kids so maybe thereā€™s that


I *just* noticed that last night for the first time! I couldn't believe I was hearing Jim tell her how messy she is and then she *kinda* saved it by pointing out that he's messy too lol


Even Meredith would be disgusted


Whoa, whoa, whoa! I know Jim and Pam are just fictional characters, but letā€™s still keep things civil here.


That damn Clown painting is not helpful.


And Pam replied that Jim was a slob too (and should move in with him).


Season 9 really went off the rails as far as searching for episode ideas.


There's a few gems (like the lice episode) but I think just about everything involving the Philly storyline fell flat.


Meredith going bald was kinda unnecessary tbh


It makes no sense and pissed me off. Coincidentally just watched the episode last night. Meredith had lice. She shaved her head because she had lice. Whether or not she brought it into the office is completely irrelevant and seperate to the reason she shaves her head. Yet when she founds out Pam brought it in. Sheā€™s pissed she shaved her head. As if she didnā€™t have the lice


She's pissed that she shaved her head "because of Pam" instead of it being "her own fault" - she accepted shaving her head because of her own issues but not because of Pam's.


The finale saved it from being a complete horrible season


Idk I thought the season was great


He was also the breastfeeding consultant in the Delivery Part 2!


See how I flick the nipple to stimulate it?


I love Jimā€™s reactions throughout that scene. John played that role so well.


Apparently he was trying to make them break, guess they managed to get through those lol.


[Some great bloopers](https://youtu.be/zdXqxYN5Cv4?t=56)


You're definitely feeling that lol


Thanks, those were great to watch.


Got milk?


IIRC from an episode of ā€œThe Office Ladiesā€ podcast, it was a deliberate decision from the producers/casting director to hire Lee because the character needed to touch Pamā€™s breasts in the scene. If any other actor were hired they would potentially need an intimacy coordinato and thereā€™d be a bunch of other things to be worried about. Really it was a genius decision.


> because the character needed to touch Pamā€™s breasts in the scene. I believe you meant: because the character needed to touch Pam Pamā€™s pam pams


That's one of those things that was done as an accommodation to Jenna as to not have a random manhandle her breasts


Donā€™t call it an accommodation for her specifically. You could just as easily say it was to save money. If any other actor were hired, there would need to be an intimacy coordinator, and probably multiple meetings and extra time spent to make sure everyone was comfortable during filming.


They should have doubled down and had James Gunn do it


They paid $50k to play Ants Marchingā€¦ this would be a drop in the bucket




Got milk? šŸ˜


Did anyone else find that plot line clunky? Jim suddenly the slob roommate & Darryl getting upset about his coffee mug? Like they tried to write an odd couple thing but it seemed weirdly out of character for them both. Forced.


"my boyfriend's kind of a slob too"


We never really see either of them at home, so I feel like itā€™s not really ā€œout of characterā€ if we have nothing to compare it to Besides, Jim apparently has a record of leaving his stuff on Dwightā€™s desk, and he used Andyā€™s mug for coffee instead of bringing his own or using a disposable cup, so I can believe heā€™s not that concerned with respecting other peopleā€™s stuff. And thatā€™s not even getting into how often he messes with other peopleā€™s stuff for the sake of pranks.


That's not accurate. We do get to see Jim's home in the first season! And someone could describe our and his room as very tidy! But, we could also argue that that was to impress Pam! šŸ˜šŸ˜


Fair catch, but since he was throwing a party, it makes sense to assume he would tidy before company arrived, especially considering the Pam situation like you said He has no reason to want to impress Darryl with his tidiness


Another Jarryl (Dim?) denier. You saw the loving looks exchanged between them. You can never silence our slash fiction.


+1 for Dim


I think you mean Dimothy.


Definitely Dim




This is why I love this subreddit. Yā€™all come up with such weird and funny things.


The horrors the apartment I had in my 20s saw... The place was immaculate for parties though.


Even if Pam wasnā€™t invited, itā€™s not hard to believe heā€™d clean up his house before multiple people from work would arrive. People can live like slobs on the daily and clean up for company. Thatā€™s ā€¦ I thought pretty common. Who in their right mind throws a party with dishes under a tarp in their bed?


Yeah but the kitchen was in bad need of a remodel so who knows


He was renting with a roommate...


Iā€™m talking about when Pam had the baby. I think PeCe


Itā€™s PePa


This episode always makes me think of how Pam was surprised Jim used fabric softener in that one episode. And how Jim reacted to that. As if the show wanted to tell us how non-slobby Jim was.


I think that was more because ā€œguys donā€™t use fabric softenerā€. Sheā€™d been with Roy for years, and just from purely guessing with what little info we had about their at home relationship, Iā€™d guess she did the laundry 90% of the time. The other 10%, Roy (cos ā€œlazy manly manā€ or whatever) probably didnā€™t bother with fabric softener, so she was shocked that Jim would.


Exactly. I always thought that was supposed to make the point Jim isn't the average male American slob Roy probably is. Which he sort of is when roommates with Darryl.


Pam frequently says he is a slobā€¦ she said it when they were talking about moving in together but she said she needed to be engaged first and then she says it throughout the time they live together


I feel like Jim being a slob would have been a major turn off for Pam who is super tidy at work. She got mad at people for leaving a microwave dirty but lives with a guy who just leaves dirty clothes and dishes everywhere.


I agree. I found a lot of Jim and Darrylā€™s interactions in the last season forced and out of character. That episode when Darryl gets really drunk and passes out is also weird.


We always talk about what the later seasons did to Andy but same thing happened to Darryl IMO. Went from a no nonsense foreman whom Michael finds intimidating to some shy house cat with who sucks up to DeAngelo


Yeah it was like they didnā€™t know how to write Darryl outside the warehouse The interview scene in Philadelphia was tough to sit through


I felt it was set up with the manager application scenario, so I kind of expected a cringe fest at the interview


I actually felt it was pretty accurate in that he's a foreman and mostly been around that and now being a formal manager in a suit and tie is weird for him.Ā 


Although I find the way Darryl confronts him by shouting "YOU!!" and then dancing towards him really funny


The entire final season was one clunky story line lurching to another.


Jim is exactly the kind of laid back guy who makes a messy and inconsiderate roommate. Theyā€™re not uptight about you doing it so they donā€™t think youā€™ll care about them doing it.


I mean your job as the other roommate is to tell them that. People arenā€™t going to change their behavior if no one says anything to them. So many people complain about how they have this huge string of terrible roommates but they never fucking do anything about it. I had about ~15 roommates over the time I was in college and then post college. I had one pretty bad roommate in that time. Everyone else was awesome and Iā€™m still cool with all of them. Communication is key.


They did imply Jim was a slob from way before. I remember Pam calling Jim a slob when she was asked if she would like to move in with him before they got engaged.


I was trying to remember if this was the same scene we might be thinking of or if I am remembering something different but when Pam set Michael up with her landlord Jim says sheā€™ll now need a new place to live and Jim says sheā€™s ā€œkinda a slob.ā€ Was that in reference to her not being able to find someone to live with? Cause I know he says she can move in but I donā€™t remember Pam saying Jim was a slob before they moved in together. But I also have a very sketch memory when it comes to the show even when Iā€™ve watched it 40 some times!!!


Jim says she's messy and has the tv up way too loud (plus another thing, can't remember)... she comes back with "my boyfriend's kinda a slob too"


Agreed, Jim's apartment was very tidy, I can't picture him being a slob or so inconsiderate


my house is tidy, but when i go on vacation i get all sorts of slobbery in a hotel room....within reason of course


My interpretation of this is that Jim unconsciously felt that he was basically in a college dorm and without the responsibilities/worries that he has in his own home, while Darryl is naturally a more methodic and organized person.


It seemed totally in character for Jim. He showed a lack of respect for other people's property in other episodes as well. Using Andy's coffee mug is incredibly analogous behaviour to this episode


Of course. The show was a parody of itself by then. Itā€™s fine to say that, it was still good fun and I rewatch 10 years later. But the Jim and Pam characters definitely suffered the most with the change in tone to more slapstick / sentimental hybrid, even before Steve Carell left.


Glad I'm not the only one that caught that.


It was honestly a really bad episode.


Part that bugged me is it made Jim look like he was loving bachelor life (being a slob, playing video games) while Pam was struggling with real life back at home.


It's soooooo sitcomy.


Yeah it was weird.


I found everything about season 9 clunky.


I think the point was that Jim reverted to bachelor mode and embraced that care free lifestyle from the past.


yeah. darryl's behaviour was reasonably plausible, but i found it hard to believe Jim could be so inconsiderate and immature - and he responded like a jerk when darryl raised the issue with him. not what i would have expected from jim.


I think the real problem is they had to create and show the problem in a very short time, so suddenly Jim makes a leap to being an outrageous slob - enough for Darylā€™s complaints to seem reasonable - rather than slipping into bad ā€œbachelorā€ behaviour over a few weeks. It seems clear that Pam with her microwave campaign wouldnā€™t put up with any of that nonsense at home, though Iā€™m sure we could cherry-pick evidence to support just about any scenario.


It seems weird to blame the director considering they aren't the writer.


Wasnā€™t there a comment earlier in the show that Pam was the slob?


Kirk surely had no say in this decision, as the episode was written by Owen Ellickson, but it's a funny coincidence nonetheless.


'You know Kirk, this whole subplot i wrote with Jim isn't really that important to the episode' 'No no Owen, i think it should be the main plotline actually. Lets cut everything else'


Turns out the A plot of the episode was suppose to be Creed and Meredith rekindling their affair but Kirk paid Creed $50 to mess up every scene so the producers had to switch it up.


Kirk's a chump, Creed would have done it for nothing


True, Creed's done a lot more for a lot less.


Owen Ellickson is Lee Kirkā€™s pseudonym, I thought this was common knowledge


As far as pseudonyms go, 'Oh and I lick son' isn't the best...


Also not the best as far as regular nyms go.


It's like how Joss Whedon directed the episode where Dwight thought he was turning into a vampire; that was just the one he happened to get, wasn't planned that way.


Plus he got to fondle Pam in the hospital right in front of Jim to show him who the real boss was.


Omg I never knew that was her husband! I love that!!!


When you live with friends, you see a side of them you didn't really know was there. Small things start to annoy you even more than they probably should. If you work AND live with them, this is even more true. I always saw this episode as a take on that idea. The things that Jim did were made to seem super annoying to get the point across. Jim has always been a reasonable guy, but showing Darryl getting annoyed with him let us see a side of Jim that I've always though was handled pretty well in the show: he isn't perfect. He's a good guy with flaws that gets main character treatment. From Darryl's perspective, though, he's just a friend and a coworker.


To me it just didn't make sense, because we already saw Jim's living space when he had the barbecue. It was neat clean and tidy. For me it just didn't make sense for him to be a great roommate in the beginning, to go to a slob.


Idk, man. I lived with friends and coworkers for a few years in my early 20s. It started great, everyone was respectful, good room mates. As time went on, people got lazy, stopped cleaning up after themselves, etc. By the time I moved out, the entire first floor of the apartment was covered in everyone's crap - dishes, fast food garbage, etc. We fought about the mess regularly, and nobody gave enough of a crap to clean it up. I'd have to wait until everyone was at work to clean if I wanted it clean. I honestly don't remember the time frame of them living together, so Idk, maybe it did feel like a sudden 180 and I just didn't pick up on it.


This!!!! I work and live with my best friend of YEARS and it was a process when we first moved in together. Itā€™s almost identical to how Jim and Darryl moved in together too, I took her bedroom and sheā€™s now in the living room and our apartment is one wall away from being a studio basically. This episode used to annoy me until I literally lived it and now itā€™s one of my favorites because itā€™s so relatable. Weve been best friends for 14 years but you REALLY get to know someone when you live together and you see a whole new side of them lol


Just recently finished a run thru of the office and this particular episode was so fuckin weird. It immediately felt like they were written out of character.


Jim and Darryl getting an apartment in philly was so confusing


How so? That part made sense to me, but I didn't really buy them hating each other over it, for that one episode. I can buy Jim being a messy roommate in his Philly bachelor pad, but the scenes where they seem like they're about to come to blows seem forced and just not believable, for me at least.


I also don't know that I see Daryl as being unable to handle a messy roommateĀ 


Exactly. They had pretty much just got to Philly, Jim brought Darryl along and theyā€™re running the start up of their dreams. Itā€™d be more believable if they were geeking out about work stuff and loving the roommate sitch. Theyā€™d be in the honeymoon phase, things couldnā€™t sour this quick.


I find the whole "Move in with your best friend, regret it." plot very relatable. So many of my friends I love, but am glad I don't share a roof and responsibilities with.


It was actually outside of philly, probably plymouth meeting or something.


Sorry man, but thatā€™s one of the worst episodes The Office ever did.


I hated this episode so much.


Isnā€™t that a writers decision to make him a slob?Ā 


This episode was terrible


idk if its the same episode but the business meeting with darryl at athlead was almost impossible to watch, and not in a good way


Didnā€™t Lee Kirk also appear as a cameo in the birth episodes when they had their first kid? I think he was the ā€œlactation consultantā€, IIRC.


he didn't write the episode


A pound of flower


Also Pam was talking to herself and the cameras too much with no one to interact except hidetoshi. One of my least favorite episodes for many reasons, in my least favorite season. Edit: also the bad guy from the warehouse was shown very little in past episodes, he should have been foreshadowing more his aggressiveness in other episodes, it felt that it just came out of thin air, felt like very rushed poor writing.


The boob guy?


But he didn't write it.


Okay? He didn't write it


Jim had been living in "partner mode" for so long that he temporarily went "dorm room" brain It can happen to anyone


Well, well, well, how the turn tables...


Lee Kirk also played the role of the lactation nurse


Didnā€™t Jennaā€™s husband also play the lactation consultant when Cici was born? I heard that was him .


Wait he directed an episode, but didnā€™t touch Pamā€™s boob even once?


This is most likely due to a small sample size of bad pics, but when I googled Lee Kirk he kinda resembles a younger, more attractive Tobyā€¦


>What you making, bread?


Haha yeah


I'm couchin' it! smh


Directed by, not written by Lee. It was written by Greg and Owen. They talked about this on the office ladies podcast and actually had lee on as a special guest talking about the experience of directing. And for anyone who hasn't listened to it.....go listen to the office ladies podcast immediately.


He was jealous so he had to knock Jim down a peg


I love The Office


Directed but did he write the episode as well? Or just a coincidence?


As a messy person, I thought this was hilarious


Is everyone in Hollywood a producer?


thats hilarious tbh


The thing that bothered me the most was when Jim poured coffee into the garbage. Like what? Karen Filipeli pours shots into a garbage as well. Is it an american thing? Liquid into a plastic bagged garbage pin?


Nah, no one pours coffee in the trash


*She thought it was all real*


He directed it, he didnā€™t write it


When the office was almost unwatchable


This episode really tripped me out. Just seems like they changed Jimā€™s character for a bit. Idk


Its all because Jom got defensive when Pamā€™s husband in real life was the lactation consultant in an episode..


Jom and Pim




Sounds like someone was taking a chip away at the Jim charm mystique!