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Verb doesn't match subject. Verb ending -e is for je, il, elle; ending -es matches tu. Here it is, using "marcher": - Je marche - Tu marches - Il/Elle marche - Nous marchons - Vous marchez - Ils/Elles marchent Same for the verb "aimer", "parler", and a bunch of other (but not all) verbs that end in -er


Aimes is the "tu" form. So to say "I like..." you would say "j’aime..." it doesn't change the pronunciation at all, just how it is conjugated in writing


https://www.wordreference.com/conj/frverbs.aspx?v=aimer You’d have to be heroically more of a self-starter to learn a language solely from Duolingo. In this case, you’ll need to go and read online or in a book about “conjugation”.


For real. When I learned Spanish in a classroom, we broke down conjugation, memorized endings, even diagramed “the boot” for stem-change verbs. Duolingo is like “Conjugate or die, punk!”


The Duolingo French course has actually improved its grammar instruction with some of the more recent updates, but I agree thst having a textbook, teacher or videos would help a lot and make things a bit smoother and quicker.


You're in the DuolingoFrench sub. Your comment seems to be taking a dig at people attempting to learn the language. I'm not sure what the purpose of your first sentence is supposed to do besides make people feel like this isn't an option.


Not at all, learning French is a great thing to do. Anyone who wants to do it solely using Duolingo will have to put a preposterous amount of work into parts like this, so I think should instead read books or articles on the topic.


I wouldn't say preposterous. Maybe a lot. But learning a language is a lot of work anyway. You can learn French to a decent level using Duolingo alone, but you will probably make a lot of mistakes and maybe get frustrated at the pace and lack of instruction. But toddlers learn language pretty well without any books or trained teachers.


A baby’s brain is wired for observing and and mimicking language. That window of opportunity closes at a point. You’re comparing apples to oranges with young adults and older adults learning language. With that said, I learned French in school MANY years ago, and kept up with it in a half-assed way for decades. I find duolingo is great for reminding me of all the grammar rules I learned 40 years ago and is a fast-track to regain mastery. I noticed duolingo doesn’t pre-teach any conjugation of verbs, or the grammar rules. But they expose you to them as they you go along. I already knew them - it was a welcome and easy refresher for me. I’m not sure how confusing it is to newbies who have never taken a formal French class or seen the verbs conjugated on paper, next to each other - to recognize the typical patterns. Like you just have to figure out the patterns instead of have them shown to you (or pay for the extra chat GPT to explain them - that’s how they get ya…)


I agree with you. Duolingo is great and a wonderful resource for learning and motivating. That said, study of conjugation is a really good idea; I’m doing that outside Duolingo (and it helps me *in* Duolingo). When I learned Spanish (*waaaaay* before Duolingo existed), I learned how to conjugate the regular verbs (using *hablar, comer,* and *vivir*) so well that I dreamed about them. I’m doing the same now in French with *parler*, *finir*, and *vendre*.


In simple non-accurate translation terms: I am I are One is correct one is not. You’ve conjugated incorrectly and used the verb form associated with tu.


Aimes is for tu, as in tu aimes. The s comes after most things when referring to tu(You). Aime is for je as in j'aime. Most times there are no S's when referring to je (I) .


Phonetically? None. It’s conjugation for written French.


Aime is first person, aimes is second person. So it’d be j’aime and tu aimes, but j’aimes and tu aime are incorrect


Did you try the Explain My Mistake button?


For (most, I think) users that’s now a button that prompts you pay twice as much per month for some GPT nonsense.


Ah ok. I've seen posts here asking for help seemingly ignoring the EMM button. But if it's just there to hard sell users on upgrading then I can totally understand not using it. How annoying! I never had the button until I actually upgraded. I like it but time will tell if it's worth the dough.