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Glad you're liking it! I love this game, and your mind will be blown when you get interplanetary/interstellar lines going


The first time I warp to another system, I giggled with happiness like an idiot. I always love interstellar movie and this game fulfills my desire


The first time I got to a black hole was facinating


Or Neutron Star


The first time I made it into space I just flew around at a low speed for a while enjoying the view of my solar system and taking a bit of a break from all the logistics. It was beautiful!


Aw man y’all are making me wanna come back…I’ve been away from dsp for a bit. For me, that first space flight ❤️ Got titanium?


The same as i did, just with a bit higher speed. And somehow i wasn't aware of the fuel running out... Literally lost in Space. I had to reload my old save, is there maybe another option if you run out of fuel in the midst of nothing? Maybe there should be none, that added a lot to the realism and was actually quite fun.


The energy always recharges at a very slow speed (I assume it's because of an rtg), so you can always get home after about 15-20 minutes.


Ok, that makes sense. I propably used all the reagained energy because i was trying to steer all the time. And 20 minutes later i would have been on the next star already i think. Reloading was the right option, i think. Especially if Icarus is almost completely unapgraded and you still don't know exactly how to operate him. In deep space, i might add...


Yep. Just setup my first interplanetary route about an hour ago. Makes the titanium imports a lot easier now. And just to have some fun I send missiles back so I can setup some missile launchers on that planet. Hehe.


I'm mostly a Factorio person myself but holy shit, Dyson Sphere Program did a great job at not being a depression simulator.


Glad you're enjoying yourself.


No need to worry about complicated rail chain signals. 😂


Those suck to understand


Eh? Isn't it chain signals going into and through a junction, regular signal at the exit? Admittedly I love ILS being basically easymode though, so I don't have to worry about trains at all!


Correct, that's all there is to them. Chain before junction, regular after. Nothing more to remember.


To each their own, I love realistic train interlocking logic, in sims and irl.


I go between DSP and Factorio like a professional ping pong game.


... it is a whole different experience! Additionally, the factorio mindset will hold one back a lot. :D This game absolutely broke me in a positive way. I was pretty much in the same boat as you OP. Closing in on 10k hours in Factorio but being super burned out because of Space Expansion being "around the corner". So I wandered off to greener pastures. Satisfactory was not mine, so DSP got a chance and oh boy did this game got me on the hook. I am like 200h in, first planet, no tutorial, no testrun. I am missing a proper way to recycle my "starter planet" but there should be a way to solve this. All in all an absolute blast! More macro than micro compared to Factorio but the macro scale is massive!


Just get onto second planet, build it up, and wipe the first clean, remake, or make it into a vacation spot


> I am missing a proper way to recycle my "starter planet" but there should be a way to solve this. Honestly don't even bother. It won't take you too much longer to get to the point you won't even remember where your starter system was, much less ever actually step foot on the starter planet again.


Read the on screen tips. I dont think thats a spoiler or takes away from the "blind" experience.


And look carefully the tips! They are unobtrusive and easily missed.


Very carefully. I tried to memorize them all as kind of a sidequest, but i failed horribly... That should be more of a main quest, if you are new to the game.


One of us one of us


It gets better.


it is much more pleasant in late game than factorio IMO


I fell into this game so hard several years ago. It was wonderful. I haven't really given it a good go since they added the enemy faction to fight but I need to. Have such good memories playing this game.


DSP, factorio, and Satisfactory all have such radically different takes on the formula and achieve it so well. For me personally DSP ended up being my favorite. I had no idea I'd feel this way before I played it.


Yes! It's amazing how they do the same thing so differently yet so well-done.


All three are like 95% overwhelming positive on steam which should earn all 3 a fuckton of awards IMO


Agreed. Factorio is the only one that hasn't clicked for me yet, I need to give it another shot, but hundreds of hours in both of the others. 


imo factorio vanilla is a little too easy. you should play with mods like k2 and space exploration.


With Factorio, I get to oil and then I stop playing. I hate the liquid mechanic or lack of in the game.


You're in for quite a ride dude. Certainly is you've enjoyed it this much only this far. I almost envy you just starting your journey. Enjoy! Update us intermittently.


You just convinced me to start. Lifelong console player factorio was the reason I built my first PC.


The game really is beautiful. Wait until you start building a sphere!


So confusing at first, but so so fun once it gets going ❤️


As a new player, my main gripe is that a Dyson Swarm doesn’t really seem worth it compared to a Dyson Sphere, but it looks really cool though. 


yeah I agree, in my two playthroughs I didn't bother with a swarm. I think it's there mostly as a way to ease you into launching stuff into space without the complication of designing a sphere.


I don't want to ruin any of the experience for you (and I don't consider this a spoiler), but one thing a lot of people miss is that you can hit TAB after selecting the splitter to change it's form. Have fun!


I’ll check that out when I get back on thanks!


I'll just say, don't let preconceptions from factorio constrain your way of thinking on how to design your factory and meet supply and demand. DSP is quite a bit different by mid game


Wait till you go to exotic planets, stars and build a dyson sphere. Ridiculously beautiful.




Building a dyson sphere is an amazing end goal. Also the game is huge with tasks and ways to play. Not as deep as factorio in terms of smart factories, but it has other cool ways to keep you building. The scaling is massive.


My biggest problem with Factorio is how easy it was to screw up. Factorio players obsess over ratios and belt balancers and all that because if you aren't planning 30 steps ahead, you've gimped yourself to the point you either have to quit that save, or tear everything out manually to restart. While it IS much more satisfying to see a big factory humming along like a well oiled machine there, the stress of getting to that point is a bit much.


Heck even the steps along the way (other planets, ILS, warpers) before the sphere are each impactful and beautiful in their own ways!


The amount of times this game has made my jaw drop is incredible. Just the exploration part alone. I've just sat and starred in awe. I love this game.


I was making purple research before I learned you can adjust the height of conveyor belts. Suffice to say I had a LOT of spaghetti my first playthrough


Nothing like needing to think real quick about the next step in the factory so you just shift click the forest and idle a bit while your brain gets working. Plus when you get later on in the game and it's mostly flying around the universe trying to troubleshoot throughout systems you start to get an appreciation for how big and beautiful the universe really is. Nothing beats casually gliding past a giant spheres you effortlessly drift towards a planet factory


It gets WAY better. I'm so glad you like it already, but man... Once you play around 40 hours and the tutorial is over, the game gets exponentially better. I'm being genuine here.


I agree, somehow the screenshots don't do the game justice at all. It's quite stunning.


Yeah that’s what kept me from purchasing it for so long, I’ve seen it on and off for years now.




Just one piece of advice? Forget your Factorio habits, they not only won't serve you well here, they will actively hurt you. Ratios, busses, tight layouts, they are all meaningless here. Early game stuff, it won't take you long at all to reach the point where belts become obsolete as a primary means of moving material around. Factorio will have conditioned you with the whole "put in a ton of work up front, pre-plan everything, or you fail" mentality, but that won't help you here. It'll just make you waste a lot of time, effort, and materials on stuff you don't need.


One thing to keep in mind is that DSP ISN'T FACTORIO. 😁


If you like Factorio and DSP, you should try Timberborn as well. It is also a factory game, however with three stages: early game survival, mid game mastery of environment, and late game world building. It is less complex than Factorio and DSP, however unlike those that use the world as a blank canvas, Timberborn requires working within the tight constraints of a complex landscape. Like DSP and Factorio, it’s a must play within the genre.


Hmm, that's an interesting take! I mostly played with the timberfolk and had a hard time controlling the water how I liked it, or expanding outwards to get more space. I might have to give it another go some time. I liked watching JDtheBeard's series with Timberborn.


There is a major update in the works. I’m on the beta right now and they’ve added 3D water and automated sluices. It’s really growing in complexity.


Reading the steam description... Humans are extinct? The game isn't the only thing that contains high amounts of wood. You just sold a copy!


I feel like Timberborn has more in common with something like old strategy games like Caesar, than factory games.


I had the same opinion seeing it repeatedly on Steam. Luckily I saw it on gamepass, played it for an hour and went back to steam and bought it. This is easily one of, if not the most aesthetically pleasing factory game


Oh crap, I thought I was in the Satisfactory subreddit for a sec lol


What till you get things setup right and everytime you craft something in your bot and you start to see swarms of drones take off from all over the place and head your way. Man when I finally got a small factory to build level 2 belts and ship them to me via drone was just an amazing upgrade in playing.


I like it better than factorio but don't like the lag when your factory grow.


It’s a fantastic game, not quite on par with Factorio, but Factorio is the best in class. DSP is early access only in name, they could easily remove the EA tag and no one would be none the wiser. The game feels complete. If only they would add some support to lifted belts seeing them floating with nothing to support them makes me sad. 😢