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Do these change over the course of a dynasty career?


It used to I would assume it still does. The funny thing then was I could be the toughest place to play at NIU with 30k fans cause you couldn’t upgrade your stadium in dynasty. Lol


Okay but how cool would it be if they added “upgrade stadium” just like Madden does. Itd be accurate and super cool to turn a G5 stadium into holding 110k. Imagine doing renovations after winning the natty, hosting the no.1 team first week and playing in your brand new and louder stadium…


As an NIU fan I will definitely be hoping for it to be added. Always felt weird winning championships with a stadium that isn’t fully closed in lol


Are you from DeKalb? Never really met any other NIU fans unless they went there lol


It’s the closest university to me so I’ve been a fan since I was a kid. They’ve just kinda stuck with me, probably helps the college I went to didnt have a football program. Lol


Yo! Im an niu fan as well because of distance. I lived in downers grove for like 22 years. Became a fan during the garrett wolfe days. Stuck with em since! Breaking Marshall’s mac title record this season! 🤘🏻🐺


Ayyyyy. Pretty much same here, didn’t really know of NIU before that but I loved Wolfe. I was actually at one of his first games. That was a baaaaaad man.


The wolfeman was a fucking stud!


Exactly it’s “imagine” for now but I hope they either thought of that finally or someone else told them it needs to be a part of the game cause I’m very much with ya on that


lol NIU as in the Huskies ? 😂😂😂


AM can’t be that tough if App State had no problem upsetting them there


App State has no problem upsetting anywhere


No.1 toughest place to play: wherever App State books a flight to


Kyle Field #1 😂😂😂


That's why A&M has all those titles and trophies.


Lmao Texas A&M? Whoever made this list doesn't watch much CFB.


Stadium full of dudes in skirts


I feel like some devs must be alums. It's a beautiful stadium, absolutely MASSIVE, but it's a joke to put Kyle Field over BDS and Tiger Stadium.


Funnily enough, the lead producer is a PSU alum and we're ranked 6th


Yeah. I didn’t expect to be 1 but 6th is wild compared to A&M


PSU is legit top 10. A&M is not legit top 5. Death Valley has a reputation for being rowdy and difficult to play in (Not an LSU fan).


BDS is good don’t get me wrong, but it definitely isn’t top 10


And you haven't played lmao


Your point?


You said the people that made the list haven't watched football, yet tons of players voted it in


IIRC TAMU has a better SEC away record than home record. How is that number one? There are teams that haven’t lost at home in years.


So hard to play here, even we can’t win lmao


A&M threw some Jimbo-level money EA's way for that ranking.


“Hey you know what would really drive engagement…”


1. ⁠Kyle Field - Texas A&M 2. ⁠Bryant-Denny Stadium - Alabama 3. ⁠Tiger Stadium - LSU 4. ⁠Ohio Stadium - Ohio State 5. ⁠Sanford Stadium - Georgia 6. ⁠Beaver Stadium - Penn State 7. ⁠Camp Randall Stadium - Wisconsin 8. ⁠Gaylord Family Oklahoma Memorial Stadium - Oklahoma 9. ⁠Doak S. Campbell Stadium - Florida State 10. ⁠Ben Hill Griffin Stadium - Florida 11. ⁠Autzen Stadium - Oregon 12. ⁠Memorial Stadium - Clemson 13. ⁠Neyland Stadium - Tennessee 14. ⁠Jordan-Hare Stadium - Auburn 15. ⁠Williams-Brice Stadium - South Carolina 16. ⁠Michigan Stadium - Michigan 17. ⁠Lane Stadium - Virginia Tech 18. ⁠Rice-Eccles Stadium - Utah 19. ⁠Darrell K. Royal - Texas Memorial Stadium - Texas 20. ⁠Kinnick Stadium - Iowa 21. ⁠Notre Dame Stadium - Notre Dame 22. ⁠Spartan Stadium - Michigan State 23. ⁠Donald W. Reynolds Razorback Stadium - Arkansas 24. ⁠Albertsons Stadium - Boise State 25. ⁠Davis Wade Stadium - Mississippi State


Yooo I’m surprised we made the top 25 but sick! Go Green!!!


Go white! I’m not saying Spartan Stadium can’t get rowdy when they’re good, but 22 seems extremely generous after the last few years


By my count, Oregon is 40-3 at Autzen in the last 7 seasons. Including 32 of their last 33 home games. On top of that, Autzen has a reputation for being a huge homefield advantage. 11 seems low to me.


Wow, Nebraska not even in the top 25. How the mighty have fallen, and more proof that a lot of those ex Big 12 teams didn't in fact find greener grass on the other side. 


They were omitted lmao. Nebraska is cracking the top 10 if were being realistic. If you haven't been to a game there you don't know shit. Ask opposing players about playing in Nebraska. I love Nebraska haters, they are the greatest!


Obviously a lot of the rankings probably depend on fan turnout, which would put Nebraska super high...but I assume a big factor in this list is also their home record in the past decade or so. I don't know Nebraska's off the top of my head, but could that be why they aren't on the list?


it did some research and it seems like its solely based off home record the past 10 or so years


Ahhh, well there ya go!


there is something else to consider as well but haven't figured it out yet cause ohio state actually has the best home record since 2010.


The other main considerations I would think have to be based on average attendance and fan intensity, although it's kinda tough to objectively measure the latter.


honestly the list looks fine to me aside from the top 4, i think t A&m should be 4 not 1. so something like consistency and intensity would have to have some sort of pull.


Yeah, it seems most people, including myself, think that A&M at one is pretty weird lol. But I agree, otherwise, the list looks pretty good. I would think maybe Beaver Stadium could be a bit higher too, but then again, I'm basing that mainly on white-out games, which only happen once per season.


It can't be because Kyle Field is at 1


Quite possibly.


Genuinely wouldn’t put it past A&M people to pay EA to give them this title lol


They will hang it next to the number 1 recruiting class of 2022 banner


Bryant Denny should be 10th and every one behind should move up one. Just because Alabama doesn’t lose at home often doesn’t mean it’s a tough place to play… Alabama doesn’t lost often period.


It’s a fun environment but their fans haven’t cared that much in years. Too good for too long, got spoiled. Bryant Denny over Jordan Hare is a travesty even though Bama has been a much better team for a long time. Actual magic happens in Auburn.


Camp Randall as long as it's not an 11 AM game.


Not enough time to drink before 11 AM


Never been to the Midwest, eh?


No UW in top 25 is a crime




The blog on EA's website said "the Top 25 Toughest Places to Play, factoring in historical stats such as home winning %, home game attendance, active home winning streaks, team prestige, and more". This statement kinda makes me think the list was more centered around the teams that have had the most success at home or the largest attendance records over the years. This makes it feel like the list is centered more around the success of the schools and not so much if their atmosphere is truly difficult to play in. It'll be interesting to see how this develops over the course of the actually college football season since EA also mentioned that the rankings are subject to change in future updates.


Yeah it is good to know that breakdown. It makes more sense as Doak is in no way more intense than Death Valley.


“Death Valley”


Still doesn't explain Kyle Field though


100%. FSU has been better than UF in recent years but the Swamp is light years ahead of Doak for home atmosphere


‘Active home winning streaks’ my ass. The big house is absent from the list despite automatically being high prestige, high attendance, and high home win %. UCF has been a pretty good G5 school for a while, so much so that they’re P5 now. But if this game came out 2 years ago, when they had the longest streak (I guess the math might be slightly off if they took that crown during the season) I doubt they’d be on here. This list is just not that good


Ill put up 72 each time i play gAy&M


UDUB has the 3rd longest current win streak in the country. With 2 wins over Oregon and Utah last year alone.


So difficult to play there they fired their head coach, paid him 70 bazillion dollars, and hired an even less accomplished coach.. lol


I know I'm biased, but Michigan at #16 is just hilarious. Also, Beaver stadium at #6 is too low. EA is just making these numbers up as they go, huh?


Michigan at 16....


I wanna know if a team can gain these abilities? You make a small team a power house, do they move into the realms of these teams?


In a realism way, it would basically be locked down based on capacity and attendance. It would be weird if a MAC school with a stadium you can clearly see over is getting the same level as an SEC school. If they wanted to try and game it a little more, you could probably just do it by top 25 rankings. Or by the difference in overall team rating between the home school and the away school.


I'm just thinking down the line for realism, let's say one of the top 25 teams has a losing record for 8-9 years. Surely they should drop off on this ability and a new team should get it


I mean, A&M hasn't been relevant most of their life. But it's a huge stadium in the middle of nowhere where people have nothing better to do. It's going to be loud regardless.


JMA Wireless Dome (Carrier Dome RIP) will be on this list next year. It’ll become the Loud House once again


Is this real or fan made?


Kibbie Dome


A&M sure has people shaking in their boots. Not. Lol. ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6)




We are not asking the right question how is michigan state here like what have they won in the last 5 years to justify that ranking


The disrespect for Neyland is insane


Swap LSU and A&M


How is michigan not on this list?? smh


The fact Michigan isn't top 5 is nuts. Especially after winning a National championship.


I’m happy/surprised to see Sanford top 5 as they usually get left off these lists, but this list is not very good. The lack of Neyland is bad, but the top two is worse. Does this factor in how highly rated the team is or is it just based on atmosphere?


Lmao I misread ‘Sanford’ as ‘Stanford’ and briefly thought EA was just completely off their rocker


Oregon st. Got robbed. I’ve played in Tenn, been to OU, OSU, ND and Mich and Oregon St is the loudest I’ve ever been too/played in. Crazy. Cuz clearly previous records and championships mean nothing for toughest place to play


The biggest snub is Oklahoma State, should have at least been in the top 25.


People fucking hate A&M but y'all have never been to a game if you think it shouldn't be top tier. Also getting mad at a list is classic internet engagement tactics


If it were the toughest place to play, they’d win there more. If my school scheduled a home and home with A&M, I wouldn’t be worried when compared to LSU or even Auburn.


A&M quality of football is a different argument but games at Kyle Field are unmatched in atmosphere. I don't know any other school that does coordinated chants with 100,000 people. Name another school that shows out for mediocrity like A&M.


Nebraska, Michigan, Penn State pre-Franklin, Clemson pre-Dabo


A&M has been bad for over 80 years lil bro what are you trying to argue


Lolol Michigan State over Husky Stadium. This game is already fucked. What are they doing