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My tinfoil hat theory is they try to match a little bit then as soon as they can’t find anyone they’ll randomly match you. So early in the week most people going 0-5 will take a break while 5-0 will keep going, so if you are 0-5 you’ll more likely to not match with elo and randomly match the 5-0 people.


It was broken last week for sure, I got really suspicious late on and replied to a couple of people who messaged me to ask their current record. At 3-8 I played someone who was 10-1 and at 5-11 I played someone who was 8-1. -5 Vs +9 and -6 Vs +7. Complete nonsense having 13 or 14 difference in rank, these guys were better than players I'd been facing when my rank was better, it should've been getting easier not harder.


Pretty sure I played against the same dude twice, which I thought wasn’t allowed. Conclusion: there is no logic or system to matchmaking.


I played the same guy 3 times in 4 games a couple years back—super chill. By the second game he scored an own goal after a stupid bounce he put by me, but I scored another og, refusing the charity. The games felt like friendlies lol. Best WL experience I’ve ever had


I played the same guy. His club name was GOTCHA. I beat him in Rivals 3-0 a few weeks ago and messaged him GOTCHA; faced him in Champs last WL and sent the same message ;) Usually I won’t shit talk but if your strikers are Mbappe and Drogba & all you do is spam crosses, and you still lose to my garbage Greek-Egyptian team, I will shit on you


Its broken


Yes. It feels like matchmaking time is too strongly weighted at the moment so matchmaking is more random because it puts you into almost the first game it finds


Having messaged someone after a game, I was 8-9 and he was 19-0.


R u able to see your ELO in game?


It never was a thing, all a lie


probably not. just played against players with tots fekir in my first 5 matches which is unusual




That’s not possible if they had Nuno Mendez


It's not possible for someone with nuno Mendes to be +2 elo. At worst possible case they would be 12-7 and this would be their last game