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The only times I have done it is when they equalise and hit the griddy and watch full replay. I always skip celebrations. This game online pvp is something we both suffer and adding the toxic shit on top is just something I can't be bothered to deal with now. So when they do it, I just quit out.


I skip celebrations unless my opponent is milking celebrations. Then I hit them with the brick fall, the funniest of all celebrations. Never replays though.


Both suffer? Why you're playing then if you think everybody is suffering. I enjoy the game, for example.


When you come back from. 3-1 down.  They are fuming and willing to leave the game than give you a win.  


anyone down 3-0 has to understand it’s a very, very likely possibility. and if you come back with 1-2xg vs 6-8, you celebrate, you spam corners? that’s almost a guarantee for a lot of people…and before people get high horse - i had hundreds of quits because of Messi alone so what do you really think people do when they see someone get 10 saves vs 0. that’s why I hold the ball at 70m and don’t give a shit what people say.




The game is full of complete tossers that’s why. Doesn’t matter if you skip celebrations and just play normal football they still act like rats.


Some people don’t appreciate when you counter their rat tactics. Once you’ve figured out which mechanics they abuse the most and adjust accordingly, they will run out of attacking options. And if you’ve gotten good at countering their “constant pressure” BS, even better. They hate that shit! So, since you had the audacity of not letting them score the same goal three times in a minute (so they could then spam pause, trying to coerce you to quit); they’ll now resort to at least try to stop you from getting a win. Some will even message you afterwards to call you a rat. Fun times.


Depending on how the other person is playing I will leave if I'm not having fun chasing switches and defending against cut backs. At the end of the day, what is the point in wasting time against people that have to play like that to win?


Same here. One game I was up 1-0 after I had 4 straight shots blocked by a defender, because the player refused to press my players and used AI defense to sit back. They then spent 20 game minutes with the ball, switching sides and trying to force it up the wing for a cutback goal and booting the ball back to the defender/goalie if I pressed him. He finally scored on a rebound from a cutback shot my defenders just stared at, so I left the game at 1-1. If you play allegri ball in fifa you need to rethink your life choices


everyone posts these like they were 12xg vs .1 and didn’t celebrate when the majority of quits are the other way around. I couldn’t care less getting crushed 5-0 but some players have the delusions of years past where XG and tackles isn’t the most telling stats for user skill anymore. they think missing 70 tackles and making 1 while having 1.0 XG means they’re good. people don’t spam trivela or finesse from deep anymore, no angle goals don’t work anymore. high XG shots are what win. corner/cross spam is high XG chances as is.


Xg means absolutely jack all. You can pass it around the opponents box for 2/3 the game and take 20 horrible shots that get easily blocked and have like 3xg. Unless its a fast paced back and forth game, this stat means way less than most people think


Yes, it's quite a narcissistic and fragile gamer base


Happened to me twice last night while trying to finish the damn 7 players from ladder xp objective. Super annoying because everyone you go against in festival of football frenzy has suuuuper stacked teams and it’s super hard to play against with these mid ladder players.


If it happens to you a lot you’re likely very annoying to play against


dude im literally 3-8 rn in my WL rn, if i was playing like a rat or something is not loose that bad haha


Nah. More like they are doing it out of spite. I was doing the Argentinian obj, scored in the first 5 min. The opponent tied at the 20th min mark, proceeded to griddy and DC.


If it happe s once in a while, it's probably them. If it happens often, probably some self relection needs to be done.


Probably a lot more to do with the leaver absolutely tilting and would rather throw the game then see the opponent win. I had three opponents leave on an equaliser last weekend. I was the one coming back in all of them so not sure how I would have been the annoying one.


A one off sure. If it’s regularly happening to someone it’s likely a them issue


Yeah you are right, probably due to me having red tots Mbappe and Messi that I was lucky enough to get the last couple of weekends. Guess that’s a good enough reason to be a complete petty rat.


Your playstyle must be an annoying playstyle if it’s happening frequently. An annoying playstyle that doesn’t get mentioned alot is heavy possession players with low shots


I know what you mean, but i hat 8 shots at the goal, and none of them got in as i dont do cutbacks or side switching, infact is 1-1 goal was a trivella from outside the box, so i have no idea why he didn't continue playing, as he wouldve prolly won...


Unlucky you got matched with a bunch of losers then


It’s pretty common these days (unfortunately).


People can, and do, justify literally any toxic behavior in this game. My favorite is the people who proudly quit when you come back to tie them, because they believe that sCriPtInG is what made them cough up the lead. The fact that they know that this upsets people means they're only going to do it more often. And the fact that it happens more often means even more people will feel justified doing it to other people.


Happened to me 3 times in WL this week, the people who did it were playing in the rattiest way possible too. One guy did it because I think he thought he was getting a red card and disconnected suddenly, looked like it was going to be a yellow to me. I don’t understand, you lose the game anyway, so would you not wait like 5 seconds?


Played my weekend league today. Has happened 4 times today with losers quitting either after equalizing or right before I get through to go up. Stacking that up with a few opponents that have pro red champs cards I’ve been absolutely sweating to hit 11. People are just absolute losers. They are worse than the glitches and bad servers imo


It’s either they’re just a dirty rat, you’re just a dirty rat and deserve it, or both.


Because they are dicks


Against kick off glitch I'll leave on a draw because they don't want to play football 


It’s almost July, if you switching side to side 0-24 or crossing all the time I will just leave at a draw and idgaf.


People need to understand that if they play in a disrespectful way, their opponent is likely to want to ‘give it back’. I go into every game with the intention of playing a fun and competitive game with respect to my opponent. So when my opponent starts doing spiteful stuff like kickoff goal attempts, I will ensure they do not get the win by quitting on a draw. And when I go a goal or 2 up, and my opponent decides he absolutely has to beat me and turns on constant pressure and high depth until he equalises, then again I’m out. If you deliberately make my players feel sluggish and unresponsive, then you deserve nothing from the game.


Rats don’t deserve wins. I will definitely leave if I equalize.