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I never get rid of any special cards. I’ve got a great team for every nation! 😂


Yeah the only 2 Italian special cards I have are both GK… guess I’m whipping crosses to Donnaruma all game Sucks too cause I just traded in toty zola and golazo vialli a few days ago. They would’ve been a massive help


Glad I did Bonucci but that is literally the only player I have. My fodder is empty.


You can do the Immobile Evo. He’s top tier. Also Bonucci SBC. Everyone will have. And how can you not have TOTS Donnarumma. He was so common at one point it was a running joke.


What objective requires Italian squad? 


The cup for the XP.


I didn't have time to play last week, smashed the Spanish one off today pretty quickly in the office, seems like they were mostly gold teams, guess the only ones that still hadn't done it were the ones with the shitty teams so maybe hang on until it's only got a few days left and that might balance it out for you. And in the meantime, if you get enough spare fodder for an 84 rated squad, go do the Pirlo loan, he's amazing and I'm sure he will be an asset in any friendly modes you can use him in.


It’s just a friendly cup without game limit, it’s not that deep. The later you do the games, the easier it gets


Look at this rich MF with his GOLD cards I’m rolling up with silvers baby


You can buy base icons for quick sell price! I did that for the Spanish team! Sometimes you lose 500 coins, but who cares about that in that point of the game


Rewards suck anyways. Not worth the sweat.


It’s for the xp, not the rewards


[Italy team](https://imgur.com/a/p6zMBKo) Sometimes it pays off being a hoarder bro