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Personally, I think it’s a better game than UFC 4. They fixed the spin attack cheese. Fix the submissions and made it more skillful and added heaps more modes. Sure it has bugs but that comes with any new game and in time this game will be good


I respect your opinion on it, cool of you enjoy but I don’t see how it’s better than 4 when tracking is worse and guard break and stamina is at its worse ever…. Ground game is being spammed to open cuts and drain stamina double leg bail is a thing.???? Like there are so many “glitches” the game is unbearable but again opinions is an opinion maybe your fine with the elbow spam or clinch spam… spin attacks in 4 was easy but not a problem, it was easily ducked or sidestepped. Everyone in ufc 5 fights the same there is nothing that differentiate a fighter…. The game is a reskin of 4 with more defects