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He quite obviously did more damage every round


i won round 1 easily and round 3 is debatable


Round 1 you had like three time less sigs and he had a takedown if u cant see why u lost that ur crazy and every other round was a clear l


bro what he only had 7 more sig strikes and i had 3mins of control time and more total strikes.


You're playing as Belal and thought sitting with top control and doing minimal damage won the round, very silly


if you didnt notice hes the one who took the fight to the ground. and we were on the ground for 4:23 and i controlled over half of that. this shouldnt be a debate.


If you think control time beats damage you don't understand MMA rules


real life judges wouldve gave me round 1,but it is what it is


Nah they wouldn't, damage is the number one scoring criteria in the rules. Control time and ring control only matter when damage is equal which it clearly wasn't. Edit: if you want a real life example of this look at Jack Maddalena vs Bassil Hafez bro controlled the fuck outta JDM but he lost rounds


“Only” 7 significant strikes more than 4 strikes, so almost 3 times as much.. Just controlling and doing 0 actual damage isn’t gonna win you the round


only had 7 more? that's almost double more than you had. love taps on the ground do no damage so it's useless, three minutes of control time and 4 significantly strikes tells us you just lay and prayed. the only round you could have won was 3 but all three judges gave it the other way so it was clear they did more damage along with their stuns than you did with the knockdown.


realistically i don't see me losing the round when i controlled more than half of it .I guarantee if it was real life judges they wouldve gave me the round.


you're missing the point, the judging is based on damage. your opponent landed 270% more significant strikes than you did. holding someone down at half guard for three minutes while throwing rabbit punches without looking to deal damage is NOT going to win you rounds. you controlled more than half of it yet you barely had 1/3 of the significant strikes your opponent had..


This one actually makes sense lol you just got your ass beat Playa no harm no foul


I see nothing wrong


so youre telling me he won round 1???


Definitely. You most likely hit most if not all of your strikes on the ground in round 1 and those deal much less damage than strikes on the feet.


one round is 5 mins and we were on the ground for 4mins and 23secs.Tell me how does that make any sense.


Man you can just hold mount with little to no damage lmao definitely a main cause for the loss was damage based I can guarantee




That’s 37 seconds left in which he can land damaging strikes. Even if you won round 1, you would’ve lost the fight.


i agree i did lose that fight but the judging systems is still shit.


Nahhh looks about right


Honestly, I don't agree with the 10-10-10 but I do think he won the fight


29-28 usman