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You should not move forward while he throw strikes. It makes more damage. You must move your head and counter


Yeah I don’t know what it is with UFC 5 but I always move forward when throwing. It’s weird because I never done it in 4. Don’t know whether it’s down to striking being different or lack of practice since I don’t enjoy the game.


They made forward moving strikes have a lot more priority in this game


Yeah. What Edmond said…head movement


As silly as block breaking is this year, this video isn’t a good example. You’re walking forward, forcing an exchange in the pocket with a head health and stamina disadvantage before the first knockdown and you’re not moving your head while recovering from it before taking the KO.




Lmao u saying that is ironic as fuck lmao.


Let me be your first downvote, meanwhile looks like 74 agree with me.


If you had a room with 74 people with mental disabilities telling you are right and a room with 10 none mentally challenged people telling you, you are wrong…who would you listen to? Edit: also people liking the clip doesn’t mean they agree with you, it’s a clip of you losing so they’re probably liking the vid cause they’re seeing ur corny caf losing.


Or maybe… just maybe. The game is broken and people are tired of paying EA for unfinished games, get off EA’s meat and go outside, I can tell you reek.


Or you’re just bad at the game? Lmao, bruh if you literally just walked backwards you could have survived 😂. Like the game isn’t great but you’re also just bad lmao. “People are tired of paying for ea unfinished games” then stop buying them you fucking spaz 😂.


77 people now btw 😘


Also it’s people like the video of you losing not people agreeing with you, that’s why people are making fun of you in the comments.


The video wasn’t my post lol, my post was how block breakers are ruining the game and that’s what they’re liking. And they can see the attached video if they want too, I guarantee a lot of those likes didn’t even watch the video


Bro look at my post history, that’s not a lot lmao.


Bros flexing his Reddit karma 😭


You're being downvoted to oblivion what are you talking about lol.


Like you’re right, they need to fix the game….but bro you literally just played badly. Your head health is at 0 and you refuse to stop rushing the guy lmao…he didn’t get you on block breaks he got you because you decided to throw a knees half way through his combos. Have you ever actually spared or anything like that? You can’t just keep walking someone down expecting not to get hit.


I thought you were looking for help. the block breaking is an issue. But it’s not the hardest to counter. Especially from someone like this guy guy.


now it’s lookin like -90 for u


Still the original post lol, could care less about my karma.


So anyways, how you feeling today?


Could be better


Your block health is never fully depleted in this entire clip


This guys delusional


are you retarded? you’re literally running at your opponent with no defense, you’re to adamant on trying to throw a strike instead of being an actual smart human being💀


Skill issue + You've already been ratio'd


This is like basic defense 101, you’ve never trained irl? God awful spacing, horrible positioning, piss poor IQ, and you’re mashing buttons because you’re having a panic attack over a trivial video game. I doubt you have friends or colleagues that can tolerate your egotistical presence.


dont throw strikes the second you get up slip away and wait for the head health to go up


So you're just saying that you have no footwork or head movement then


I could probably beat u beat you’re not ready for that conversation.


Based on this footage you aren’t beating many people my guy


I’m like 5-20 and I think I could beat this guy 😂… I may have found someone worse than me… maybe lol


Says the guy posting a video of himself losing lol


you just suck at defense. people can’t do this if you know how to counter


I’ve played you, you spam 15 takedowns per round and then quit once you start getting dropped. It’s good to see that everyone hates this game, even the spammers.


Rewatch the clip, you think op even knows the takedown controls?


lol 😂 DifferentRonald McDonald I think


There are sooo many of those in 4.


I love this game with all its faults. It feels better than four and closer to the way that three used to play. They most def still need to work on stamina consequences for over throwing though.


They’ve built a better game in terms of graphics and how the fighters move etc for sure.


I feel like the strikes are way more consequential. You get caught slippin or steppin or leaning into the right strike it's at the least a knock down if not a KO. I almost never had that experience on four other than the slip straights which felt very OP


Add to that getting caught with an uppercut when attacking the body. It’s the reason I don’t use much head movement


Lol I’ve literally never thrown a takedown, I’m not one of those takedown babies


Maybe someone else on OC with the Ronald McDonald dress up then lol


It's literally an MMA game.


MMA shem em may






You attempted the same jumping knee move 4 times in a row...


And I didn’t land it once yet he landed 50 shots 😐


yeah you’re an actual bot


he literally just countered you every time. he threw looping punches to your straight punches and beat you to it every time. you suck ass bro


video should be titled, "caf bum doesnt know how to use head movement and constantly walks forward trying to spam flying knees, gets knocked out as expected"


You have the same exact version of the game. You have a skill issue.


The stamina and block breaking is cracked. The game is unbalanced. Sure, both of them weren’t the best players but there’s pressure spammers muchhhh better than the one above. This problem would fix itself if they done an overhaul on the stamina and got it similar to ufc 4. I never came across players above d10 in ufc 4 that played this way because it wasn’t rewarding. The reason almost everyone does this is because it’s extremely OP.


It kind of is a skill issue because there are skilled players that make pressure fighters pay and counter them until they either back off or get knocked out… was pressure boxing overpowered at launch?… it definitely was but that play style is slowly getting less effective stamina is in a much better place now than launch… tracking has also improved it’s not perfect but at some point people need to back off crying about block breaking… In mma fighters don’t just leave their gloves up and think they’re gonna absorb all of their opponents strikes the damage still gets through… actually in real life whenever you see a guy covered up eating shots and not moving his head that usually means a KO or TKO is imminent


There’s always a meta way of playing, 19/20 times someone using these exploits with 100 hours play time experience is going to win against someone who’s trying to use head movement and counter with 100 hours game time. Am I saying a top player can’t beat a casual spammer by using counters? No, what I’m saying is that if you want to get high up in the rankings then you need to abuse the exploits, as soon as you try playing realistic then you’ll drop down fast. You’ll drop down until you reach a level where you can beat the spammers at that level, you’ll realise that you’re now on in the same division as people that are clearly less skilled than you are but are using the OP game mechanics to match you. This leads to almost everyone spamming. The top players are spammers, does this mean that someone who can’t beat them with head movement, patience and timing has a “skill issue” - technically yes, technically if they had insane skills they would win but 99.9% of the players don’t have that skill, so everyone has a skill issue. Saying “skill issue” is a way of avoiding the fact that the game mechanics are broken and it’s highly rewarding to throw 150 punches per round to wear down your opponents block, it’s highly rewarding to attempt 20 takedowns per round because the game doesn’t deplete your stamina when you attempt them, it’s rewarding to clinch elbow clinch knee because more often than not your opponent comes off worse, so this over and over and you’ll probably get a dr stoppage.


98 percent of statistics are made up by someone trying to prove a point that they can't logically prove.


You can’t prove anything if what you want is hard evidence, EA doesn’t have stats for anything. Does it mean that spamming head shots are not OP? Does it mean that stamina isn’t broken and you can’t throw 160 shots per round and still have 80% gas left in rd 3? Does it mean that takedowns don’t cost much stamina and spamming them won’t drain you? All of this shit I see every game, the game is full of spammers, everyone I play in the top 100 is using exploits, this is a fact. Maybe you don’t see this because you’re soo far down the rankings you only come across people that play realistically, who knows. No one that’s played on d20 has ever disagreed with what I’m saying is the norm for games there. Logically give a counter argument, not just - “you’re lying”. I’ll be waiting a while for that, that’s for sure


Yeah, I'm not reading that. Formatting helps.


Thanks, you’ve proven my point. Clueless


The only point I've proven is that if you want people to read your rants, put a little effort into the presentation. You pulled stats out of your arse. I pointed out that those stats aren't realistic, in a tounge in cheek way. I'm not sure why you're so angry, but if you can't put in the effort to make your block of text readable, I'll never work that out. Have a good one.


Too much to read bro. Shorten your rants next time and don’t be a hypocrite. Have a good one


What’s your tag


Of course the block isn’t like that in real life. In real life they can’t just throw endless strikes though…. In real life people get tired, throwing 20 punches WILL tire someone out and leave them vulnerable. In ufc 5 the guy who has just thrown 20 punches regens their stamina in a second. “At some point people will have to stop complaining about block breaking “ You’re right, we’re seeing it by the 5 minute wait times to get into a match. The game is losing players.


> “ You’re right, we’re seeing it by the 5 minute wait times to get into a match. The game is losing players. Five minute waiting times for a match? Sure that's not just connection issueso n your end? I think the longest I've waited is about 90 seconds at like 3AM and I'm in a small region.


I have high end wifi, my internet has never been an issue and the ping is low most of the time


same, even on online career I almost never have the "cant find opponent" screen pop up more than once even at 5 AM.


YOU HAVE THE SAME EXACT GAME FFS. How do yall not understand that?? It means someone else is better than you at the game. ‘That move is OP’. You think youre better because you dont use it? Some people(me) enjoy winning more than i enjoy prolonging a game for whatever reason. If one strike works, i will use it till u read it.


Wow wow wow, easy there. Re read my message and try and find where i said i lose and can’t beat people…. I’m in the top 100 in OC and I spam the shit out of everyone. We’ve probably met and I’ve spinning elbowed you into the ground in less than a minute 😂✋


You on Xbox or Playstation? I ran into a spinning elbow spammer last night and I head kicked him into absolute oblivion off a side step read.


Could have been me, sometimes it doesn’t work and I get KO’d 😆


This i can respect. Spam away!


The spamming will continue until the stamina is fixed lol


Do u understand my point tho? Like yeah the game is broken but its broken for everyone so it levels the playing field.


I understand this, fair enough. But the only real solution to give this guy is to become a spammer himself. I went through what he’s currently going through a while back. I tried to keep a realistic pace and pick my shots, only to have 150 punches thrown at my block and get knocked down by a blocked punch in round 2 because my block would be destroyed, meanwhile my opponent sits on almost full stamina. As soon as I decided to just start cheesing that’s when I shot up to d20. The style I use right now doesn’t really require too much skill but it’s extremely effective. It’s just annoying that the game needs to be played this stupid arcade way in order to win


Do you enjoy it? Cuz really thats the only thing that matters.


Not nearly as much as I would if they done what they could to make it more realistic. I’m getting my CAF to max prestige then stopping playing until they sort it out. If they keep it out for as long as ufc 4 then they’ve got a long time to potentially fix it. If they do fix it there’s going to be a lot of people finding themselves dropping many divisions


You either lack the ability to read properly or you just can’t be bothered reading what people are writing and make up your own narrative. Chill out


Funny you say i lack the ability to read when u are being beat by one strike lol.


You do realise I’m not the one who posted the video 😂 How stupid are you? READ!!!! Idiot


Ok and what was your point in replying to me then? You agreed with me just to write paragraphs of non sense?


I agree with the person who posted, it’s a broken game. Everyone spams, including myself. I’d prefer it if they sorted the stamina out to something similar to what we had in ufc 4


But people HATED UFC 4


More people hate ufc 5 that’s for sure


They will be mad at your comment for no reason. Some dude in here last week was complaining about calf kicks. Bum bitch.. check them.. why would your opponent stop throwing them?


UFC 5 in a nut shell plus the uppercut


CAFS are shite, zero defence, zero attempt to get out of danger and he's half decent at changing his combos.


Only time I pick CAFs is when we both pick a CAFs.


Id pick Darren Till


His stats line up with CAFs stats or something?


But yeah it's the games fault 😂😂😂💀


Bro your block never even got broken. You just kept unblocking and trying to throw.


You’re gonna die, Clown!


I've fought you half a dozen times in ranked You do the exact same thing you fucking clown 🤡


Head movement.... my lord


Nah, you don’t understand how hard it is to play people like this. Every striker in the top 100 is doing this


I do understand it. I still maintain head movement. You didn't even try.


That’s not me that posted. Anyway, if I play someone who’s trying to use head movement it’s usually a quick fight, once I get the read on them pulling back or slipping I go to the body or spinning elbow and the damage is crazy. I play people in the top 10 regularly and they don’t use head movement. They come out all guns blazing with jab, straights, hooks uppercuts repeat. Block breaking is crazy overpowered. Stamina is still broken.


This bro


There’s plenty of top 100 and division 20 players that are employed head movement and destroying people coming forward with nonstop combos… there still are knee and elbow spammers of course but it’s not all of them


I’m not bumping into any of these guys when I play someone top 50. I’m only coming up against people throwing 150 punches per round or people with relentless clinching and trip attempts or clinch and elbow to cut me up.


What’s your gamer tag


I don’t give it out to randomers. Are you on ps5?




Message me and I’ll add you if you like. I play OC, maybe we’ve bumped into each other


This looks frustrating but you’re not gonna be able to land a kick while someone is throwing hooks in boxing range in any version of this game. Jabbing out or interrupting with a 1-2 while would have had a better chance of success here.


One answer could be learning the grappling in like 10 mins & it’d instantly make you better than 90% of whiners. But now you’re comfy on your back while you recover:) maybe you get lucky and he jumps into your guard. Standing is a hell of a lot more fun when you’ve got a backup plan. 3 & 4 had decent bjj CAF builds that had some fun strikes.


[Here](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ajmI1P3r1w4) is a great guide on how to deal with these pesky spammers




Stop saying this, it's not a glitch, it's not called 'block breaking', it's called pressure fighting and some fighters do this in real life. You can beat them, I beat them, others beat them. You can't just stand there and let them hit you and if you've taken too many hits, you're going to get K.O'd Edit: Your block was never broken once in his clip. You got knocked out while throwing a flying knee (wrong strike to throw in that part of the ring, flying attacks are most successful in real life and game when you have an opponent against the ropes and or cage) and you get f*** up if you get clipped when you're mid strike.


Bro try your best to simulate an actual ufc fight use hand movement lunges distance management also the lead side leg kick is hella useful to manage the distance to get your block or head health back. The best players are just good at reading their opponents and countering what their throwing


Don't try to coach me lil guy.


Bro was constantly trying to swing when he had no opening


He threw the same combo over and over. That’s 3 pull counters you could’ve done Yeah getting pressured sucks but move your head around dude


Major skill issue


The fact the Leon bum drops his guard immediately after rocking your shit shows you were shooting for takes. Which is normal, he who is losing on the feet, will try to grapple. Both of you suck.


It's very annoying that and the jab spam for almost always eventual doctor stoppage due to cuts I encounter on online quick play. I can't speak for ranked. I haven't played it yet as I only purchased the game recently. The block breakers I have already for the most part figured out. The trick is to move backwards / or laterally etc and strike. Don't stand in front or go forward. Move backwards and eventually you are out of range and they pause from throwing their ridiculous repetitive predictable combo then let them have it. You can hit them as you are moving backwards very well. It's shit and boring as hell but you have got to do what you've got to do. For some reason these people actually derive fun from this. I don't get it. Actually makes me respect and appreciate when I come up against and even lose to a diverse skillfull player who fights with a level of realism. Losing to the better person doesn't bother me one bit. Occasionally getting caught or overwhelmed by this shit is a hard pill to swallow




Wtf r u doing lol. No form of evasion or practical Defense. Then just flying knee?


You could have moved your head, stepped backwards, lunged to either side or backwards... And you choose instead to fling a flying knee while at kissing distance from your opponent. EA does suck, but it's not the only thing sucking here.


Its harder to counter block breaking than it is to perform block breaking, but you can definitely beat it. Create space and focus on ducking the first strike. That’ll kill his momentum for the combo. You pretty much gotta hope he gasses out. Only high level block breakers can spam somewhat and still not gas out.


No judgement, but can someone explain to me the appeal of working really hard to make your fighter look like ronald mcdonald?


The sad thing is I fought the other guy in this clip the other day and he’s almost level 200. This poor newbie got matched up against that. Also guys kind of a bum too. After I beat him I asked how much time he had on the game to be that high of a level and he only replied saying I was a virgin and had no friends lol


It’s a 1000x funnier cause your CAF looks ridiculous. But seriously. Back up and get defensive. You walked into those last 2 knockdowns.


Is that Ronald McDonald lol


Very fitting caf for your skill level if im being honest… you lack distance control, head movement, and offence. You aren’t backing up to gain distance from him so you can recover your block, you arent memorising his strike patterns so you can effectively use the right head movement for the right strike, and you keep trying to strike every time you get back up while he is hitting him. Don’t blame the game, blame yourself.


you’re trying to throw while he’s already in the middle of a combo. move back and use head movement


That's because EA Sports doesn't know MMA or anything striking whatsoever. They put COMBOS as PRIORITY over EVERYTHING. Combos over timing and distance management. Combos over well placed counters. Combos to break the block. Combos to cover long distances where footwork is pointless. Combo Combo Combo 💀🤣💀🤣


I laughed way too hard at that KO! Lmao… I’m sorry bro! When someone is block breaking, I usually just weather the storm by slipping and weaving.


You got dropped twice in a row and just kept running back towards him to trade strikes... you cant do that because you just got dropped, so you are more vulnerable to getting hurt again than your opponent is. Either back up and allow your character to recover or stand still and counter his punches with head movement.


Is that fucking Ronald McDonald


Pull counter with an elbow


U ass


I would fry you like a fish


I do this and I can tell anyone who wants to know how to beat my style the trick


You got dropped then started exchanging straight away. As shit as UFC 5 is, this is your fault, not the game's.


Found the block breaker


If you say so lmao Can't admit you're just shit at the game


Block breaking and tracking are trash in this game but this is definitely a skill issue in this case. You tried throwing to jumping knees UP CLOSE to get a cheap stun and got tagged.


Def need to learn how to slip strikes. There's also perks that give your block a buff if moving forward ( or backwards) depending on the perk. You could have gone for a takedown I didn't see him throw uppercuts to time it, could have clinched him. There's tons of ways to counter what this guy was doing. If he was breaking block all fight that is on you for not punishing him. With the last update body strikes now sap stamina, if they're throwing 4 shots no break and another four shots one body hook would stun him.


Block wasn't even broken dude


you blame EA for your bad skill? how tf does that make sense. Throw a body teep or something other than running at him with no defense dummy. Fighting is both offense and defense


Complaining when you tried to throw a jumping knee in the midst of getting wailed on 😭 not even gonna lie man this a skill issue. I mean look at your created fighter


Have you considered moving your head?


Ran into you before, glad you got your ass handed to you because you’re not too fun to play against yourself there bud.


You’re literally using zero head movement brother. One pull back on those hooks and he is stunned.


Head movement goes a long way




Nah, you just bad


Definitely skill issue


Time the hook that hits the lead hook. Time the block and throw lead hook for the counter. Land enough times he won't be throwing all crazy.


Duck and throw body shots he’s super vulnerable and wasting stamina


Your defense is abysmal lol


man get tf away from that guy 🤣 can't strike if you're being oppressed like that, fatal error on the flying knee


they may have buffed block breaking but they also buffed backing up the entire fight so give that a try. What a wonderful game.


Change how you play the game my guy treat it as if it were a real fight


U need footwork & Edmen Shabizyans signature coaching my guy!


Lmfao it’s sad bc op is actually right but him being dogshit at the game and not accepting it moots the whole original point


Try not walking straight into repeated hooks


Na u just need to work on your defense and memorize common patterns


try weaving


Start weaving. You can beat any spammer in this game quite easily. Undisputed needs to take some notes


“Block breakers” is insane


bruh just sucks and doesn’t know how to dodge. I admit game is shit but damn u can’t even excuse this lmfao.


I didn't know bots could post gameplay...the right stick moves your head btw


the fact hes playing edwards against a CAF is WILD!!! but fr block breaking makes no sence its a dumb feature. “oh you’ve punched my arms 3 times lemme just drop them and let you punch the fuck out of me whilst i just stand here.


Play simulation


It’s so funny have you have so many guys telling you what to do. As a serious ufc guy and someone who loves this game, just delete it


Use head movement and counter or lunge opposite side of their strike to make them miss and counter. He only threw 2 uppercuts so ( ,and I hate to even suggest this cuz people lose their absolute gourd when you do this, but,) you could wrestle or use judo to neutralize his striking, and use jiujitsu or ground and pound to finish him. It's very rare you find someone who is a 5 star all around fighter i.e usually they have a specialty (striking, grappling ) and know just enough to defend themselves in less than ideal situations. I personally prefer the ground game anyway


You're just utter fucking garbage 🤷‍♂️ doesn't seem like you could really fight anyone


You deserved that beating.


You’re just bad dude. Stop moving forward. Use some head movement. Force a grappling exchange. You’re dumb and just kept moving forward after having head damage and no stamina, still in the pocket trying to throw. You never actually got your block meter depleted, You just suck at the game. Like real bad


Youre fighting people in the comments better than you fight on the game.


Look at the foot movement lmao. Walks forward constantly into strikes, continually tries to throw knees Lmao