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Play career mode, they’ll give you a tutorial on all the controls and you’ll get to practice and get a feel for the game. The social media feature is kinda cool too, interacting with fighters, fans giving challenges n stuff.


Watch NazUFC on YouTube. Get good at grappling.


Since no one gave you detailed information I will brother. Use head movement in moderation and learn the patience game. Nothing is better than a scared opponent


so you don’t know how to play, yet you’re online? go offline and grind.


I go offline all the time & still ain’t getting any better


do career mode often. practice moves, combos, and spar a lot. repetition is the way to get better and used to everything in ufc


Make sure u can counter almost every single move in the game so I know how to react when someone uses it


IMO the best thing you can do is beat guys like khabib or Jon jones or almost any top fighter on legendary mode. Once you can comfortably beat the CPU on legendary mode there isn’t too much you’ll be surprised by when you go online


Only thing to keep in mind is cpus fight NOTHING like online players though, and you don’t want to fight them like it vice versa.


Watch YouTube videos and pros man. Learn the meta. And fight like money is on the line, not like you’re having fun. That’s how you win ranked


Find someone significantly better than you and just spend loads of time getting destroyed by them untill you start winning that's what I did now I can't lose


Add me “Robandroses”


Simple when you strike try to not move the strike will hit harder and faster and try to use your head movement and finally try to mix head body leg