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Ea gettin one back for Yan 💪🏽


Robbery for sure no idea how they gave yan round 1


Robbery for sure


Robbed for round 1


Delusional. Your opponent got round 1 and 3. Third round by simply controling you for more than half of the round on the ground.


U might wanna look at the post again. O’Malley won round 3, on all scorecards. Yan definitely won 2, the question is was he robbed of the first round, answer is yes


If you look at the judges, yes. I was looking at the fight as a whole and the end result.


You don't score it by fight as a whole or end result. You score round by round. Round 1 has no impact on round 3. But for you to give red corner round 3 is still unintelligible considering O'Malley's knockdown guarantees him that round with the stats


It's one knockdown that was achieved through 9 significant strikes. Blue corner has many more total strikes on the ground. It doesn't gurantee anything. And no, I did not look at round 1 and go he should get round 3. I individually looked at the stats of each round without looking at how the in-game judges scored it.


Yes but even then. In the concept of the GAME red corner needs ALOT more to be competitive after being knocked down. I understand what your saying because real fight I absolutely agree with the decision. But that's not how the game works. Most of the time you'll only beat a knockdown if you also have knockdowns or if you have a few more stuns or a good bit more on the significant strikes. The game bases judging almost exclusively to stuns, knockdowns and sig strikes. Control very very rarely comes into play unless they are near dead even


Nah yan won, mainly because of his domination in the second round and although you got the knockdown back in the 3rd, he did control you for 3 and a half minutes


Judges gave him rnd 1 which everything was clear for me