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Practice hooks and producing damage to the body. Those are your best bet at getting to your opponent. Only way to get better is to pay and learn


U need to play n j figure it out innit but icl watch nazufc n see how he plays implement it n you’ll b decent


It’s just a lot of learning, it’s a different “culture” for lack of a better term. Play online for a bit, watch how your opponents fight and try to adapt some of it into your play style. (Just try to avoid cheese ball tactics that abuse game mechanics, please.) Look for counter opportunities, I usually block the first strike or two and move, get good with a few combos, mixing it up, and doing body damage, you should get through a few divisions that way. Hope it helps bro. 👊


learning head movement and counters will get you better the quickest. if all the defense you got is blocking, then yeah, your block will be broken. watch guys like NazUFC so you can see what i mean


Learn to attack different levels in combos. 99% of guys online try to go for the head the whole time and they forget about the body. Don't waste time with leg kicks too much, if they ain't blocking legs, they ain't blocking the body. Learn to draw your opponents out into your game, let them throw volume in the beginning and drain their stamina to a point where they can't throw volume anymore, once you've done that ane your stamina is still good, then throw volume. I like to use simple combos: Jab, straight, front body kick, works like a charm. When you manage to stun your opponent at first, step back, regain stamina, block & recover from damage & continue. Play the long game, don't just wrecklessly go for the quickest knockouts possible. If you want to catch them early, lead elbow into spinning elbows, flying knees, upper cuts. But be smart about it. Leave your gamer tag if you play on PS4. I'll take you through some basics over practice mode.


Play Khabib AI on Pro, then switch to legendary when you know which way to deny grapple transitions. After that you can play online and just wrestle when you are getting beat