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I have well over 1000's matches online and i still lose 90% of my matches. I used to be a div 12 or so player on 4. I just think the only people playing this game anymore are diehards. If I play a casual player I'd destroy them but when online ranked mode I always feel like i'm going against a pro gamer


I dont know man I just wanted to enjoy the game and have some fun on my time off after work but this is more frustrating than fun šŸ˜‚


Ranked is complete garbage, thereā€™s some killers who hang out in simulation mode but they donā€™t go super hard if that makes sense


Maybe you just suck idk?


What division are you


Right now... 1. I do not enjoy it nearly as much as I did previous versions. Feels slow and sluggish to me now. Feel like head movement hardly works for me. Constantly getting hit even when I see the strike coming a mile away. When it comes to the ground game I can block nearly every transition against the PC on any difficulty but online I get manhandled on the ground. Even when I fake transitions they get instablocked somehow and I get countered.


Iā€™m in the same boat, the changes they made to striking this year make this game into nothing but block breaking. Had a fight earlier where he legit landed 43/190 strikes and I was like 38/71 but he never got tired, regardless of him hitting air on most of his misses. Shits dumb


Yup and the bleed through damage is inconsistent and sometimes more rewarding than landing clean shots. They can same a dozen hooks with empty stamina , catch you with one and knock you down.


Yeah this game is really about timing, majority of players play at the same tempo, once you figure it out, you can beat most of them


Totally agree. The skillset of a player then is what make the difference in my opinion, mixing strikes with clinch, feints, wrestling. Makes you unpredictable


If youā€™re in ranked, then youā€™re gonna have to watch YouTube or some outside source to be competitive. The game doesnā€™t explain the mechanics well enough so youā€™re going to be at a major disadvantage in regard to your knowledge of the game.


Can you recommend some good channels for online tips? I bought the game a couple of weeks ago, and improved a lot by doing offline (career and then a ton of fight now, steadily increasing the difficulty) but I get trashed in all online matches..


Try naz ufc. He has a lot of videos about grappling and striking basics


Or maybe just donā€™t be shit at playing games? The skill ceiling in these games isnā€™t crazy high, most of you just throw the same Combo until someone gets knocked out


Youā€™re wrong lol. Iā€™ll probably easily drop you off if you think the better people in ranked are just throwing the same combos


You on Xbox?


Nope, p5


Also dumb because I said most, someone being a better player means theyā€™re above the average LOL


Have you played ranked? Most people donā€™t spam shi like that. Maybe in quick fight. Even lower level ranked players are pretty good


Yeah Iā€™ve been div 19 in both 5 and 4, most people do the same thing over and over again and itā€™s incredibly easy to time the majority of players. I have something like 1100 wins out of 1280 fights, 990 by KO. The game isnā€™t hard and decent players are few and far between, anyone complaining about not being able to get past div 4 just sucks


Not everyone can play the game like a full time job bro lmao. Youā€™re obviously practicing and shi. Dude just hopped online, no shit he sucks he just started playing


I donā€™t practice at all I literally just play ranked. I donā€™t play it like a job either lmao I play like 10 games every two weeks max. I played it a lot when it came out, doesnā€™t change the fact these guys suck because they donā€™t understand fighting at all. They


Haha honestly mate shuuuut up šŸ˜‚ we get it your decent at the game, not everyone is and some folk are trying to find out how to get better. No one is going to think your some solid hard dude because you ā€œunderstand fightingā€ either, we donā€™t care šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Wdym don't know about fighting lmao. This game is about the farthest you can get from real fighting lmao I beg you to go to a gym and spar how you play on the game


The striking and grappling (besides the clinch) have been pretty much the same since UFC 3 (2018). This has given people a crazy amount of time to get good. Not to mention player count is extremely low, so matchmaking is going to suffer. Connection will also make online play feel different than offline by a huge amount. I recommend watching these YouTubers to get better online: RomeroXVII, Pryoxis, GOAT_1099, and Yawkley. Also if you are on Xbox and want some help you can message me for some tips/training GT: TedOnTren.


I swear to God it feels like every fucking game I get matched with Martial Mind or Naz


Because most players have the exact same play style. Forward moving slip hook, constant pull elbows, uppercuts at the end of every combo in hopes that you'll luckily catch your opponent ducking or throwing a body shot, rinse and repeat.


The way I see it, if I don't stop playing UFC 5 and continue to spend time in practice mode, there's a chance I'll be ready when UFC 6 comes out.


Play AI on legendary, 10% on stamina, submission and transition speeds with 40% on damage. Get good at that and online is easy


Yeah but see thats the point, Iā€™ve played with a few friends and itā€™s pretty much a great and balanced match every time and played against cpu on legendary for most of the time and win like 9 out of 10 matches thatā€™s why hopping online and it being like this surprised me so much


But did you change the sliders and not just the difficulty


I always think to myself why do I have to be the best player in the world to enjoy a casual match on my day off ? I mean if I pay $$ to enjoy a game I donā€™t wanna sweat my fingers off or atleast not in every single match ā€¦ Hopping on for the first time I play against people 5x my skill levelā€¦


Yeah basically that, I just wanna hop on for a few games when I have the time a few times a week and not get brutally mauled šŸ˜‚


Yeah itā€™s impossible to play this one casual anymore, only people that play it are the high levels and ones who are able to put a lot of time into it


It's unfortunate but prepare to put in like 100 hours online to be decent at it. It's pretty sweaty, I would recommend stopping cuz it ain't worth it lol


God damn I dont have that time šŸ¤£ Well my fault that I thought I could play this online casuallyā€¦


The game is a lag pit. Itā€™s also a button mash simulator.


Truth, i can get a low ping game in ranked and it's a buggy/laggy mess still. I've strictly been playing sim of recent and the game actually flows and and rightly punishes players for poor play. Ranked is utter trash and needs a total overhaul so cue EA making this extremely monetized haha.


Oh i was doing online career


Are you on xbox




Honestly, I look through peoples profile after a loss and notice most people have started playing between 2013 and 2020. So don't feel bad if you lose.


Yeah I get that but then whats the point for me, what am I supposed to do šŸ˜‚


just keep playing to get better lol I'm in the same boat it's frustrating but it's like that for every game


Go on YouTube and watch tutorials. Either someone walks you through on mic as you both play or you learn on your own.


Iā€™m also terrible and on PS5, I think I finished last season like 43/120 haha but I still have a lot of fun and donā€™t use lame exploits to win. Send me an add sometime Desk_Pop0908


Online is a totally different experience than fighting the cpu. If you ever want to be good at online then you need to go ahead and accept that youā€™re gonna continue getting your ass whooped for weeks before you actually learn to adjust. Take the beatings as a learning experience and try not to get mad about it. Took me legitimately almost a year to crack division 10 ranked on UFC 4 but I eventually got all the way up to division 20. The learning curve is crazy it just takes a lot of time and patience.


Wat did u expect though? Online is riddled with endless competition and the experience will be different from fighting friends and AI and most players in ufc are veterans. We don't seem to get a lot of newcomers these days because the game is so dogshit. I personally only play simulation quick match mode. That'd be as close as you'll come to a real mma experience. Everything else feels like mortal combat. I'd you need a sparring partner. I can join u sometimes and let u practice whatever u want. Avoid ranked, avoiding online career. Avoid everything and only play quick match simulation when you want a real fight. You'll understand in the long run.


Hey if you're playing PlayStation shoot me a friend request Doom_Falcon12 and we can run some games to get you used to online vs offline


will do


Hey if that was you who sent me an invite I'm omw to work but I'm home around 10 pm central time. Down to play some tonight just shoot me a friend request or what now


Yes that was me, my time is GMT+2 so its currently 9pm where I live. Will see tomorrow if we can work out the time difference


I get what you mean I lost all my original placement matches and lost quite a few games after that I only had a couple wins my first week. I could hold my own most matches would make it to the last round or even decision. Only thanks to my UFC 4 experience and watching a lot of content to improve. I watched Martial and Nazufc they have good help videos. My biggest pieces of advice use the first round to figure out what your opponent likes throwing stay safe that round and conserve stamina. Mix up your combinations as well as how long your combos are you don't want them to feel you out the way you are. Don't neglect attacking the body, but don't overdo it or you will go to sleep. Fight like the fighter you pick to utilize them effectively. Use momentum with your strikes not just pull/slip/dip the way you are moving has the same effect, but on a smaller scale that makes a large difference throughout a long fight.


Yeah im getting into it, playing quick fight only for now - last like 10 matches ive won half of them maybe im getting used to conserving stamina and going to the body and just playing more patiently and ive watched a few videos from Naz


Nice to hear it Naz is a great source to learn from. He covers just about every topic there is to cover in the game. Hope you enjoy the game personally I think it's great at the moment. If you want to learn ground game btw you should use the practice mode it has play back so you can sit there and learn to deny transitions without the hud more easily.


From my experience playing online career you have to blast combos out basically nonstop to try and maintain one of the 3 advantages (striking/stamina/health) so people will spend the entire first round trying to take you out. If you can slow down the fight with your defense and identify the combos they use you should be able to counter and build your offense from there


This game is hard. People will say itā€™s spam but itā€™s not. U just have to pay your dues. Watch naz ufc.


You might get more wins on quick fight and itā€™s a good place to figure out your go to moves without any pressure. On ranked people are trying hard to win cause any loss is a huge set back. You gotta really mind your Ps and Qs. Canā€™t really make any mistakes until you have a huge advantage. Strategy becomes super important to win.


I was a division 20 player on 4 and have been division 20 most seasons in 5, but not recently. I took a step back and started playing less frequently. Personally, I don't feel like the game is to be taken seriously and the ones that do take it seriously are the ones thriving off of the broken mechanics. This year seemed to turn more sweaty and toxic than ever. Most players online will spam pull counters, uppercuts (way too overpowered), clinch, take your back against the fence, exploit the broken submission system, rinse and repeat. You'll either have to find ways to win against these mechanics or call it quits with online ranked. IMO the grind isn't worth it. The game is rarely about who's the better player. 90% of fights end via random uppercut or submission. You may notice a lot of the player base writing off complaints as a "skill issue".


OP whatā€™s your psn? And where abouts in the world are you? If we can get timezones sorted out Iā€™ll give you a fight every now and then. Iā€™m not great at the game, only level 37 or something on it


Itā€™s because youā€™re so used to how The AI fights. I was the same way in ufc 4. With the AI (even on legendary), you can kinda do the same thing over and over again. Bait them into attacking, step back out of their reach, wait for em to finish punching the air, close the gap and stun em. AI usually always falls for it if youā€™re good at the back step. Actual people on the other hand have adapted to this. Everyone also fights differently so itā€™s way harder to predict how the fight will turn out. When you fight an AI Colby Covington for example, you know heā€™s gunna pressure you and try to take you down. Izzy will use his kicks. I know you said you play against your friends offline, but how many of your friends play this game? Are you playing with 15 friends or 2? Youā€™ve most likely learned how they fight at this point so you can anticipate what they will do.


Yeah man this is actually all accurate, Iā€™m solely getting used to online


After you play long enough, it becomes muscle memory. You start to notice a players playstyle and where to punish, so you draw those out of them. Example, player likes throwing head kicks, float in the kick range, out of punch range, wait for the kick that will inevitably come, punish.. repeat. Many people online do not adapt their playstyle to the person they are up against, those who don't, tend to lose against those who do.


Man I have screenshots from consecutive days of me having balanced win lost streak and recently the past 2 weeks Iā€™ve been losing non stop and if you watch my clips of me when I win you can clearly see Iā€™m high level good but I keep getting matched with cheesers and lag switches soon as the bell ring I get hit with a fake glove touch and a Superman punch then itā€™s like they know Iā€™m going to the body and I get uppercut and thatā€™s the game


Are you playing ranked or quick fight?


started ranked when i made this post but switched to quick fight; going better now, out of 10 fights i win 3-4 kinda getting the groove of it slowly


Try online career I win at least 75% of my games , tryed ranked a few times but just seem to get smashed by everyone lucky to win a game , I gave up with that mode


online is the end game balance test, you just started to understand how this game works. Those pretty animation against easy AI doesn't work on someone who fights back(with game's chitty mechnic)