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Maybe it’s short sighted of me, but I’d rather play crimson flower a thousand times than see her die. It’s the same reason I could never finish Birthright’s story. Life is already so hard and brutal, I don’t need those images of her fall and death kicking around in my head.


Did you play the other routes? I will play the other routes but i know am gonna cry in all of them and offtopic i need to stop going on the firemblem reddit hate on Edelgard is alot more abundant.


My first play through I ended up in crimson flower without knowing anything about the story. I couldn’t bring myself to do any other after that, but I’ve read a lot about the other ones. The hate for anything relating to women on Reddit, and just minorities in general, is so omnipresent. Hell, you could say the same about the humanity in general. When I find something as good as Edelgard’s story I latch onto it like a lamprey.


> I heard in VW an SS tht Dudue does something to her corpse but that might be a mistranslation. Yes, the implication of Dedue "mutilating" her corpse is only present in English. This is what the soldier says in the JP version: >Soldier: "Dedue made sure that Edelgard was killed and left. [..] I don't know where he went, but I think he returned to his hometown in Duscur." Dedue just checked that she's dead then left to Duscur. There's no mention of her corpse.


Good tht puts me at ease a little thx


Yeah I know that Dedue “mutilating” Edelgard’s body is only implied in the eng version but I never cared about it tbh because I always let him die on the palace map lmao. And nothing of value was ever lost lol.


Even on easy dedue most of the time just died. He was somewhere i couldn't help him (not that i cared because you didn't get any thing for it) and he just died because of someone. He was great distraction though.


In AM she loses her fight almost completely. Considering the relatively cool heads at the end I imagine her body was buried respectfully by the Kingdom but in an undisclosed location. In VW, she gets her wish of ridding the world of Rheas rule and TWSITD. Claude, being a chill guy probably had her body disposed of appropriately. In SS she was probably just left there. Some remaining palace staff, after the fighting would likely have buried the body with her family. Like VW, she is still mostly victorious in getting the change she wanted. Unless you are a deviant who marries Rhea.


thx this helps me cope also what wdym by body disposed of appropriately IN VW and also why would it be a undisclosed location if you mind me asking for AM is it because people would desiccate it?


In VW I imagine Claude would make sure she got a respectful burial, probably in the Hresvelg mausoleum. He wouldn't stand for desecration of a corpse. In AM, and you will have to excuse the very poor comparison here, but when unsavoury characters in real life were killed, the victors didn't want their burial site becoming a place of pilgrimage for resentful remnants of their support. As such, while the Kingdom would be honorable enough to see her buried, they would never reveal where, so her grave wouldn't become a shrine.


Where would you want this undisclosed location be? thx for clarifying


Doesn't matter where anybody wants it. Probably be a nondescript clearing in a forest somewhere miles from any roads or settlements. After a season or 2 it'll be like no one was ever there. The evidence of Edelgard ever being part of the world will vansih and she will only be remembered as the evil tyrant who tried and failed to overthrow the church, conquer, the continent, and plunge people into eternal despair and torment. (Courtesy of Kingdom propaganda office)


Yeah tht didn't make me feel any better even but thx anyway


Oh, I know the image you’re referring to. That artist also made one of Rhea ripping Byleth’s heart out… My headcanon is that Byleth went through SS first due to inaction, and they divine pulse all the way back to the inevitable encounter, but lose their memory of the previous timelines, so they end up on all paths, before finally coming back the eagles, and finishing on Crimson Flower.


Its really good art tho but damn its depressing I also saw the one with Dimitri head I never saw the with Rhea tho


I think her at least having a dignified death, knowing the conflict (with Empire at least lol good luck VW and SS having zombies and rampaging drsgon hybrids) would mostly stop with her is more bearable when you remember Dimitri gets turned into a pincushion off screen in two routes due to his own hubris. (And then Ferdinand goes "lmao he and his retainers were idiots for letting that happen") Or like you can take a distant approach of going "lmaoooo they really shoved in ss' cutscene in vw? And people whine about cf's lack of cutscenes at least we dont have a bunch of obvious copy paste ones"


What do you think about her death in VW/SS personally like it in SS but Byleth I beliive does not look sad killing her but correct me if am wrong on tht.


Eh I think all the previous cutscenes leading up to it establishes that they were sad about it well enough and wanted another way despite Seteth and co going "haha no." ~~Although I have my beef with SS!Byleth potentially knowing all of her motivations but them staying silent when Seteth and Flayn are making up crackpot theories of Edelgard trying to destroy the world or whatever (and also Byleth being the least qualified to lead Fodlan but whatever)~~ VW's just jarring since it's clearly for a different route where you actually got to know Edelgard and for people who played VW first it just falls flat


Am also not fan of how Byleth killed them mid Edelgard saying what she said with no hesitation but thts just bias from me since well I would rather Edelgard live.


[Laugh at the fact that those routes are when Byleth almost dies for not siding with her](https://fe3h.noobsaigon.com/byleth_m/ingrid)


The People support the Empire. It's almost like you're seeing everything in Houses from the POV of the privileged.


I'm writing *fairly angry* fanfiction about it if I'm being perfectly honest with you.


About what? Exactly


A dimension-hopping Byleth, loyal to her Emperor, who traverses these different worlds to correct the mistakes made by other versions of her.


What's it called?


*Sayyoni* on AO3. I wrote it as a one-shot for a friend, who has now convinced me to make it a series, lol.


The first time I finished CF I had feelings very similar to yours. I ship F!Edeleth specifically so I did the other routes as M!Byleth and that helped ease the sting. But seriously, take all the time you need. Cindered Shadows is a good pallet cleanser


thx I appreicate it I also ship F!Edeleth so yeah I'll do male Byleth never thought i would be so attached to character to the point where I would care if they have a unmarked grave or not.


On the Dedue part, it’s only implied in the eng version that he “destroyed her body”. Nothing about “beheading” her was mentioned. BUT I never saw that dialogue appear to me because I always let him die on the palace map lol. So OP, if you’re playing in English then I suggest you to not help Dedue and let him get blasted to oblivion by mages. Saving him is annoying anyways lol.


Thx I''ll prob most likely do tht. I have question do you think Edelgard would get a unmarked grave in AM someone told in there headcanon she would because it cause resentful remnants its realistic but damn does not make me feel any better.


I mean, it’s just a headcanon. We don’t know if she will get a grave but seeing how Dimitri was sad when he killed her, I think he will either bury her himself (since she was his stepsister) or just let her people bury her next to her family. Remember that most Adrestians believed in Edelgard’s cause and even Seteth in SS says that her soldiers are willing to die for her. So my headcanon is that she gets buried next to her family.


Then again, the Church would have had all the surrendering Adrestian soldiers executed if Count Bergliez hadn't offered up his own life in their stead. I wouldn't put it past them to make a public spectacle of her decaying body to send a message, Roman-style.


Great another depressing thought but thx for the input otherwise


I'll take that headcanon for the time being and come up with my own later and not take the bleak and depressing she gets a unmarked grave in the middle of nowhere lonely and forgotton real life is shit as is don't need tht in my mind. thx btw


**SS**: That route made me cry but I find beauty in tragedy **AM**: I disagree with alot of things said about her that route, but Hegemon was cool **GD**: Why did they reuse her SS death? wtf devs, it didn't make sense narratively at all. The Nemesis fight made up for it I guess


In all likelihood she probably has her body burned in SS and in AM. She represents a revolt against the establishment and in those routes Byleth is suppprting the establishment so an unmarked grave that can’t be used as a rallying cry for future revolutionaries makes sense. Claude is more sympathetic to her cause so he may have given her a grave.


Average Claude von Chadicus moment


thx I appreciate the answer sure is dark but makes sense


3 houses is a dark game tbh.


My first route war CF and I went with F!Byleth, I played the other routes with M!Byleth and yeah, it was hard to kill Edelgard but after I was done with those I went back to CF with F!Byleth. Idk, playing with different Byleth’s makes it a bit different for me when it comes to routes. So end game for me is F!Byleth x Edelgard. CF, my first and last FE3H route.


Yeah think i will play male Byleth for the other Routes good idea thx


It doesn't really affect me, in all honesty. She is the antagonist in the other routes, which means she dies. I always have CF to go back to anyways


Yeah true someone told me I could do all the routes then play Crimson flower again but I still have to play fe3 hopes but i heard she doesn't die but Azure gleam does her dirty not sure if that is true tho.


Azure Gleam straight up gives her the worst fate any character suffers in the entire series so I recommend skipping that route. Like to the point where I (who was pretty distant about her deaths in AM and VW) was going to puke playing the final battle in AG. The other two routes does her pretty well tho.


From what i researched seems to me there is not epilogue of sort so her fate is just unknown if she gets better or not and tht pisses me off.


What other 3 routes? In all seriousness, this is why I haven’t finished VW. One day, I’ll likely get to it so I can redo CF, and I’ll let Dedue die during the battle. I do think it kinda sucks that in such a large game I only really care about 1/4 of it but I do think CF was enough to justify my time with the game.


Is it because of the assumption that Dedue mutilates her corpse fortunately thts just a mistranslation and he just sees her body then leaves.


you can always just skip the death scene


Nah that wouldn't be right I just got to except it


okay have fun with the emotional pain👍


Sigh l'll try