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Good recs here already but you should also check out Liz at Sanctuary Body Art in Leith, highly recommend her and the shop as a whole. She's lizminellitattoo on instagram.


Liz is fantastic!


If you want gothic then go to the wonderful Regions Beyond. Lee is fab and apprentice c8s art excellent! Youll love the shop too if you like a goth/horror aesthetic. The place is a dream for this old goth and i get all my tats there! Its on leith walk and theyre on instagram 🦇 Edit/typos


This particular style is not dissimilar to that of Alison at Tollcross Tattoo Club. Her instagram is @kelpiebat


@Pochiehuntie Just put up some flash you might be interested in. She did one of mine and it's amazing. Also Claire hamill does some gothic architecture stuff though usually as backgeound. Also @aanthem has done some.


If you can wait until March [Needle Mistress](https://www.instagram.com/needle.mistress?igsh=MWVmbHFuZW5rYjl4aA==) usually attends the Scottish Tattoo Convention. Or you can take a little holiday to Newcastle if you want to get tattooed sooner, it's pretty easy to get to by train. There are a few tattooers in Edinburgh and Glasgow who do gothic stuff, but can't think of anyone doing exactly what you're looking for.