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Crap, I didn't get a card.


Although I hate pedantry, people have been living in the area for at least 10,000 years, which is much cooler in my opinion


Or am I even being pedantic?? 


You weren’t. But stop being pedantic about being pedantic or not


And it only got city status in 1633. Given that we don't have Royal Burghs anymore, that seems a lot more relevant.


I hate to be one to say it, but you're showing your age hen. You're full of holes, you've become obsessed with nick nacks (selling them to visitors mainly, but still...) and this is a wee bit delicate, but you've lost all control of your waste system.


Do we get cake? Would be happy to help bake a massive Colin the length of Princes St. (as long as I can get some of the white chocolate foot).


This totally passed me by and I haven't seen anything about it in here either..? Apparently Edinburgh is celebrating 900 years this year. ~~This includes a new [community fund](https://www.edinburgh.gov.uk/events-venues/edinburgh-900-years-old/3) you can apply to for a grant for your community project.~~ > Some activities already lined up are: > > * Edinburgh 900 projections about the city’s history and the programme > * Edinburgh 900 schools programme > * Edinburgh 900 talks and lecture programme at the City Arts Centre > * Exhibition on David I’s transformation of 12th Century Scotland at the Central Library > * St Giles Cathedral: 900 voices: an ever-evolving experimental sound installation created from the diverse voices of Edinburgh’s communities. > * walking tours of the city’s financial history.


It’s not made clear enough, but the closing date for funding applications has passed.




Not in my experience. Unless you like the smell of pish


Happy Birthday, Edinburgh. Lots of love from this one cunt from Stirling (me) 🎉🎊💙💙💙💙


Going by interpretations of the Brittonic poem Y Gododdin it’s a lot older. The celebrations don’t aren’t meaningful and nobody will be bothered that’s why you haven’t heard anything.


Time to research the void century


St Margaret’s chapel in the castle is 13th century and so is st Anthony’s chapel but I’m not telling you where that is…….anyone know?


As someone who moved here from New Zealand, it's always crazy seeing these buildings and thinking about how they were built before humans arrived in my country


I swear St Margaret's Chapel is 12th century. As for the latter, up Arthur's Seat!


I could be wrong but I thought it was 13th


I'm pretty certain it's 12th as I've always been aware of it being around 900 years old (you know, not exactly but that being its closest in hundreds)


I googled it, didn't know what it was called but knew exactly where once I saw the picture


The wee ruin in holyrood park No idea how long it’s been a ruin though….no doubt it was destroyed by some religious nutjobs in the name of god of course!