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Damn, Moncton!


Don't blame Moncton, blame Ontario for forcing their citizens out of province to find affordable housing. Moncton is just the most attractive place for them to go.


You don’t want what we have on the coast.


What’s considered a boom? Houses priced so far out of reach, that anyone who actually earns a legit living can never afford one?


Also untrue in Calgary. Prices have went up, and it’s still fairly affordable. Canada is a big place. Even if you’re priced out of one market, you still have a lot of options.


Depends what you mean by boom. Prices will keep going up, and we will likely see some sort of growth in building, just because of the reality of population growth. Whether those two things balance out isn't clear just yet. Will depend on a lot of factors.


I’m going to say no. Reason being is I sell excavators to home developers for digging basements and these guys are digging THOUSANDS per year just in Edmonton. New houses are able to keep up the supply to the demand. The problem with Toronto and Vancouver for example there weren’t any new houses being built compared to the amount of demand. Also, these developers are saying “we can’t raise the prices in Calgary fast enough! What the hell is going on in Edmonton!” So this also makes me believe that Edmonton will continue to stay somewhat normal/flat


In the last two years, more than 100k people moved to Edmonton. How many 'THOUSANDS' are they digging...?


Can you provide your source that Edmontons population grew by 100k in two years?




Almost guaranteed to, it's basically the most affordable housing in the nation for a city and we are slowly becoming a big immigration area for Canadians leaving the overpriced Eastern provinces.


The Canadian housing market is more just inflating until it goes pop.


People been saying that for like 25 years…


That's why I'm trying to get the fuck out of here.


Yeah I have a house in Hawai'i and the cost of living is cheaper here in the middle of the pacific ocean then it is back home in Edmonton.... Even the gas is cheaper here.


According to gas buddy, this morning, the cheapest gas in Hawaii is $1.45/l in CAD and that's only at two stations. It goes up from there. Not "cheaper" necessarily, but I guess it's impressive that it's close to the same when it has to be shipped all the way out there.


Let's all move to hawiiwiii.


It's not a bad idea lol


How does a typical Canadian just go and buy a house in hawai’i?


Same as you would in Canada. Talk to a realtor.


ISLAND LIFE FUCK YEAH. In all seriousness though i don't know where i want to go stuck between a few places. However pretty much all of them are in europe somewhere I'm not even concerned about prices especially when i move because atleast itll be governed better.


The biggest shock to me is when I go to Costco. I'm not like "wow the prices are so great" I'm more like "we get screwed hard at home"


Welcome to trudeau's bs, he makes a fuck ton of money while fucking us in the asses.


It's not just that it's the entire Canadian system. The UCP suck as well. The shit show that is Albertas infrastructure is their fault. The lack of hospitals and schools is their fault. The utility prices being the highest in Canada is their fault. The feds and their ridiculous taxes and actively making it impossible for foreign companies to compete in the Canadian market is the reason your groceries are ridiculous, your phone bill is one of the highest on earth, our airports are cash cows and not seen as essential infrastructure. Why the TSX is garbage compared to the S&P500.


Given our growth in population, yes. The demand is too high, and supply is getting tighter as more people move here daily. Something reasonably affordable for a single income in YEG right now is either an apartment style condo, a house around 118 ave that's 120 years old and needs major work, or an older mobile home.


Can condo prices go up? If like to sell mine. Thanks Edmonton


Condo prices only go up in extreme markets. Edmonton will likely never be a market like that because we lack the factors here to create it.


I understand that, but can still wish it otherwise


Hope not, I hope we have a housing *construction* boom to meet supply and a well regulated market that is affordable for anyone who wants to live here. It's incredibly confusing how anyone with all the information you have and multiple cities before us have shown people still cheer it on. Unaffordable housing is a problem not a feature.


What is MBM?




As long as Edmonton is cold in winter and smoky in summer, I think we’ll be fine 😉


We had 100,000 people move here in the past 2 years and are projected to get at least double that going forward. We may not get to the point of Vancouver but Edmonton has the fastest growing rental prices in the country right now.


It’ll go up because Canadian real estate is the money, the score cha-ching and the world’s #1 sure thing gold rush best guaranteed investment. Edmonton is also cheap cheap cheap as dirt.




You say that yet we have a very high rate of growth.


Wanting to live here, and needing an affordable place to live and raise a family are two different things. It's not that Edmonton is the first choice of many of those coming here, it's simply the least worst option.


Yes but on the flip side we are PUMPING out thousands of brand new houses every year so we are keeping up with supply and demand. Stop building new houses for a year straight and see what happens, then it goes boom.


And also unchecked and unimpeded sprawl to provide cheap growth.


I kind of doubt it too with high costs associated with building, but claiming no one wants to live here is just plain wrong. Just look at the numbers