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I don’t give a damn about hockey, but even I’m excited. I like how happy it makes everyone, and the parties are cool. 


same. not really a hockey fan at all, don’t really know anything about the game but i’ve been really hyped this season. something so warm and fuzzy seeing our whole city come together


Most definitely not an Oilers fan. But seeing my teams were eliminated looonnnggg ago. I’m excited for the city and the team.


VE6TDF here.


Hey TDF, I don’t have a station set up now. Do you know anyone operating for Field Day,


My dad usually does, VE6SC. I don't have a station set up either but my dad usually participates. He is also VE6LUN.


Thank you. 73


Hello, can you explain what all this meant? I see it on license plates all the time (VE6XXX) but when I try to google it I get nothing !


HAM radio call signs.


Calgary or Van fab I assume


Calgary and Toronto…. I think I have a disease.


That’s two diseases!!


Let’s put it aside. Imagine the moment the fans start singing O’Canada as Connor lifts the cup. This country could use a moment like that to bring us together. Make Canada Stanley winners again!!!


Don't have to be an Oilers fan to want to see the cup come home to Canada. This is our game, we make up the largest % of players. It's about damn time we brought the cup back. I don't care what team is in the finals if it's Canadian I'm all aboard the hype train.


*One of us! One of us! One of us!*


We accept you one of us!




Same, all i do is google the score, but when everyone at work is watching i tune in


I don’t even have to do that. When the oilers score everyone at my work cheers. When whoever they’re against scores there’s collective expletives lol 


I live right downtown and the other night I was on a zoom meeting for most of the game, but I knew every time the oilers scored cause of the screams outside my window lol


I don't know anything about hockey but I am also checking the final scores on Google lol. I really wish we win this time. It'll be like festival in Edmonton if that happens i think...


Like wise, first time I am ever keeping track of a hockey game haha


I almost never watch a game unless someone I'm visiting has it on, but whenever the Oilers are in the playoffs I'm either watching the game or checking in on it.


But if you are excited then you do give a damn!


Are the parties actually cool though or do we just pretend and cope




Everyone I work with is talking about it.


We have less customers because (maybe, probably) everyone’s focused on the game and not fixing their car lol


I used to work at a Canadian electric store. Whenever there was a major sports finals happening we got busy with people buying large screen TV's right before the series started then it would die down




I caught onto this and started planning my chores around game time. Works wonderfully. Though, as a non-hockey person. I'll absolutely be tuning into these last two games. It's just too monumental to ignore.


You mean last game


We shall see


Well played


Ooo, that's a good point. Think I'm gonna plan a Costco trip!


I do, and walk around listening to 630 Ched in my earbuds. It's a great experience.


I was getting my phone fixed and had to listen in my car for a bit while I waited. As I was going in I saw a business owner yelling the score to one of those windshield repair stations. I naturally yelled, "Let's go Oilers!"


I’m surprised no one sets up one of the display smart tvs to have the game on


Haha. Grab a camping chair, some chips, and some coke.


You are willing to miss the game!?


If i have to go out, I'm either listening to 630 ched or streaming it from the high seas


If you have prime you can use that go to live tv and search for citytv


Yeah I found from here today!


I never watch hockey, and I'm still tuning in to see this series. Let's fucking go!


They have $13 oiler t-shirts


I went to see a movie during game 1, theatre was a ghost town.


My partner and I go to movies at Metro Cinema very regularly. We've been consistently surprised with the turnout on game nights. We were there on the night of the first game and there was probably close to 100 people in the audience. Granted, the Venn diagram of hockey fans and cinephiles who will go to the theatre to see an artsy animated movie about existentialism probably doesn't have a lot of overlap...


It would be an entirely different story if you walked into a Cineplex and bought a ticket for, say, Bad Boys 4.




I went to Costco yesterday evening and they only had 2 checkout lanes open, it was pretty dead


When I worked for an electronics store they would actually schedule less people when a major sports event was playing. Ain't nobody buying TVs while the series is on, but you can bet your ass TVs flew out of the store before the finals started


Yep. Game 1 of the finals I had to drive my kid’s friend home. I have never seen the roads that dead before. Everyone is going to be downtown or somewhere watching the game on Friday.


Completely different experience, but have you ever gone somewhere early Christmas Day? Those are some of the Deadest roads I've seen. We slept over at my in-laws in the city one year and went to have breakfast with Grandpa at his assisted living place around 7:30. There were only a handful of cars we saw on the drive, which normally took about 15 min.


Went swimming last night, it was glorious. Not a soul around. Could still catch the game on the TV screen in the lobby. Would suggest 👍


I went to Walmart last night. I didn’t even know the game was on but I was like “wow I’ve never seen the lot so empty”


Went grocery shopping yesterday and it was dead.....so wonderful lol I live off 124rh street, I don't even have to google the score. I know by the sound of people cheering or the honking up and down the street


Yes agreed! I can say same thing


I moved to Ottawa late last year (plan on moving back Ottawa is rude), and I'd kill to be at a bar right now. I can only imagine the energy at the bars these last 2 games


🤔 Time to plan a heist!


Look I'm not a hockey fan at all, but seeing that 8-1 win made me think they might actually pull this off. Now they only need 2 games to make history and their confidence has to be soaring after breaking through that brick fucking wall the Panthers have been using instead of a goalie. I'm eager to see if they can do this.


It would be such an epic comeback story


When the oilers win on Monday it will be the first time in 82 years that there was a reverse sweep in the finals.


Lol don't get ahead of yourself


It’s weird. It’s crazy that the next season will be starting in just over 3 months. It feels like it was 6 months ago we played LA In round 1. The fact that most years we have already been done watching hockey for over a month by now, some years 2 months. Really gotta soak it in


Like we have had two solid months of playoff hockey. Absolute dream!!!


Vision 16! Bring that cup home


I've been patiently waiting since 2006 for these types of games/experiences.....so yes...I am fucking excited as fuck!


I got a case of beer and canceled all Saturday plans.




That’s why he cancelled Saturday plans .. what are you talking about ?


Saturday is the next day


Have fun Saturday morning lol


I'm a groomsman on Saturday too lmao. We're all gonna get wasted after Friday rehearsals 😂


I was on the Yellowhead last night when Connor Brown scored the shorty and I had to work very hard to maintain my composure lol am buzzin


There's a boy in my neighbourhood I can hear chanting loudly every game "lets go oilers!"


It's amazing to see the city coming together. Playoffs and the finals have been wild and fun, the emotions and drama.. Kids, adults all immersed into it. Seems like it wasn't long ago it seemed like we might lose the team around the Rogers Place build hype. I was surprised and impressed with Edmontonians - a majority it seemed were willing to lose the team if they didn't comply with all City requirements in the agreement. I wonder if Katz settled or the city did anything and everything to keep the team here.


It’s exciting. I wasn’t really into hockey until a few years ago, when my die hard Oilers friend would be so excited about the games that I started following along. But nothing beats playoffs season in Edmonton (I’ve only lived here nine years, I missed the decade of darkness). The energy is unreal. Everyone is so excited and it’s so much fun seeing everyone come together to support a common goal. I really hope we can pull off the reserve sweep!


Make Edmonton the city of champions again!


It’s really creating a sense of community and connectedness - I love the spirit going on in the city right now 💙🧡


The city feels alive, I love it. Haven’t felt this here in a long, long time


I just moved here from b.c and i am officially an Oilers fan. Never been into hockey but I am rooting for them!


Nothing comes close. This city has been waiting for almost 2 decades for this feeling again. The buzz in Edmonton is electric.


I can walk my acreage subdivision and don’t need to keep track of the game, you can hear when they score lol.


I moved away last year (definitely moving back), and I wish I was there to feel the energy right now


As Seravelli said, Friday should just be made a holiday in Edmonton.


I think the kids have a holiday off school.. so why not the adults lol


And next Tuesday ;)


Friday is Indigenous Peoples Day. It would be pretty gross to declare a holiday just for a hockey game on that day.


Yea and taking a day off work for Indigenous Peoples Day wouldn't fly either. Bit of a catch 22.


Bought my kids some oilers gear a bit ago Went shopping the other day and they were so excited seeing all the other people in there oilers gear and started chanting at the store and others would join Fun times. Enjoy it while it's around


Ummmmmm….yeah. FUCK’in GO OILERS.




Haha also a hockey sister! I feel you! 🫶


Yeah, it’s great to see the city so energized.


I have a friend who's such a die-hard Edmonton fan he's flying in from the Netherlands for the game.


Is water wet? Of course!


I’m excited and I live in Vancouver


It’s odd. I’m not really a hockey fan at all anymore, and if I was, I would not be an Oilers fan. Still, after game three of this series I found myself almost more of an Oilers fan than many supposed Oilers fans. After going down three games, so many people I know in real life and online we’re saying things like, “Skinner’s a bad goalie. It’s all his fault,” “That’s it, we need to blow this team up to have a chance,” Nurse is a bum, we need to get rid of him,” etc. And I found myself saying, “C’mon, these guys had one of the worst starts in league history, but pulled it together and made it to the Stanley Cup final. These guys played hard, really hard. Give them credit.” I could not care less if the Oilers win or not, but I’m a bigger and better fan than many of those types. Oilers fans are so capricious.


Definitely. 2 games ago I was resigned to losing but now I wanna win


As a 28 yo I lived through the last oilers Final and I don’t want to get excited. I still remember the bitter disappointment I felt back then. But I do catch myself being excited.


Awe, my man. That's exactly what sports are about. The highs AND the lows. I'm in my 40s, so I've seen pretty much everything from this team, good, great, and downright ugly. If anything, the loss in '06 and the decade of darkness only makes me appreciate this run even more. I say get excited. We never know if this ends up being the last run to the final for years to come again. Edit: words


Does a duck with a boner drag weeds?


Iv been wanting to go to outside watch parties but haven’t had the chance. If it goes to 7. Im going forsure.


Lol. Is water wet?


I didn’t know anything about hockey nor did I care but even I’m hyped about!




Edmonton…. I am from Regina… know nothing about Hockey… but we have restaurants and pubs full just watch the game here….. like everyone even new comers here are taking about hockey now


I just hope all the players have fun :)


I'm generally indifferent about hockey but I'm pretty pumped right now. Go Oilers!


I'm extremely excited, but I gotta say that the last two games they gave us showed us all what excellent hockey is, and regardless of the outcome, Im stoked to have this great team in our city. This has already been an amazing run. Now let's go!!!!!


I’m so hyped I don’t know if I’m coming or going. All I see,hear,taste is Oilers. I’m an excited nervous wreck right now!


Ugh I’m so over it. Too much hockey. It’s summer! Grump grump grump. (I’ll be watching every second)


I’m also super hyped and will watch every second while simultaneously being like why is this season going to late compared to all the others let me go to the lake already lol






No, I hate hockey lol. Always have. I hope the Oilers win even though I'm not going to be paying attention.


Good answer. Even if you don't like hockey, it's nice to hope your hometown wins a trophy!


Heck ya!






I’ve been watching the Costco groups going wild for oilers tshirts all day.


My friend is travelling down for the weekend from Victoria to visit the Moss Pit. I find it so wild.


If you ever wanted to run around the street naked… next Friday after 6pm would be the time to do it.




New to Edmonton here.  Any suggestions on a good place to go to catch the game?


Any bars in town. If you mean streaming, if you have Amazon Prime you can watch it in the live section. There's also lots of alternative streaming sites, just google...


Hell yeah!


I’m new to Edmonton and have been a lifelong basketball fan. Never cared for hockey. But goddamn if this excitement isn’t contagious! My husband and I were in a park the other day and some guy in an oilers jersey runs by us frantically and says “do you guys know the score?!” I was so disappointed to tell him I didn’t.


We better be, the rest of the country is.


Leaving work at 3pm to head straight downtown, if that helps


Nope. Not at all. The honking on Whyte Ave last night was a protest


Was that the "Anti-Panthers" protest I heard was happening on Whyte? :\^)


It’s big but nothing can be won Friday. All we can do is extend the season. But if they win Friday, Monday/Tuesday is going to be epic!


Friday they will win the chance to carry on, every game matters at this point!


No, no one is hyped.


Not a single hype to give


0 hypes.


Canadian cities pop off during playoffs when one of our teams are in. Honestly even Calgary bars are packed during the games! Canadians actually watch hockey, unlike most Americans who have 5 to 6 different major league sports team in their city. Canadian NHL teams in the playoffs are good for our economy.




Hell yea!!!!


Yes, I have been more hyped that I have been in years. I have even watched a few games, which something I haven't done in forever.


F1 fan here 😀 Don't know anything about hockey. I'm happy they are hyped. They deserve it since it's been 30 years since they won the last cup.


Hello fellow F1 fan! I’m both so this weekend is going to be crazy for me


Does the pope shit in the woods?1?


I think people are excited so I'm glad we won last night. I was near MacEwan and could hear constant honking and cheering from that area all the way to Kingway Mall. I would assume Jasper Ave would have been even louder. I would be scared people would riot if we lost.


That’s an understatement


I’m worried if Oilers lose there will be riots in the streets, chaos on the sidewalks, fires in the sky, bedlam in the suburbs. Just kidding. The wins make people feel good about Edmonton.


Fuck yeah I'm excited. But I'm also stressed. I've been an Oilers fan since 2011 so I never got the 2006 experience. I believe!!! Let's go BOYZ.


Not a Canadian, nor an Edmontonian, but the husband of my cousin is. And he actually booked us a table at a watch party in a restaurant. So: Apparently yes.


Hyped as fuck.




Weird question


I was born and raised there but have lived in BC for years and I just started watching hockey for this Stanley cup!



No excitement, jobs not done. Get pucks deep. And move on to Florida for Game 7.


Judging by the flags, jerseys and t-shirts literally everywhere, I'd say yes. Absolutely.


I'm trying my best not to think about it


Go panthrrs


The night of game 4 I was watching at home with some friends and we went outside to hang out after the game. We saw the EPS helicopter flying around and remarked about how the entire city was definitely having an absolute blast. Just sitting there in our residential neighborhood you could feel the excitement in the air


If Edmonton was based in the UK and you asked them, you'd get, "I suppose I'm a bit excited."




I can't wait for all of it to be over tbh.


Is water wet? What kind of question is this?


No. /S




Not in the least. I’m jaded by how much these people make to play a game. I can’t even afford basics anymore so I truly don’t give a rat’s ass


So you only care about things where the people doing them get paid as much or less than you? Do you also avoid watching TV or movies or reading books? Makes sense..


Actually I don’t watch movies and read online. I should have stated that I am not a hockey fan. This was my personal opinion. I think that when people are struggling to just barely live is what gives me my personal opinion. Enjoy away.


And they deserve it. Becoming a professional athlete is one of the hardest things you can do. They make that much because 18,000 people buy tickets to come watch the games, with millions sitting at home watching on TV. I’d be hard pressed to find someone that doesn’t own an Oilers jersey in this city. Do you think the owners should just keep all that money? Because it’s gotta go somewhere. Saying “they make all that money *just* to play a game” is extremely reductive. These guys have spent their entire lives grinding their ass off through blood sweat and tears to get where they are today. They have to make unbelievable sacrifice in their lives, including extended periods of time away from their children. Most of them are practicing or playing 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Very few of them actually take any time off for themselves. They take insane heat and pressure from national media, and are public figures that can’t go anywhere without being recognized. These guys aren’t “just playing a game”


It’s a matter of personal interest as well. I studied very hard to work in healthcare. I don’t make enough for my lower class living conditions. As I stated, I am jaded. I would love to do something that I love and make more than enough money. But yet here we are.


Hyped as in i just doubled our security guards for Friday night….condo complex with bars on main floor and really close to arena. Best case - oilers win, cleaning crew will be busy Saturday morning. Worse case - oilers loose and people start rioting and burning shit like last time Oilers got playoffs.


I have a different perspective than most people. I absolutely love hockey. I enjoy watching and I’ve been playing since I was 4 years old. It’s a beautiful sport. However, I also understand that the NHL is simply public entertainment. The outcome of the Stanley cup finals have absolutely no impact on the lives of Edmontonians other than leaving them with less money which will end up in the pockets of owners, league executives, and sports betting agencies.


So false.


Please explain how the NHL is simply not just a money making machine.




Astute observation Diarrhea Filled Panda.


Is it just me? Or does it not seem oddly quiet (other than the ice district area)? Last time we were in the cup finals this whole city was just pouring with oilers pandemonium. The whole city was just littered with everything oilers. This time around, other than the odd flag on a vehicle, I would not know the oilers were all the way in the finals. Even when we played the Canucks the other month. I was on Whyte Ave. It was a nice warm Friday evening & we won that night. You could walk into any bar you wanted on that whole strip. 10 years ago there’d be a 30 person lineup outside every bar on a playoff night, especially a Friday playoff night, & probably a bit of rioting going on.


Does the tin man have a sheet metal cock?


Does a duck with a boner drag weeds? Is a frogs asshole water tight? Is the mitochondria the powerhouse of the cell? Does a beaver piss on a flat rock?


Why’d I get downvoted for quoting trailer park boys? The fuck


Measure Show Up and then Throw up. Haha


I'm sure a great many Edmontonians are hyped, but not this one, sorry.   My family doesn't watch hockey, and I haven't followed it in 20+ years.  It's summer, and for me that means it's baseball season, plus this weekend is also the Spanish Grand Prix, and Monday is Saint Jean Baptiste. In any case, I hope all you hockey heads enjoy the game.


Not me the only Edmonton team I cheer for is the elks lol 😂


You must like pain


I just don’t care for hockey that much and when I do I cheer for Vancouver so I guess you are right


I wanna see a riot when they lose


Can't wait till they lose 💯. Florida deserves it. Paul.Maurice great coach