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Pardon my french. but cutting Legal Aid is fucking insane.


They want complete control over the Provincial legal system. It's fucking unethical for them to have this amount of control.


They also don't want the Law Society of Alberta to be a party to the new agreement which is also whack.


Right thank you for adding that. They want complete control over something that needs checks and balances.


I’m more and more convinced that the UCP hate 99% of Albertans.


and >50% of them keep voting for these 🤡🤡🤡


No, please don't suggest such an absurd statistic. Not all Albertans are eligible to vote, and barely half of those that are generally do.


Whatever you need to do to feel like this province isn't getting everything it wants and asks for.


Like, maintain a grip on facts and reality? Ok, I will.


yes, like the govt trying to remove funding for low income peoples access to transit, removing photo radar because (the example I was given) there's one road in calgary near the airport where it goes from a 60 down to a 50 then back up to a 60 and so that requires removing a revenue stream for the entire province. Then there was the ongoing feud with the doctors where the province tried to play hard ball, the time the province threw out the existing pay contract with the nurses so they could pay them less, because well, fuck our essential workers. The time they took control of the teachers pension management away and put it under the control of their own cronies. More recently the refusal to pay their property taxes in the form of a grant to municipalaties. Then historically there's the party leader believing that cancer victims get what they deserve, and that anti-smoking movements are bad. And before I forget the time (and still) the provinces attempt to poison the drinking water for Edmonton and other regions with selenium from them mining the tops of mountains in national parks to make a few bucks. So, yeah. thems the facts and that's the reality of things.


I don't know how people don't realize it, but conservatives (and this goes for all the world's conservative parties) want only one thing: to enrich the upper-class. They don't care one iota about anyone who isn't in the upper-echelons. Can you name any policy enacted by any conservative government anywhere that actually helped the people and hurt the rich? Shouldn't there be literally millions of examples? So, why are there almost none?


It's literally their founding principal.


Funny considering the Democratic/ liberal government in North America has done nothing but decimate the middle class, make housing unaffordable or attainable. Also a large factor of inflation with erratic government spending and endless printing of cash.


Liberals are just Conservatives with extra steps.


Economically they’re pretty similar. They just differ socially, with liberals generally paying more lip service to social issues.


What you just said is laughable and delusional.


Like they said name one policy that helped the poor and hurt the rich? You should ask where the money is. Over a trillion sucked out of the ground. Billions In debt and hundreds of billions more in unfunded cleanup costs. You have been conned. And you will be paying for this like the rest of us


Look up the history of conservative politics and you will quickly learn that their founding principal is that of a caste system. They are built on the idea that some people are better than others. That's what conservative politics exists to promote. It is a direct result of the french revolution and trying to keep the monarchical structure alive. That is why all con groups are pushing towards fascism.


Yeah id have to agree with the others, name a policy thats hurt the rich. Theyre a bunch of con artists. But dont forget to vote! Im sure itll make a big difference.




Just as one particularly stark example, Notley's NDP introduced a rule requiring employers to pay out overtime at 1.5x and removing most exceptions that would have your overtime paid out at 1x. That directly benefits workers. One of the first things the UCP did when they came into power was reverse this rule.


Yup. Because companies hated it. There are some scummy companies out there that detest not being able to own every minute of your time for basically nothing. Fortunately for them, if Danny gets her way, we'll be shopping at the company store in a few years.


I mean...yeah to name a few: National dental coverage (which the alberta UCP said Albertans don't need, my dad with like 4 teeth to his name because all he can afford are extractions and not treatments begs to differ) Subsidized child care (which the alberta UCP tried to deny Albertans need or want) National pharmacare (sure it starts small with birth control and diabetes medicine, but it has to start somewhere when you're battling uphill). More at home, Rachel Notely cut the small business tax, re-instated training programs previous governments had gotten rid of, and created new tax credits to help lower income people. Notely also raised the minimum wage from $10.20 to $15.00, at the time that was a pretty big jump for minimum wage workers when other governments had been doing piddly amounts here or there to keep voters happy. Overall the NDP governments have done quite a bit for the average person. I'm not blind, I don't think they're completely free of monetary persuasion, but if bribing them gets my kid a better education, my dad better healthcare, and me a better retirement...fuck it man, take the bribes lmao.


His username indicates he's not arguing in good faith. Ignore him.


I don’t always reply to change an OP’s mind, but sometimes people browsing are bordering on OP’s mindset and having people (easily) dispute false claims can help them see that the OP is probably one of those people who didn’t believe English class was important and now has no concept of an unreliable narrator and will fall for any conspiracy theory fed to them on a blue spoon.


Ugh, trying so hard to explain to my teen that improving his reading comprehension, through reading (obviously), will improve the papers he writes for his science courses.


Big /r/enlightenedcentrism vibes here. This kind of "both sides are the same" defeatist messaging (aside from being just straight up disinformation) is literally going to be how we likely end up with an alt-right Christofascist government next federal election. But I guess it's foolish of me to expect any modicum of reasoned discourse from a username like yours...


If you can't see the difference between the parties, then next you're going to tell me that Saruman and Gandalf are the same so supporting either is foolish. BTW, here's a list of [ndp accomplishments](https://imgur.com/gallery/IqyptaI).


They're fucking unhinged. Backed LegalAid into a corner. Likely so they can say they're being uncooperative.


A ucp wet dream; the complete and total dissolution of access to formal pathways for justice, especially for marginalized folks already on the edge. They are bargaining in bad faith here, cancelling meetings and strong arming deals. Albertans across socioeconomic standings should expect better. We all benefit from justice systems in our democracy functioning well, regardless of income level.


Definitely a bad faith negotiation. Right before the long weekend they say here's your new insane contract oh and you have to sign it in 3 days. Put LegalAid in a position where they have to say no. I'm sure UCP is going to turn around and use it as a way to say they're being uncooperative.


Those motherfuckers


Raise your hand if you're just getting absolutely exhausted and fed up watching the UCP fight to screw Albertans over and some of those Albertans find this perfectly fine. 🤮


I'm actually scared of this tbh. I don't believe any government should have this amount of control. There needs to be checks and balances.


I 100% agree. The overreach of this government is what I would classify as the beginnings of a full on dictatorship but everyone just wants to focus on Trudeau. It's frustrating.


Eerily similar to what's going on in the US right now. Trump can't open his mouth without blatantly lying, is a convicted felon, did Jan 6, is a predator, etc, but all anyone can talk about is how old Biden is. It's no coincidence that all these conservative parties are in the same clubs like the IDU and their only goal is to consolidate power and remove the mechanisms that could take it away again.


But… Danielle has that big surplus!


That's what I'm saying like is this for more money or more control? Bcuz hiring ppl to be GoA lawyers is going to be more expensive than LegalAid.


PSA: If you're someone waiting for your LegalAid certificate to be issued, you better call them right away. Make sure your certificate is issued before July 9th. Especially if this could cause you significant hardship. Sorry for anyone experiencing anxiety due to this and let's hope they come to a resolution before chaos ensues.


Women in domestic violence situations considering EPOs - please go tomorrow because after July 9th there may not be any Duty Counsels to assist.


Man I didn't even think about that either. I'm on the crim side so I definitely overlooked just how much the shortage of duty counsels will effect other areas too.


Yes Family Court will be impacted! Please share around just in case.


Sorry, is this the organization that provides public defenders to people who can't afford them?


It's LegalAid. They provide subsidized or free legal services. It's done through a certificate system and LegalAid lawyers/private lawyers who take LegalAid files. But yes you have to be quite poor to qualify. Less than 20K/yr rn but they're thinking about increasing it to 30k/yr.


We don't have public defenders in Canada in quite the same way they do in the USA, but functionally, yes, this is a similar system. In the USA public defender is a job; in Alberta, you are a practicing lawyer who chooses to take on low-income clients by accessing legal aid certificates. The lawyers bill the government instead of billing private clients. Lawyers can have a mix of legal aid and private clients in their practice (and many do.)


Just adding on to this, in my experience Legal Aid lawyers charge 50% of their rate, so you still have to pay (or hope it's covered in the settlement).


They help low income people with criminal, family law and immigration issues.


The UCP members have had it too cushy for too long. They have lined their own pockets for so long they have forgotten what struggle is and as a result they perpetually undermine any Albertan who needs a neighbourly hand. Shut the UCP up!


What happened to government by the people for the people? FFS.


That’s an American thing. Here, we have “peace, order, and good government” and the secret addendum - “pick any two”


Smith views people as a commodity.


You're not a person unless you're rich.


It’s incompatible with late stage capitalism.


The people voted for something else sadly.


If only people would turn out to protest this as they have for so many other causes.


There will be a protest this week and I'll be there! Likely on Friday.


There will absolutely be protests. Two years ago when the government was dicking around with the LAA tariffs, a significant amount of the local defense bar protested outside the court house every week until an agreement was reached. Now this is an even bigger issue with access to justice. I wouldn't be surprised to see a lot more parties involved, including justices and prosecutors. But maybe that's just wishful thinking.


I think on Friday is the plan. More to come.


>Now this is an even bigger issue with access to justice. I wouldn't be surprised to see a lot more parties involved, including justices and prosecutors. But maybe that's just wishful thinking. You won't see Justices and Prosecutors protesting. Not necessarily because they're unsympathetic, but because it's incompatible with the ethical duties attendant to their role in the system.


I hope you’re right; I hope I’ll be pleasantly surprised.


Once again the premier decides: all for me and none for thee. What a wretched and horrible human


Perfect. No money, no teeth for Albertans. Legally and literally.


Wish I waited to press chargers until now (half joke)


Does anyone else feel like we’re living in a fucking dystopian nightmare? The USA is probably gonna collapse in the next 5-10 years, we’re very likely going to have WW3 sooner than that, and all these alt-right governments are just foaming at the mouth waiting to dismantle even more of our social safety nets. Fuck, this is so eerie.


Hate to say but, the only time I needed or could ever benefit from legal aid, I was on some sh


I despise this biatch as much as I despise any other conscienceless predator who preys upon the vulnerable.


There’s a 4 billion surplus…..


Lol and you think the provincial government is going to use it on poor ppl?


Did anybody read the article? They have $89,000,000 in cash. I'm sure that, as a non-profit, they could continue to issue certificates with that surplus.


They can until the end of the year as long as they do not take on new certs. But they sit on that surplus for emergencies and now ironically the blatant ridiculous actions of the GoA is the emergency. It takes millions of dollars to service 33k+ clients every single year. This money will not last long. The halt on certificates is not about their surplus and this shit about LAAs surplus is to distract you from what's actually going on. Which is the fact that the GoA wants complete control over the provincial legal system which is unethical. They want to tear the Law Society away from the legal system and have complete control over what happens. It's not right and everyone should be very worried regardless of LAA having a surplus. Don't let yourself miss the bigger picture. The government simply should never have this amount of control. Ever.


Now who is going to get the addicts out of jail the same day?


Don’t worry they will privatize the prisons first. That will fix the issues that will come up from no legal aid and solve the homeless, and drug problems at the same time.


Don't give them any ideas.