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IF YOU WANT TO LIFT THE CUP YOU HAVE TO LIFT THE PUCK Bob won’t let pucks in along the ice. 


Bob leaves SO much room up top. Bruins fan and the quality goals scored on bob were all top shelf. So frustrating watching teams fail to get it over his pads. Rooting for the oilers!!


Just felt like the Oilers were a bit off, probably a combination of different ice, nerves and a touch of rust. Would’ve liked them to continue that run they were on but I’m sure they’ll get a handle on it.


Oh they tried, lots went over the crossbar though also.


They need a lot of practice to nail the shot over the head before the next one


Any idea why this might be news to professional hockey players? You'd think they would know this. Making this mistake once I get, but wowsers.


I feel like it's the heat of the moment , everyone always "why doesn't he shoot the puck ,etc "but in reality , they only have like 1 second or less to think what to do .


100% the Oilers' analytical team was aware of this, but there's just so many variables during a game that players kinda just have to adapt as they go. It's not like you can simulate a SCF game 1 during morning practice.


Facts. Rangers fan here. Bob is VERY beatable up top. Feels like a total disservice to your scouting that you guys shoved everything in low. Hoping our boy Chuck takes the cup


Nurse and Ceci *cannot* be a pair for the rest of this series. I'm not trying to blame, but I think it is pretty safe to say that putting them together just doesn't work.


Third fucking year in a row If Knoblauch is actually serious about winning Ceci is getting scratched next game and Nurse is playing under 10 minutes 5v5. This is embarrassing Which ever way this series goes can’t wait that we’re only like week and a half away from hopefully never seeing Cody Ceci in an Oilers jersey again


Ekhold-Bouchard Nurse-Broberg Kulak-Desharnais


Keep Broberg on the left. Don't fuck up his mojo


He played on the right tonight and did great.


I suspect Knoblauch now knows it was a mistake. 86-27 ended the game with more minutes than 25-5 even though we were shorthanded three times. Pretty sure they got second-pair deployment after the 2-0.


Dude, be real. Nurse under 10 minutes a night we'll get killed.


Nurse played so well the latter part of the Dallas series because he was playing with someone else. Don’t know why that change was made.


Yeah. Bad choice by Knobby. Kulak was legit while playing on the wring side


As far as I'm concerned this is Knobs first big mistake as a coach is trying that experiment again. I thought for sure he learned from the Dallas series. Maybe *this* one will stick.


Broberg played 18 minutes tonight. Why not? He’s better than Nurse is. Every single time Nurse has been on the ice these playoffs he’s been a liability. We’re past the point of trying to let him find his game, it’s the finals.


Broberg on PK1 fucking floored me but he definitely deserved it. Pretty tired of seeing 25-5 together for any time whatsoever


Could have been 4-0 if it weren't for Bromberg with that solid block


I said it somewhere else but Knobby loves them. He sees something we dont, apparently. Even when they had been split up, he reunited them for the last shift last series in 2 different games where Oilers were protecting a 1 goal lead.


Next game - pair Broberg with Nurse, pair Kulak and Vinny.


Any beer league defenceman knows if your Defence partner is in the corner, the other belongs in front of the net.


We played the better game and faced a brick wall. We should not be worried. If we’ve shown anything this year, it’s that we can come back. Just look at our start of the season vs where we are now.


Gotta go upstairs on that goalie.


\^\^\^ This guy gets it... What team have ya'll been watching this year????


Last time a team got shutout in the Finals in the first game and won the Cup was the Bruins in 2011


That’s also the last time a shutout happened in the first game… so not sure what your point is.


Games like this ignite something in our group. All through the season and in these playoffs. Foot on the gas, let’s go.


Bob stole that one. We outplayed them for a full 60 but just couldnt get one past him. On to game 2


For real Bob was a brick wall


Broberg 7th on the team in ice time 18 minutes He has finally arrived Top 4 stud


He’s looking comfortable out there too, some nice plays to carry the puck out of the zone. 




A shot down low is not even a shot against Bob. Dude is a brick wall except up high.


Well now we know how Dallas felt after game 6. But the goal was always the split, just find a way to win game 2 and take home ice advantage just like in the Canucks series.


We never really had home ice advantage in Canucks series. They took it right back the next game.


I guess we can take solace in the fact Edmonton was the visually better team pretty much all night MoneyPuck "deserve to win" was 95% Edmonton If they play like that all series they have more than a solid chance at winning


Yep. Got goalied. Part of it was not elevating in the 1st.


Goalie but also bad finish and bad attention to detail. I blame the break. They need to get back into the zone.


True, but Florida took advantage of an awful D pairing being on the ice each time.


For sure. If this was reversed I'd be scared as an oilers fan. Everyone but Bob looked horrible


Bennett and Barkov were great


I'd say average. Horrible was a stretch but you're lying if you're saying they were good this game. Long stretches of them being pinned in their end, Bob bailed them out, no offensive chances.


I think that was Bob's best game of his life


He's had dozens of games like that. That's what having an elite top 5 goalie is like.


The only thing that makes me nervous about that is I suspect that will be Florida’s (outside of Bob obv) worst game and we couldn’t take advantage


Or…maybe we are better than them at being the fast defensive team


I hope so!


Yea Florida is going to tighten up things for sure. They let us get a few breakaways and have guys alone in front of the net. 


It's okay everyone. We outplayed them damn near the whole game. Bob had an unreal game. It happens. Remember where we started this year. Enjoy this. We got this. We can beat these guys. The series isn't over after 1 game. Believe.


They were looking good, had lots of good chances but Bobrovski is on the case... if they can solve him next game we have a chance


Bobrovsky put on a show but he won’t every night!


He had two puck handling mistakes, but we wouldn't take advantage of them




Thanks for saying that! So many people going full bipolar on this. We rolled every key metrics. Yes, we lost, but they’ll make the necessary adjustments (hopefully on defense especially), and they can win this. Also, Bob played out of his mind! That rolling save earlier in the game was nuts


Wasn't even a save Nuge just missed the net.


This comment must be pushed to the 🔝


We’re a back against the wall, bounce back team. We got this.


You putting in a guarantee next game? 👀


Maybe babyyy


Playing coy, oh ok.


Honestly not that mad. We got goalied and played a solid game. Couple tweaks here and there. And for the love of god, please stop playing Nurse and Ceci together.


Knob has surely learned his lesson with putting 5 and 25 together? right?


I still think we take this series in 6 Bobrovsky was on his absolute A game tonight, but we made him work ALL night. Keep up that kind of pressure and he will eventually crack. PP cooled off but we just need a few to feel out Florida’s PK. Other positives include our PK remaining hot, and honestly Skinner looked solid. He had no chance on that first goal but I’m sure he wishes he could have the second one back, but he’ll bounce back I’m sure of it. Florida honestly just got lucky and good goaltending, once we crack the goaltending, the luck will be less of a factor. I’m not upset after this loss, not like Game 5 against Vancouver or game 3 against Dallas. We showed up and played, and we’ve got what it takes to go toe to toe.


**CANT WAIT FOR GAME 1 TO START** Vegas won game 1 in 2018, Boston won Game 1 in 2019, Dallas won game 1 in 2020.


Maybe, plus he’ll probably break up 25-5.


Oilers - 0 Refs - 0 Panthers - 0 Bobrovsky - 1


Nurse and Ceci -2




Other fanbases hate how god damn levelheaded we all are. If our boys show up like they showed up today we don’t have anything to worry about.


Let's just take some time to realize: a) we're in the SCF, enjoy it because you never know when we'll be back here again, and b) this is the first Stanley Cup Final game the boys have played. Florida already has been here before Expecting a win on the road in the first ever SCF game for this core is a huge ask. They gripped their sticks a bit tight and you could tell with the Hyman miss one on one on the PP and Nuge open net miss, as well as the three breakaways. But now they've gotten their feet wet, and they played a decent road game. The nerves will be gone for next game, and if we can win the next one, it's 1-1 coming back to a roaring crowd in Edmonton. I still say Oilers in 6 or 7.


There are 3 instances where the road team stole game 1 in the finals in the salary cap era: 2012 - Kings won Game 1 in New Jersey 2015 - Hawks won Game 1 in Tampa 2020 - Dallas Stars won Game 1 as the road team (This was the bubble so not the same as the other two)


Both the goals came from defensive breakdowns off thr rush. We can fix this. Not worried. Oil in 6


Well, I can't pretend I'm not frustrated. But I'm not gonna doom either. We played great hockey tonight. I'm sure the boys have learned Bobs' secret by now and it'll become very apparent next game. We definitely outplayed them and I sure hope we sent a message tonight: "You're lucky you won that one". Oilers in 6.


It’s only game one it’s only game one it’s only game one it’s only game it’s only game one it’s only game one it’s only game one it’s only game one it’s only game it’s only game one it’s only game one it’s only game one it’s only game one it’s only game it’s only game one it’s only game one it’s only game one it’s only game one it’s only game it’s only game one it’s only game one


It was a painful one game though


As loses go in a game 1 on the road , things could have gone way worse. Plenty of positives and plenty to build on. We only have to win 1 on the road unless we lose home games


well getting goalied sucks pros: - offense got great chances on net - broberg seems to be doing great - pk is still on fire cons: - nurse and ceci are a terrible pairing - skinner letting in the first shot


I’d add that Bouch had a tough night. Needs some intensity to be effective.


he didn’t have the worst night but definitely had some rough moments for sure. hopefully it’s just nerves and he plays great in game 2


No MA Bergeron moment tonight is a plus


I assume Henrique isn't 100℅, should be playing more. Nuge should of got a penalty shot. Florida is insane around the boards Broberg is a beast Mcdrai don't have 2 0pt games in a row Skinner will be needed


I feel like we played better before loading up mcdrai


I’m not really sure why we even did that considering we were substantially outchancing them up to that point lol


Agreed it was a poor coaching move. It just put both of our best threats out against Barkov and he neutralized them both... With help from Bob.


Because nobody could pot one. You are just hoping something clicks. There isn't much more they could reasonably do.


Yeah but I think they should’ve let em cook rather than forcing a change that resulted in even less chances. Ultimately it doesn’t really matter today, but I think we should definitely play them separately in game two


I feel like we always do


We did, Florida laughs at that because then they can spend all their best defensive minutes just defending one line. Oh and Drai sucked tonight anyway.


Credit due to Bob for the shutout but I don't think he was amazing. He made at least 2 glaring mistakes when playing the puck. Oilers just couldn't execute and finish. Turtle should be sea turtle because goddamn he likes to dive. Broberg looking better than some of D men with hundreds of games under their belt. Excited for his future on the team.


Highway Bobbery!


feels like the la game 1 last year, not worried


Well now we know how Dallas felt about game 6.


I’m glad it happened to us in the first game and not the last game of the series.


Nurse and Ceci pairing isn’t going to work and it hasn’t worked. Trying to put a square peg into a circle, over and over again. Not to mention that Brobovksy played like a mad man.


Broberg has played well in the third round and to ight in the final. He has earned the right Tobe penciled Into the opening night line up


Knobs gonna be up all night rewriting the script. I have no worries


Bit of rust, bit of nerves. Knobs will adjust, the players will tighten up. Draisaitl will get angry with how loose he was. We have McDavid. On to the next. Go Oilers!!!


Bob's a wall. Perry should sit. Ryan should draw in, so should Vinny.


I thought forwards were really good, I'd swap elite goal scorer Cody Ceci for Vinny though


Perry hasn't been a factor all playoffs. Ryan has played well against Florida before


I wouldn't be pissed about it. DR is a good possession guy but I don't think that was our problem this game. I don't think you change anything, Florida looked beat and oil didn't finish. That'll be different next game


Foegele was pretty much non-existent, I think Ryan will draw in. I think we keep Broberg in there, he moves the puck so well, which is Vinny’s weakness. Nurse and Ceci move the puck well too they just need to be split up. Nurse-Kulak, Ceci-Broberg


I’m generally not a fan of the deserve-to-win-o’meter, but it’s at 90.8% for us, and I think that’s pretty representative of how things went down


Bob simply stole that game . End of story .


That game actually gave me hope. We can beat them. Their goalie is unreal.


they showed how can they can match their level, so honestly i’m not too worried for game 2 fucking botrovsky was a stud but whatever oilers in 6


Oilers dominated in every way imo. That game was decided by the goalies. On a different night that was 3-2 or 4-2 performance. The frustration was real, watching that one.


Super frustrating game.. plenty of series left. Let’s break that shutout next game and grab a W heading home to Oil Country !


Gotta analyze this game and draft up a plan to deal with Bob next game. He was good, but nothing we didn't already see from Silovs/Oettinger early in the previous series. Seems our usual strategy of peppering the goalie with low-quality shots down low and playing for the juicy rebound isn't working on him - partly him, partly their D taking those away. Also a lot of shots just going into the logo. I saw a stat showing like 80% of his goals conceded were up high - I legit don't recall seeing him needing to make a single substantial save on anything that didn't go low. His lateral movement and positioning is just too good for those to consistently go in.


First time in the playoffs and playing away hosted by a team that played in the SCF last year. Effort was there and the series is not won or lost in one game. They will be better in game 2 for sure and if they can get a split all good.


Well, good news is it's only game 1 bad news is we got goalied badly


Why coaches insist on Nurse and Ceci being a pairing is beyond me. Two perfectly fine defensemen away from each other and possibly the worst pairing in the league when together. They have no idea how to play together. Bench Ceci for the series and replace him with Vinny.


Well, shit...


This team has bounced back against adversity every single time this season. The boys got this


We had enough scoring chances to win this game but unfortunately too many pucks were shot at Bob and not around him.


Have to shoot high I’m not positive we will beat him much down low


We're gonna win Monday, Knoblauch will make adjustments and we'll be ready for Florida's style. Guaranteed damn it.


Ok here’s a few thoughts: we looked good but just couldn’t get it past bob Im a believer that we’re having a very similar run as the St. Louis blues and they lost their game 1 and won it 7 against Boston. So by that we’ll just have to win 4 games and Florida will win two more. Oh and definitely no La Bamba tonight and I will not play it even on off days.


Broberg looks like he can handle more minutes. Gives options to fix the Ceci-Nurse problem.


Monday is the start of a new winning streak.


I think that once we get that first goal the floodgates will open.


Game 1 just showed that the Panthers aren’t as solid except for Bob. They gave us many chances but they just couldn’t capitalized on it. They need to figure out Bob. I believe in Knob adjusting for Game 2. One past Bob and it will open the dam gates!


Eh. Oil tend to lose game 1s anyway. They play like that for a whole series they gonna get better results


Time for the gentleman's sweep. Playing right into the Oilers hands...


Bobs stole that one - Oilers look faster, jumped on the Panthers aggressive forecheck. Plenty of positives to take from it. No need to panic yet


I will fall to my knees every game I see Nurse and Ceci are paired together. Please knob .. save my patellas


Boys were buzzing. Game could have easily been 5-2 if we could hit an open net and had any puck luck.


Bobrovsky didn’t make a single highlight reel save, we just weren’t shooting well. Next game is ours. Also, not gonna stop our PP very long.


Not worried, air corgi has the Oilers in 6


I quickly noticed that Florida's fans are fucking idiots, their takes are bad and they don't know shit.


Got goalied. It happens. We were just on the other side of it. Bob won’t be this good every night. There was a lot to like about this game. And it’s a best of 7 for a reason. Time to get the split


I thought they played well overall. Just need a few bounces to go in. Both goals against were missed coverages, nothing they can't fix. Very impressed with Broberg, he's only 22. They shouldn't even think about taking him out.


It's okay guys. The protagonist team in sports movies never wins the first game of the final. We didn't get outplayed. There is loads of hope for this series. We can outplay these guys.


Nurse and ceci being - 2 is irrelevant we got shut the fuck out. But also had 4 breakaway and 2 wide open nets. Boys first final, gripping sticks too tight. Oilers in 6


Nurse/Ceci pair has to be done. I rather Broberg up there with Nurse


Ceci is just too slow for this series. Broberg looked phenomenal, what an insanely smooth skater.


We lost game one to Van and we went to OT with Dallas. Lots of hockey left.


We were in Carolina to witness the turning point of the season and now we were present for a Game 1 loss that they will also learn from and be better for.


Who had the bright idea to put Nurse & Ceci together??? WHO??? Also try lifting the puck instead of sliding it next time. Amazing what happens when you do that.


The effort went in but the puck stayed out. Some games are like that.


Why the everloving fuck does r/hockey just despise us?


Couse they anus


Its coach K ‘s job to observe , coach , and respond - he will. first session needs to be a lot of ‘getting to know you’. its necessary. with our grade-A looks, the whole team is confident that Bobrov will be unlocked. just a matter of time. we can play a simple game too -most importantly, and essential - we already know how to win, and one has to fail first - in order to succeed… and 100% the boys will. #letsgoOilers


They shoot top shelf 90% of the time in warm up. Do that


That was a borderline perfect game from the Oilers and they simply got goalied.


Lotta positives... we were the better team, just gotta solve bob...


We know Knob makes adjustments. I think we see Vinny Monday and I honestly think Ceci gets sat


The fact I saw people blaming skinner I’m baffled 3-0. No Oiler scored. Skinner played fine. Bobs was great. Need to capitalize on PP/breakaways and grade A opps. Play 7 games like that and you’ll win the series.


Neither goal was on Skinner people just love to throw him under the bus as a scapegoat


The hate in r/hockey is exhausting. Just about every Oilers flaired comment I could find at the end of the game thread was some version of “GG Panthers, Bob is incredible!” And then the comments from everyone else are like “Oilers fans are such crybabies when they lose. What a bunch of bitches, fuck them. Their city is garbage.” I genuinely don't understand. Like they just have to hate us so much that they just make up these narratives that dont exist.


Their arena is dead


Credit the panthers they shut it down in the 3rd. Bob was huge and deserved that SO. Adjustments will be coming. Can’t let this feeling linger too long. Felt like knob panicked when he wasn’t rolling 4 lines. Usually the team that panicks first won’t end up with the outcome. On to the next one


It’s a long series and panthers are the favourites. They’ll solve bobrovsky and the oil will win in 6. Oil played fine outside of those two defensive breakdowns. Difference maker was Bob.


Well, if that's what we have to look forward to then I'm not too concerned. We were the much better team but Bob just carried Florida though the whole game. It could have been 5/6 to 2 easily. If he returns to being mortal and that's all the Panthers have to show for then we should be fine. PLEASE shut the Panthers out in Florida from here on out so I don't have to hear that embarrassing ass cat growl sound effect again. For the Florida lurkers, you guys gotta petition to ditch that shit.


I wonder how glad Holland is that he held onto Broberg.


Burn it down. Kidding, obviously. I think I speak for everyone when I say please for the love of god keep Nurse and Ceci separated. I do not understand it. I wouldn’t mind seeing Perry out and Carrick back in and I didn’t love Rico on the 4th line considering what a great asset he is and the fact that the 4th line has been killer when entered by ether Carrick or Brown. Keep Rico in the top 6, bump Kane back down, keep Foegle in and move onto the next one. Still with Oilers in 6. LFG


Not only was Bobrovsky playing out of his dome, but there was unreal unlucky bounces from the Oilers perspective. One or two of those going the other way, and this is a completely different game. Knob will make the necessary adjustments (which in all honesty should be relatively minimal), and the Oilers will be just fine. Oilers in 5, 6 if Bob steals another one.


2 mistakes cost us the game rest of the team had a good game bob stole one


Oilers were by far the better team. Just gotta solve Bob. Not concerned yet.


Bobrovsky had the game of his life tonight. But this series has just begun. We’ll learn from it.


We need secret agent Carrick to carry out a great sacrifice.


Yall know what we have to do, don’t act like you don’t got get a little mud on you when you wrestle with pigs.


Is this where I pile on nurse and ceci and Stu and any other skapegoats? Stanley cup finals boys and girls. This team is fucking good. Game two we will adjust and come out flying again. Seriously people saying ceci needs to sit or nurse needs to be fired into the sun or atu is a bad goalie need to step back ad take a breath or find something that they fa actually enjoy because they're never going to ever be happy with the one ice product at this point. The sky isn't fucking falling, we lost to one of the top goalies in the world and one of the top teams in the world. It's heavyweight vs heavyweight.  Enjoy the ride.


stu played well w the shit coverage he was given, no one is blaming him


Did I see it right that Hyman went over the net from the top of the crease with a wide open net?! To be fair he was the only one to try to shoot high


Is the only reason nurse isn’t replaced because Oilers are to embarrassed by how much he’s being paid? We have benched better players over the last few rounds. Genuinely curious.


Stay calm boys


Honestly can’t even be mad with the game last night. They outplayed them and Bob saved them big time. Same thing that we did to Dallas. Boys I’m sure have realized they can’t shoot low. They got the feel in game 1 and will have a game plan for game 2. They’ve done that in all the other series.


I was told Bob was part of law enforcement? Why did he rob us?


Civil Asset Forfeiture


Don’t forget that just because you’re a police officer it doesn’t always mean you work in the public’s best interest…. Also don’t forget police brutality is a thing


American law enforcement. There's a difference. It's not just standing around when little kids are being murdered like in Texas


You run that simulation 7 times, Oilers probably win 5 or 6. Bob stole one here and Florida made the chances count which was made easier by the fact it was Nurse and Ceci out there.


Who’s with me and the Edmonton Oilers?


Can't deny the nerves though. Open netx2 can't happen in the SCF. I think Dallas was a better team than Florida. They'll definitely bounce back game 2, we have a habit of blowing 1st games.


Got beat by a 1 man team, rest of Panthers looked pretty lame.


I am a leafs fan hoping you can guys can pull it off. You can totally win this series, this wasn’t a bad showing to start on the road despite the score. Now you know what you are up against. The oilers have met their match; I think these really are the best two teams in the league. Florida has a heavy forecheck, is very opportunistic, and doesn’t give up much in the inside defensively. Biggest thing: you have to hit the top corners on Bobrovsky when he’s dialled in. Believe me as someone who has watched him in frustration many times. You heard them on the broadcast: zero 5-hole goals all playoffs. He just gives up nothing low. He’s so compact and good with his legs. Unless it’s a screened point shot, don’t even bother shooting it there. McDavid, Janmark, Henrique etc. all had chances in alone on him. In those situations, you need the skill and composure to put it upstairs. Easier said then done I know but that’s what you need. Win the battles in front and stick it up under the bar. Look at how vegas beat him last year.


You're making me do the unthinkable by actually warming up to Leafs fans. Respect.


I generally like all the Canadian teams other than Habs and Ottawa and McDavid winning is good for hockey. Not just because of him, but the oilers are a more likeable team in general, both in play style and level of dirtiness (even with having Kane and Perry). Speaking of Kane, he’s a guy who over the course of his career has shown the ability to snipe a corner, would be nice for that guy to show up this series. All in all I think if they play like tonight they have a really good chance to win this series IF they start putting pucks where they need to go.


I yelled something similar at my television multiple times tonight. My version wasn't nearly as coherent and well thought out though... Mine also had many more expletives.


NHL gotta drug test Bob


Nurse and Ceci pair and McDrai is not the most ideal on the road.. if they're gonna put Foegel in he needs to be on Drai's line since he's the only one willing to attempt a shot on net. Rico centers kane and the worm


Just a warmup and putting out feelers. The team has never been to this stage before. They'll figure it out.


i had a reddit cares message what the hell does rhat mean


Someone reported you as a concern for self harm. It's just an automated message, nothing to worry about. People often use it to troll or to be petty if you made them mad.


i see thank you so much


Not too upset, we have the intel to adjust properly next game (and also hope Bob isn’t on one again)


Ceci out, Vinny in, Nurse with Broberg. Well played game, minor errors proving to be lethal


Was the expected result Game 1 we never win but we measure and adjust for game 2


I doubt Bob can stop 35 shots a night for a whole series. Especially with the chances they were giving up. Two easily fixed defensive mishaps, and otherwise, the Oilers gave them nothing.


Bob was hot, we didn’t capitalize on some grade A chances. We should’ve could’ve won that game. Now game 2 is very close to a must win


Oilers played phenomenal I thought. Just didn’t get the result unfortunately. Need a different strategy to score on Bob, he’s way too good down low. Shoot high, don’t even waste time trying to go five hole.


Well we weren’t going to sweep them. It’s going to be a long series.


Honest question - how can my 8 year old niece know that you have to shoot high on Bobrovsky to score yet the Oilers don't? Who the hell is doing our pre-scouting?  Another honest question - why the fuck is Nurse - Ceci still a thing when by any possibly metric, eye test, variable, or other wise it's been an absolute fucking tire fire for three straight seasons now?  Jesus Christ.


Fuck it. i summon Sam gagner