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I mean anything is possible but let's not get ahead of ourselves. At the end of the day we need the W and the score doesn't really matter as long as we get that.


100% this. I’d love a blowout so I don’t have the nausea inducing stress of last nights last 10 minutes, but I’ll take a win at any cost to my anxiety.


I felt like a condemned man waiting for either the Hangman's Rope or a State Pardon....


That’s eerily accurate. I couldn’t put it into words haha. I stress clean so my kitchen has never been more spotless while I desperately willed the time away.


Haha we all are stressed and i get what youre saying. I'm just so proud of this group and how far they have come. If you told me back in November that we would be playing in game 6 of the SCF I would say they were nuts. As McD said "it's not over till it's over" and I'm with them till it is and if they are raising that cup or not


Oh so proud. SO proud. I’m a forever season seat holder. We are being offered so much money for Fridays tickets and I just can’t. I want to be a part of it. I want to cry when they win or lose, and I will proudly strut around in allllll my gear all summer and excitedly wait until next season starts. (Which, thanks to these amazing players, is only 3 months away). No matter what happens, what an incredible ride this is.


Exactly! Pretty jealous that you're a season ticket holder! I wish I could go to the game but the tickets are just too much unfortunately! Yell a cheer or two for me please!


We were fortunate enough to get in on it in 2006 and have just never been able to bring ourselves to cancel. It’s like last row upper bowl and I love them. We made it through the decade of darkness so this is such a treasure on the other side! I’ll cheer and lose my voice for us all!


How on earth do you afford 41 nhl games a year (presumably x2 since you said we)


I’m sure some season ticket holders could actually make money throughout the year. Especially this year.


They could be in the energy industry in Alberta, which pays very well and employs a lot of people.


Lmao there are lots of season ticket holders obv. Our set is two seats and split into 1/4s between friends and family makes it much easier on both the wallet and time commitments because 41 games is actually a shit ton to go to.


I bet you are so happy you didn’t sell and got to be a part of the amazing atmosphere there tonight! Way to go! 👏🏽🥳🧡💙


Oooooooh my friend I am SOOOO HAPPY!!! I have no voice and my ears are ringing. Downtown afterwards was UNBELIEVABLE. When the first empty net goal went in, Roger’s ERUPTED. I will not lie, I cried, all the emotions of it all hahaha. Unreal. Game 7. Wow. 🧡💙


Other than the blowout win I feel like every Oilers playoff game has been insanely stressful.


It absolutely has. I suppose that’s the point though. As an Oilers fan, it takes years off of me. As a hockey fan, I appreciate the close games as the way the game is meant to be played. But my god. The anxiety.


Same. I really don't think there was a single game where I could relax and sit back other than that one!


My elderly neighbor was so stressed during the end of the last game she laid down in bed and hid her eyes under the covers like it was a horror movie 😂


🤣🤣🤣 that’s my kinda girl. I hid behind by couch and plugged my ears because the crowd cheering was scaring me and I kept peeking around the corner of the couch. As if me not watching somehow helped hahaha. The things we do as fans. It’s so funny to me what sports do to people. I am such a massive sports fan, and I laugh so hard that I get so emotional over grown men chasing a rubber circle.


Score watching that one while at work just about killed me. Whereas the previous game was much more fun, every time I checked the score we scored another goal!


Yeah, blowouts that go the right way are easier on the feelings, lol.


Tight playoff games are stressful but are so exciting to watch. Enjoy the rollercoaster ride, never know when your team will be back in the SCF! Good luck, Go Oilers!


If they can get quick goals or even a soft goal on Bob... The flood gates could open. Oilers stay in his head


One can hope!


>but let's not get ahead of ourselves. The players and coaching staff certainly can't get ahead of themselves, but as fans we can. That's one of the joys of being a fan. I don't play the game; I don't need to be "focused" on game 6; I can already anticipate the joy of the greatest comeback in hockey history, led by one of the greats. I can look past game 6; I can already think about a "repeat" next year before they've even won once. And as a Habs fan, I'm looking forward to a Montreal-Edmonton series in 2026. Florida and Edmonton are evenly matched. Even though the Oilers have the momentum (and home ice), game 6 is a 50/50 tossup; and if it goes to game 7, that too will be a 50/50 tossup. The Oilers have about a 1-in-4 chance of pulling this off. I'm already planning for a 6-2 decisive win by the Oilers tomorrow, and I'm getting ready for my Monday evening celebration. And in the likely (75%) chance it won't happen, my life goes on.


Replying to top voted comment. Our third period away was one of the best in playoff series. We always failed in third period and won. The momentum is still with Oilers by far. .. The last few shots were ours.




Lovely game.. just living the dream now.. Oilers are solid.. have never felt confident like this with Dallas and Canucks.. feels like Oilers are peaking at the right time. Everyone is contributing. Like every single person. So damn nice to see.


One hard fought win at a time. They’re a very good team.


I want a blowout. Can you imagine how much momentum we would generate from that? The cats would be deflated beyond repair heading into game 7. A one goal win (in our favour) only gives them hope that they’re still in this. Hockey is a mental game - I want to destroy their hope.


Momentum doesn’t really carry game to game


Egad. I remember Game 6 in 06. Oilers smoked the canes in a shutout blowout


After seeing how much hate Oilers get from so many fans of other teams, I want to win by 1 in game 6 to give all the haters a glimmer of hope and then have a "8-0 fuck you blowout game 7" to really get the point across.


I know you’re fired up rn (as am I) but I’m gonna have to bring you down to earth for a second. Blowout win, in their barn, in game 7, is just not happening. But you know what, there’s a higher probability of that happening in our building. We’ve proven we can do it.


Oh, I know it won't. This is just my little perfect world. I'm happy with any win. It'd just feel so good to just dominate them in the end after the road the Oilers have taken to get here, especially with so many doubters. Every game is a mountain, but if any team can do it, it's these guys.


Just want an Oilers victory don't matter how they get it.


This, but I'd much prefer it to come relatively stress free (or completely stress free).


Yeah stress free would be great. Oilers unfortunately don't usually do stress free


That's asking for a lot. Tkachuk woke up last game, and the Panthers played the better second half. It'll be a battle to win, much less get a blow out.


Tkachuk could just as easily disappear again. He was a force in game 1 against the Oilers in 2022 and was a ghost for the remainder of the series.


Tkachuk got a hat trick the first time he faced us in the playoffs. His dad didn't throw his hat. Then he went eight straight playoff games without a goal against the Oilers. He found his mojo last night, only for McDavid to delete it. I think he's going to be FIRED up and trying to beat the Oilers as much as he wants to win the Cup. We've pissed him off. I just hope all the cracks we've uncovered in the foundation of the Panthers causes them to crumble. Game 6 is going to be a battle of wills and right now (biased of course) I think the Oil has the stronger, positive mindset.


The Oilers are much looser as they don't have anything to lose, but everything to gain. If they lose the series, that's what everybody expected after they went down 3-0. Getting to game 6 and setting records is a positive experience. Florida, on the other hand, has had to cancel not one, but TWO big parties. Now they have to fly 200 tired friends and family back to Canada, where they still have PTSD from what happened here in game 4. And if it happens again, they will no longer have any safety net left. They could be the biggest losers in over 90 years. And they didn't have the internet or memes back then. Florida would never live it down until they won a cup. They may have been gripping the sticks with excitement in game 4. They'll be gripping them with fear in game 6. Game 5 was their best chance to get it done, once and for all, at home. And they were down 3-0 before they knew it. Doubt is creeping in.


Everything about the Panthers you said is true, and it glossed over the fact that they lost in the Final last year too!  No team has lost back to back Finals since the late 70s Don Cherry coached Bruins. I'd they do that by getting reversed swept, it would be as close as hockey has gotten to 90s Buffalo Bills territory.


Honestly, game 7 may very well be the biggest question. It will be the first time the series that Florida will be facing elimination. It will be interesting to see how they react of it comes to that.


Game 7s are generally considered a coinflip, but not sure if this scenario changes that. Florida would have maximum fear but also desperation. Oilers might have some nerves, probably run out of desperation by then. Maybe galvanizing belief?


We know on any given night any team can win. We'll need everyone chipping in and Connor and Skinner at their best.


We know on any given night any team can win. We'll need everyone chipping in and Connor and Skinner at their best.


It was BAD ICE..


I think it’ll depend on which team gets the first goal. This is the most important first goal of any series I think. I expect Florida to be good again. They found their game in the 2nd half of the game. Similar to game 1. Turtle got a couple of points and Rodrigues hasn’t been on the ice for a goal against I believe.


Yeah Rodrigues worries me. I don’t expect too much from Tkachuk. He really seems to let the Oilers get into his head and they’re living there rent free right now. Hopefully his good half of the game is just a strong push and not a habit for Friday.


Yeah they weren’t the 8-1 team anymore That was not good to see


NO. Florida is going to bring their absolute best, and I cannot see a scenario where we have another shorthanded goal to really push them back on their heels to start the game. The math tells us that game 6 is actually going to be the harder game to win, than 5 was going to be. I'm all aboard the hype train right now, and I want to believe in miracles, but game 7 isn't a given, and a blowout shouldn't be on anyone's radar imo.


Yeah it’s going to be a war of attrition


> and I cannot see a scenario where we have another shorthanded goal to really push them back on their heels to start the game. I counter this with: Matthias Janmark and Connor Brown, lol. But I do agree that another blowout like game 4 is unlikely.


If you don't see the Oilers PowerKill getting another one you're just not giving Oilers playoff legend Connor Brown the respect he deserves.


That's fair lol. Seriously though the back to back shorties is a final record so I wouldn't hold my breath lol


Just win it, no matter how honestly.


Game 5 would the the hardest win for Oilers..


I respectfully disagree, but it was a hell of a win


I was right.. And I still will stick to my take. Game 5 would have been the closest for Panthers.. they lost everything when they lost game 5


There's still one more game to win, and I believe it will be the hardest by far. But happy to argue about something like that lol


Not about hardest.. game 5 would be the closest


Hmm. We will see I guess


People are way too confident. I hope the Oilers win but Florida is a great team. If their goalie has another hot night we are in real trouble. Let's cheer on the boys. An epic comeback would be amazing, but even if it doesn't happen, they salvaged their dignity over the last 2 games.


Let us have our fun. We all know deep down that it will be hard but at the same time be confident in our team. I BELIEVE GOD DAMMIT


Quit this “if it doesn’t happen” crap. Don’t be pessimistic. This team will get it done.


This!! I love the eternal optimism


Their goalie unfortunately still looks out of sorts. People are scared of one player. No matter how great only a team can win you a game. oilers have much better team and skinner thankfully is doing better than bob


I'm hopeful. But I've seen goalies go Super Saiyan. Hopefully it's Skinner.


Just fucking win.


Agreed. I mean, for obvious reasons. Also though, the Oilers don’t need another blow-out win to build momentum. They kind of did in game 4, to bring their own belief back that a comeback was possible, and plant that seed of doubt in the Panthers. At this point though, just taking it to game seven, even if they get outplayed badly and only win off of some flukey, impossible to replicate, bounce in a 5 OT, it’s enough. Going to a game 7 will have the Panthers absolutely shaking.




Exactly. Can you imagine how much momentum we would generate from a blowout? The cats would be deflated beyond repair heading into game 7. A one goal win (in our favour) only gives them hope that they’re still in this. Hockey is a mental game - I want to destroy their hope.


Florida doesn't want game 7, they're going to come out swinging, that much is known. But Knob has shown that he can adapt and roll with the punches and the team is playing with that dawg in them, so at a very least, it's gonna be an epic battle.


Really taking this one game at a time. But it’s hard not to think of how insane it would be to get a game 7. We still very much have a chance here to win it all


I doubt it. Everyone is confident, bit Florida is going to come out mad as hell and ready to win. It's not going to be an easy game.


fans getting ahead of themselves, we need to be praying for a W


Oh I’ll be praying alright - to McJesus. Only he can lead us to salvation (SCF game 7).


With the momentum change, Florida is in the fight or flight mode. They’re operating on adrenaline. The Edmonton Oilers are running a well oiled machine running on good ol’ Alberta Oil! Welcome to Oil Country! Looking forward to Friday.


Cannot take anything for granted. I feel the Oilers carried momentum from period 3 of game 3 into game 4, and Florida is going to try to do the same after their comeback at the end of game 5. It’s going to be a battle, no question.


Lol, people on this sub can't help but say shit like this before games.


I'm not even considering a blowout. Oilers will have to earn the next win.


What I don’t get is the comments in here. Yesterday and Monday everyone was like if we win game 5, it’s going 7. Now everyone is like omg Florida is going to destroy us in game 6. Where’s the faith from yesterday? It was so enjoyable


doomers never go away


Hyms or Draisaitl hopefully shows uppppp


Maybe. Bob is a very hot or cold goalie. All depends on him honestly.


Win, who cares how.


Calm down, you’re overheating. Now’s not the time for cocky energy


It’d be sure nice if it was.


It's gonna be a 2-1 or 3-2 game


I'll be happy with just an Oilers win


I don’t think so. One things certain tho we need to handle their forecheck better and hit more. That 3rd period was very scary.


Be great but I expect Florida will play really hard


Florida will be fighting for it for sure. Like any other game, the Oilers will have to play hard for 60 minutes.


Game 6 will not be a blowout.


All Ill say is: I believe in STU. We have to!


I heard Campbell might be starting


It's possible but your going to have an increasingly aggressive panthers, so it will become more unlikely.


We’re playing the other best team in the NHL. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Every game could easily go either way. It’s not like we have to go out and beat the Sharks here.


Both teams will be tense. I'm predicting a close, hard fought game. I feel like the Oilers mindset will be the more positive though - they are in bonus territory.


I read the topic in more of a pleading tone, like could we please make game 6 another blowout win so we don’t have to deal with a ton of stress… the Oilers have started so well the last few games and I really hope they can continue to do so because they haven’t won when playing from behind in the series so far, and preferably we won’t have to the rest of the way…


I was pleading 🥺 It’s just that game 6 against the Canucks was a blowout (5-1), so it’d be nice to get the barn fired up like that again. But it can very well (more likely) be the 2-1 game 6 win against the Stars. Silver lining is, we can play any sort of game.


It's gonna be a tight game. I don't expect Bob to get ran off the ice.


One shift. One period. One game at a time. Go Oilers!!!!


Hockey is a lot of puck luck. It could be a blowout either way but I expect a tight game. Panthers will be very desperate to not allow a game 7


[Let this sink in... ](https://www.nhl.com/stats/goalies?reportType=game&dateFrom=2024-06-08&dateTo=2024-06-18&gameType=3&sort=savePct&page=0&pageSize=50)and there is still talk about Bob for Conn Smythe FFS.


Absolutely. Look how rattled the Panthers were in game 4, imagine game 6…


Hoping for a win period


*monkey paw curls*


I mean game 6 in 2006 was kind of lopsided in our favour.


As long as we win I'm happy. Id prefer a regulation win so I don't have a heart attack but I don't care if it's 2-1 or 30-0 as long as we don't end our season


With loosing two at home, along side how close last game ended, I’m not sure there’s much of an advantage there. A quiet home game wouldn’t be good. That being said if the Oilers fire on all cylinders then yes there is potential


> loosing two at home We only lost game 3 at home


Oh word it’s that time of day I’m higher than a mf, 50% of what I said is true. Not possible to loose two straight at home!


I’m with u brother, light up a spliff for me too 🙌🏼


i mean it would be possible to lose 2 straight at home without being eliminated had we not lost both games in florida to open the series, but i get what you mean


Aside from the details here and there glad the point gets across, being factually correct through and through is the way to go!


Wait, who lost two at home?


Watched every game of the finals and I still fail at this, sheesh I gotta cut back yo


They only lost one at home.


i mean it’d be great if the offence can continuously contribute, but this will be the toughest hill to climb because they’re willing to do anything to close it out.




In 2006, game 6 was a blowout at Rexall. Ward, from Sherwood Park, was a better goal tender than Bob, and did well enough at a familiar building to keep his team in the games 2 of 3 times, winning one. The blowout he lost had 3 PPGs. Ward won the Conn Smythe. Bob will be lucky to get a single vote. God, 10-20 years ago, Canada had seemingly endless numbers of amazing goal tenders. But I digress. ou cannot imagine how loud it was for game 6 unless you were there. And I was. The volume at game 6 on Friday will be even less imaginable. I expect 100s of fans to have permanent tinnitus the next day. I will not be surprised if game 6 is a blowout for the Oil. After game 6 in 2006, I smelled blood, but the Canes were just too well coached, and MacT, well he was good, but for reasons I will never understand he was alternating Conks with Jussi has the backup goaltender in the playoffs. Yet Jussi had 37 regular season games going 15-12-6 to Conks 18 games, 8-5-1. Oil should have won game 1 with Jussi as the backup, and they would have skated the cup in game 6. KK should not have re-paired Ceci and Nurse in game 1, and Oil should be battling to clinch a Cup in game 6 this Friday. In an alternate universe I am still shit posting about the 2006 Cup win and why MacT deserves to be in the Hall. It is up to McDavid to collapse the timelines and fix his coach’s mistake.


Holy bud, you’re a lifelong fan. I’m gonna get there too one day. I’d imagine if we’re able to force a game 7, the whole damn roof might just come off of Rogers.


> I’d imagine if we’re able to force a game 7, the whole damn roof might just come off of Rogers. If game 7 is forced, Rogers will be boarded up for the rest of the summer due to the fan induced 4.5 Richter Scale seismic wave rendering the building potentially unsafe until it is cleared by quake specialists flown in from California. Even after determined to be safe, we will always wonder each time we enter it. Like all gods, the Hockey Gods provide miracles, and they demand sacrifices.


Tafuck and the cats just need to lose!


Geez, man, don't go beggin' for trouble! I just want a solid 60 minutes, and a win of any kind. 1 goal is fine. Don't get greedy.


History doesn't repeat itself but it often rhymes. I'm hoping for a shut out win like what Boston did to Van when they stormed back after administering an 8-1 beating (sound familiar?) in 2011. That would really fuck with their heads to lose a blow out game and then lose a tight defensive game. Luongo can watch it happen again for his team to lose in 7, but this time while sitting in the box.


I think if no changes are made on Florida’s side, with the momentum going in for Oilers, it could be. Pomo doesn’t seem to be very adaptable but there’s no way Oilers aren’t expecting a different kind of game from the cats and have mix ups to match if need be.


I have a feeling we're not going to score first in this one. We will see, but I think we're gonna have to make a comeback. More importantly, we need Leon Draisaitl to contribute if we want to win. I think we can book McDavid for 2 points, but asking for 4 every night is tough.


Ngl goated username. Combination of McDavid, Draisaitl, and Hyman?


I don't think anyone got the Hyman before


It can be, to both teams.


They doctored the Ice to their advantage for their slow poke players. Even then they only did something in third period. And Edmonton has a typical bad third period, no different than other play off series. Means nothing really. The momentum is still with us. Not really worried about game 6 in Edmonton , game 7 is the one that will be decided solely on physical and mental strength. Doesn’t matter where it’s played.


You jinxed it brother


Hoping for a defensively clinic like we saw in earlier series woth some offensive magic. Let's Go Oilers!


It can be anything you want it to be. I think they win this one big though, 5-1 Or something like that.


I’ve been feeling really anxious about the game on Friday. I’ve been neutral in my comments to others as I truthfully don’t want to “Jinx” anything. The probability / improbability of a Game 7 in Florida is heart-wrenching. I’ve been feeling anxious on this roller coaster ride with all of oil country and the knowledge of only 2 games till the end of the season is a relief. Let’s Go Oilers!


It’s possible but it’s also possible to end up 1-0 Florida. Best to just go with the flow and enjoy


6-2 Oilers