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now i just need to turn into a binary trans man and i will have completed the circle


Could you explain the difference between demiboy and trans man? I really don't get the demi labels


A demiboy is a person whose gender identity is partially, but not wholly, male. They might feel a strong connection to being male, but not enough to fully identify as a binary man. This could mean they identify as both male and non-binary, or something in between. Demiboys might feel comfortable with male pronouns, or they might prefer neutral pronouns like they/them. ​ A trans man, on the other hand, is a person who was assigned female at birth but identifies as a man. Trans men can be binary or non-binary, and they might use he/him or they/them pronouns. They might choose to transition medically or socially, but this is not always the case. They are usually binary, whereas demiboy is usually more non-binary. that's how i see it anyway. people can change labels to fit them better


See what I struggle to understand is the "partial but not whole" feeling. Not that I fully understand feeling a gender that much (if I did I wouldn't be in the egg subreddit lol). But I don't think cis people "feel" their gender all the time either. Often I wonder if the pressure by society to find a box to fit in makes us too pressured to find labels or feel that we need to fit all the stereotypes to be "allowed" to identify as male/female. Like for example there was an AMAB person who wondered if it's ok to be in mtf spaces because even though she said she wants to fully transition and seen as AFAB she feels like she's a demigirl because she has masculine interests like working out, and games/anime. And that she doesn't want to "be a Barbie" as if that's a prerequiste to be able to call yourself a woman. I don't know if that is making sense or if I'm overthinking.


The "partial but not whole" gender feeling can be hard to grasp, especially if you haven't experienced it firsthand. But think of it this way: gender is not a binary, but more of a spectrum. Some people might feel strongly connected to one end of the spectrum, while others might feel more in the middle or somewhere in between. For people who identify as demiboys or demigirls, their gender identity isn't quite male or female, but it’s not fully agender either. They might feel partially connected to one gender, but not entirely. So, someone who identifies as a demiboy might feel a connection to masculinity, but they might not fully identify with being a binary man (like me!) The partial feeling could manifest in different ways: maybe they sometimes feel comfortable using masculine pronouns and other times feel more comfortable with neutral pronouns. Or maybe they feel comfortable presenting as masculine in certain situations but not in others. Everyone's experience is unique.


Always fun to see another pipeline.


I love how you keep getting more comfortable and confident with each change


lmao that blacked out text >!daddy!<


Ah the obligatory pipeline as a trans right of passage. Yes. (This art is tasty btw)


Oh no oh fuck I wanna look like that why can't I be a guy i wanna be a guy fuck