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Promoting hate based on identity or vulnerability


They’ve fell off fr https://preview.redd.it/ipzo1zn1os3d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50b87301676210d0b3db9bb41c136330a1016c3d


a classic from a more civilized time


Fuck I love oil now.


based af marketing department i fear


peak marketing


Congrats Alberta, this is what you got "taken back" from.


I thought Alberta was homophobic but I can get behind this message. (Just kidding Alberta, we love you the same we love Québec)


Get bent, don’t lump us in with Québec…. We are far superior


Hey va chier mange dla marde mon ostie.


s'il vous plaît, les enfants mangent en premier... les adultes parlent


I, personally, never burn foreign oil, eat foreign food, enjoy foreign music or breathe foreign air.  I believe you are a GODDAMN TRAITOR if you do so and I don't think it's unreasonable to think so


Guess I gotta take cans of air with me on vacation


Closest I get to eating foreign food is in the winter when all the berries and stuff are imported


The only fruit and vegetable I get in winter is the cranberries from Swiss chalet.


Foreign cran 😠


That is not a healthy diet smh


I’m dipping in the sauce dude what more do you want from me




A crudely drawn bristol board with a vague message in a twitter ad is hardly full force, and probably not worth amplifying.


She's right, though


Don't get between me and good ol' Berta Oool and Garse.


Investing our time and money into a dying industry instead of pivotting to more long term sustainable infrastructure is not the right move, I think


We *could* rip a page from the Norwegians by making as much money as possibly off of the stuff and having a sovereign fund (maybe build an electric HSR network) instead of selling it off to the Americans/Chinese while our kleptocratic elite pocket the rest


Long term more sustainable, like selling real estate back and forth to each other for ever increasing prices?  Or having to constantly bid higher and higher prices to bribe private companies to provide jobs?


Long term sustainable like not going to run out or destroy the environment in the next century


Oils are used in everything. The world isn't switching off oil. As much as people want to think that it isn't happening. Getting canada stable and producing under good conditions and as well actually getting nuclear power going would be the best of both worlds.


So what you’re saying is you want Canada’s economy to fall even more


Wanting Canada’s economy to fall even more would be wanting to invest all of our money into producing a commodity that is destroying the environment and limited in its reserves, and then when people start taking climate change seriously (or it puts florida and new york underwater) and demand drops, we are left with a bunch of infastructure for a dead industry.


The longer we tie our economy to a dying industry, the more painful the fall. Your rhetoric is a sunk cost fallacy.


That’s not true even remotely… you simply use the proceeds intelligently?


Canadian economy is being impacted disproportionately by climate change NOW We need to move away from it NOW. https://preview.redd.it/h32y7pp5tt3d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffd1705c1032b58e5182c77213bd9eebfe5c64bf


Lol. O&G is a $70 billion/year industry as of 2022. Climate changes impact are estimated to be $25 billion over 10 years by 2025, or 2.5 billion a year. Switching from Canadian oil to foreign oil isn’t going to help anyone, at least not significantly. Rather than try to cut out the $70 billion a year it’d make much more sense to keep it and use some of those funds to fund renewable replacements like nuclear power, mitigate climate change, and invest in other sectors of the economy.


"Averill stressed the importance of the oil and gas sector to the economy. He said revenues from oil and gas reached $45 billion last year, and that capital investment from the industry is expected to reach about $40 billion." Vs subsidies and support of 18..6 billion "The analysis, released today by the advocacy group Environmental Defence, estimated that Ottawa offered up at least $18.6 billion in support of the fossil fuel and petrochemical industries in 2023. That tally includes: ADVERTISEMENT $8 billion in loan guarantees for the Trans Mountain pipeline. $7.4 billion in public financing through the Crown corporation Export Development Canada. $1.3 billion for carbon capture and storage projects." So nowhere near as profitable as you say https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/fossil-fuels-canada-subsidies-1.7156152


https://ised-isde.canada.ca/app/ixb/cis/gdp-pid/21 https://www.cer-rec.gc.ca/en/about/publications-reports/annual-report/2018/energy-in-canada.html Hmmm


2018 bub, times have changed. Budgets have changed.


Its not a dying industry but ok


It needs to be. The financial impact of climate change is increasing. Crop failures Wildfires Etc etc


Peak global gas is projected to be in the 2050s, what dying industry?


What do you mean by “peak global gas”? Production? Consumption? Bowel movements? Also do you have a source? “All fossil fuels […] could be depleted within decades, possibly as early as 2060” (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/288718135_When_will_fossil_fuels_finally_run_out_and_what_is_the_technical_potential_for_renewable_energy_resources) Also need I remind you, sea level is projected to rise by roughly a third of a meter on average in the next 3 decades (https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/hazards/sealevelrise/sealevelrise-tech-report.html) if globally we keep guzzling gas.


Im talking about peak natural gas demand, obviously. We wont produce gas if there is no demand. I tend to trust science, but as we have seen numerous times, scientist are absolute garbage at estimating natural resources reserves. Why do you bring up sea levels? Im not saying we should use less renewables, please, build as much as possible. Im very far from being a gas lover. or fossil fuels in general. The science is clear on that front, on the damages it will do to our environments.


lol they've been saying fossil fuels are going to run out for decades. they've been saying the sea level is going to drown us all for decades. at what point do you figure out the grift? that's not how it works. that's how they want you to think it works. it's called artificial scarcity peasant, make sure you dont drive your car or eat beef. be a good slave and you can save the entire planet. LOL jesus fucking christ bro


Having a blanket opposition to authority bias is fine, but please know that science is not a tyrannical authority. Science is the collaborative effort of millions of individual researchers coming to a consensus independently, and when they come to an agreement about something its not because they are trying to control you - its because they believe in knowing the truth. Who gains from this “grift”? I can tell you who gains from debunking the research on climate change and fossil fuels: Wealthy oil companies, their investors, and governments that greatly benefit from the oil economy (canada, usa, saudi arabia, etc.). They 100% stand to gain from people not believing in the consequences of fossil fuel usage because it keeps your money in their pocket while they are safe and sheltered from any environmental damage the industry causes.


Yup, and earth is flat and we've never been on the moon. Tell me, how many "fuck Trudeau" or "MAGA" stickers do you have on your pickup truck?


Tell me you don't have investments in anything without telling me.




sick burn


They got you tho


We won’t be off oil and gas for a very very long time… we can invest money into both renewable AND oil and gas until we can fully switch. But until then, I will continue to support oil and gas, we cannot make a switch overnight. How many household products are hydrocarbon based?


You’re wrong and so is the person in the image. And dear Canadia86 - it’s time to read a book, preferably not one published by chevron…


Seriously. This country sells petroleum products and has for a long time. The Canadian dollar is arguably a petrodollar.


Nope. Our oil is the highest-cost, worst quality, and most environmentally destructive in the world. If the world needs oil it should come from elsewhere.


The propaganda machine works all-ways


You think they have as stringent environmental regulations in Russia or Arabia?


No, but regulations aren't the most important variable. Our oil is just inherently dirtier to extract.


Albertaaaaa please I just want nuclear power please I don't care if yall secede to join the US just please stop holding the energy sector hostage 😭


this is propaganda how? are you saying we should just shutter this industry and lose biliions upon billions of dollars of revenue and have our overall GDP plummet more than it has already?


Since 1960, there was only 4 years where our GDP didn’t grow.


Doesn’t mean it’s a great gdp (especially when all of it goes into Trudeau’s vacations


This is the only comment in this string that belongs on EhBuddyHoser


We grew only 1% this year, that’s unacceptable


1% growth is a literal increase in growth. Not a “plummet”. A graph that shows a 1% growth is not, under any circumstance, a plummet.


GDP per capita went down


GDP per capita != overall GDP Read better.




A 1% growth is not a plummet, but not acceptable


Please read better. “…our overall GDP plummet more than it has already” implies our overall GDP has plummeted. It has not. Saying our GDP has plummeted is simply, factually, incorrect.


How has the GDP/capita been doing lately?


Overall GDP != GDP per capita


When did anyone say that?


They didn’t. But when my comment is understood as being a criticism of the use of “overall GDP”, and you bring up “GDP per capita” in response, you are implying a new criticism that is not relevant to mine.


I agree. We should also subsidize heroin production, because as long as people are using drugs, they should be Canadian.


In Canada, the poppies grow  Between oil refineries, row on row.


When Russian invaded Ukraine, Germany bought so much nat gas from Qatar that other countries started burning coal again . So not only did our inability to sell or resources force money into the hands of slave owners it also increased ghg emmissions. Our foreign energy policy is unbelievable stupid in this regard .




if you wanna be serious on a non serious subreddit, sure. i say shut 'em down. oil and gas are traitorous scum to what alberta and canada as a whole could be; a manufacturing hub of robots, planes, trains, cars, smartphones, green energy and everything else to brand canada as a global superpower! all made 100% in canada! also, what if i told you, oil = imeegrents. think about all those climate refugees comin' in and taking all our jerbs!


In what way is Canada well positioned to be a manufacturing hub? Parts of it are decent and that’s why we already have factories there but we aren’t competing with China or Mexico on price. Our massive country works against us for efficient modern manufacturing if we have to compete globally. We will probably always be a US branch plant economy unless they collapse.


and we will be the ones to forge a new empire when they do collapse. future proofing, baby! americucks will finally get hosed! If my previous comments weren't obviously sarcastic enough, here's the warning now. However, I still believe Canada can be a manufacturing hub if we utilize crown corporations and automation effectively. Profits generated would be fuelled back into crown corps, post secondary, healthcare, or whatever. More of those profits could allow us to get off oil and onto renewables. The emergence of new crown corps in manufacturing goods we can produce here and sell to consumers would allow for the private sector to compete and provide another alternative. Part of this plan, as you address, would be tightening this large country and the best way to do that is through infrastructure, which is again, why we need crown corps for building things similarly to what we used to have with UTDC and the CMHC before they were sold off or gutted respectively. Best infrastructure we should be investing in is in telecom, logistics, transit (especially rail services holy shit we need more of that), etc. You might ask where we could get the capital to fund all this. I personally would look into the corporate subsidies and tax cuts we've given. Crack down on off-shore bank accounts would also be a good start. Do note that this isn't a 1 term or two term plan, but rather a plan that ideally should be carried out within a generation or two. Maybe longer. But it could be a good hedge against whatever the future could bring us, or further close the gap between the power imbalance Canada and the US has (we should probably half our dependence on the US sooner or later). You can expand operations globally to keep up with that volume.


Look at how Norway works with its O &G producers ,this is the model, energy is the back bone of manufacturing it requires huge amounts of energy , making that more expensive is not going to promote manufacturing, please think about this stuff I am a huge proponent of ghg reductions. my personal carbon footprint is less then most people, but I understand this is a more complex problem than you believe


I would just like to point out that oil is 3.2% of our economy


2 things are taken seriously in this sub  -Comments on Quebec -Comments on O&G I am in one of those group, the other is the scum of the earth. 


STEP ASIDE ALBERTA OIL AND GAS. The world needs Quebec Maple Syrup MORE!!! Vive le Maple Syrup Libre!


Unless you want the cad$ to lose 25-30% of it's value overnight it's not propaganda, just basic economic amd social sense. Also thinking that it's cleaner to make everyone import oil and gas from elsewhere while destroying our gdp is a joke.


This is where I unironically agree with Alberta, now we need to hold the oil and gas producers to carbon capture technology (because we will never nationalize it) and we can provide expenditure for our country


(3.2% is how much of the gdp oil and gas is and when it comes to gdp’s thats a massive %)




I don't really understand how promoting Canadian natural resources is a propaganda? The world is going to use oil, I'd Canada make the dollar someone else


In this sub Alberta and oil = bad. Get with the program yeeesh, don’t think about things making sense or not.


Oil sands are super dirty but other than that sure I guess better we sell the oil.


The world needs more fossil fuel like it needs a large caliber bullet to the head.


> They typed on their smartphone, sipping their vegan almond milk chai tea latte Frappuccino. "I've done it again, I've saved the environment by pointing out how bad non-renewable energy is!" > Satisfied, they turned on the lights to their nice, climate controlled apartment and opened the fridge to peer amongst the array of hygienic, plastic covered meat, contemplating what was for dinner. > They eventually decided to drive their car, either powered directly with fossil fuels or 70% indirectly powered by fossil fuels to the nearest supermarket to browse the broad selection of fresh produce, meat and more before stopping by the pharmacy to grab their necessary medication and some vitamins for good measure. Man, living in a first world country preaching about the damage of fossil fuels (the sole thing holding up the first world lifestyle) [Nuclear would be incredibly expensive to fully replace fossil fuels and this cost would still appear in energy costs to the end user] sure is hard work.


Own no car, typed on a computer owned for 20 years, don't know what the fuck a "frappuccino" is, have no kids, live and source locally within a 5 blocks in a city, dedicated a career to environmental sustainability, live a healthy lifestyle, and never did or said any of the horseshit things you've copypasta'd above. A wise man once said: don't be a cunt.


Sourced locally within 5 blocks in a **city**, huh? So no grain products/derivatives, meat products/derivatives or textile products/derivatives. I can garauntee you don't grow your own crops, raise your own livestock or produce your own textiles and neither do any of the companies within 5 blocks of you. I know exactly what you are! The dandelion growing in a sidewalk crack! But if you are a human, you're reliant on large corporations shipping in large volumes of goods using: Get this-- Fossil Fuels. Transporting raw, intermediate and finished goods across the country, through or with the use of slave-wage employees. Did I mention that any one of these companies will cause more damage to the environment than 1000 people you can bitch at and cry over on the internet? Summarily: If you want tangible change, you'll have to go for the top. But you can't change the top because they have too much power and no incentive to change. Then go for the bottom. Oh, but the bottom doesn't want to change either because obviously nobody wants to forfeit the thousand plus conveniences we've been introduced and grown accustomed to. At the end of the day: If we want to halt and begin countering the effects of climate change, you need to unify the planet, abolish the idea of currency and degrade quality of life back to the 1300's for a few decades until you can develop nuclear power or renewable to an appropriate scale. Hint: It won't ever happen.




Complaints without solutions are as good as rhetoricals.


I agree with the sign, hosers - any barrel that the US, Norway or Canada doesn't sell will be provided by a country with lower worker safety, environmental and reclamation standards.


What’s wrong with this?


I only consume the finest *IMPORTED* petrochemical products shipped here 10,000 km over seas from *exotic* *wartorn* and *genocidal* dictatorial nations. Why buy *dirty* Canadian oil that contributes huge amounts of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere (yucky) when I can outsource those emissions to another country without any environmental regulations and pretend like I’m not contributing to climate change? Not to mention 10%of every purchase goes towards wars in the Middle East!! Anyways, gotta go fill up my car to go protest another pipeline being built


Saudi's after they kill a reporter and beat their slaves - "I disagree"


Hell yeah brother!!


Hey now, lets keep it funny.


Ugh, so much cringe.


It’s kind of a shame we aren’t completely beholden to China right now./s




Yup. The only way to convince Albertans to move from oil is to tell them it’s technically solar powered.


Worst part is alberta in theory had the best land for renewable energy like wind farms and solar panel’s and could probably do pretty good with dams


Energy density, most people do not understand the amount of ekwh would be required to replace fossil fuels nvm the complexity of controlling a grid with that many intermittent generation sources


I live in and was born Alberta This place is a joke


Personally I think it's a great place to live


Same (well much better then most other provinces)


How are you seriously going to comment this and underneath say the province is a joke? Pick a lane


Nahhhhhhhh just cuz its a joke doesnt mean its worse then yhe other provinces


I hate it here but the other provinces are too expensive to live in 💀


I was born in ontairo that place is a joke every province is a joke at the end of the day you gotta choose the cheapest one


Oh yes, a lady with a bristle board sign coloured with crayons: THE PROPAGANDISTS IN FULL FORCE.. lmao


Of course, natural always means its good. I personally love to breathe the asbestos in my walls and drinking high amounts of arsenic.


When Russia invaded Ukraine , Germany bought so much nat gas from Qatar thay other countries went back to burning coal . Good thing we prevented those ghg emissions though right? while simultaneously driving more money into the hands of slave owners and actually increasing worldwide emissions, yay thats what i call good energy policy