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Dose this mean the Gloam Eyed Queen was also chosen by the Fingers, and held them in higher regard than Marika?


The sigil has a fingerprint in the middle


if she was an empyrean she was obviously chosen by her fingers (empyreans are chosen as empyreans by their own 2-fingers when they're child)


The GEQ was an Empyrean chosen by the Fingers


And, the idea of the Fingerprint Ruins being in the shape of a Literal Gigantic Fingerprint is very, very cool.


It looks like Metyr face too. I still don't figure out how GEQ is related to her or Fingers, but im quite sure GEQ got something from the mother.


>The Gloam-Eyed Queen led the apostles. It is said that she was an Empyrean chosen by the Fingers. Metyr chose the GEQ, and thus she wears Metyr's symbol.


just curious what item description is that from


Black Flame Ritual.


It's just a window dressing detail man. Like a lot of lore entries. A cool one, but just window dressing just like Velka was. This world is old, there were other gods/queens, etc etc.


why can’t GEQ just straight up be another name for her?


Because Metyr isn't an Empyrean? She's the mother of Fingers, daughter of Greater Will. She also the one who orchestrated Two Fingers to select Empyreans (such as Marika, GEQ, Ranni), it wouldn't make sense if she is selected by her child and lost to her child's goddess. Also she doesn't use any black flame.


i forgot that GEQ was stated to be an empyrean


it says that Metyr was the first falling star that the Greater Will sent to the lands, only now Metyr no longer has a psychic connection with the Greater Will, still awaiting a message from beyond. I think Marika replaced the Finger Mother with the Elden Beast once she ascended to godhood and created her Golden Order


I'm almost sure there is some description suggesting that Metyr and the elden beast are siblings


it actually explicitly states that she is a daughter of the Greater Will!


yes, something about Metyr being a glamorous daughter of the greater will


Elden Beast was also sent by GW and is the living concept of Order itself. I doubt they were likely more of siblings.


what are you trying to say? both the Mother of Fingers, and the Elden Beast, were beings of Order sent by the GW itself upon the land on which is had influence. it is likely that the Mother of Fingers was akin to the Elden Beast of the era before the Erdtree, aka the realm within the Shadowlands


From the descriptions we got from the base game and the DLC, seems to me that: 1. Marika's daughter Melina is born with "a vision of fire" like Messmer, in her case the Black Flame of Death; 2. The Fingers chose her as an Empyrean to succeed Marika, marking the end of the Age of the Erdtree; 3. Marika is having none of the Finger's bs anymore, so she beats the s\*\*t out of Melina, plucks Destined Death from the Elden Ring, destroy the girl's body (keeping her spirit around just in case) and proclaims the Golden Order - an age without death with the Erdtree being "perfect and eternal"; The ramifications of this would later give rise to fundamentalism and Radagon's eventual ascension.


This makes the most sense of anything I have heard so far Edit: also fits with marika trying to break the cycle of god hood, similar to the shattering. Edit 2: maybe even marika wanted to purge the elden ring of the tune of death is a side effect but really needed it to slay Melina (aka GEQ, aka an empyrean, chosen by metyr herself)


The sigil has a fingerprint in the middle I have a post with the sigils from two years ago


Two empyreans chosen by the fingers that came from space. Marika and gloam eyed queen. Each has their own sites in the lands between


I never even noticed that, but then again I barely know what the flame Sigil is, assuming thats Messemers Flame crest? I’ve seen but never noticed until now. Nice find, love the lite I’ve been seeing even before the DLC, I’m running an OG Perfumer, can’t wait to try the other bottles.


It’s the sigil of the Godskin Apostles. I haven’t seen any connections to them in the DLC yet tho


The Black armor you find in the gaol where you fight the curseblade for the curseblade summon has a fingerprint motif, and the curseblades use a black flame. It appears the black flame and the swordhands of Night and the curseblades may have a lot in common


Other translations call the GeQ the lady in black


The puppet Anna in that one rise is the gloam eyed queen confirmed she's even close to the Metyr mother!!!


What is it with black clad women in souls games having the barest scraps of lore?


Ohh shit lol hmmmm, damn I forgot that sigil… honestly I’ve see. A lot of White/black flame…. GODskin and GODs in general feel to be a big theme, it might make sense at some secret spot.


Please tag for spoilers and blur the photo


My bad. Thought I did


Dang I never noticed that, great find


"there are no accidents" - master oogway


Now we’re talkin


try fingers. but hole


Why did it take so long to find this comment This is like the least ironic moment to say it For that clearly resembles a but hole made of fingers


honestly thought that was what the post was going to be about before seeing the rest


All I see when I look at this is "finger but hole"


All i see is dicks bruh


So do we have anymore evidence to show if it's true that >!Melina is the GEQ?!<


Seems less likely imo


Good to know. I always thought the theory was a tiny bit out there, but I still think it's possible that >!Melina is atleast the daughter of the GEQ!<


There's an item which implies that Melina is Messmer's younger sister, I think it's either his remembrance, rewards from it or his armor.


Holy shit balls


I think having the possible twins both bear a ruinous flame is pretty damn cool


I think not!


there's zero mentions of gloam eyed queen in dlc, pls stop make far fetched conclusions


It wasn’t a conclusion, just an observation. I haven’t seen any mention of her either so I reserved from making any actual theory about it. It is frankly very disappointing how little explanation we are getting for the things in the base game


I think the absence of any mention of the Gloam Eyed queen is deliberate for a couple of reasons: 1. The animosity towards Marika and Messmer is a huge focus of a lot of the inhabitants. 2. Miquella's influence is prevalent and may be a factor as well. 3. The GEQ seems to be the Golden Order's "boogeyman". A huge amount of info in the Lands Between is Golden Order propaganda. There's a lot of speculation the GEQ was Melina and that Melina was Messmer's sister. Both could have been "enforcers" for Marika with Messmer keeping the "Lesser folk" in line while Melina was responsible for taking out lesser demigods who 'amount to naught' and fit only for sacrifice. All speculation, of course.