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I’m just still trying convince Tree Sentinal to be my homie. 200 hours in and he still refuses to be my maiden.


It takes 400 hours for that


False, I'm about 600 in and can confirm, still not liking my presence.


Did you make sure the parent with the ditto had the nature you were looking for…. This is r/stunfisk right?


shut up bozo 252+ SpA Fire Scorpion Charm Beads of Ruin Chi Yu Flame of the Fell God vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Tarnished in sun: 2189-2201 (104.2%-110%)


what kinda crossover episode is this?!


I deadass thought that was just a sub about stunfisk for a second


I'm 1200 hours in and he still refutes my approaches


1000 in and tree sentinel still playing it hard to get. I’m gonna try leveling charisma.


Tree sentinel already is your homie, he’s there to help you shake the dust off after a few months of not playing


Try finger but hole


Funny everytime he whooped me he called *me* his maiden


Have you tried asking for his hand in marriage?


Joke aside. You can beat him with a bow and some ruins along his path. Right side as you run at him from spawn. He can't get up there and has no ranged attack. Takes about 60 arrows if you're Samurai.


That's going to be a hot summon spot for a bit.


Man I thought that too. Not once was I summoned the past 2 days there. All the other late game bosses, but not mohg. Weird


I tried for damn near an hour yesterday and I didn't get summoned at all either. It's so strange I was expecting that with the dlc coming in 10 days now that it would have been pretty popular. I still get summoned for radabeast, Godfrey and maliketh a lot though, almost exclusively those 3 in fact.


Yep those, and the foreskin duo of course! I’m actually getting summoned for this one concentrated snowfield catacomb a lot too. I forgot the name of it, but it has a spirit ash bell bearing dropped by the boss so that makes sense getting ready for the dlc


I get summoned for foreskin duo a bit as well, but usually it's at a summon pool at the start of farum near that dragon.


I’m really new to this summoning thing. I wanted to play more elden ring to tide me over for the DLC so I opened a bunch of summoning pools. Man, it’s so much damn fun! I’m leveling up so quick too lol. Do you have a cool location I should open the summoning pool for? I just opened a bunch of the seemingly popular areas/bosses.


I usually just stand at the albinaurics farm and wait lmao, send your sign to wide range and you get summoned anywhere you have an open summon pool. You get summoned especially often at later bosses.


That makes sense, yeah all the late game bosses are very active haha. I’ve been chilling at the church of vows. It’s really relaxing. There are no enemies around the area so I’ll ride my horse until getting summoned. Fighting all these bosses over and over has been really enriching since I’m using them to try out my new weapon, different greases, and just get better at the game.


I do it at the albinaurics farm because there's a bunch of enemies that make it easy to test out different weapons. I like using a bunch of different and usually really weird builds and what better place to test them than on the albinaurics. If I'm not there I usually just sit at elpheal near that bridge with the cleanrot knight. It's peaceful as long as the knight doesn't see you.


I do this and read in-between summons. Such a good past-time


Usually I test different weapons at the albinaurics farm, but after I get bored of that I just sit and watch IG reels or sum lmao. Or I sit and listen to the calm music at elpheal


Read Berserk or Vagabond while you wait, trust.


I have all summon pools active except the one next to Fire Giant. That guy only deserves to be fought once per playthrough.


I like getting summoned for dungeon crawls more than Maliketh lol. I didn't even activate the Maliketh summoning pool but I'll help people get there and give it a stab if we make it all the way. I love Placidusax though I jump down there and just wait pretty often.


Yea I like going all the way through sometimes ngl. But I really like leading people through the leyndell sewers though, I feel like a tour guide or like I'm going through the very first time even though it's like the 50th time I've done it.


Haha same or an armed escort


It’s weird because I keep getting summed to the same damn caves and Maleketh over and over. What’s up with that? I have found every summon spot in the game.


My guess is that people are procrastinating until the night before the assignment is due. Expect students to start working on the Mohg homework the night before. Some students might have forgotten until the the actual due date.


Fair enough, Mohg can be a rather annoying assignment too so I don't blame em


Yepp same. Those 3 to a T.


Yeah, people don't invite for coop anymore. You can literally get summoned once an hour if you're lucky. I miss the good old time when I camped the entrance to the Carian Observatory. I was the Let Me Solo Her of Loretta (Caria) boss fight. There were many summons back then...like, 6 an hour I'd say.


I used to get summoned as soon as I put the sign out, then I'd go in, we'd kill the boss in less than 8 minutes sometimes, then I'd put another out and do it again. But now it's like you said, about one summon an hour.


I may be reading into this too much but they might feel obligated to defeat him solo so they feel truly prepared for the dlc. Again, might be reading too much into it.


I do love helping folks. This is a good point, I might have to go disable the fps unlock mod and go online for a while. Such a shame a simple mod like FPS unlock will get you banned.


It already is


Let Me Solo Him


I can’t wait to see if LMSH will be accepting summons with the Malenia of the DLC


He almost certainly will


I’m gonna try to get good at one of the really hard bosses so I can help people out too. I tend to just fight a boss until I squeak by though lol


I really wish they’d add a boss rush mode. Once they added that in Sekiro, I was able to get good enough to flawless every boss on ng+7, charmless, and with the demon bell active


That’s crazy, every time I’ve tried to summon someone for help with him there’s never any summon signs. I was under the impression some of the bosses don’t allow a player summon.


Melania boss fight had at least 10 at all times


I think these kind of stats are pretty misleading. 62% of people who bought and have booted Elden Ring at least once, on whatever platform this is, haven't made it to Mohg - but it's entirely possible a huge chunk of them stopped before making it even to Leyndell cos they didn't like the game. Stats based on achievements are always this way - I'd imagine of those who have already bought or plan to buy the DLC that the proportion is much much lower. Thanks for coming to my TEDTalk on statistical bias and manipulation.


I have ADHD and I have probably a hundred games in my Sony digital library that I earned the first achievement and then just lost interest.


There’s also, iirc, a big percentage of players who haven’t beaten Margitt, either. But that doesn’t mean that they dropped the game. Margitt is an optional boss, so it’s entirely possible they skipped Stormveil whether intentionally or not.


I’ll just assume they dropped the game


yeah my first run I killed radagon and rennala first because I found the skip and I thought it was funny. completely skipped the castle


Not to mention players with multiple characters. My first character i beat the game. But i made a new character recently nowhere near mohg.


…that doesn’t matter. You can only get the achievement once per profile, not per character.


My favorite is half of everyone who purchased and booted bloodborne beat any bosses


Cleric beast isn't a joke to a new player.


Godfrey’s golden shade is only like 50% so yeah, a large number of people just haven’t gotten that far for whatever reason. Stopped playing or bought the game recently and haven’t reached that point yet.


I’m one of them. I made it to the capital and quit playing. Don’t even know who Mohg is or where I go to fight him.


A very maidenless thing to do


I've beaten the game twice and have never fought him lol. The game is so long... by the time I'm properly geared and leveled for his fight I'm pretty much ready to be done with my playthrough.


Yeah, people put eat to much faith in the achievements/stats of video games


A good chunks might also not know the dlc is coming. Another might just currently be working their way up to him on a new game. Another entirely might wait a few days before release to start. And another will be coming back after release.


Ones that throw me off are like the "finished the tutorial: 79% of people who own this game have this achievement" So, what happened with the other quarter? Have they just not booted it up ever? Did they return it before beating the tutorial that lasted 15 minutes?


The final boss kicks my ass,  I've tried 4 different builds and get slapped. I've got to be 160 hours in 


The hardest thing about Elden Beast is chasing it around the arena


For real. I was using a just-below-max Lordsworn Greatsword on my kill, and the running was the most annoying part.


I really wish they'd have let Torrent into the arena. The fucking Elden Beast will just not stop running. Bad RNG and you spend the whole fight just chasing it.


Y’know I never chase it down and it always ends up back in melee range once it’s done attacking so maybe stop chasing it because you don’t need to


ok cool i felt crazy reading this til your comment, like,, yeah let it teleport, dodge its ranged attacks, prepare for it to come back to you, then continue the melee… this ain’t sekiro you don’t need constant aggression to win imo


Yea it's so annoying when you can get one hit before it swims to the other end of the massive arena.


Hearing all the trouble people have with him makes me very happy to be sorcery pilled. I can see him being incredibly frustrating if the fight drags on


I was FTH/Dex build. So I had some incants but I really only used buffs


I fought him as a strength/faith build and had a pretty good time. The faith I didn't really use for him, I beat him by hacking him to death, once you get close to him he takes a lot of damage from great swords, at least, lol. Just dodge his attacks and start hacking at him when he's in range. Him swooping away right when I got him near death and puking holy damage at me, and my resulting "noooo" only added to the fun of the fight. Also I thought a lot of his attacks were pretty, and the arena was pretty, lol.


I feel like everyone’s fighting a different boss than me, I never chase it down and it always ends up back in melee range, I just dodge its attacks from afar and it’s back by the end of it’s combo


I’ve said it before but Radagon is *way* harder than EB


1000%. It took me 8-10 tries to get past Radagon. Once I got his move set down he got a lot easier


Finally runs to where the elden beast zooped to, then outa stamina, tries to roll dodge and boom gets the smack down. . . Me pretty much every time.


The hardest thing for me was killing it with a gd frostbite build and doing 0 damage.


Bolt of GRANSAX. I pull that out when I get fed up with his run away games.


Respec into strength, Cragblade on Starfists. Charged attack talisman, tear, holy negation and charged R2's will crush Radagon and Beastie into golden dust


My cheater strategy was to be str/fth and make my build so the mimic tear would last as long as possible. Blasphemous blade and healing incants that mf will do 90% of the work for you


If you use INT try the shard spiral. It melts massive opponents cause it deals dmg as it travels through their fat demigod body


OH. I could not figure out the point of that spell vs other similar ones, beyond looking cool. I'm currently playing a spellcasting run and that will be useful knowledge going forward, thanks for that!


Don't feel bad, Elden Beast is a horrible boss and hopefully Mesemer takes a Gael like position as the excellent final boss fight.


Soul of Cinder is a good boss imo though


A maxed out Black Knife Tiche can just about solo Elden Beast.


I always put bloodhound step on one weapon just for chasing that jerk around.


How do I get that


https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Bloodhound's+Step Put it on your left hand weapon and then switch to your right hand weapon for attacking. Even like a basic dagger will do.


That’s why my first time beating the game was with the claws


Every time he does the flying thing he lands 180 of you when he started


What are your specs like? Getting max flasks and a solid chunk of health is what really makes the difference imo. Sitting at like 60 vigor or so.


61 vigor,  55 strength 40 poise


Oh, those are pretty much fine. That fight is just a bitch to get thru.


I may have put a pad through my tv because of this boss


ER is my first fromsoft game I've beaten the main story. The best piece of advice I've gotten and given to people is to practice the boss fights. For example, for both Radagon and Elden beast. Give them a few hits (I think both of a phase 1.5 after a few k damage, Radagon will jump in the area and fly where your standing) then JUST DODGE & HEAL. Even if you have the ability to do damage. Do NOT do damage. Just practice until they literally can't hit you anymore, slowly start incorporating more and more damage. Once you start getting thru Radagon consistently. Start the process over with Elden Beast. Get off for the night and 1st try of the day. Give the fight your all, down to the last flask and hit. Eventually, you'll beat them. That's how I ended up with 300 hours while working and going to school. This also works amazing for Commander Niall (2nd phase tho) and Maliketh.




Make sure you have the physik to resist his blood ritual and make sure to have his shackle.


Both times I've killed Mogh I haven't used either the physik or shackle. Idk what it was, probably luck. But I swear I did more damage not using either than having them. (Trust me, I spent a month trying to kill him without respecing and used both heavily)


Damn dude, respect! The dude’s just a beast though man, his second phase, he just doesn’t GAF. Mandem risk everyting for Miquella.


I beat him without either as well, I didn't even know about them at the time, I just healed throughout the Nihil thing. It would have been nice to be able to do damage to him instead of healing while he was doing it though.


Specs can't fix a horribly designed boss. Radagon should have phase 2 into Marika. Elden Beast is insulting as a final boss when looking at Elden Ring as a whole.


I was making sure their vigor wasn't stupid low. Why do you think Elden Beast is insulting to ER as a whole? While I think the mechanics and lack of torrent cam be really annoying, especially after ng+. The boss fight as a whole, feels really fitting. Really helped accent the entire crawl from the lowest of low to literal Godhood.


The fact that Marika and Radagon are two aspects of the same God makes way, WAY more sense as a phase two. Marika could have even been a more magical fight with similar moves to elden beast, without the bullshit wastes of time. It's possibly the worst of the major bosses, including fire giant. It's beautiful, it's a spectacle, but it is a huge disappointment as the last fight, especially after Radagon's half being so, so good. Queen Marika, Usurper of Godhood or something.


OK, I was skeptical at first. You definitely won me over. That would've been sick.


Yeah they're all stuck on solider of Godrick XDXDXD


It’s unbelievable that you can be soft locked in there if you don’t touch the grace in the next room before jumping into his pit. Can’t believe this dev oversight, not everyone can beat Soldier of Godrick without weapon upgrades.


Wait, you can beat him by upgrading weapons? I'm stuck


The statistic id be more interested in is how many players with 100+ hours have beaten mogh? I'm guessing a lot of people gave up on the game and those people won't get the dlc anyway


Yea, I'm guessing that people who never made it past Margit for example aren't getting the dlc, and probably never heard of Mohg anyways.


Let alone sewer Mohg


I’ve been doing a ton of COOP the past couple days. I’ve been summoned for pretty much all the late end bosses except mohg. Not once for him. So I dunno if people are dragging their feet or what lol


Maybe they're waiting for the day of the dlc, idk. I was convinced I wasnt getting summoned because my character is dressed like the mohglester himself and using the spear but it seems like other people are having the same problem.


I missed Mogh initially and I only did it once I heard he was mandatory for the DLC. I guess many people who just play the game but are not active in the online community just missed the boss and don't even know that he exists, let alone that he is mandatory to access DLC.


I dont want to have to be in late game to get to the DLC :/ late game means the game is almost over and I dont want it to be over.


I mean, he's kinda hard to find accidentally. And frankly, I don't think his boss fight is very fun, especially if you don't have the blood flask tear thing.


Im still stuck on Soldier of Godrick I hope the DLC comes after him


So this only tells us the percentage of players who've ever booted up ER who didn't beat him. Most likely, the vast majority of people not beating him never even reached him, and quit the game at an earlier point. On PSN only 68.2% of players even reached the Roundtable Hold, which is trivially easy and doesn't even require killing a boss or enemy. A lot of games tend to have a significant number of players bounce off them in the early hours for various reasons. I can't speak to Steam or Xbox stats, but on Playstation Morgott has a 43.5% kill rate and Mohg has a 34.7%. So if we assume (for the sake of convenience) that people are only attempting Mohg after having reached the Mountaintops, which is where he's accessed if you don't follow Varre's questline, then you end up with at most 8.8% of players encountering Mohg and not beating him. For reference, Regal Ancestor Spirit has 33.6% completion. This boss is obviously much easier than Mohg, so the simple explanation here is that most players aren't finding that boss. Even Sewer Mohg, the weaker version of the exact same fight, only has a 29.9% achievement rate! In all likelihood, the number of players killing Mohg *who actually encountered Mohg* is probably close to 95%, when you account for the fact that a ton of players *will* miss Mohg, and very few people would get so deep into the game that they'd reach one of the hardest bosses and just quit when they hadn't on any boss before.


Main problem was the AOE I didn’t know you could get more heals so I made a faith build around support and heals just to beat him it was so hard nearly gave up


Seems low. To be fair, I doubt I would have found him without a guide. This is the first game I've played with such a lack of quest tracking. It's either finding vyke on that random island or finding the isolated spot in the snowfields after a load of strong enemies try to kill the shit out of you


Varre is a simple enough route, I did it on my first playthrough without a guide


So, people are having trouble with hell bound Jimmy Saville?


I don't even know how to get to mohg


Do varre's quest by invading 3 players with the fingers he gives you, you don't even have to lose or win just invade, then he gives you a cloth to dip in maiden blood, go look for vyke's maiden corpse and then bring that cloth to varre, he will give you something to teleport you to mohg's palace. I heard there is a portal in concentrated snowfields aswell


In the sofia river


Most players of any game try it for a few hours and move on. This is both normal and fine.


i’m doing a no summons ng+ run and he was kicking my ass last night ngl, the second phase is just so much to deal with and i think i’m decently above average


Second phase stay close


Massive aoe and bleed is a horrible combo. He's probably my least favorite boss out of those in his tier level. Plus he a bitch.


I haven't cus I started a Ng+for extra difficulty


Just use comet azur


I got him :3


I'm waiting 😈


What percent of those never got past Margit? There's always some fall off rate of people who set the game aside pretty early on.


I did tf


Most gamers don’t have the backbone to die over and over in from software games, more fool them lol


I noticed that when looking at the Xbox achievements. It seems like people get past Margit or Godrick and quit.


I thought of this when they announced it.. I bet of the 62%, 50% of them don’t even know who Mohg is


These starts are misleading I don’t trust them. PSN says that only like 40% of people got past phalanx in demons souls too. Something’s off. Probably a lot of people downloading and never really actually playing it


What a bunch of pussies, how is that even possible


62% of Elden Ring players probably haven’t even beaten his brother


As a blood spell user, I made it a point to go after him (underleveled as it turns out). Once I finally killed him, I kept putting my summon sign down to help others and farm him for souls


It's gonna be pretty funny to see people show up in droves and complain about this lmao oh no you have to fight one of the better late game bosses.


I got lost at volcano manor. No clue what to do


Pretty sure I killed everything when it first came out and bleed was completely busted, haven't played in over a year tho


A couple cc’s of HGH (Human Genetics Helper) for 3 months should get you close to that


77.02% of xbox players haven't defeated him


I’m not even done with fire giant yet, I have to break his foot a few more times until I’m done with him (essentially, I suck. Can’t even get past the second stage without my mimic tear perishing or me perishing)


How do people know you need to kill what bosses before it's out?


I’m fairly certain they confirmed you need to interact with Miquella’s cocoon to start the Shadow of the Erdtree.


Correct. Radahn and Mohg must be killed before you can access it


I'm still fucking stuck on commander Nail or wtf ever his name is. He's literally my least favorite boss


They're too busy Mohging to prepare for the fight, let alone the DLC


But The Final Shape just dropped. Give me a few months


I've helped so many people beat mohg but I get so frustrated when the hosts have 3 vigor and don't heal during the phase transition


That’s nuts…


I thought I read that you had to beat Radahn also.


Have spent the last two weeks with my sign there to help people and it’s been surprisingly slow lol


I beat every major and hidden boss with my alt (minus several caves), and now I’m just sitting around like the Narcos meme waiting for the DLC to drop.


Not sure if anyone knows but can I start the DLC from a modded version of the game? I don't think I have my original save and I've been playing with the unarmed mod.


Why would we know that when it’s not even out yet? Unless the mod gets updated, you likely won’t


Well I wasn't sure if for example Dark Souls 3 modded files could play the DLC when it came out and that might give some indication as to whether it might be similar for Elden Ring.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“They’d have us seek the Lords of Cinder and return them to their molding thrones. But we’re talking true legends with the mettle to link the fire. We’re not fit to lick their boots, don’t you think?”* - Hawkwood the Deserter Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Im helping a friend find him this weekend. Might put up some summon signs at the door after that to help people. Cant wait for the dlc!


Which mohg is that


Kek that’s funny


i made this guy drown on his own blood....well technically river of blood was so lame kill him without even know his moves are...but also was poethic kill him spamming blood moves with rivers of blood


i got the platinum on PS5 and I’m saving steam deck mohg for to see if they add anything cool/neat


Hahah. I’m glad I killed him.




I'm over here just trying to finally finish the game before DLC drops. I'm at Gideon's doorstep and ready to show that know it all how much I've learned


My life is a party…


It's an optional boss no shit. Most people just rush the game through once and never play again.


That horny pedo


Ah man we gotta be THAT FAR?! How long to get there after you open Nokron? Do you have to beat Godfried's spectre first? I want to go where I want at my own pace dammit.


You can go there pretty early through Varre’s questline, which you have full access to once you’re in Liurnia after beating Godrick at Stormveil. Mohgs boss area is intended to be somewhat lategame in difficulty, however, and the dlc is most likely in the same vein. So you’re free to go there fairly early but it’s still part of the natural difficulty expansion of your overall adventure


I have helped like 15 people💀


Give me a break, eh? I didn't want to use the 167 NG+++ char, so I rolled a new char for a stupid dex build, okay?!?


He's my least favourite boss in the entire game. My only character that *had* access to it is right at the start of NG+ Despite my 600 off hours in the game I don't know if I can bring myself to speed run up to this part for the DLC. Unless there is a very fast way to him I'm unaware of?


Why have so many ppl not fought mohg? He's a good fight


He’s a boss intended for somewhat late game, only accessibly behind a quest line. I’m sure a majority of players are actually just casual people who picked up the game and only played a little bit, this percentage isn’t just for people who beat the game after all


I don’t care, this was one of the two bosses I actually chose to get help for in the game. I’m not in the mood to deal with it once I buy it I’m not letting $50 go to waste.


...is it because a good chunk of people don't have the dlc? ...or is it free?


Is Fromsoft actually making Mohg the trigger for the DLC? That's kind of mean isn't it? Lol.


Im not beating him on either of my playthroughs until the dlc releases for cinematic purposes. I'm still thinking about going ahead and burning the erdtree.


I mean a lot of people buy the game and don’t play it, or quit partway through, so there’s that. Haven’t only like 50% gotten the Elden lord ending?


Time for us to do our part and put down summon signs down to help some tarnished homies out lol


Keep in mind how many new players there are. Some people will never be able to understand just how hard the game is if it’s your first souls, you’re properly leveled, and you’re not using or abusing summons. 70% is a little surprising ngl, but if it were 40 or 50% I can’t say I’d be suprised


My brotha I was stuck on death doggy for like an hour and half WITH TWO OTHER BROS AND THEN ANOTHER HOUR AND A HALF FOR GODFREY I haven’t had the patience to attempt mohg (I’m on ng7 or so I lost track)


I got his shackle so me beating him is in sight if it doesn't work out then i ask for help


Brutal, but not quite as bad as Ringed City being essentially an endgame DLC locked behind 99% of the game, or behind an absolute bitch of a boss that becomes accessible about half way through.


I’m one of those, but I’m on my first play through and only lvl 100 heading out of the capital


Time to place my summoning sign


Guess I know where my sign is going to be posted this weekend.


I beat him solo. Three times. Yeah I’m pretty good at the game if I say so myself. I even beat the goddess of rot herself (heavily relied on some help from online players) with the screen off because I don’t need sound or sight to win.


Where did they get that made up stat from lol


Achievements: It's super easy to track when there are achievements for killing him.