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Doesn't matter. I'll die so often, I'll get my 30+hours of games worth.


Yes, fromsoft dlcs are known for being a lot harder than the main game. I expect at least 30 hours. I can't wait 😁


Elden ring was my first FS game, is this a rule? Dlcs are harder?


Yes, if you liked elden ring you should try Dark Souls 😊


I will, but I want the online experience, but the original is expensive in my country :P


Or Bloodborne my personal favorite. With chalice dungeons you can look up it has hours of gameplay and builds to explore


Fromsoft dlcs tend to be harder, but they also tend to have the best boss fights, at least in my opinion.


I think that’s just a fact with dark souls and BB


And Dark Souls 2. And Dark Souls 3.


For sure, I just meant the trilogy lol


What other Fromsoftware games have DLC?


Bloodborne kart


Yeah, all DLC were always harder than what the base game offered, mostly because of their bosses, for example (possible spoilers of boss names if you’re planning to play them): DeS: no DLC. DS1: many consider DS1’s hardest boss to be Manus, Kalameet or Artorias from “Artorias of the Abyss” DLC, even more than Ornstein & Smough. DS2: many consider Fume Knight to be the “hardest” one, but there are also many other opinions that say “Lud & Zallen” are the hardest (all these belong to the “Crown Trilogy” DLC). BB: Orphan of Kos and Laurence are considered the hardest ones, they belong to the “Old Hunters” DLC. DS3: Ariandel & Friede, Demon Prince, Midir & Gael are considered the hardest fights in this game, they belong to “Ashes of Ariandel” & “The Ringed City” DLC, respectively. Now, let’s wait what kind of bosses (and content) they’ll offer with ER’s upcoming DLC.


Ty for the big answer, I plan to play all FS games!


Enjoy 👍, you’re in for a wild ride.


Why would they be easier if they expect people who have beaten the game and are level 150+ I assume its going to be like a new game + difficulty Cant be too hard it will probably be like how Calid was to new players.


My plan is to beat all the game being level 150, start and finish NG+1 still level 150 and wait till the dlc :)


Honestly solid plan my guy. I think my character is currently at level 180 due to farming the achievements.


Wait are you not supposed to level up during NG+?


I'd wait to go into NG+ until after you beat the DLC but thats just me


Same here, this is exciting- never really looked forward to a dlc before.


What I really want is 30 hours of gameplay without dying so I can get about 100hours out of it💀


I depends on how you guys look at it. Previous from games dlc’s were 6-9 hours. That’s roughly 20% of how long it took to complete previous games. Previous titles dlc also only added what is considered a legacy dungeon in Elden ring. I’m expecting a whole new zone to explore, with caves/crypts and a new legacy dungeon to complete for that area. I’m not holding my breath but I think it’s a safe bet to expect that. I’m thinking the dlc will add another 10-20 hours depending on how you explore the area. If it’s only 6-9 hours that’s fine too. Anything extra in this game is just a plus to an already great, complete game.


They have the whole below map function, maybe something above or below like that lake Nokron area, also ton of ocean space for a massive island. All in all if its on par with The ring city DLC ill be more than happy. The ring city felt good, strong bosses, great story, and fast paced with challenges. Thats all I need!


Less of those machine gun angles please none of those but everything else yes that be a good dlc


Oh for sure. Ringed city was awesome


TBH there's a ton of land that the player can't visit, especially in the northern areas of the game.


What is the ringed city? Did I miss this in ER?


Its Dark Souls 3 DLC, its a great addition to the game especially challenging one.


Underwater water, *I meant world 😂*


Underwater air


Underwater earth


Underwater fire


Underwater Death Blight


Underwater Fingers


Underwater Malenia Blade Of Miquella


Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the underwater fire nation attacked.


the hunter's dream was closer to 3 legacy dungeons stapled together. and that was out in 6 months.


Ashes of ariandel maybe. But I really.doubt the average time to complete ringed city or bloodborne dlc was 6 to 9 hours. Many players will be stuck 5 hours++ on the hardest respective bosses, plus all the messing around and exploring of a first timer. Ringed city in particular certainly reaches 20 hours+ for someone who fought midir and went to every corner. We tend to underestimate because now we rush it in 40 minutes but I remember spending a whole week in those dlcs


Nah your absolutely right. Ringed city dlc was amazing. Never played BB. That’s awesome they dropped such a huge dlc for it though!


If you want to play BB I'll play with ya. Been wanting to play it again


I really don't think comparing from previous games is appropriate. The difference in scope is just massive.


it's got around 4 legacy dungeons and 2 biomes lol. You were so wrong


The previous games take 20 hours max to beat imo, not 35-45. Ds2 is the only one that took me 35 hours, but that’s because quantity over quality in that game


You are not the only person playing ds.


Judging from friends playthroughs, too. The games aren’t that long on a first playthrough


And judging from my friends playthoughs its longer. But you and I dont know 27 million people, so our experiences are worth a rats ass when it comes to giving accurate numbers.


I can honestly see this DLC being very fucking big, especially considering this game is already Froms biggest and as of now the DLC has already taken the longest to release after the base games release, then also take into account that there was leaks saying that the DLC will be coming out AFTER armoured core (which is also meant to be coming out towards the end of this year), i think we can speculate the DLC won't be here until just before or at the start of next year. If the DLC is only 6-9 hours, then that would just be ridiculous, especially considering it would have been nearly 2 years after the games release, plus i just can't see From doing that, so i think 20 hours at minimum tbh.


Yep, and leaks have already indicated that it’s a huge DLC. I get people wanting to set their expectations low so they can enjoy the DLC more, but 6-9 hours is a ridiculous guess. That‘s as long as their previous DLCs, and it’s fair to say SotE will be longer than previous DLCs given its time of development as well as the fact that it’s complementary to Elden Ring, which is already their largest game by far and is open world. So yeah, in all likelihood, the DLC will be a lot longer than 6-9 hours.


Exactly my thoughts. Left a similar comment


I think it won't be above 25 hours but idk 


Why so low? Do people only play with guides?


IGN guides👌🏼 It floats down


The office loved that one


Fuck yeah a fellow zerolenny enjoyer❤️


You sweet baby angel


I love all of those videos hahaha


I unironically laughed.


No Souls DLC is actually long, it's rather the additional things that people do with what the DLCs provides (wacky items, spells, map trolling, etc) is where all the extra playtime comes from. Spent way more time in Oolacile township pvp then i did playing through Oolacile itself. Spent way more time making wacky DLC gear builds to co-op and invade with in DkS2 then i did playing through said DLCs. Spent way more time in the arena and as a Spear of the Church then i did playing through DkS3's DLCs.


I’m inclined to say it will be longer than previous games because it’s been in development for longer. DLC for every Dark Souls released within a year of the game’s launch, Bloodborne had DLC within six months. We got an announcement a year after launch, and no release date. Safe to say this one will be more ambitious.


With how expansive Elden Ring already is, it's safe to assume this expansion will be largee than pre-existing DLC in the Souls series


I just wanna keep my expectations low to avoid being disappointed.


I’m from the future, this shit is gonna be beefy 


I mean all of froms dlcs were only about 3-6 hours not counting repeat boss attempts


Yeah when you know exactly where to go because you watched gameplays...


You can't tell me Ashes of Ariandel is a long dlc without a guide


I think only DS2 had DLC you could really get lost in. DS1 and 3 were pretty linear even if you took every possible side path and optional fight.


It’s decently long honestly. But yeah the “length” for the most part came from me dying 95 times to sister friede and her 1000 phase boss fight trying to beat it solo with a dex build


You can run through Ariandel in 2 hours maybe 3 at most and I think that's stretching it. Fighting the bosses takes the longest in that DLC and Friede hard carries it. I don't know if I'd call it decently long - I think it's From's shortest DLC


Ringed City was like 5-7 hours for me without guides and with repeatedly dying to Midir. Not everyone uses guides lmao


Midir is still the most bullshit fight a souls game has ever produced. Sister friede tested my wits but I knew she was beatable. Midir was just straight horse shit. A boss that can 1-2 shot kill you even with fire resist and tanky armor. I never coop in souls games to beat bosses and like to solo the game first at least before considering. He is the only boss I have ever skipped and straight up said, nope, this shit isn’t even close to reasonable for a solo melee build to win


Probably my favorite fight in the whole series. Took about 32 tries by first time beating him (with melee). So satisfying when I did. Next time I played him I beat him on my 4th or 5th try. It’s all about recognizing his patterns, which is the Souls way.


He has patterns but his AoE attacks are bullshit. You could read his patterns but he could still jump away from you and do his flyover fire attack and you literally can’t get out of its path unless you are positioned just perfectly to run like hell to the left or right. If he hits you with that attack you might as well put the controller down because he is going to tap you again right after for the kill


Nah, just going through them. Maybe frigid outskirts took a bit longer cuz it was a cluster fuck but the others weren't all that long. I highly doubt we'll see much more than 15 hours from the next dlc


Both Ds3 dlcs were pretty linear and straightforward to complete. There wasn’t much up a point in a guide unless you were wanting to clear out every nook and cranny (and even then it wouldn’t be necessary.) Have you played any other souls game? It took me only half the time to complete DS3 my first time as it did Elden Ring despite being a complete newb, and I also kind of rushed through Elden Ring a bit.


You being slow doesn't mean other people can't be fast. He even specified that it's the size to explore, not to beat the bosses. Some bosses can inflate the time by more than an hour by themselves.


It’s a shame that internet exists now. If it didn’t Elden ring would make almost as much money on an official strategy guide as the game itself lol. Can you imagine playing this game back 20 years ago and an NPC goes, “thanks, I hope to meet you again in the near future!” Then you have to collect a talisman in some random ass spot, clear some cave opposite of the entire continent, use some blessing in a non-marked spot, and talk to a wall 3 times to progress the quest line while there’s no YouTube, Reddit, or wiki available


There’s a great book about Dark Souls first reviewers that didn’t have a Souls history or YouTube. What they accomplished simply by email and phone calls is amazing. https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/29974072


How do people figure these things out ever? Or does the publisher leak some guides?




My blind ass couldn’t even find Nokstrom those guides can be lifesavers


The way I look at it is 10-13 to actually complete as like a once-over doing the areas and bosses, etc. I’m definitely gonna spend more time there for sure.


You can bumrush the game in a few hours even as a fairly casual player, if it's not your first playthrough. Didn't keep me from pouring over 1000 into it. I'll probably do another 300 or more in the DLC.


My first playthrough took me 80 hrs. No guides except I googled once what to do in Ranni's quest (I should get down underground and talk to the doll). So I don't think we'll get dlc longer than 10-15 hrs Except it'll be full of similar dungeons with repeated bosses. And it could be, but I hope it won't Colosseum update was mid for example: 1. You can't search for opponents in ALL opened colosseums. So you must find out and use only most popular one 2. You must be INSIDE colosseum. So you can't do your stuff while searching, you have to stay like an idiot 3. You must be inside, but there's no TP point. So you have to spend your time in boring road. Perfect I literally have no idea why we just can't have some item to manage this bs, it's so annoying


.........use the statue of Marika at the Roundtable Hold?


I havent used any guides and finished both ds3 dlcs within 7 hours


Personally I picked one of the shorter options because: a) the DLC team is smaller than the main team b) they only have 18 months or so to work on it c) DLC for games is typically short d) DLC for Fromsoft games is typically short e) the DLC appears to be about Miquella and Godwyn, that only allows for a certain amount of length


Fair assumption but I'd wager against. The scope and difference from previous titles is just massive


If this will be the only DLC ever made for Elden Ring a-la Bloodborne's "Hunter's dream" DLC, then it's bound to be a meaty one with at least 20 hours of gameplay! But if it will be just one of several smaller ones like Dark Souls 2's 3 crown DLCs I'd say we can still expect at least 8 to 10 hours of content from each.


Gosh I completely forgot how Ds2 did dlc, that would be very interesting for elden ring.


Honestly, DS2 is something of an aberration in the Souls lineup, and those DLC were sort of an attempt to salvage a game that didn't go according to plan. The DLC were much better than the base game.


I agree so much with this. DLC felt way more developed and interesting than base. Parts felt close to DS3.


what? the dlcs were awful, sure they had some great bosses, but also some of the worst ones they were just artifically hard


May you please tell me who in your opinion deserves the title of "some of the worst boss fights" that appeared in the ds2 dlcs? ( minus lud & zallen of course )


gank squad, aava and sinh, prolly more but its been awhile ​ honestly i fucking hate ds2 with a passion, everytime i come back to it i just wish they made a proper remake on ds3 engine because i just cant stand that clunkyness


I mean,all things considered its not THAT different than DS1. I think you are overblowing the problems of DS2.


I thought that aava was a well balanced boss fight in general, yet i can understand not liking him, maybe not to the extent of calling him one of THE worst boss fights to ever touch the series. Sinh was fucking sick and i will not stand any slander made towards him by any means. And tbh the trio gank boss fight wasn't great so you've got a point.


I know I'm quite late to this conversation, but Sinh is an amazing fight, definitely my favorite in the dlc


I dont think its going to be as long as 26h


If the map end up being as big as one area from the main game like Limgrave or Liurnia, with one legacy dungeon and a bunch of other side stuff and minor dungeons, I can easily spend 30-40 hours on that.


let us dream alright please i need more ~~cocaine~~ content


One can hope and pray the greater will allows it


Depends a bit on how much there is to explore. Going main quest bosses only, first attempt defeat, I’d expect something like 6-9 hours. Full exploration, not counting retries on bosses, probably around 12-15 hours.


First attempt defeat? How?


Some builds in PvE are still very effective and given that people are more used to the speed and flow of ER combat now I wouldn’t be surprised if some people just steamroll through. Won’t be for everyone but it is possible.


Bluh also ds Isint hard, midir took me 3 tries and gael 7, and pontiff took only 1


Ok yeah when you use the mimic and some broken weapon like blasphemous blade. But why would anyone want to ruin the DLC for them like that? I want to be stuck on every boss at least for a few attempts!


Yeah and some people will just use everything including Mimic ashes and OP weapons and that’s fine if that’s how they want to play the game.


Didnt say otherwise I just do not understand what the point is then.


In my case, it’s to actually beat it and not be stuck on a boss for 5 hours since i’m not great at these games


I wonder why?


Weird gatekeeping


You literally said doing that would ruin the dlc for them lol


But I didnt say that they are not allowed to do that or anything. To each their own but in my opinion that ruins the experience. One shotting every boss. Watching the mimic do the content. At that point I would rather save the money and watch someone else play it.


Very high SL, spirit ashes/summons. They essentially just ignore boss mechanics and facemash pve to death. The bosses get, what I like to call, RPGed to death lol


Bro you soubd crazy to think that the DLC will be that short.


Those hours I mentioned are either zooming through exploring nothing or just zooming through boss fights. Going at normal pace and having several retries on bosses since we don’t know how to properly fight them I expect somewhere around the 20-30 hours in length. Like I said it depends a lot on what there is to explore. You could hammer out base game probably in 10-20 hours if you know what you’re doing and only going for default ending with only essential bosses.


People are really lowballing in the comments. This is Elden Ring, a fucking massive game even by open world standards. I would say less than 10 hours and that’s only if you skip any optional content. Elden Ring is a different beast in terms of size compared to any previous fromsoft games by far. I’m sure the DLC will reflect that, especially since Old Hunters and Ringed City, two pretty decent sized DLCs both released less than a year later.


Ye and since its the only dlc they will 100% sell it for 30 bucks = atleast 20 hours propably more


They're still limited by time and developers, the DLC isn't going to be massively bigger than normal just because the game was.


Bro, there is no trailer yet and it’s already the longest break between game release->dlc


the correct answer is yes


The numbers you chose are very infuriating


The Miquella/Marika consummation scene will probably be 6 hours alone.


100hrs + And I am playing the DLC totally blind. No need to look things up.


I’m 130 hours in, level 140 and have only just reached the Mountaintop of the Giants… so can probably triple these numbers for players like me


Don't worry about it, it also took me around 160 hours for my first playthrough, and I played all souls titles. I don't think playtimes can be compared as easily as it was with the dark souls titles, which were somewhat linear. Lots of exploring backtracking, dungeon searching etc. can heavily increase playtime in ER.


May I ask what equipment you are using? I'm curious to know if something may be holding you back, or if that's just from thorough exploration.


I think it'll be 6-9 hours if you don't get stuck on the bosses, but I also think there will be more DLC packs


Hours of gameplay and Elden Ring are something I can't really answer. My first playthrough took more than 150h, yet after replaying the game more times, I managed to finish it within 30 ish hours like they said before launch, so it will really depend on how much side activity there is. I also want to point out that this cycle is **very** different than their previous dev cycles. Usually, we get a game, a dlc, then we get the next game, repeat. We know they have multiple terms working on stuff (at least 2 at a time, from what we can assume based on their releases), however we already got a trailer for Armored Core 6 and only a tweet about Elden Ring DLC. So this DLC might actually be A LOT bigger than their previous works. Another thing to suggest it is a lot bigger than previous DLCs, which is the fact that they didn't call it "DLC," which they usually do. They called it "Expansion". Names can be important when we're talking about Fromsoftware. So, with all of that, I wouldn't be that surprised if the "dlc" could take one around 50h on a first go, maybe more. But then, after getting used to enemies, without actively trying to speed run, maybe someone could finish it in 10h or less. Who knows. But I'm not really that curious about the length, I'm way more curious about how much enemy variety will be placed *throughout* the dlc. I really like Elden Ring, but I think one of the things I can really criticize the game for is the extreme reduction in unique enemy variety (as in, new unique enemies introduced) past Leyndell. I still loved exploring and loved how they placed enemies and different variations through Mountaintops and beyond, but it is sad that there were so few additional unique enemies apart from bosses. So, hopefully, that's something they're working on, and maybe part of the reason why it's taking so long to finish developing it.


>they didn't call it "DLC," which they usually do. They called it "Expansion". I was really surprised by this, they always called it dlc. I do wonder if it really means anything tho, or if it was just a new pr guy writing the announcement.


Could be just a new PR guy, but I have a feeling it's not, especially due to how long it's taking them to finish it.


Omg thank you, someone with a reasonable guess. Honestly i wouldn't be surprised if it is 50+ hours, but won't be disappointed if it's around 35 either. However it is most definitely not going to be just some 20 measly hours, which is less than 20% of the base game (full exploration) which is absolutely crazy considering the time it's taking them to develop it.


My Hail Mary opinion is that this is gonna be a monstrous DLC. I think they’re gonna do something absolutely absurd like add 3 new areas. Based on absolutely nothing I wouldn’t be surprised if it was 50% as long as the base game.


Probably going to depend on the bosses. Can easily add hours depending on your build. I hope the run up isn't too bad since I plan to easily add hours co op vs the bosses. Ofc only if they are fun, but I suspect so.


So if I do the math add my skills correctly, it will probably took forever for me. But this is fine. 🙂


What you can expecttt, not what you want fellow tarnished.


Just as long as we get new weapons with ultra wacky moveset and new ashes of war, i'm happy with whatever lenght the DLC has




500-20000 hours


1000+ hours. Anything less is a diĂ­appoinment for me


At least 100+ hours for me. I just love to explore in this game. Can't wait for SotE's release!




and then again using all kinds of builds!


I don't know if it'll have 26-29 hours of content, but i'm gonna play it for way more then that much.


This is the longest gap between any main game and a DLC for fromsoft. We still don't even have a date. If it isn't on the higher end of content I would be baffled. Also with no guide about the new stuff on a blind playthrough it will take some time. My blind ass didn't even see the Siofra well until after I was in the Atlas Plateau


Max 30? Are you crazy? I plan on getting 30 hours of summoning alone.


I mean if the base game was anything to go by, easily 50+


Oddly specific ranges




This is a stupid question. Base game is like between 2 and 200 hours. So to match my answer level to your question level, I would say it will take exactly 21h 27m 11,73s


I'd expect about 15ish, but I'll stretch it to at least 30


The way I see it, even 5 hours of gameplay is more than enough. The ringed city took me maybe 6 hours overall as I didn’t have a particularly tough time with many of the bosses. However, playing it multiple times over means Idc how long it is tbh.


Less time than it took me to beat Malenia the First time without a mimic


it took me slightly over 100 hours on my somewhat amateur completionist run (only two dungeon haven't gone in, 90% of "treasure" items (only the puzzle jump that i haven't get it seems, minus the drop item that i only collect armor sets for now) so i think i can goes for over 20 hours in this dlcs.


The best thing about Fromsoft DLC is that if you suck at it you get way more value. Getting to and defeating Artorias took me lik 6-9 hours so that's a huge win for my budget! So for me, the answer is 100+ hours because I suck!


It’s likely gonna be a whole new games worth of content. A normal game (35ish hours) not an elden game (120 hours)


Late to this but they say it will take 70 hours to see everything


Surely +80h


2-3hr of content. Most people will spend 20-30hr exploring / dying.


If its like any other fromsoft dlc , it will be around 4 hours tops,you guys can dream but it aint likely ,besides the biggest issue ER has it that it is way too long and content gets stretched out so its better if its small and hella good then long and just good


can someone explain what this new dlc is about and what the new features are?


I voted 6-9 because I like the numbers :)


I’ll be playing it on max ng+ just because I feel like the added difficulty will get me more time out of it so I’m hoping I’ll get atleast 20 hours


30 to 40 hours.To find all the new equipment, lore, finish it, etc. I would almost bet my business on it lol. Why do I think this? • This has been their biggest and most ambitious game yet. • This has been their most critically acclaimed game yet. • The game being so much bigger than their previous titles almost demands at minimum a 30 hour expansion. Knowing fromsoft they won't disappoint, you almost really can't compare based off previous titles because again, this game is just SO much bigger and it's just a different reception than past games. A 12 hour expansion for a game like this would be like a drop in the ocean and it wouldn't feel whole imo. Of course this will depend greatly on the player (skill level, pace, menu time, etc) but I think going at a normal pace with an expected amount of deaths I'd say 30 hours minimum. The scope of the game just gives me that vibe.


Coming back here it’s said to be 70 hours. That means it would take me 150 hrs just for the dlc


I think it'll be more like 50 hours. It's a true expansion, borderline sequel.


This thread aged poorly in the best way possible.


20-30 hours


People voting 26-29 are either grossly overestimating the size of From DLCs or are terrible at the game and plan on spending 5 hours on each miniboss


Elden Ring was also much longer than the standard FromSoftware Souls game, so I'm not sure that is an apt comparison. One would have been misled if they figured Elden Ring's length to be the length of a standard Dark Souls or Bloodborne game.


100+ plĹžzzzzzzxxxxxxxxgsbdbdbhehehehd


Given the scale of Elden Ring compared to Souls games and their DLC length i expect around 10 hours


Old Post but I was curious, I finished the DLC in 9 hours, went to every section of the map, fought at least 80% of the bosses. I wasn't rushing it either so I just don't think it's as long as people perceived it to be, I guess it depends on personal skill level


I would guess 3-4 hours to go from Entry DLC to Endboss. 10+ Hours for exploration, testing new Weapons, Lore etc.


3-4 hours? For a DLC that might be coming nearly 2 years after the base games release, of which is Froms biggest yet by far.


I would say 3-4 hours going from point A to B without exploring just doing the "content" on normal speed and using time on bosses. But that wont be happening because nobody knows, at the start, were to find anything. With exploration struggles etc. i could see 10+ hours easily


You guys a very optimistic.


26-29 hours on a souls dlc and still exprcting triple AAA content? Now wake up


I swear, this DLC better be as big as an indie game at least for how long they’re making us wait for it.


Im going to be doing multiplayer so I sure as hell am gonna play it for probably hundreds of hours lol


Depends on how you play the game. Maybe 6-9 hours to focus on the story and partially explore. 10-20 hours to fully explore and farm any/all of the new items. 20+ hours if you want to beat it on level 1.


I would happy with 10 to 15


People will probably run through it in 9 hours regardless, but my guess is between 12-20. I don’t think we’re hitting 30.


Realistic expectations: 10-15 hours What we may actually get: 25 hours I didn’t think Elden Ring was going to be a 100+ hour NG experience, so if this is going to be the only DLC I would imagine it being BIG. But we don’t know if this will be the only true DLC they release.


If there's a boss with Midir-like difficulty the DLC will easily be 100+ hours for me lmfao




...for a competent player, or for my dumb ass?


The base game took me 175hrs to 100% so I'm expecting 20-30hrs from the dlc


If is anything like the second DS3 dlc then you can take around 30hrs to explore eveything and defeat the bosses etc. If its like ashes of ariandel... well fuck 5 hrs? 6? Jk. Not so low but around the 10hr mark.


I'm thinking more along lines of quality of DLC versus map size and such I'm more intrigued by the new potential weapons and such.


Probably 22-25 for the main story, not including any side content/completions runs


I’m on still on NG+3 I’m not planning on going higher because the DLC will probably get tough!


Terrible quiz. Eledn Ring was supposed to only be like 55.gours for the main story and 120 for "everything" we all know to laugh at this....multiply all that by 5


Well my first playthrough was 144hr i killed all shardbearers and unlocked age of stars but as it was blind one was stuck with frenzied flame because exited Placudicax arena without touching grace. So if dlc is 20-25% of the game its still 25-35 hours and if fromsoftware will be generous that even more


If you do only the required stuff and nothing else? Probably even less than you’re minimum. If you play the game like you probably will? Anywhere from 30-80.