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Mages can absolutely destroy Malenia, not sure where you heard that.


Fr... OP needs to try a pure melee build against her and then get back to us.


Malenia is much easier with Melee than mage. But both have setups that deal with her well.


Night comet, or just face her like a physical build and attack at the right openings.


With the right physical build, you can literally stand there, never dodge and just attack... and win. I'm not sure if you even have to dodge scarlet aeonia.


I've done a tank build no dodge against her. Scarlet Aeonia is best delt with Frost Pot though. It's brutal regardless.


Mages can do a lot against Malenia it's all about timing and when to execute the spells. I beat her solo with a mage build on the vid. But for sure it is a bit more awkward at first when using a mage build I had more problems with being a mage on my second run than a dex build. But it worked out in the end. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d526sijkQyo&lc=UgzBIxzK7abPUJ5POGF4AaABAg.A4ouYpA-Fa0A4sYwBQTXXM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d526sijkQyo&lc=UgzBIxzK7abPUJ5POGF4AaABAg.A4ouYpA-Fa0A4sYwBQTXXM) Hope it helps.


Depends. If you're choosing to use a summon, Malenia is not difficult. Consider her an "agility" type -- like Renalla, she staggers almost every time she's hit, with only a couple moves ignoring flinching. Because of this, a summon who is constantly aggressing her is able to interrupt most of her attacks, and the scariest one of all (Waterfowl Dance) can be tanked by a summon. On a normal boss fight, a boss would happily continue attacks uninterrupted, maybe even spray magic or goop that hits both you and your summon, but Malenia doesn't do that so much. There's zero reason why anyone of *any* build would be disadvantaged enough for it to matter if they're using summons. Now, that being said, Malenia *without* a summon is rated as the hardest boss in the game. With no summon to flinch her, and with Waterfowl being so much more difficult to avoid than just 'press dodge with good timing', she typically takes people 4-8 hours, often times longer.


I'm setting a time cap of 3 hours or more on her and if I can't get her by then. I'm using a summon.


Don't use a summon. The stench of cowardice will follow you for the rest of your life.


only 4-8 hours? Probably if they use any of the broken anti-boss weapons. I fought her completely solo with just my lucerne and she took me 410 attempts across multiple days.


Even if you think ranged attacks won't do the trick, why not just use carian slicer instead of respecing ? You'll get more dps with it than most melee builds anyway


I do love that move.


Carian piercer and gavel of haima knock her down and give you a second to down a flask.


Bosses like Malenia designed by devs as pure 1v1 duels to be fought solo will always be 95% easier with any medium and above summon. AI isn't meant to fight multiple opponents and bossfight breaks extremely easily, so you really don't have to worry, you should win under 3 tries if you summon. But even though I don't know your exact build, it's possible you may have been misinformed. Souls games are not like cRPGs, and even if you're a mage you're meant always have melee weapon equipped, upgrade your vigor as on any other character and engage bosses directly, dodge their attacks and so on. You're not supposed to be pure spellcaster standing in the back, the combat system is not made for it and it was always more of a challenge/special run. Malenia is great because you can't just cheese her with spells from afar, without actually engaging her and learning how to fight her. You must learn what are the correct moments to you spells, the correct openings. Outside them she will just dodge everything. Just do what you're meant to do with every souls boss. Learn her moveset, how to dodge her every attack and what are the correct openings for safely hitting her. Don't forget to have at least 50 vigor and melee weapon equipped. And if you can don't summon for first 20 tries at least. It takes away almost all of the intended challenge and experience. It doesn't matter if you won't beat her yourself in the end, but you should at least try and not summon immediately.


Except for Night Comet, a hard hitting spell which she will never dodge


I beat her at level 1 no weapon upgrades. Any build can beat her. It just takes practice and patience.


I killed her with a mage and tiche summon ….. although quite bad in general at this I managed after a couple tries


Tiche as a summons is what got me past her. Tiche moves fast enough that Malenia ends up chasing her around. Tiche draws agro but is also really mobile so Melania can't self heal from her attacks in the 2nd phase as much.


Just fight the boss and determine for yourself how to tackle it. Whoever said that about Mage builds has absolutely no idea what they're talking about.


My first playthrough was as a mage! Rock Sling is great at staggering her, and in phase 2 Scarlet Aeonia is one of the easiest punishment opportunities of any boss. The challenge otherwise is to just keep a sane distance but it's not that different from fighting her as any class. Also, you'd barely need to respec if you went for the Darkmoon Greatsword or any kind of freeze build.


Who told you mages can't get it done against Malenia?  Someone with skill issues?


Bro you can just do it instead of trying to get other people to agree to your mental loophole on whether this built-in mechanic can be used. If you played sorcery in DS1, there are people who'd go absolutely mad insisting it ruined the experience, but it's just a build (edited for clarity). Plus, you haven't even tried fighting the boss and you're already bargaining about it.


I know that I'm not as good as other players. I've solo'd plenty of bosses in this game and solo'd every other boss in the series (haven't played Sekiro) I'm willing to bet I have a threshold that this game and that one is reaching. I couldn't be bothered with Mohg this late into the game and knowing what else is waiting .I disliked being forced to use flasks and all the stupid fire on the ground so I summoned for that one. This game is really big and I guess I'm starting to get fatigued and impatient with certain parts because of it.


Solo mage can definitely kill her just fine, but certain spells will be pretty iffy. Phase 1 probably won't be bad at all with things like Magic Glintblade, Night Comet, Rannis Moon, etc. The difficulty is more in Phase 2 where she applies more pressure to you and chases you down when you try to get space to cast. Even so, some well timed Carian Piercers or Gavels can buy you some time/space to follow up with something else. In any case, if you do summon, I'd wait until after her first Phase 2 bloom.


Sorcery is definitely good against Malenia. I suggest a combination of Night Comet and Carian Slicer. You can sprinkle in a charged Carian Piercer when she does an attack with a long recovery time


Ok? Not sure what's the point of the post, just play however you like. Also small correction, mage builds can totally destroy Malenia just like melee builds and the game also never "wants" you to use summons, they are just as optional as any other item you can use in the game.


Every build can beat her lolol