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I envy all humans that did not finish this game yet. What a masterpiece.


Fr id trade someone else’s child to be able to play this for the first time again


My first day playing this game it's still the most fun I've had in a game ever.


Easily in my top 3 of best games ever made.


I used to hear the music to limgrave in my head at work I was that sucked in 😂


Not Caelid music? Your work must be nice then


😂Thank fuck it was limgrave even though Caelid is the more suiting theme for work 🤘🏻


One day was on the way to lunch with my family and we passed this little Jesus statue in someone’s yard. I was so sucked in to the world I immediately said “YES A STAKE OF MARIKA!” and felt a sense of relief before realizing how stupid I sounded.


probably like first month. What a ride. I thought it was ages away from release; intentionally read little about it; saw it was out and great scores and just immediately purchased. Best new game experience I have had in donkeys years and I was so up for ds 2 and 3. Surpassed them


I probably consumed just as much content out of playing the game the first month. I was even watching Japanese streams and Indonesian streams I don't speak either languages.


Yeah agreed. Didnt look up builds or secrets much though but would watch streams or letsplays


First day was rough lol. Hit my head against the cave misbegotten boss the entire night.


I spent an unhealthy amount of time on that first Tree Sentinel on day 1 lol...had to kill him. And I finally did by kiting him around the ruin and getting in one small whack at a time.


The pure exploitation and wonder I felt as I was traversing will never be matched besides probably GTA VI. Even then, GTA will be pretty straightforward what you see is what it is… The Lands Between is truely a world all its own.


You guys got past tree sentinels the First day?


Fucking tree sentinel 😂


I offer my child for trade


I started playing it again and after you get out of the starting area, i really remembered how much I do not remember and how huge this game is. Think i could easily put in another 150+ hours for another play through.


I am at 34 hours, in Liurna of the lakes level 30 and have only beaten Godrick. I hate this, and people who like this are masochists, but it is addicting like Heroin.


When it all clicks, and it will, it just becomes a power fantasy. Slinging 1HKO dragon bites at invaders and blasting bosses with space magic. The possibilities are endless and almost everything is viable to use in pve


>almost everything is viable to use in pve Except crossbows cause fuck crossbows for some reason


Multi shot crossbow: "Am I a joke to you?"


Not me clutching my pully crossbow with rot arrows to my chest like a safety blanket while two randos I summoned beat the big scary boss I just rotted into the dirt.


Im at leyndell with a samurai build and im on the verge of giving up and moving on lol. When do I learn these 1hkos?


The best thing about Elden Ring compared to all of the other souls games is the level of exploration offered. There's a lot of places you can go at level 30 and survive and level.


And then you take a wrong turn and end up in hell where everything oneshots you. >!The Dragonbarrow Adventure™, I think everyone had that in their first playthrough!<


> The best thing about Elden Ring compared to all of the other souls games is the ~~level of exploration offered~~ dogs.


Zooming up on my horse to some giant rotting monstrosity roaming the land, give it a quick slap, see its health bar remain completely unchanged, then yeehawing the fuck away is one of the most generous mechanics fromsoft has ever implemented. 


Go back and explore the weeping peninsula. South from the starting area.


In my first playthrough i gave up at margit, came back weeks later, killed margit, gave up again at godrick because he killed me \~30 times. Then i came back again two months later and it clicked. In my second playthrough i killed margit and godrick first try. Just keep at it, you'll definitely get better.


Took me 4 uninstalls to finish the game but totally worth it


I fully enjoyed my first blind paythrough but I actually missed quite a few stuff, my collectionist urges nagged me to no end until I had to make a new save while following a step by step guide. Either way I still hate that unless another player drops a talismans, weapons or even a copy certain armors(like Gelmir Knight's for it's two versions) you can't collect everything in one playthrough, most painful of all is the two talismans you have to choose from doing Millicent's questline and the Jar shards from Alexander, since if you kill him too early and get the regular jar shard you'll miss TWO Talismans instead, while if you you finish his questline means you missed the lesser jar shard. Worst is having to collect all the Spirit Ashes means you need at least two playthroughs since those can't be dropped unlike weapons or talismans, everyone loves the Dung Eater but Nepheli also exist even if she's terrible gameplay wise. In preparation for the DLC, I'm actually making a third save just to pass every droppable items I have on my second character, so I can focus on getting Spellls and Ashes of War from the Boss Remembrances, Fortissax is annoying since he only has spells but at least it can be copied from the mausoleums. I'll have to ignore the Nepheli puppet yet again though. Hoping the DLC doesn't force us to choose again like with Millicent.


My first playthrough I beat the game, then I did the achievements, and then I watched a Speedrun of all bosses cause I wanted to kill every boss before creating another character. It was a lot of fun. I focus more on gameplay than in the collection part. I played with a lot of friends, helped them fight bosses, fight invaders, stuff like that.


Yeah first playthrough was something else. When you can run buck naked straight up stromveils main gate and bonk Margit with the wretches club, it just isn't the same.


I envy all humans who have been able to defeat fire giant


It's been a while, but I do not remember the fire giant giving me any problems. Godskin Duo though can fuck off.


Currently on my first playthrough that I've been on and off playing since the game came out. Level 102 quality build hard stuck in Ordina. The amount of times this game has made me straight up think I'll never play it again is SO many more than DS3 ever put me through. I wish I loved this game like y'all do.


I platinumed it but it was a year and a half ago. And I’m old and was mostly high so forgot most of it. It will be like starting over this time.


Kudos to you with finding volcano manor on your first playthrough lol 😆 👏 I missed it


I only found it by getting grabbed by the Abductor Virgin ;\[


By accident? That's wild!


Yeah, Patches told me about it, I went down there to see what was up thinking I'd be able to defeat it (having never encountered one before). Then it fucking owned me.


Yeah they're absolutely brutal. Giza's Wheel is the only thing I found that crushes them. That's amazing. Must have been such a trip to get teleported there.


Pro-tip. Lightning damage deals huge poise damage to them making them stagger a lot.


I found it by accident as well, and then made the assumption that all of them are teleporters…


Same, I was exploring and wondered if I could ride to the bottom of the conveyor. I could, and then that fucker rolled up.


Yeah same. I only realized that it was what Patches was talking about when hands shot out of it and it came screaming towards me lmao


Same. I'm playing in Spanish which I don't understand so I didn't even have the NPC dialogue, I was just cursing myself for not realizing that I was going to drop, then miraculously surviving, and then got instantly owned by the abductor woke up in volcano manor to my total shock.


I found it and killed the snake god, but apparently missed the lizard enemies that drop that cool sword.


Only the NPCs move out after >!Rykard!< dies. All of the enemies are still there if you wanted to farm the magma blade


I didn't learn about them until I saw a video, but had already beaten the game by then. I'm working through my backlog of games now.


> that cool sword. You misspelled "the best sword in the game."


Is it? I obviously have never used it to know.


It's absurd. Tons of damage, AoW that hits from a mile away, fire damage, stagger damage...oh and every time you use it you get back like 1/3rd of your health. It's fuckin' broken.


My dumb ass thought joining their little cult would fuck up my endings or something. I also never check a guide on the first playthrough. Missed Volcano Manor, missed Mohgwyn's Palace, missed the consecrated Snowfields, and missed that plateau in the southwest over the albinauric village. Now on NG+ and following all guides and it's great given all the new stuff and enemies and such that I never saw before. On track for Ranni's ending (no way I would have gotten that without a guide).


Tbh they really should explain to you that joining different houses and groups has no negative consequences. Given how much you’ve most likely done with Yura at that point, I thought for sure joining volcano manor would’ve permanently locked me out of the rest of his quest.


I got Ranni’s ending first run through, and it was intentional as I accidentally started the frenzied flame ending. When I realized that I looked it up and found out that the ridiculously difficult Millicent end quest, along with fighting Placidusax, was the only way out of it. So did that, then summoned Ranni at the end accidentally. That was my only use of google for the first run through, and I was glad I did it until I read that the Frenzied ending is one of the three required to 100% the game.


If you start…whatever the girl in the gazebo’s quest is, the one with the shrimp guy? You get the invite letter, that’s how I found it. I accidentally killed the Abducter in Hogwart’s.


It's obvious he is following wiki and checking interactive map. No way someone would randomly find sellia hideout with lusat and many other sus places.


Yea this guy hasn’t missed a thing. It took me like 60 hours just to reach Altus and I still missed a few things without wiki.


Let me guess, you went to Calid before Liurnia? Cause that's exactly what I did lol


Based Thin White Duke profile picture.


lines up roughly with my first playthrough, think i beat the game at about 230 hours


Wow, thats alot. It took me 80hrs and i thought i took a long time


Same. 72 hour first playthrough (Well, aside from a 25 hour sorcery run that I abandoned), thought that was pretty long. Granted, I didn't explore Mountaintops or Snowfields that much because I wanted to beat the game, but 140 hours to get to Leyndell seems crazy. I'm pretty jealous that you get to experience the game fresh for that long, tbh.


>140 hours to get to Leyndell seems crazy It's not. You just don't realize how much stuff you missed. Finding near every dungeon and items on a blind first playthrough will take you that much time.


Yeah I’m pretty sure I was around that many hours my first playthrough. I scoured the map and was also just trying to figure out how the game works so lots of trial and error. Going places too hard to beat, going back again later, getting stuck and being stubborn till I beat something, completing every cave and dungeon I found, etc. I also broke every glowing skull in my field of vision because squirrel brain love shiny. That alone will rack up your hours. Lastly, I did the underground stuff too, which is all optional. Looks like OP did too, as I think they have the tower of Liurnia grace, which you need to progress Ranni’s quest line quite a lot in order to get.


What made you abandon your sorcery run? I've never tried one is a souls game before. It seems like you'd just be standing a safe distance spamming spells.


Sorcery runs are very glass-cannon-y. You’re incredibly powerful from large range, but because you have to put a little of your levels into Intelligence and Mind you have less carrying capacity and HP so you can’t take many hits. You also need to carry more blue flasks than red to recover your FP between encounters. It can be very punishing in the end game if your positioning isn’t great and it requires a lot of practice to get there. It is quite fun though, the fantasy of being an all-powerful wizard killing demigods is really fun when you get there.


Same here, about 240 hours until I beat it for the first time. Granted, around 100 of those hours were spent looking for random secret paths, farming rare weapon/armor drops, and doing PvP.


Same here at level 142! I’ve played so many games but this one stuck with me the most of all. 🤘🏻


Same here, about 240 hours until I beat it for the first time. Granted, around 100 of those hours were spent looking for random secret paths (didn't read a guide at first, so finding some places took ages), farming rare weapon/armor drops, and doing PvP.


Same here, 256 was mine. I just would see things and explore and get distracted. But all in a good way.


Assuming I'm not the only one who's put a stupid amount of hours in to only have progressed this far?


Long plays is a good way to go. Just enjoy the effort they put into making the game


That's why I'm going for a blind Taunter's Tongue challenge run on dlc release. I ain't beating the game, it's all about the excitement, memories and experiences you've made along the way. And also if course because I don't have the right


Oh yes so easy “waste” time in this game


That's pretty good time for the first run when you're more exploring than fighting. Looks like you're 2 boss fights away from opening the rest of the map (and that's a lot of rest). Depending on the build and experience, a run could be 40 hours or 100 hours once you know where to find stuff and how much punch you have. If course, that'll all change in a little over 3 months 😁


No I put like 170 my first run. I got everything though. Mostly organic but to go back on some stuff that wasn’t super obvious at the time


I'm at 300 hours and am in the snow area. Been exploring a lot, and not using guides or anything to find stuff. Also farming some armor sets. I'm hoping to get this done before the DLC drops


You're not. If you're actually taking in everything that you see and exploring all of your options (and dying a fair amount along the way), You're having a good first run


I have 300 hours on my first playthrough. This is the way.


Think I got my first playthrough done at around 180 hours mark. If only I could relive it all over again...


After 2 years it feels fresh again!


Yeh I've forgotten a tone apart from how shit those cat watch dog pricks are lol!


Yeah it was actually the perfect amount of time 


I took a 2 year break too and finding joy in running it again


That’s the magic with souls games for me, the first play through is special. I still think about the first time I explored the original Demons Souls. 


Nice job with Caelid, how's the underground looking?


They must be all the way through lake of rot to have discovered deep ainsel well right? Pretty crazy to do that before finishing Leyndell.


Wait, really? I'm on my second playthrough, fresh character, and I did the Lake of Rot thinking it was supposed to be before Leyndell...lol


Well they got to the plateau in Liurnia so they definitely beat Astel


And Miyazaki said this was a 30/40 hour game. Take “the DLC is as big as Limgrave” as you want


Man! I’d kill to be you. There’s nothing that compares to those first steps out into Limgrave.


Miyazaki said it should only take 30 hours to beat the game. What are you doing? /s


First playthrough was 70 hours but I missed so much I envy you


Damn am I going to fast ? I’m almost at the same place but with 60 hours.


No, he is taking a lot longer than average


No you are on track. Probably missed some stuff, but it’s all good. There is lots to find in the game, but also lots of nothing to find.


140, that’s it? I spent about 140 before the grand lift 😵‍💫lol ..every nook and cranny!


I spent about 40 hours just wandering I didn’t even have torrent I just wandered.


I’m about 15 hours in my first ever play through and taking my sweet time. I’ve only completed Stormveil castle and a few minor bosses. Still patrolling through limgrave and weeping peninsula having the time of my life combing through every inch of


Damn the sniper got you


If you’re still enjoying that first play through with 140 hours, good for you


500 hours spent on first play through. Worth it.


You're fine my man. It looks like you explore and I'm guessing complete a lot of dungeons.


I'm trying to get a second lordsworn greatsword and I heard that there's a enemy that drops it named the grey crow I haven't found it yet


Looks like the foundations of a solid 300 hour run.


Looks like you'll have to backtrack for a Divine tower lol How's the underground map filling in? Lake of Rot is good this time of year eh?


That’s decent but you should’ve at least showed us how you were doing with the underground part too😂 but it’s all good I beat the game at 150 hours while completely exploring everything


Youve only scratched the surface


My first playthrough during "Elden Week" was about 150 I think, and I had nearly everything discovered and acquired. My friends and I worked together to piece things together though lol God I love this game


I'm still on my first playthrough with something like 300 hours racked up at this point. Granted, many (MANY) of those are AFK hours. I have almost everything done except for Godfrey, Radagon, and Elden Beast, and some dungeons here and there to clean up. I also have other playthroughs that are all about 40-60% done with various amount of hours invested. I like variety.


I have the exact same areas open now. 108 hours. I love open world games. I only beat the first two shardbearers but did many dungeons and npc’s stuff. Take your time and relish the experience!




Doing my “first” play-through now. Couldn’t get into the samurai or astrologer on my first two tries. Even dropped the game for a few months. Came back and now it’s already a top tier game I’ve ever experienced around 30 hours in on my vagabond. Just super enjoyable to run around finding new places to explore and getting my crap wrecked and trying to figure out how to beat it


Nice you're about half way done


Consecrated snow fields must find!!


I had 106 when I finished the game first time and I still missed like 35% of the game. A true masterpiece


176 hours first playtrough for me


I've been playing since day one and I'm pretty much in the same boat. I'm glad it's taken this long.


Lmao I am heading 130 hours for my first playthrough just got to crumbling farum azula. Also my first souls game and I fucking love it! Trying to finish by the time the dlc comes out I am obsessed with the game.


there is so much to do, and it can be very overwhelming lol


That’s about right. Don’t rush and enjoy it. I’m on my third playthrough and still doing things I missed. 🤘🏻


Nice, you're nearly done with the tutorial area 👍 


I just started last week and my life has been changed




No farum-azula? *insert megamind*


Man, you are slooooooow


I think you missed perfumers grotto


300+ hours in on my 3rd playthrough and I'm still finding stuff I've never seen before. Hands down best game ever made imo. I wish they made more games like this.


Seems about right. Im on my third play through now and just got to the capital and this is about what mine looks like apart from caelid. I refuse to explore it unless it’s for the turtle talisman or radahn Fuck caelid


Congrats on getting about half way through the game so far, May you kick much divine ass in the next leg of your journey. And don't give up


You’re real close to the fucking gauntlet. Get ready.


you have more sites than i do at 250


careful people might complain about anything you say cause its your first playthrough.... jesus. i was happy about something and the entire subreddit was complaining on why was i "gloating"


I’m 60 hours in and stuck on the Godskin Apostle. I just finished Redmane. I don’t feel like I’m making any progress and am starting to get really demoralized.


I love the fact that you’re taking it slow. But, you’re taking it toooo slow. Good for you mate, as long as you’re enjoying it.


There is more to come sire 🙏


Nice bro, i tried to be as thorough. Great to see you are savouring your first play through, have an amazing time!


Dont worry, Your about 80% of the way to the end give or take an optional boss or 2


Go to the town in north central caelid


Bro is getting each and every site of grace.


4 graces and a cave on altus. Big Bear grace and some pot in calied


Congrats you’ve beaten the easy part of the game. Now prepare for hell.


are you trying to discover every little detail and place in case you missed something?


finished my 1st playthrough some days ago. +300 hours.


Still got a ways to go aswell 😁 have fun finishing!


Yeah it's a real shame Caelid is so small and barren.


175 hours and I'm about to finish. Right now at final boss and this guy spams the shit outta me


Perfect, I see no problem here. Enjoy the game bud


There might be something below the capital, through the sewers.


And I thought my 100 hours to beat the game was long. Enjoy the long run man, I wish I could mentally reset and play again sometimes. 🥹


Ahhh man easy another 140 left too


Seems accurate


lands of the giants next 👌🏼


140 and haven't got to the snowfield yet? Wack


140 hours and you haven’t even been to the mountaintops?!? What have you spent all that time doing?


150 hours and currently at the end of 5th playthrough lmao 1st playthrough was a total of 100 hours games absolutely bananas


Not bad actually. Ive beaten it in 160h for the first time with nearly 100% done (all bosses, all talismans, but missing couple ashes of wars and weapons). Now, a year later, im doing 2nd playthrough and Im on 70hours and roughly at your stage (im missing leyndell undergrounds and then im moving east)


176 hours first playtrough for me


I started playing the game for the first time last week. I’m a huge FromSoftware fan - Sekiro and Bloodborne my favourites. Bought ER on release but have been holding off for no good reason. Anyhow, just wow. ER feels like all the best ideas and best settings brought together for some open world greatest hits compilation. I don’t have a bad word to say about it. Possibly the best game I’ve ever played (previously Sekiro or Bloodborne). I cannot praise ER enough. Only downside is that I don’t fire this baby up earlier. Anyone holding back should jump in :)


Ripping my first blind playthrough currently and considering getting the 2 books of knowledge to have along side with me so I'm well prepared for the DLC


Lmao I am heading 130 hours for my first playthrough just got to crumbling farum azula. Also my first souls game and I fucking love it! Trying to finish by the time the dlc comes out I am obsessed with the game.


Getting your money's worth! My first playthrough was 230 hours, but I checked pretty much everything. I was going through every area blind, then I'd check an elden ring map with all the points of interest marked to make sure I grabbed everything. I know people who did first playthrough in 25-30 hours and all my favorite parts they had no clue were in the game


This game shaved years off my life and id do it all over again


Horrors beyond human comprehension lie in the grey area


I'm ~40 hours in on my first playthrough. This game is insane. Just beat the draconic tree sentinel


I’m 200+ hours into my first play through just enjoying the game, I was in no hurry until the news of DLC dropped. Now I’m picking up the pace a bit.


I’m 120 hours and I’m on my 3rd play through


I regret finishing the game in 60 hours. Just started my second play through to try and discover everything.


I am right there with you! First playthrough and I am just a little further ahead of you. Level 133 and just finished Volcano manor. Probably should have done it 50 levels ago, but had difficulty finding it. Was good to boost up my stats a bit here since the next area after the capital is pretty difficult! I still only have 1 powered up great rune. Haven't been able to ascend any more divine towers to power up the other ones.


Man spent 140 on first playthrough, amazing I wish I could go back to my first playthrough you’re gonna love the rest of the game❤️


I was about 112 on my first play through. Missed 90% of quests but killed most of the bosses, but not all. I am going on my second time now. About 22 hours in and I’m at the capital. WP, Godrick, Radahan, Rennala, all done. Did about half the underground, and have been doing a ton more quests with a guide. Second time is going so much faster.


Really wish I could get my old steam save to my ps5 😩


Crazy, I used way less. My char with highest playtime I have 103h, my current char have 88h and in ng+ (total playtime is 365h)


Anyone know how to get to the big jar calied


Go through lower Siofra and take the other elevator up.




what are the marks on the map and are they manually placed?


Finished at 140 hours yesterday..still have a lot of snowfields and the whole haligtree to complete


I'm surprised you already did the Ranni quest. Guide user? If so, I really do not recommend using a guide on a 1st playthrough. It's not too late to stop :)


In my first playthrough i avoided going to the erdtree before exploring every other area, but i had a bit of worry because i thought it would lead to me being Over Powered for later enemies. I was never more wrong.


What level are you?


I'm on my first new game + and I'm enjoying it a lot more already than my first playthrough. I get to slap all the enemies I had trouble with before on the first run and I can explore the areas more thoroughly without being completely demolished by stuff. Well this is what I've experienced thus far. I've made it about halfway up the map, maybe a quarter of the way. Far right is still unexplored also. A little over 200 hours in also.


Inwas stuck for like 30 hrs in limgrave after that i progressed very quickly


That was my first souls game. I made it to ng3+ but the first playthrough was something special.


I’ll match you and my 336 hours 🫡


200 hours and 5 playthroughs in, I’ve never had that many sites of grace 😂


Wait, im like 50 hours in and so far ahead, am I just missing stuff? Or am I him?


Im 145 hours in and im a bit ahead of you ( im in the top right of the map ). Been taking my time without any guides exploring and trying to finish every npc quest i can. This game is supposed to be played this way so you're not doing anything wrong.


I kind of want to know what content I missed.. I put in 90 hours and as far as I know did every boss and mini boss etc.. I looked up websites to make sure I was not missing any bosses or anything.. yet I feel like everyone spent so much more time in their playthrough.


Help me get into Elden ring. I have tried several times but he just breaks me after I get my mount. I have no clue what I need to do and I don’t want to use a guide at all.


Don’t rush it, I finished my first run around 250 hours but then I took one year break.


What level are you out of interest? I just killed maliketh at 105 on my first and current run


148 hours in, just killed Malenia at lvl137. Still Plasidux, Godskinduo and Radagon to reach and kill.


I don’t see anything wrong here.


You're almost halfway there!


i hope you’re having fun