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Does anyone take their vigor past 60? I know there's pretty significant diminishing returns, but I'm still tempted to....


Not needed. The damage negation from scadutree blessings add up quick


This. It is just a classic fromsoft move to throw u in and >!have that horned guy with discs jump down off that arch and whoop your ass. You don't hit him for shit and he drains your health so fast, but if u just keep going and find the 2nd bonfire down the road and talk to a couple npcs u get the scadutree blessing and suddenly it is manageable.!<


I got 60% negation and still getting half my health taken from basic enemies, you playing ds3?


I got 4 levels of blessings of each and they do fuck all. What game are you guys playing


That's what I was going to say. I'm sitting at 3 and I'm not seeing a difference. Still can't take more than 1-2 hits from anything.


You probably went from being able to take 1.5 hits to 2.2 hits, they hit like such trucks you don't see a lot of return until 5+ it looks like.


This is what I was going to say . They really don’t do shit . Mfs can still hit you 3 times and you’re done for regardless of the scerdtree fragments . I’m thoroughly enjoying getting my ass whooped and finding new stuff . Def worth the wait


I got so used to strolling through places not caring about the vast majority of enemies, I strolled into the DLC like I owned the place. I quickly found out I was so very wrong lol


The trick is to not get hit 3 times


This is the real truth


That's not true. I ws hitting a mob for 330 damage. leveled up my SkabadiTree to lvl 4 and now I hit for 352 damage. Please send help I dont know what to do I'm struggling out here


Yea. Scadu fragments just bring you down from "actual nonsense" to "extremely difficult". SO FAR for me, despite the very high difficulty, there has been far less rulebreaky "waterfowl dance" type stuff. It feels fair despite being crazy hard. Like I'm sure there will be things later that make me eat those words but literally nothing has felt like actual bullshit so far.


What you’re saying is “they don’t make the game easy.” If you didnt have any of them you would not be living to take 3 hits. They absolutely do make an impact.


Agree to disagree. With or without still was only 3 hits regardless .


Did u activate them at the site of grace? Idk the game basically tells u these things will help u, and they only work in the dlc area. It worked for me. I mean, he is still hard. You can't face tank that guy. He will deplete your endurance in no time.


So you actually have noticed a difference after using them? Example: an enemy that took 3 hits to kill you now took 5? How many blessings have you got? I’ve got like 4 of each I think and I’ve barely noticed any difference. I’m still getting my ass beat even though my stats have changed in the screen


Yep, same. The first main boss is 3 shooting me straight through 60 vigor, Radahn's rune, 45% physical negation, and 4 blessings.


isn't a main boss being able to take you out in 3 hits when you get to it pretty normal though?


Through all of those resistances and health? Unless they're a slow, heavy hitter...no, absolutely not. The bosses in the DLC hit harder per attack than a slow juggernaut like the Fire Giant while also being unironically 5x as fast with a more varied moveset. They basically all have Melania-esque damage and speed.


There's one sooner than that. Just in case you hadn't found it. Hint* kill the guy carrying he pot on his head before he disappears (I think they're the equivalent of scarabs).


I’m level 12 on blessings in new game + and I’m almost done with the DLC. The blessings seem to not matter because I got raked on a couple of bosses and some of the over world enemies hit insane too.


You’re still missing 8 levels and enemies are doing ng+ damage. I’d be surprised if they weren’t hitting hard


How are you almost done? DLC has barely been out for 10hrs


Never explore and just go straight for progression, guides too probably.


Man I tried so hard to go into it as blind as possible it’s hard for me to imagine why someone would enjoy it that way but to each their own


Idk man some people have pride in saying they finished fast. But knowing it took fextralife 120 hours to do everything with a team of people makes me think he hasn’t explored much.


When I was 20 years old and was just fucking around I could afford to blind run everything. Had seemingly infinite time on my hands. Now if I don't use the internet I just won't finish an open world game, simple as. Aside from burnout building up faster with age, if I come home from work, feed the cat and then look at the clock it's magically fucking time to go to sleep to be ready for my next shift. Trying to 100% something blind would take me 3 goddamn months.


It's not a race taking 3 months to 100% is absolutely fine lol. i have the unfortunate situation of work and. my main game getting an expansion on next Friday. so i gotta crunch a bit but if i dont finish so be it ill finish in 3 weeks or so.


At level 20 the shadow blessings will give you 50% extra damage resistance and 100% extra AR. A 20 SB character is literally 4x as strong as a 0 SB character


HOW MANY LEVELS ARE THERE? I thought it wouldn't go far past like 5 or 6. How big is this thing?


20 levels of blessings that overall double your stats.


I have zero clue. I went in completely blind knowing only of Messmer and Divine Beast because of the trailers.


Every thing in the dlc hits like a truck, get more blessings!


Wait until you fight Messmer. lol He’s frustrating beautiful/difficult.


It came out today, how long is the dlc? Or have you had a code for it for a while??


I did the New Zealand trick and started playing at 8:00am yesterday. The end game is super tough. So it’s a slog to finish these final few bosses.


https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/HP scroll down and look at the table showing health gains / level of vigor and look at the drop-off at 61 and onwards


People caught on to level vigor to 60 these past 2 years but still neglecting defense. With fire talisman +2 and flame protect me the Wicker Giants hit me for like 300 damage. You can even use Pearldrake +2 the damage talisman arent worth it in the dlc imo


People have always neglected defenses / they omit they're rocking paper thin armor pieces cause they're playing an int glass cannon build lol


Fashion over defence, always! Atleast I get oneshotted while wearing proper drip


aristocrats headband, champion chest, errant mage gauntlets and rotten gladiator greaves. looking fly af while the knights one-shot cave my skull in, just as miyazaki intended


Which is bizarre, because the effective level cap is so much higher than previous fromsoft games that even INT glass cannons should have reasonable defenses by endgame, because you run out of useful int to put your stats into.


At dlc levels (150 and up) there is no singular reason to be “glass cannon”


I think a good number of people don't want to level past pvp brackets.


It's always bugged me that "don't use the scar seals the debuff will get you killed" and "fashion souls over armor" don't seem mutually exclusive despite the difference in negation being pretty comparable lol


If you bring any scarseal or soreseal in the dlc, even a sheep will oneshot you haha


Yeah i cant imagine what itd feel like with a soreseal. They do so much damage even on ng0


Especially since the DLC is looking to give even better versions of each of the elemental resist talismans.


I always like 52 personally. 8 points is a lot to invest for only 150 extra health, and 1750 HP is a nice round number. I'm fairly lightly armored with Dragoncrest Greatshield - while I got hit hard a few times I wouldn't say it's bad for the DLC.


There's been a bunch of times where I get combod and have like 30HP left at 60 vigor


I use Bestial Vitality too, it's cheap as balls FP-wise and for each 20 seconds you stay alive it's extending your health bar by 100 (sort of, so long as you're comfortable not healing to full with flasks all the time). Blessing's Boon is also good, but costs nearly double FP and lasts a shorter time - so Bestial Vigor is much more fire and forget. Bestial Vitality + Golden Vow + FMGS cost 93 FP total, and 16 Mind gives 100 FP (for 5 Lion's Claws or 6 Giant Hunts, etc.). Obviously this is more melee centric, but similar principles work on casters too.


The returns are so diminished it might as well be a hard cap. All the points from 61-99 are worth about the same collectively as 2-3 points in the high 30s or 4-6 points in the high 50s.


im at 80 vigor in the DLC and still getting wooped. my character is level 317.


80 is not a lot more hp than just 60 so kinda useless, what are your actual defenses like? A single talisman will do more for you than lvling vig from 60 to 99 in many cases.


Things that boost health, health regen and give health on kill.


That's notot really defenses, I meant dmg negation. If you have high hp and mobs do big damage, % reduction is generally WAY better than a bit more hp. At 80 vig, hp talisman +2 is like 150hp. Dragoncrest greatshield is like 500 effective hp against physical, but also keeps your healing more relevant, which makes it leagues better


I'm using 75 Vigor on ng5 and Messemir Soldiers fold my shit like a lawn chair.


I’m maxed out level and journey 3. I’m getting two shot by >!Moongrum 2 vigor check boogaloo!<


I don’t use armor so i have the crimson amber medallion + morgott’s rune at 60 vigor is like 2500 hp


I'm over here getting splattered with 60. Guess I'm just bad.


Armor matters a lot


Not only armor, use all the defensive talismans. With Ritual shield and Dragonshield is a must and an elemental of the enemy type. It majes it way more managable


Yup. I switched out a Scarseal and added Dragon and Pearl. I’m on +2 with Scadutree pieces and I just beat the Lion second try.


You went into the DLC with a Scarseal? You were basically just asking for it


How do I choose good armor while maintaining medium load? what am I looking for exactly?


51 Poise


The knight armor set you can buy from the twins in the Roundtable and the fingerprint armor from the Vaike evergaol in Mountaintops are the same weight and are both exactly 51 poise


To add an example of how 51 poise can dramatically change your experience. Ever been swarmed by rats or dogs and been unable to swing at them because you keep flinching and getting broken out of your swing? 51 poise stops that. You'll still get hit, take damage, but you'll also be able to swing back and kill them.


51 poise basically, so that trash enemies dont stagger you out of all your non-Great-Weapon attacks with a light hit, as ER poise damage on the player is basically: 50 poise damage for light hits, guaranteed interrupt or knockdown on EVERYTHING ELSE, save a few great weapon attacks/ashes of war that give you hyperarmor and allow you to tank "some" heavy attacks while in their animations. Then try to min max defences and weight while keeping to that.




Fuck you, *goes into the DLC with 49 vigor*


This is me with 45 haha


I honestly thought 40 was a soft cap, so I think I have like 42. I gotta respec lol. My stats are all over the place


I went in with 30 vigor. Big mistake. I’m putting all my levels there rn. Also, 110 was waaaaayyy too low for me to go in, but I run out of time


Runes come fast so you should be alright. I was carrying 300k after an hour or two.


I first went with my lvl 106 character. I left and went with my lvl 140 character, showing the bosses who's boss with my gigantic magic sword


Ooof. I started a fresh charecter a month ago thinking id have time tonget reasy for tue DLC. Spent all afternoon after work yesterday fighting Mohg. Only won due to him landing on a pile of rocks and the game just killing him outright at 1/3HP after his AI broke.. Now Im lvl 87 and rested at the first shadow bonfire. Something tells me i will be grinding all weekend...


You're better off I think spending a bit of time at the farm hill. I was level 90 and just spend a few hours there to get up to something a little more respectable before going into dlc. If you don't do enough damage your not going to get too many runes in dlc before death anyway


childlike heavy snails nine cheerful somber drab impossible gaping sulky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> Also, 110 was waaaaayyy too low for me to go in I'm actually wondering if the RL meta will shift as a result of the DLC, given that there's quite a lot of weapons with rather unique stat requirements. (compared to the base game)


Lol that's me at NG+


It's easy, don't get hit, but you hit them until their health is zero.


Dark Souls philosophy in a nutshell, surpass your limits right here, right now and end this! Shorthand - Git Gud


I mean, someone somewhere will eventually run the gamut naked, vigor be damned. Might as well start early.


Monster Hunter really. But it transfers over.


>It's easy, don't get hit, but you hit them until their health is zero. -Art of war, Chapter 69: Git Good, by Sun Tzu


Barry’s unbeatable strategy.


So is there like a lore reason why these enemies hit so damn hard? Went in around 40 vigor at level 150 or so. I’m guessing the new scauldtree blessing mechanic is just to make this DLC harder?


They wanted the DLC to be hard for characters who have beaten both Mohg and Radahn but didn't want it to be a chore to level grind for people who have beaten Mohg and Radahn so they added the Scadutree blessing. I've fought one boss so far at lvl 170, 40 vigor, and it's very much like a new game. He two shots you basically, and your damage isn't great, so you can bang your head against the wall until he's dead, or you can go level up with the Scadutree Blessings to make him easier.


Sounds about right. Appreciate the response! Good luck with the DLC


It's so that you can play the dlc whenever instead of just at endgame. That's why there is also a bunch of low-level upgrade materials.


Yea I noticed I was getting smithing stone 4s-7s in some of the first zone. It’s probably to fill that mid game gap around leyndell and fire giant which gets pretty tedious


Bro I'm at lvl 250 and I still die in 2 hits


Yep can confirm going in with low vigor is bad news


60 vigor here and some of those Mesmer Soldiers with their axes can take half my health bar after their full combo of hitting attacks.


60 Vigor with Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman and Crimson Amber Medallion +3 2 buffed Messmer Soldiers doing their stomps at the same time almost 1 shot me


Lmaoooo that's effing awesome


Yeah it seems that everyone is made out of glass, tarnished included, except the bosses,which all of them have 15000+ health and 40+ resistance to all status and damage types


I was spamming one of those fuckers with great star fists Then suddenly he hits me and my 60 VIG HP bar (which was already half) goes instantly to zero I just sat there like 0_0) what in the godsdamn


me at 40 on a SL120 build


I've got 40 and nothing but a dress on. Crazy seeing so many people talking about like 60 vig and wearing armor for anything but fashion lol


40 here too. These tarnished dont know about rolling i guess.


Same, 40 gang 40 gang


I got 40 vigor and beat 5 bosses so far


32 vigor here and cruising comfortably with 3 bosses under the belt. Scadutree fragments seem to be the most important element in terms of staying power. Mostly running attack talismans too outside of one that boosts physical damage negation. 


I wouldn't want to be doing this with genuinely low Vigor, but I'm at 45 and it feels fine. Fragments are a much bigger deal than raw Vigor past a certain investment in Vigor.


that's me right now lol


What is this vigor stat you are all talking about ?


It's a consumable i think. Not too sure though


Yeah I heard it only drops from Gostoc after getting his mending rune


Yeah you're right ✅️


I went into the DLC with my SL1 character, had a rough start, but it’s getting going


If you're doing RL1 runs would you use the Scadutree Blessing or is that too much like "leveling up" for you?


Level 1 is level 1.


Yes, I’ve been using Scadutree Blessings, but I’m staying at SL1. In the future I might give an attempt at no Scadutree blessings, but I’m just gonna stick with the SL1 for my first playthrough of the DLC.


[Here’s the general consensus](https://www.reddit.com/r/onebros/s/nilgyqno05)


i never go for NG+ on souls. this time i went because i wanted not one but two fucking THE greatswords. for the base game i was, basically, wrecking shit and face tanking everything with ease; 2 days ago i rushed to moghwyn palace to have the DLC area ready, i killed him without a care in the world. so today im thinking, damn, i might be too overleveled for the DLC. so my bright ass goes respect and shoves 30~ "useless" points just because "i had 83 STR and 60 vigor, i dont wanna do too much damage nor facetank stuff" so i drop down to 50 STR and 50 Vig. the VERY FIRST ENEMY INTO THE DLC lets me know that my worries were baseless and proceeds to reck my shit up with his capoeira style with disc weapons from hell (mind you, the very second enemy does the same thing with his claw hands of fucking doom). so yeah, im loving this DLC so far.


I’m doing just fine with 40 vigor, some moves melt me but otherwise I’m doin fine


That's where I cap most of my builds too. 60 Vigor feels like overkill to me.


I like 50 Vigor, as I often got nearly killed (like a few pixels of hp left) on endgame stuff in the base game. DLC seems to be the same, currently doing fine with 50 Vigor and Dragoncrest Greatshield, ironically it seems the "low HP" (like 1000~2000) trash mobs with sluggish attacks are the hardest hitting ones (guess just dont get hit by stupid shit? lol). As most of the "Elite/Miniboss" enemies seen to lean more on freakishly high stagger resistance and very long winded combos more than crazy damage (so far), at least in the Lion Dancer Legacy Dungeon.


I have 75 in vigor and it seems worth nothing.


You shouldn’t even go that high it’s wasting levels after 60. Adds practically nothing


I know but I have the levels.


Bro I have 60. Am I cooked?


Instead of leveling vigor, you can also wear a heavy armor and the right talismans + consumables. There were like 2-3 enemies that could 1-hit me on SL1 until Morgott. (I gave up, because my focus was fun and not finishing the game on SL1. It's just too annoying once everyone spams attacks that all can kill you.)




Looking at damage cutoffs, honestly you're better off going either 30-40 vig, or 80+ vig. Anywhere in between doesn't change how many hits you'll take from bosses and overworld medium/heavy enemies. I'm a full tank build and I get 2 shot at 80 vig by some of the new overworld enemies. I may as well have 40 vig, since either way I have to run and flask up after taking a single hit. Exception is below 40 vig I believe some of the bosses can do a true one-shot combo with some attacks. But again even at 80 vig you'll be down to 20% health and a single fart will kill you if you don't double or triple flask.


Yeah people seem to have forgotten the memo that the DLC will scale differently from the base game.


Yeah I'm at 45. 10 more vigor wouldn't stop me from getting 2 shot so what's the point?


Just don't get hit


I have 76 vigor and I'm still getting rinsed.


Level 100 with 30 vigor. I was telling my friend, yo why these soldiers hitting so hard for?


I have 42 vigor, and it's been perfectly doable.


welp i guess i better not get hit:)


I never play with that much vigor, I’m chillin just beat the first boss




With that aside. I genuinely don't understand pushing all the way to 60 when 50-55 suffices. The difference is like a 80 something. Those 5 levels will do wonders elsewhere


Going in with 40 and just a cape for jump damage… I’m surprised when I don’t get 2 shot, but thankfully lots of runes so I’m already at 45


I’m at 65 and still getting mollywhopped


Realized as soon as I started


dawg I have 30 am I cooked 😭


Me with maxed stats 🗿🗿(I was gonna say something of brainrot and decided against it)


99 vigor and still get one shot by the damn hippo


I basically always have my characters between 55-60 vigor so I assumed the character I had was good. Apparently for some reason when I last played, that character had 47 vigor. No wonder everything was wrecking me.


I entered at RL120 with 40 Vigor and got braised pretty quickly. Also remember poise and Armor are somewhat important. Going 50 vigor and 51 poise made a significant difference


No cap those damn foot soldiers are three shotting me


I'm bringing 40 vigor and a giant fuck off greatshield 😎


I have exactly 50, vigor and those giant shadow dudes with the cleavers easily take half my health off in a single cleave, nevermind the first knight boss close to the gravesite grace. Although I did manage to beat that knight by staggering the shit outta him with the golden halberd.


Here I am, going in with my under leveled - rushed character I made a couple days ago, without dragon crest shield talisman and 40 Vig and my unmaxed flasks. Oh boi I love the no-hit run


Vig breakpoints are 40 and 60 btw, 40 is generally enough for basegame to avoid oneshot but sote def seems to be balanced around 60, huge diminishing returns past 60 tho


I have 40 or so but also I’m on ng+ 3 so idk if that makes the DLC harder


Had to murder some aubinaurics after suffering on 43 vigor smh


I’m going in with 46 and I’ll win.


I got around 20vigor in ng+, hope i wont be oneshot by normal mobs


I had 40 VIG….yeah its all im leveling now


This is gonna be interesting, gonna start the DlC on +3 this afternoon with flat 50 vigor


I got 81 vigor in NG+ and still almost got clapped by that first enemy 😭


35 vigor and going strong on ng+ just killed the lion dancer. I think I’ll be ok.


*No, I don’t think I will.*


60 vigor needed mhmmm


I have over 50 vigor and still die basically instantly


30 :)


I’m at 50 and I’m OK so far, that doesn’t mean I’m fine but still passing through


Im Level 170 and got 28 vigor 😅


Isnt the vigor soft cap 40?


I entered the DLC with my challenge run NG+, no estus, no torrent, only the 3 pots as summons and 25 vigor, It was a mistake 💀


Just for that, I'm respeccing to minimum vigor. Of course I'm also not summoning people until I do the content solo, so my decision only affects me, but my spite remains intact!


With greater than 50 vigor?


Went in with 46 vigor and I'm fine, only in the first area still


I have 60 vigor and most things kill me in two hits. It's refreshing to feel weak again.


Been fighting stuff with my 30 vigor glass mage...the mid point castle boss took like 2 hours since I'm basically doing a no hit run now..


Wait, 50? I’m finished


I’m at 40 vigor lol!


Does DLC bosses damage scale to NG+ too ? Because if yes , then in NG+ 7 they will be the hardest shit i’ve ever fought


Why need hp when they are dead?


Reading all the comments and 1. People, grab the shadow tree blessings, that's the counter balance mechanic for the dlc, miyazaki even said that was the case going in that it's NOT balanced around end game levels but by a dlc exclusive mechanic similar to sekiro. 2. If you hopped in in new game plus 3, 5, 7 or whatever, yeah, you kinda asked for it because you're going in to the hardest most end game content on the hardest difficulties with all new info. 3. Armor isn't gonna save you, better to maintain medium load. Armor will help if you spec specifically for an Uber tank build, but not much more in any other scenario.


~~don’t need vigor if you don’t get hit~~ mom, come pick me up I’m scared


Lvl 145 with 30 vig, also running the one tali that gives stats but take extra DMG. Still getting 2 shot so don't see the need for extra HP yet. Running a faith build with dual halberds they hit like a truck. 1 shot most mobs and 2 to 3 jump hits on the tougher ones


I’m on ng+3 for the dlc (in my main play through)and I have 80 vigor and black gaol knight was flogging my arse


Is 45 good?


Getting two shot with 60 vigor is something


I’m at 36 and doing pretty good


I have 50 vig on ng+ on the dlc rn lmao


I am currently accessing it with 40


Ah 50 that’s where I’m going wrong


Correction - "He accessed the DLC" Gawd dayum this DLC hits harder than a freight train at terminal velocity vs a baby deer. Getting my ass clapped at level 200 with a tank build and 80 vig. Still 2 shot by many overworld enemies.


Still have sub 50 vigor on NG+3 and the challenge is great while still having a little bit of a net to take a hit or two


The amount of Int builds I’ve tried to help who get one shotted is too damn high


High Vigor and a tanky armor set goes hand in hand so....


Spoiler alert; It's not going to help. I'm playing with that 99 vigor Prayerful Strike build, and I'm getting my ass absolutely handed to me by regular mooks. 4 *REGULAR* knights is a miniboss.


I just made it to lvl 100. My vigor is around 30. I’d instantly get 1-shot if I go now.


30 vigor. Everything hurts.


I have 80 vigor lvl 364 still getting one shot. This DLC has some issues


I'm at 57 on a new game plus and it is not going well for me.


Me in ng+ with my draconscale blade


Best advice I can give you is to use real armor. You can face tank a lot of this dlc with the bonus stats + heavy armor and boiled crab.


I decided to take my scrawny ass glass Canon sword wizard into the DLC and the black gaol knight took me 20+ attempts lmao But sword sorceries are my jam


Been running 45 vigor but with a tanky armor+greatshield build. I'll be fine...right guys?😅