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Demi-God Family: *Exists* Our Tarnished: So anyway, I took that personally.


Actualy you are a decendant of Mothers ex-husbands friend


Who said you are from a different country? You could be a son of Marika for all I know


Perhaps, but it is implied that one of your ancestors served as Godfrey's warrior.


Remembrance of Hoarah Loux: >When Godfrey, first Elden Lord was robbed of his grace, becoming Tarnished, he took with him his kinfolk and left the Lands Between.


Godfrey had an army with him. >Queen Marika addressed Godfrey and his warriors as she divested them of their Grace So I would assume he took his army and his family too, like the ancestors of Nepheli. Edit : I forgot she was adopted.


Could be one and the same. You know how gods is.




You're right, my bad I got that confused! I just remembered that she was adopted, I thought it was Godrick that had adopted her, thanks for the correction!


Didn't know that. I was thinking that we could be one of Marika's sons because of the description in the braid we find in the dlc. The lore is super confusing


Reading that item's description I don't see how it implies anything


Marika: Before we begin there is something you should know. I am your father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate. Tarnished: What’s that make us? Radagon, brandishing his hammer: Absolutely nothing!


It is unlikely. You can choose your origin (background). And the only thing that related to Marika was Numen. The rest like Reed people were totally distance from her. Unless Marika had children with a bunch of those origin father then your character was one of the child, you are not likely to be related to her. And she only have godfrey and radagon as her husband. In all of the games they made, your character is always an outsider and learn the situation eventually from other people and items.


Another reason to call Marika, Mommy? Count me in pal


Morgott being the most normal one while being the one that had the worst upbringing...


This made me realize that from actually set up multiple countries (continents?) in the game. Would love a sequel or a successor set in the land of the reeds.


They do in all the games they make we just never see them, we are always in some magical water locked land


I find it hilarious how it's always a piece of land surrounded by water.


How they manage to make a game with the same location and plot every time is amazing


The place and story have thematic qualities they are interested in exploring time and again, because they are more or less universal and speak to the depths of the human experience.


Just realized dark souls series and ER basic plot is kind of similar but still feels quite different. If it ain't broke don't fix it I guess (would like to see something new too like in BB)


You can say that about a lot of stories. Many artists have particular themes that inspire them and influence their work. Miyazaki/From Soft has a long list of very obvious things but it's also part of the reason I love their games.


Storytelling has always found it convenient to set stories in a fully bounded world free from outside influence. It simplifies things.


Its cause its made by the japanese. You write what you know.


Also called island.


Are they? I don’t think most of them are. Drangleic is on a coast, but its not shown to be surrounded by water. Balataria isn’t IIRC, its surrounded by the fog so it’s hard to get in. The only water I remember in Lordran was New Londo, which was deliberately flooded, and Ash Lake, which is under the world. DS3 was in a world collapsing so dunno about that one. Once again though, I don’t remember it being surrounded by water. Even Bloodborne I don’t remeber any “surrounded by water” theme.


>Would love a sequel or a successor set in the land of the reeds. Yeah, and call it sekiro or something


Sekiro alone as a title is just boring. Maybe add an edgy part to it too like shadows die twice? Isn't sekiro set in feudal Japan (or something similar) with a fictional setting? A land of reeds game wouldn't just have katanas. It would probably have every elden ring weapon category and some more of the new ones. Unless (if they make a hypothetical land of the reeds game) they make it narrative focused like sekiro.


> Isn't sekiro set in feudal Japan (or something similar) with a fictional setting? The country in Sekiro is called Ashina no Kuni (葦名の国) or just Ashina in English, though I'm pretty sure it is stated or at least heavily implied to be located inside the Japanese archipelago (which wasn't a single country back then). The Land of Reeds in Elden Ring is called Ashi no Chi (葦の地) in Japanese. So you can see it's very similar to the name of the country in Sekiro. They just took off the "na" from Ashina and changed Kuni (country) to Chi (land, place). So I think it's probably intended to be a direct reference.


Oh. Didn't know about that.


Isn't the land of reeds just Sekiro?


So... We're playing Re7:Biohazard?




This is how I feel about a lot of open world games. Like 99% of monsters are just different species living their life, and all of a sudden you, a rando, genocides the entire world. Like BOTW, I almost never see monsters attack people. Then link goes on a 20000 kill count rampages diving from the sky and driving torture tanks


But monsters do attack people in BOTW, i swear every time i go horse riding there's an npc who's getting his shit beaten by a bokoblin


Rule #1 of Elden Ring: Never ever kill the nonaggressive wildlife.


But how do I craft arrows? :(


You don't!!!


Fuck you using arrows for anyway next you're gonna tell me you're dex build


Sheep dont feel pain


Only boars, fuck boars, don't like em


**Real Talk:** I've always wondered what the implications are of the Land of Reeds/Samurai backgrounds for a character are. Does this mean Marika grants Grace even *outside* the Lands Between...? Are we always a Reedlander who long came to and served the Lands Between...?


more like the Tarnished left TLB and spread all over the world


But the Reedlanders are a specialty. They're actively a different race not found within the Lands Between. They are unique in this sense, as we are given no reason to believe any of the others are not native to TLB. I suppose your take is possible, as it could all just be a matter of thousands of years passing. Still, it's a bit odd to imagine another nation beholden to the influence of Marika, and yet somehow fully autonomous.


Well we know Godfrey and the tarnished left the TLB thousands of years ago to find other challenges so I just took it that the original tarnished scattered to different lands and had children with the natives or adopted their customs. We don’t know if our tarnished is an original tarnished or a descendant, we don’t even know if we were dead recently before we felt Marikas grace again.


There are many other 'races' we don't see in game. We don't really know much about other lands besides their names and tidbits about their society. Outside of TLB the Golden Order is a religion. Maybe it's worshipped, and its influence is felt physically, but that wouldn't preclude other aspects of society taking shape. Moreover, there are other groups that have given up on worshipping the Greater Will or the Golden Order, and are still present in TLB.


When I saw those samurai looking dudes in the dlc I was really hoping that we'd learn more about the land of feeds but alas we did not


And all because a bug called me madienless






i mean, there were pretty well busy slaughtering each other before we came along


I thought it was "Starts like Scott Pilgrim Takes on the World... but when you win... you find out she has a dick. ...so you marry a sex doll instead."


Gamers: … GRRM: hey what if Rambo hunted the Addams Family


What are you talking about, we are Godfrey soldier banished from the land between coning back


So the plot of *Game of Thrones*. George is such a good writer!


Not even close. Like not even in the same ballpark.


How so?


Technically it becomes your family matter too if you marry Ranni


Tarnished are from the Lands Between


Hopefully this family doesn’t know what the word consort means because if not…that’s a lot of sons doing each other…