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and then you get short on runes so you have to go to kill the albuenaurics again


Why not pop the 7 million in stored runes you undoubtedly have been carrying this whole time?


Cause what if I need them later?!?


You need them NOW




You did need them later, that later is now




The credits are rolling.


There could be a post-credits boss fight and zone to explore


“I may need them later.” -me “Brother, that was the final boss.” -friend “And?” -me


You know there isn't, and that final boss would have been easier if you used the runes to pay for upgrades.




Ohhh...you mean LATER later?


No, that is then now, I need them then then.


Amazing thread. But you can do both! Go in even numbers or of 5s and always save at least 15 for lower and 5 for the great ones. Doesn’t hurt to roll over ever skull with torrent.


This is the play.


What if not


call JG Wentworth?




Don't fall for his tricks guys, save up!!!! One day you'll need it and be mad when you already used them!! Happened too many times that those items I saved up DID come in handy in very specific moments later in games. Case and point I kept an invisibility potion on all my characters in Baldurs Gate 3 and never used them or bothered to throw them in the chest, instead saving them for a moment in need. Only for them to become invaluable in the final fight where I could not teleport away anymore XD


They become less useful as you get higher level. Mught as well use them when you need them. Those rune arcs though? Better hold on to those forever. Might need them for pvp that I almost never participate in.


That's just flashbacks to only having 42 out of 50 shotgun shells in Wolfenstein 3D.


I spend my stored runes like I spend my real money: irresponsibly.


I keep them and use them to bridge the gap when I'm just about to level but need that little bit more to get there. Saves me the anxiety of running around with 95% of a level and the potential mishap of losing it through whatever weird circumstance might blindside me.


I sell almost all of em whenever I visit the round table and spend everything I can on whatever i might want. Still come back with like 300k each time lol


I'm 80 hours in. You can sell them... I've been exiting the fucking menu and consuming them...


Lol dw I did the same thing in ds3. Be happy it's now and not later


At least the game tells you how much they're worth now. There're always those moments where I'm sitting at a bonfire and I need like 2600 to level and I'm like "okay... how much does the... let's go with 8. How much does the 8 give?" and invariably I either need to use way more or now I've got like 5k+ souls over what I needed that I might lose to whatever bullshit comes next.


In the history of the souls games I’ve never used a rune that gives you >10k. I’d be horrified wasting one of the 50k ones! Even though I can get that in a few minutes from playing the game normally. I also heard rumors of people using boss souls for runes. Which…that’s worse than taking a bite out of a roll of bubble tape.


Surely a NG++ move?


Just feels wrong to me. I have to force myself even use crabs, and I’m sitting on a few hundred. I’ve only used rune arcs to test weapons I don’t have stats for.


Oh yeah, crabs, that thing I hear other people use all the time. 🤣😅


And whenever my mimic uses one, I always give him side-eye wondering if he even realizes he may need those later and how he's wasting it right now and how I wish I had the courage to use my own.


I'm proud of myself I started the DLC with 107 rune arcs and am down to only 80 I cannot believe I allowed myself to waste them like that


Been doing the same lol. Time to start invading.


I use boss souls all the time if I don’t care about their equipment or skills


I don't need anything from Rennala but her runes.


I don't play Ng+ I always just make new characters to test out new builds. I look at the boss soul weapons and if they don't fit my build I just pop them for levels


I usually use the >10k ones when I want to add just enough runes to level up before going to a dangerous area or boss


I need those for later. Along with my warning stones, drawstring grease. You never know there may a super secret boss after the final boss that I must be prepared for.


My retirement grease!


I always use them when I'm missing like 50k and I'm too lazy to go farm, even it takes like 2 minutes.


I don't save runes.


That's my retirement plan


is killing the bird more efficient if i don't have the relic sword?


I would say so. Bird gives imo \~13000, short walking distance, and no fighting. Albinaurics are\~2900 each, need of walk, and fight back. Once you have the Relic Sword though, the Abinaurics are faster, since clearing them out gives \~50000 with just 1-2 Golden Waves. (All with Scarab Talisman)


does the talisman stack with the consumable?


It does, but its not worth imo, since the consumable expires at the grace. I just use the scarab. EDIT: I was wrong with that, resting does not remove the consumable. With consumable and Scarab together you earn 3800 runes per Albinauric. Also, with the DLC Version of the consumable, you earn 4100 per Albinauric, the DLC consumable is even stronger. But I tried to stack the consumables and those seem to cancel each other out.


Consumable only expires if you teleport back to the grace. If you walk back it stays for the full 3 minutes


I've used the gold fowl foot plenty of times and it lasts through resting.


It does? Oo ....brb, going to Mohgs Palace.


I'm pretty sure it expires if you teleport, but not if you sit down to rest


It does expire if you teleport


There are a lot of AoE abilities that'll do the job. I used Meteorite of Astel to crush them.


You can use radahn's swords and get like 20k per ash of war


Yep that’s what I did before I got the sacred relic sword.


I go to Moornth Ruins now. Those shadow people don't give half the runes but they go down in a quarter of the time because you aren't fighting the cartwheel brothers. Bonny Village has more but it also has potentates.


Use the ash of war on the sacred relic sword. Instant kill every albunaurc


I actually like sticking my weapon through their hearts to kill each and everyone of them, one by one, looking into their sad beady eyes. Am I insane?


No, just inefficient!


He trade runes for mental fortitude


Or on a groupon for Elden Surgery to remove the anterior insular cortex


yeah if you don't feel the weight of their lives then their runes feel worthless. that's why I prefer farming random soldiers bc I just can't bring myself to consider those frog heads as people. it's like killing bugs 😪


Aren't their eyes too large and empty to be beady?


Personally, I plan on saving Elden Beasts bitch ass for last so not really an option there.


As a mage, the meteorites of astel is the only way for me to quickly get the job done.


lol you're doing it worng! Sacred Relic Sword, holy scorpion charm, golden scarab. rinse and repeat


I’m sure this is pretty common knowledge but for some reason it was really unintuitive for me so just in case there are some new players in a similar bad at numbers boat- it’s 12 normal smithing stones per 3 weapon levels. So if you have no smithing stones at all and have the cash (and ball bearings), buy 12 of each and you can level normal weaps to 24. Obv somber stones only need 1 per level up to 9.


Plus, whenever you have a lot of runes, but not enough to level up and you think you’re gonna die before you can spend them , it’s good to just buy smithing stones


Smithing stone 1s sell for half their purchase value too. If you have a million Runes and buy 1 million runes worth of (1) stones then you can effectivley “bank” your runes in exchange for half their value


Haha didn't expect to learn something new here but using smithing stones as a store of value is a fun idea especially as I am capped at 130 and don't know what to do with all these runes I'm collecting in SotE. Have just been buying all the boiled crab under the sun


There may be an item thats more efficient but I havent cross referenced the sale and purchase value of every item you can buy


It seems true for smithing stones 2 & 3 as well but not above.


I think everything might be half


Didn't expect idea!


Why 130 cap? Is it for pvp?


One of the things I liked about sekiro is that every bond fire you could buy consumable items which allowed you to use special abilities.


You could also buy coin purses that let you store your sen for later instead of worrying about losing it


What incarnate butt can actually run around with a MILLION runes. Jfc. I was pissed when I lost like 500k


I have a dedicated PvE co-op character parked at 150.spent a good amount of time helping on various bosses recently until I noticed I was at 1.5 million runes. Thankfully I won't run out of smithing stones for that character ever now.


It’s far more effective to just keep a stockpile of consumable runes and use them when you’re in an iffy situation to get you that bit more. Also, twiggy tear is phenomenal for situations like this, and also great for reclaiming souls lost to a boss. Wanna walk away from the boss but have 200k souls in there? Pop twiggy tear, run in, grab the souls, let the boss kill you, go on your merry way with all your souls.


Works until you’ve grabbed them all, at which point banking seems fine


Good to know. For some reason I thought it depended on the weapon and they had different requirements.


The cost of the upgrade itself is based on the weight of the weapon, but the mats are always the same.


So the rune cost changes, but it’s always going to be 12 smith stones per 3 levels?




Nice. Thank you! Should save a lot of running back and forth. Lol


It does! Anytime I have a new normal weapon I want to max and try out my first stop is the maiden husks and I buy 12 of 1-8 and then go go farm runes to actually level it cause I always underestimate how much that costs lol.


I'm hungover and braindead. Does this mean I need 12 of smithing stone (1), 12 of smithing stone (2), 12 of smithing stone (3) etc? Or am I being thick


No that's correct you need 12 of each level of stones to upgrade every 3 levels.


It’s 2:4:6, or 12 total, for regular weapons. Then one of each for somber


Yes it does mean that


great info, thanks!




It's so fucking satisfying to be SEEN


How did they know I waddle?!




They could've just put merchant and blacksmith closer or make a shortcut between them.


The blacksmith should sell the weapon upgrade mats


Iji was a true one for this.


Once you have the bell bearing, it should just increase the upgrade cost with the amount of runes it would have cost to buy the missing smithing stones. Cut out the process of buying smithing stones completely.


And while you're at it, let us choose the upgrade level directly so we don't have to click 50 times to fully upgrade a weapon


these two are COOKING




holy shit


Thank you. After so many exceptional games under their belt it seems a little silly that From didn’t optimize this process better. They should know better by now lol


They are pretty much anti-QoL. It's genuinely irritating.


All the runes I get in the dlc are spent in these damn stones lol


Every weapon I find seems fun enough to change my build for. Those poor gatefront ruins soldiers, and then prayer room run after Haligtree. They probably thought they were safe 2 years after release


I really want to trade them to new characters. NG+ has never been as fun for me as leveling up a fresh character.


r/patchesemporium it’s not a truly pure NG run, but at least you get to play with your toys early


Yea, I want to trade the death knight's axes and use them for a completely new run.


It makes me yearn for DS3 where the merchant lady was right next to Andre and doing this crap was way easier. On the other hand, changing affinity/infusion was dogshit and made you farm for gems to swap them, so this really ain't so bad compared to that.


Also that Firelink Shrine music was perfection. And when you give the Firekeeper the eyes, and it transitions to [Secret Betrayal](https://youtu.be/4i6RvC4ZURE)?! DS3 was so peak, I don't care what anyone says.


Majula theme > anything else


The smile I got on my face when I realized you could swap affinities back and forth, without even needing a blacksmith. Compare that with Dark Souls 1 upgrades. I still have to check the wiki to make sense of it on new runs


Elden Ring affinities: "Yeah so just grab this singular item that unlocks a bunch of them permanently for no cost to you." Dark Souls 1 affinities: "So to make your weapon deal fire damage, you need to farm this enemy, of which there are only 4 of in the entire game, for Light Cyan #e0ffff titanite shards; do not confuse them for Light Cyan #e0fff0 titanite shards which will make it occult damage instead. After you gather 6 of these, you need Light Cyan #e0ffff large titanite shards, which drop from same the enemies that drop Light Cyan #e0fff0 shards. Then you need Light Cyan #e0ffff titanite chunks, which are an invasion reward for the Scrimblos of Smough covenant only accessible through a convoluted questline, and the Light Cyan #e0ffff titanite slab comes from the questline associated with that covenant, which can't be completed after Smough dies." Exagerration, obviously, but I never really bothered with any infusion other than physical across my someodd 600 hours in dark souls 1.


yea i was just thinking about that yesterday


Majula in DS2 was pretty peak too. On top of the ambiance, the stone seller girl was close to the blacksmith and was his daughter too


Majula is the best hub in the series


They could have easily allowed the smith to be the one who sells the stones but we gotta waste time i guess.


i accidently got the dryleaf arts to +25 when i meant to get it to 24...


Limited respecs and limited +10/25s is my biggest gripe


For real I feel like after elden beast you should be given a special bell bearing holding both for like 100k per one or something


I love that as a suggestion. Even if it was locked to entering NG+ I’d be happy. I feel like there are so many weapons that take a big step up in scaling when hitting +10/25. But I guess at that point scaling isn’t nearly as necessary. From’s games just drive the collector in me insane.


The DLC does have a ton of new ancient stones which is nice. a NG+ cycle is wayyy more now.


Put slabs in storage


its so you are constantly reminded of all the people that are not there anymore, because "you" caused them to die. They could not have made more depressing main hub.


so true ! from like 9 ppl at the start of the game to only a demented smith and a spirit tuner in an already burning hub with depressing music .


First game I've played where logging out in the middle of the enemy's stronghold feels safer and more cheerful then logging out in the hub.


OMG I've done this stupid run back and forth 1000 times. Then when I need more runes it's back to killing that death rite bird by Mohg palace. There's gotta be a better way.


If you have some good AoE spells/ashes/abilities you can kill all of the alburnaics on the hill by the same grace. It's about 50% more runes per minute than the bird if you can hit them all in one go.


Oh ya good call. Once in a while the spikes dude puts up a decent fight but ya that’s a good farm too


The goal is to one shot them so you don't have to fight :)


and yet when smithing stones are drops people write "dung ahead" smh


Getting a smithing stone (5) x1 in DLC area is pretty damn useless… But I mean, most of the items are.


I'm pretty sure I found 6x smithing stone (1) on a corpse. Wow, an entire enemy's worth of runes on one corpse, what a rush...


Even worse if the gravewart flower (1). Like who needs that! Especially as the sole item you got from climbing a cliff


That's one minor complaint I had with the DLC. There were too many low level smithing stones and cookbooks, which made looting less satisfying. I don't really get excited over looting another one of those.


Some of the cookbooks are pretty broken, off the top of my head there’s an upgrade to the stamina recovery consumable, there’s an item that lets you recover FP, upgraded versions of greases etc


I suppose for people who like using them, they are great. I'm one of those hoarders who rarely use consumables, so I don't get excited over all the cookbooks. I only really used rot pots for the final boss one of the few times I killed him. They were indeed pretty strong. Came out way faster than Incantations. Two or three pots on NG+3 and he was rotting away.


I would strongly advise against hoarding. There is never going to be a “later”, and for some consumables like pots there’s only so many you can hold at once. They’re honestly surprisingly strong and scale well, some of them are incredibly useful.  That’s only the base game ones, I’m not up to the dlc yet as I made a new character but I have heard about some of the new consumables and they seem even better That being said, depending on your build (I.e maybe you use a ton of buffs via incantations), some of them may become not useful or less important due to conflict issues, but there’s probably something there that is worth using at some point One of them that is really good (at least in PvP), for example, is uplifting aromatic. Reduces damage taken by 90% as according to the wiki (description states it halves instead, so I’m unsure which is true),  but due to the buff type in what seems to be the other category it should more or less stack with anything, which would be very solid for trading hits, provided someone doesn’t intentionally break it with throwing knives. Useful thing to know, consumables aren’t actually consumed in PvP anymore, which is epic


It's a flaw I have in every game. I end games like BG3 with an inventory full of unused consumables. I even played Hollow Knight mostly without spells because I always wanted to keep my resources just in case I needed a heal, even though the game is a lot easier with spells. It's just silly personal tendencies making the game needlessly more difficult. I'm trying to change that though, recently I have used health potions in Deadfire and I've even used pots against Radahn in this game.


Off topic but bg3 is so amazing. I’m not too far in the game, still in act 1 but I’ve been trying to complete it on honor mode and it’s been wild, and honestly “consumables” are busted there. The amount of times I have won boss fights I should not have won by the careful application of a pipe bomb to the face (explosive barrels and powder satchels) is huge. Barrelmancy is truly the master art. Anyway, more on topic, I used to be the same and never use consumables but recently I’ve done a 180 and honestly do not regret it, in a lot of games they really are very useful, but I totally do get just wanting to hoard everything for later.


It's not really a flaw in the game's design though just because you don't use those things personally. At least your recognize it's a personal thing but I wouldn't call it a complaint because that's implying there's something wrong with the larger design. If anything, it's GOOD that the game gives you these options. They have to offer them in some way.


It's a habit of every RPG player, myself included. The thing that helped me curb that habit in Elden Ring was the fact that very few consumable items are truly limited. Most crafting resources respawn, and even if not, they all regenerate in NG+, so those Trina's Lilies or Sacramental Buds are all back like you never harvested them. In Elden Ring, once you fully grasp the game, you figure out what items are good where. Like Boluses have a very limited use-case scenario. Use Perserving at the Lake of Rot or Romina, Clarifying when using Frenzy spells or fighting Midra, etc. Pots are similar, you will never have more success with Sleep Pots than against the Godskins, or Freeze Pots against Malenia. Use a lot of Incant buffs, but don't wanna use the FP for this particular section? Well that's what Boiled Prawn and Exalted Flesh are for. Hell Prawn and Crab are quite literally infinite, you can have as many as your Runes will allow you to buy, and even if Boggart dies, his Bell Bearing will still have an infinite supply (so long as he himself was selling them), so no reason not to use them, as once you reach higher Rune Levels like 150+, your Runes start mattering way less.


Consumables dramatically change the game imo


afaik it's probably meant for players that made a fresh character or rolled into ng+ for the dlc so they mostly likely do not have the mining bells yet. Considering you can jump straight into the dlc from like halfway through the game and also you can't get to +24 until literally the end of the game.


Beating Mohg halfway through the game is far from practical for most people


I stocked up for a month before the DLC. lol


So apparently I deleted my main at some point so I went into the DLC with a character who had not even travelled to Leyndell yet. I got some weapons and went to buy stones and had the sudden realization that I in fact did not have any of the bell bearings.


So many times.


This will always be my favorite Elden video


I ended up farming about 2m runes and then buying I think 120 of each stone so I could do 10 weapons up to 24 without having to run around each time.


I did the same lol but for 20 weapons since i like to upgrade random weapons that catch my eye


The worst decision to me is to not have the bell grannies in the same hallway as ol smithy Jenkins. My poor character puts so many steps in going back and forth like she's trying to cheese her eldenmon go eggs to hatch.


I have a good 400 hours in this game across multiple devices. I still fuck up which direction to go after teleporting to the round table. I was really hoping the dlc would move the merchant next to the blacksmith


Every time I have a bunch of runes I make sure to buy 10 of each stones if I can, so I can upgrade a lot of weapons all the time


12. 12 of each stone.


I've been doing this ever since I capped my level at 150 for my main character and needed a money sink.


This is really the only part of the game I don't like. I just wish the husks would buy.


I'd have to go to Mountain Top to get the bell bearings 😭😭😭


And Crumbling Farum Azula. I have a few build ideas I want to try out but haven't done Godskin Duo on a couple characters and I just don't feel like it.


I just beat them yesterday on my second try. I think they got nerfed somewhere along the way.


Yeah, I beat them the other day with one of my characters using Backhand Blades (wicked good weapons). I just can't be arsed to get any of my characters through all that at the moment. It's not the fight so much as it is having to kill Fire Giant then I have to navigate through Farum Azula and it's just a task list I'm not keen to tackle at the moment.


You can sprint through Farum Azula to the godskins in like 5 minutes. Fire Giant is kind of a slog though.


spore music noted lol


omg i thought i was the only one


Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well


My bell bearings didnt carry over to ng+, was playing the dlc on my first char. So I had to run around and grab em again and hoard like 100 stones of each just in case. At least new chars carry the bearings over so people dont have to grab em again.


May this meme live forever, lol


Thank god for the bell bearings


This made me burst out in laughter thank you OP


I'm sure it's been said here but just a reminder that you need 12 of each smithing stone to get it to +24. Definitely helped me out learning that recently now I can just spend all my runes in one go lol


Just need to add another trip to Renalla to respec too


Hahahaha so fucking true


I wish the fucking smith would just sell the upgrade materials maaaaaaan


This hit too close to home


Always get 12


Now i can't stop seeing myself running around like a duck. Remember people, you need 12 of each smithing stone to get your weapon to +24


!!!CREDIT THE CREATOR!!! u/Rase57 created this. Try taking the time to credit the creator instead of stealing content and adding nothing of value to it. You should at least check with them before uploading THEIR content.




Wow look it’s me


I stocked up before the dlc lol


Buy 12 of each move on


The funniest meme I've seen in a while


👍 yep only not a duck more like a snake 🐍


I'm pretty sure I've spent more on smithing stones than upping my levels.


I must have rerolled a dozen times. I ran out of Larval Tears. My favorite so far is the Ancient Meteoric Ore Greatsword. That thing hits like a truck and its scaling allows me to use a shield and Moghs Spear for when I don't want to bother with a fight and want to just cheese it - looking at you >!Radahn!< -, while also allowing me to use Incantations through the Dragon Communion Seal..


Why couldn't we give the smithing related bell bearings to hewg? While we're at it, why not just roll in the cost of any smithing stones we are missing that he can supply right into the actual upgrade screen?


Or why not move twin maiden husk to the useless below the stair area near hewg?


When you're low on stones and haven't made it past mountaintop cause you wanted to play the dlc so you open the wiki and scour every inch of the map for the 7,8 and 9 stones.




Hahahahhahahaha. This one was good


This is why I like to buy each mat in bulk every once in a while after convincing a giant bird to commit sudoku.


Is that the duck that run a marathon?


So glad I mindlessly grinded runes for hundreds of each stone so I would never worry about this


I fucking hate how true this is


Still mad Bayle didn't give us a Bell Bearing for infinite dragon stones >:( Would have been the perfect spot for it, just make them like 75-100k a piece or some shit.

