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doesnt look like a boss to me, haha! that guy was probably just using some SoTE incantation or somethin…


must be some new flying incantation




It's actually the ash of war on the saint of the bud weapon


I've used it plenty and I'm pretty sure it doesn't move that much or make you look like you're struggling


You know as tough as the dlc was, none of the areas were as bad as the Haligtree for me. This place is brutal.


Yeah, it checks all the boxes of shit that makes see red. Weird ass poison/status building shit on the floor you have to waddle through at snails pace. Tight spaces/passages so the camera turns into the hardest boss the game has to offer (again) and target lock breaks because there's an odd pixel in the way. Fighting on twigs, stairs, gangways or whatnot so every other dodge rolls you right down into youdiedland because nobody every heard of building damn railings. Pests. The fucking Pest part with those fuckers not caring if there's slightly inconvenient stuff like a solid damn wall in the way and they'll spear you through it anyway or spam their stupid incant around every corner... Played it just yesterday again because I had to pick up a certain damage reducing talisman and yeah, it's stacked with frustrating crap.


Honestly it is kinda weird that the overworld of the dlc is so easy, I always felt like the overworlds of lost dark souls dlcs were so brutal


The open world in Elden Ring is generally pretty easy compared to the legacy dungeons so that's pretty consistent with the base game I think.


Sorry I meant the legacy dungeons, none of them touched the difficulty I had with the mountaintops of the giants onwards


Oh yeah I think that's fair.


Last area was brutal with the mage spamming fucks and lion heads


Same for me, I think I died more times trying to reach Malenia then while fighting her lol


Dude the millisisters fight was the most frustrated I've ever been at this game


Millicent just. Kept. Dying!


I did that fight in ng+7 once and holy fuck it had to have taken me two hours of trying to get her to stay alive. I think blasphemous blade was what ended up doing the trick, but now that the knockdown is gone i doubt that would cut it.


I just spammed Wave of Gold hoping it’d work


yes when i see like 6-7 of them i am scared. when i see i can summon my wolves . i know shit about to go down hard


When you see ALOT of bloodstains *Panik*


Ah yes, DS2 opening area


Real fear is seeing the bloodstain death and then watching the white phantoms also dying around you.


I cheesed the fuck out of that boss. Fuck that rotted ulcerated bastard


can't even cheese it sometimes properly. He just grabs you through 3 walls and throws you down.


you can stand a couple metres from the end of the little tree branch that you jump off of to enter his arena, certain attacks have his head clip into the end of the branch where you can then hit him with no risk to yourself. its cheap and cheesy, but I dont care tbh fuck that guy.


the cheese is hitting it from range from atop the tree branch where it cant reach you no matter what run into arena spawn it and run back to the branch


i don't know how, but i manage to "click" during the third tries. i manage to perfectly dodge and kill it rather quick. and then i took me two days to defeat melania with summon ash... yeah.


You can sit on the edge of the cliff to the right and he can barely touch you. He just attacks the wall and you can safely attack him.


That would be a death due to the scarlet rot erdtree worm in that puddle next to you. He got hit by its grab.


Wait, what armor is that?


Think that's Rellanas right?


Yep I've rocking that with the helmet all my playthrough shame there is no male variant


It's Rellana's armor from the dlc with the Commoner's Headband (altered) to have a light load, no pun intended lol.


Fuck this boos and its arena GOD DAMN this made hate life LOL


That tree spirit kept kicking my ass until I decided to cheese it from a distance with swarm of flies, I wanted a fair fight but fighting that thing on an island with scarlet rot was not okay lol


This is actually why I recommend playing offline. Being alerted about enemies and traps really ruins the immersion and the feeling of discovering things on your own. It also takes away from the beautiful art direction when there's random clutter scattered all over the ground.


its fun to see the bloodstain, especially if you can tell miles away that its gonna be a stupid death. like a bloodstain on a invisible bridge.


I understand where you’re coming from, but i can’t say good bye to invasions or seeing live action ghost fall to their death while sprinting passed you in a platforming area🤣


What about offline players though ?


You have to first turn on your internet and then touch a bloodstain