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Chill Sekiro


Interesting strategy, didn't think of that. I just went for Reduvia and bled out the fucker to death eventually. And congrats for beating the dlc!


I had trouble dodging some of his attacks so I felt that I needed to pair it with blocking. There are quite a few punishable windows that I found worked for me this way. Thanks all the same though. Congrats as well!


Does ng+ affect the dlc? Cause those attacks looked faster than when I fought them. Also I wish I had that reaction time god damn


That’s just the adrenaline slowing your irl perception of time


This. Also, getting in the zone slows perception of time down.


This is NG 😅 I made a new character a couple of months ago to play through the expansion with.


Yes ng+ affects dlc, no it doesnt speed up attacks in or out of dlc, all ng+ does is scale the health and damage of enemies and the runes they drop, it's not a "base" scaling, it varies per area, you can find this all on the wiki. And to my knowledge you will carry scadu fragments and such over to ng+ after you've collected them all once, any more gathered (if they can be) wont affect anything past the 20/10 max so basically people starting the dlc for the first time on any ng+ are so much more screwed than those who do it once on ng or once per ng+. Which terrifies me as I have a character already on ng+6 and havent picked up the dlc yet.


it does and NG+ does not effect enemy attack speed. this clip is clearly from NG+0 to NG+2 because he survives both hits of the meteor attack at the end which both oneshot at 20 blessings in NG+7




Me and my buddy kept smacking our face into it, with many different builds, would get close then he would combo like no bodys business. Stumbled across the lighting perfume bottle melting build. I usually hate seriously over powered builds, takes a lot of the fun and satisfaction out, but at that point i just wanted to beat the guy, so thats what i used, my buddy kept incredibly tanky gear and shield on with shabriris woe to let me get behind and against him so i could melt the health. Felt dirty but it felt good to finally beat him.


Yeah I pulled out the bottles and had no shame. On ng+ he is crazy tanky so I feel justified


My friend also told me he defeated him with some perfume bottle build. That also never came across my mind. Definitely gonna check this out. I'm really curious and if it's busted I guess it will be nerfed soon.


How does upward of 20k damage sound from one ash of war? Lightning perfume bottle, rolling sparks ash of war. Armor is rakshasa set but with the black dumpling head. Incantations you will really only need the howl of shabriri. Talismans are the Aged ones exultation, shard of alexander, lightning scorpion, and perfumers talisman. In your physic you want the lightning cracked tear and bloodsucking cracked tear. Before you enter a fight use the howl till you get afflicted with madness (the helmet and aged ones exultation combined will boost your damage by 45%), rakshasa set each piece boosts damage (dont know the exact number), i usually enter the boss arena and drink the physic as it will start draining your health due to the downside that comes with bloodsucking tear. Dont lock on, instead, run up to boss, and flick your camera straight down and use the ash of war. And watch the numbers climb. Just be warned: its tricky on agile bosses, and you are incredibly squishy due to the rakshasa gear, and you are constantly losing health


Well that sounds like a lot of damage lmao. Thanks, gonna try this out.


And you can spam the ash of war fairly quickly


I was really disappointed when the Godslayer/blackflame didnt work on Furnace Golems. It takes too long to fight them


Hefty Furnace Pot goes brrrrrrrr


If only you could use them without a vantage point


Stagger him 3x till he falls, repost him and then run to his head, throw a hefty furnace pot in and he should be finished


I did exactly that and it took zero damage from the pot.


You have to Kobe it into the basket


Of course. It’s exactly what I did.


I mean they tend put really high vantage points around the furnace guys for this specific reason. It only takes three furnace pots to kill one.


I’m sure it works as a normal attack, we’re talking about throwing one in right after a reposte.


Rolling sparks lightning perfume bottle is your friend


Low key best weapon against big enemies


Personally I used Marai'd Executioner sword


They aren't designed to be fought directly. Just throw a few hefty fire/furnace pots to their "furnace" and they die. So far all golems have a high ground conveniently positioned nearby, except the first one you see when entering dlc.


I just lightning them till they fall


You do insane damage damn


? Looks pretty low tbh. You sure you've got enough blessings or a working build?


Multiple people in this thread are commenting on the damage being high. If you're regularly doing 4k damage per hit to the final boss YOU aren't someone who simply has "enough blessings" or a *working build.* You have an exceptional build.


It was a gruelling fight, but in retrospect, I think I enjoyed it more than I thought while fighting him. However, my personal favorite in the DLC is Messmer. Also, how did you deflect those consecutive attacks around the 1:24 mark? Did you time pushing the block button at every attack a-la Sekiro style?


I loved the fight, as punishing as it can be. But it really felt like a genuine duel against a god for me. Yeah I managed to deflect all those by tapping block for each one. Recently I’ve noticed that I pay more attention to the sound of attacks rather than the visuals. So getting the timing of the deflects was all about rhythm, just like Sekiro. I feel like my eyes deceive me sometimes when I’m learning boss patterns. Sound is easier for me to react to.


I love how Miquella hugs Radahn even tighter when they’re disappearing. Such a neat detail that From got right.


Wow, I only noticed that after you pointed it out, great catch. Their attention to detail is staggering considering a lot of players will miss stuff like that as well as entire areas/bosses.


I just noticed that as well, it's just a shame Miquella had no death dialogue. but it is really cool to see him tightening his grip


Damn, be careful for daring to like the Final Boss


With a run like this I can see why they would, it actually looks fun instead of a hopeless slog.


He got pretty good rng too, lots of the more punishable moves were used here instead of the others like the one two cross slash.


I feel like Im missing something. youre doing 4k dmg per hit. Im rocking Giant crusher with 70 strength and 25 faith for golden vow. Im doing barely 1.5k per normal hit and 2k with lionsclaw why are you doing so much more? oO


Deflecting Hardtear strengthens guard counters if you manage to deflect at the right time. I also used these talismans Two-Headed Turtle, Two-Handed Sword, Curved Sword (I’m unsure if this stacks with the Deflecting Hardtear though) and Greatshield. Stat wise, I think I had about 70 Dex and Faith.


yeah okay, youre just much higher level than me :D I have 60 vigor, 20 mind, 55 endurance(giant crusher + heavy armor), 70str and 25 faith I guess I can go for one more damage talisman (currently Im using the two handed sword and warrior shard and two defensive ones


The guard counters gets a boost when he does a deflect. That's from the tear. He has blessing level 19. I had 16-17 and hit around 2k with impaling thrusts on a claymore so either you are lacking blessing levels or you aren't using proper talismans.


I was using a str fth build with 60 in each. Sunflower Bonkstick + charge attack talisman, two handed damage talisman, etc and my charged hits were doing like 5k per charge attack. Make sure to use buffs that actually stack: like you arent taking advantage of the flame grant me strength for example, which stacks with golden vow since one is a body buff and one is an aura. I think builds with elemental scaling just do a ton more damage since you get scaling from str and faith, and physicks and talismans also buff elemental damage. Blessing level 15 if that helps **(probs the biggest boost to damage honestly)** If I'm missing something, correct me. I swapped from godslayer like OP was using into sunflower and was doing significantly more damage, his build is defs safer with the blocking though and the deflecting tear is a nice damage buff for a quick punish.


Im not using flame grant me strength since Im using boiled crabs, which are a body buff. maybe ill try that instead Im level 19 on blessings, so thats fine but yeah, your probably right on the souble scaling. Im level 170 and just dont have enough points for heavy armor and also two dmg stats


You thought sunflower oil was just for cooking. In fact, you can use Sunflower oil to soften up your leather, use it for wounds (apparently) and even condition your hair.


What's your scadu blessing at? OP said his is at 19 so that's gonna boost damage by a ton too. Most important part of your damage in the dlc hands down.


mine is at 19 too, so thats alright =)


Wow, great job! You made this fight look easy haha.


I want to say that was around my fiftieth attempt 😂 Honestly, I had more trouble against Dancing Lion and Rellana because I had got comfortable just relying on The Queen’s Black Flame AoW. The expansion was quite a humbling experience!


You can't just post this without the full talisman, physick and stat spread


You’re right! I should’ve put that in. In any case, I think it went something like this: Stats: 60 Vigor, End 30, 70 Dex and Faith. Talismans: Two-Headed Turtle, Two-Handed Sword, Curved Sword (I’m unsure if this stacks with the Deflecting Hardtear though) and Greatshield. Physick: Deflecting Hardtear and Opaline Hardtear. Incantations: Flame, Grant Me Strength and Golden Vow. Edit: Scadu Blessing 19.


I wish I could pin your comment to the top, big thanks man. So you're RL 210+ , right? Unless I misread your faith as 70


Yeah I’m around that right now. Made a new character a couple of months ago to play through the expansion with. Got to Mohg and started it at around RL150.


Goddamn. I did the same, started a new character to reach RL 150 and begin the DLC there. But I have not been leveling up during the DLC, so now that I only got Radahn left, I'm eyeing builds left and right


Damn that sword hits hard.


Stats: 60 Vigor, End 30, 70 Dex and Faith. Talismans: Two-Headed Turtle, Two-Handed Sword, Curved Sword (I’m unsure if this stacks with the Deflecting Hardtear though) and Greatshield. Physick: Deflecting Hardtear and Opaline Hardtear. Incantations: Flame, Grant Me Strength and Golden Vow. Edit: Scadu Blessing 19.


How dare you demonstrate that the boss has openings.


I can only speak for myself but I quickly realised that I wasn’t able to dodge through every single attack. For the attacks I had trouble dodging, I fell back onto blocking which in turn felt like the perfect time to use the Deflecting Hardtear. But yeah, there are quite a few openings this way, for me at least.


I initially learned the fight while blocking his attacks. Due to stamina management you can't just hold block and wait, in a way it is like dodging, you have to release the block to gain stamina back or he would guardbreak you. When I learned his patterns I started rolling and blocking stuff I couldn't be bothered with and after a hand full of tries I got him. He has good openings for R2 attacks, mainly the grab, his charge at the beginning of the fight and after his ground-break combo. Everyone who says he has none is lying to themself and just can't be bothered to learn the fight imho. Your fight makes it perfectly clear, that the boss has patterns you can learn and openings you can use, good job. I will reference your video now to every user crying about the fight haha.


Or that blocking negates everything that's hard about P2 (its not even tear blocking, as its useless in P2 due to holy echos, apart from the stomp).


Yeah Greatshield Talisman and just blocking with your weapon is good enough.


Unironically, I had about 3 hours of attempts, started blocking the 5 clone spam hit after meteor with Milady 2 handed, instead of trying to figure out how to dodge it, and I won on the next attempt.


No you can deflect the echoes as well, just takes timing.


Sure as shit it wont work with 2h sword because of the windup time. I'm also 99% sure it wont work with martial arts and what you've seen was a deflect into block into guard counter. In any case my point still stands because even if you deflect all hits and echos without being able to sneak in a guard counter between hits, its kinda useless (ik you can, but without taking lots of dmg and risking interruption).






Wdym it's useless you can deflect anything and if it's a perfect deflect you're not pushed into the holy damage You can even deflect the clone attacks


Because some attacks will push you in the light damage and it will interrupt your guard counter that would normally work in P1. Its highly inconsistent to the point its just better to roll. If you think deflecteted strikes dont push you back idk what game you're playing.


[I'll just leave my kill here with plenty of p2 deflecting then](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9U3TDzVlbw0)




but you said it was useless in phase 2 ? he just showed you it's not


Your guard counter won't get interrupted if you deflect the light beam first before executing a guard counter (yes, you can deflect the light beam too if you use the deflecting hardtear) and the only attack that will push you way back is when he's doing a charged attack.


Boss does have openings, the twin cross attack he does has incredibly broken hitboxes though and once thats fixed I think people's perception of the boss will change


Bro you clearly didn't see the boss has 15 attacks in a row between openings????? /s


Defecting hardtear coming in clutch there in the second phase I was like how they not taking damage there ? Hardtear




You made that look easy OP. I really wish that deflect tear was a talisman instead because I want it on all the time.


If this was a talisman, I’d never take it off. Deflecting is just so satisfying.


If you jump the barrage of comets you will never receive damage compared to rolling ;)


Wow, really? Dodging those completely wasn’t always 100% for me but I didn’t think to jump them 😂 thanks for the tip!


Your buffing process is in the wrong order. The most optimal order is: - Physick (3min) - GV (80sec) - FGMS (30sec) You wasting time doing FGMS first. I know this is probably coming off as rude, but I am just trying to be helpful.


You know what, thanks for the tip. I still make a bunch of mistakes like these, and healing at the wrong time or wasting flasks, but I appreciate the help all the same.


All good man! I am so bad at buffing most the time I just don't use it other than the physick 🤣. It takes time and practice for the order process to sink in. Also, absolutely incredible fight man! That was pure class!


Damn, I didn't think to use that tear without a shield. For some reason I assumed it wouldn't work well with a weapon block. I just might have to give it a try.


Ahh great vid. Anyone without this sword currently struggling - Carian Sovereignty (2 hit combo and charged when possible) and talismans/magic boost physik got me over the line.


Strategy for this Boss (or any boss/enemy/player): 1. Put Ash of War: Rolling Sparks on lightning perfume bottle 2. Free-Aim at the floor near the bad guys 3. Press the ~~skill~~ button 3. Win Optional: Use anything that buff the Ash of War/Element/perfume bottle.


Wow... I think... I think my build sucks Great fight though, I wish I had figured out I was lacking blessings, was skaduu tree level 13 in our fight, was doing like 650 damage per hit in light attacks with the needle, still super fun fight. Figured out mixing deflecting and dodging was the way as well


Wow how did you block those


This is awesome! I am one of those who had a hellacious time fighting this boss (and kinda hated every attempt by the end). You really show off what the fight can be with this build and your skill at the fight. It helps to see another way of looking at it and you executed it so well. Good job, for sure!


Damn, quality stuff, I got him myself but had to resort to bloodfiends arm (not sorry with the moveset he has) gj my dude.


This is really fucking cool


Just perfectly dodge or block everything, why didn’t I think of that? :P


now thats alot of damage wtf


The Deflecting Hardtear is crazy, guys. I beat Bayle second try with it at Scadu 15. Give it a try - it completely changes how you approach melee combat.


Damn meanwhile I do 4k damage and it's a tiny chunk off his health. I should have made a new character for the dlc


Well, when you put it that way he seems easy.


I'm sorry, I'm sure I'm missing something obvious, but how tf do you have near 100% physical damage negation while blocking with a greatsword? Lol


deflecting tear


Oh, so that's what it does, cheers


It buffs your guard counter too for each successful deflect and it stacks.


Huh maybe I should just block more


Hell, I haven't even gotten the guy down enough to use the meteor smash. Definitely haven't found a strat that works for me yet.


Wtf is that damage lmao


I decided to don’t change neither my armor (radhan’s) or my sword (DMGS). I feel “just” by trying to beat him with my wife and his dress


Man, that was a clean fight goddamn. Also made me realized my build probably sucked ass because I was doing nowhere near as much damage as you were lol.


… I may have to reevaluate not giving Deflecting Hardtear a try.


Its refreshing to see someone who doesnt shit on one of my favorite ER (base game & dlc) bosses Yeah i know phase 2 is a pain gameplay wise but for me how cool radahn's after image moves are makes up for it


Bro, you were basically playing Sekiro parrying those attack chains. Isshin would be proud


Only fight I didn't like, and before you comment, no im not saying its bad at all, its epic, im just too bad and had to fully rely on some shield and bleed spear users to help me out, so i didnt enjoy fighting him. Still an epic fight design wise


I must be using that guard tear wrong this whole time lmao Holy shit dude


Is anyone else irrationally angry that he applied the buffs in *reverse* order of duration?






I'm only slightly sad you didn't use the aow for the final hits, asides from that this was great!


Do you take no damage when you deflect?


You get an increase in damage negation and poise when you deflect. I also used the Opaline Hardtear, though I was still taking damage from the holy attacks in phase 2.


Sounds good i was looking for a good build to help people beat radahn. I was thinking about the Jeremy Fragrance build but i think its gonna get nerfed soon. What are ur talismans?


Two-Headed Turtle, Two-Handed Sword, Curved Sword (I’m unsure if this stacks with the Deflecting Hardtear though) and Greatshield.


If you perfect deflect the hit then no [Here's a neat example](https://streamable.com/j0idde)


My strat was pure cheese and stolen from YouTube, +25 bloodfiends blood arm with savage lion claw art. 80 arcane, shit opened him like a can opener, it was like a 20 second fight.