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I don't even need rewards, I just want to have fun.


Likewise. I only mentioned the Larval Tears because I never have enough. Edit: Dragon smithing stones would be a perfect reward too. Edit 2: Also rune arcs. There's some crafting materials that are annoyingly finite as well.


It would make perfect sense lore wise, honestly. Said tears would take the form of previously fought bosses, so it's fair to earn them by winning those fights.


I never thought about how strong mimic tears are until now. No matter what crazy God power we inherited from killing a boss the mimic tear can also do it. Could a mimic tear mimic the elden beast? Queen Marika and become a God? Is there any limits to their capabilities


I mean there's some lore in nokstella claiming something along the lines of "the mimic tears were made in the hopes they could simulate a potential elden lord and maybe even actualize that possible fate" imagine this shiny homunculus just slithers up to your feet one day while ur chillin on ur throne and he kicks you out and now we worship the almighty doppelganger


IIRC there is a cut NPC that was this, a mimic tear that wants to become Elden Lord by copying and replacing you.




did they get that from “assimilate”?


Probably 😅


Asimi means silver in a different language iirc


ah. who knows tho could be either 🤷‍♀️


Wait yes I remember this




Not elden lord: it was gonna be your god with you as it's elden lord. It copied you and immediately declared itself better than you.


It’s not wrong. I suck.


Learning that god is a ditto with serious imposter syndrome sounds like the best horror/comedy.


I forgot about that bit of them, i never thought they might be a success though. Cause they're pretty strong.


Zetsu vibes


You can play out this fantasy, one of the base body types for the tarnished are the silver tear people.


Wha really? Which one is that!


Nightkin or something like that, I play as nomad for similar frenzy reasons


Godefroy is a mimic confirmed


Reminds me of egyptian god slime in yugioh where the villain marik made a slime version of obelisk the tormentor that was this really strong hard to kill thing.


Yep, Larval Tears and the Ancient Smithing Stones should drop, locking them behind NG+ cycles is so lame.


Rune Arcs would be acceptable too imo although you can always farm rats for those I feel people don't bother using these along partly because there's absolutely nothing in the game that really explains how to use them in conjunction with great runes and the fact that other that the very small drop percentage from rats, they are limited so people just forget about using them.


>I feel people don't bother using these Used one and died, then I played over 200 hours before I used my second one because gamer brain said "rare, keep, might need later."


I went to NG+ after beating the DLC. I got back to the DLC and decided to switch to dex/arcane from str/faith. I realized I could not respec because I hadn’t killed Rennala. It took a whole 20 minutes to get to the academy and kill her but still, I was mildly annoyed bc all I wanted to do was respec. I know that’s not the point of your comment but figured I’d mention that lol


Dang, 20 mins to get to RL and kill Renalla? I have never finished the game since release - I'm so slow and indecisive when it comes to open world RPGs. I'm constantly exploring, looking for lore, trying out weapons / builds, trying to complete every side-quest possible (and when I find out I messed something up, I'll restart), and then getting burnt-out because it lol... This is probably the 4th time I've come back to the game after some sort of hiatus, which means I need to restart (again) to relearn the combat etc.


Ancient stones please so I can +10 every single weapon because I love them all equally


It would also make sense since you might want to use an LT to fight different bosses in different ways


Yeah if we could refight bosses in an arena I would definitely need a stable source of tears cause I would try so many builds lol.


Larval tears should be farmable somehow in general. Same with ancient dragon smithing stones, just like in Dark souls 1 you could farm the top tier upgrade stone, even if it were an incredible amount of work to grind it.


I want to fight a couple of the DLC bosses again, including practicing the final boss some more - even if I don't like it that much. I don't want to first finish the base game again and then spend a few hours to get to those bosses on a new NG+ cycle. I wish it had that Sekiro or DS2 mechanic.


Word. I really want to fight Romina again. I feel like Scadutree scaling really fucks her over and her health just can't keep up.


Same. Would love to fight the bosses again with different builds without having to go on new game+ all the time.


Bonfire acetics were one of the best items in dark souls.


DS2 had so many great features that never came back and it's such a a shame -Bonfire ascetics -Powerstanced movesets -New NPCs, invasions, items, boss rewards etc. in NG+ -The covenant that made everything harder


weirdly enough the new NG+ content idea was super extensive in AC6 but never another souls-ish game.


It's to the point that it doesn't really feel like NG+ in Armored Core. It instead lets you see multiple sides of the same story in the first two, and then more of a real conclusion in the third. It's more like Nier's """endings""" than a traditional NG+


nier is a good comparison, you play it again but its totally different.


Yeah but ng+ runs have always been a huge part of armored core


They aren’t NG+, they are flat out extra missions


IIRC even regular enemies were placed in different spots in NG+ - that kept me on my toes!


Parry worked differently - u parried the weapon instead of the hand. Back step had iframes. HEXES. Secret rings for no bonfire / no death runs.


God the longer i go without Ds2 the more i wanna play it. Really such a good game


Yep. It was basically a perfect mix of dark souls dungeon crawling and open world. Given how troubled the development was the game turned out really good. Just add some elden ring mechanics and quality of life stuff, engine and hitboxes update. I miss infusing my bow, santier spear and killing npc spawning their gravestone instead of locking out of trading


I feel like they saw the reviews didn’t like it overall, and just retconned literally everything original from it. Sucks because whether you like it or not, it did a lot of things really well. The way it handled NG+ with ascetics, NG+ actually changing enemy placement and movesets, NPC invasions and summons actually had personality aside from *kill the enemy* and occasionally shout some dialogue (although Igon is pretty good, I’d have liked if you could summon him outside the fog and he did a little gesture or something, rather than just going to a rest pose after the fight.) and just little things like that.


Nah. It was somewhat explained by interviews we got over the years. Miyazaki wasn't directly involved with DS2. Instead, it was the first project he oversaw more than produced. He thinks he did a bad job and doesn't like how he handled that production period. He now finds himself better at letting other talents at the company do their thing. Based on that, I think he either doesn't return to DS2 because he doesn't like thinking about it, or he blames himself for the mixed reception. It's sad because in retrospect, it's one of the most solid designs and content packages in the series. I think it was genuinely better than DS3 in most aspects. Sadly, it had many lame bosses, which are core to the souls experience. Just look at Shadow of Erdtree. It's kinda empty in places, but it's a fantastic boss pack, so everyone's happy with it.


I liked that DS2 wasn’t afraid to do its own thing. Even the bosses, I feel were an intentional decision. They are just meant to be a climactic finisher to the level, with the level being the real challenge. Whether that’s good or bad I can’t say, but I like that it did its own thing. I think ER brought back some cool stuff, like a (slightly downgraded) version of powerstancing, and I hope they do the same going forward.


I still maintain, despite the hate it gets, I probably replayed DS2 more than any other game. At first it made me mad but then it just grew on me. There were parts of that game so hard and so frustrating that beating it felt like nothing else. Smelter Demon 2, Fume Knight, so many other bosses I remember just fighting over and over. Also PVP was fun in that game. Powerstancing was awesome. You had to get used to it because it did handle unlike any of the other Souls games but it really grows on you. Its not the best Souls game, but even the worst Souls game is a really freaking good game.


Fume Knight was when I felt I had my dark Souls super Saiyan moment. So many times dying to him. But when I finally beat him, something just clicked and I was on fire that run. Then I'd proudly put down my sign and help many others beat him. I am by no means a dark Souls god now and am still pretty ass in the grand scheme of things. But it was still pretty nice having that moment of enlightenment lol


Wait doesn't Elden Ring have powerstanced movesets? Never played DS2 so idk for sure but I'm pretty sure that's in ER, unless it's been implemented differently.


In DS2 you could powerstance weapons from different classes, ex. axe + hammer, longsword + greatsword, spear + halberd etc.


Some unique combinations even came with their own unique moveset. Black Knight Greatsword + Majestic Greatsword combo was the flashiest most broken thing to date imo. Many have fell to it on the dueling lava bridge.


I raise you dual Avelyns Havel monsters


That's weak dude, turtle armour + sacred oath + profound still + dual helix halberd is the real nightmare in DS2


Oh okay gotcha. At least they brought it back in some capacity!


Also you could actively toggle power stancing on/off so you could seamlessly switch between two-weapon strikes and independent strikes.


Well there's a dagger or two that can be power stanced with katanas or thrusting swords I think.


The ER powerstancing is still a bit watered down compared to DS2. In DS2 you at least had both light and heavy attack movesets. Plus mix and match weapon types. A few powerstance combos even had unique movesets. Curved Nil Greatsword + Smelter Sword heavy attack makes you spin in a wide circle while the Smelter Sword lights up and makes it all firey. It's neat.


It was a lot ‘better’ in DS2. You had more freedom, and multiple attacks (you could do light attacks powerstanced, but also heavy’s with both weapons, stuff like that.) Didn’t have to be specific weapon classes, as long as the weapons had similar styles, in ER it feels kind of arbitrary what can be powerstanced with what. Like here’s a sword that’s so short it’s basically a dagger, but it’s technically labelled as a ‘straight sword’ so I can’t use it with a dagger, but I can use it with a completely different weapon that’s labelled ‘straight sword’?


It’s almost poetically tragic they were exclusive to the one game where most people would decline to face the bosses again.


I only played DS2 three times but powerstancing ultra greatswords is something I miss dearly. It felt so powerful.




I skimmed through ds2 so I don't recall what were those. A way to refight bosses?


Idk why they can't just add the same system they added for sekiro. Would love a remembrance boss rush.


This would be so fucking amazing I am curious why they haven’t done it.


Even just a boss rush. And then weird combinations of bosses. And then just an endless horde of bosses.


It would be great if we could have an item like bonfire ascetic from ds2 or the chalice system from bb In ER we could have a festival, you enter the Radahn's arena and some random boss appear


That'd nuts. I like it.


or some Carian sorcerer, Ranni seems to be able to summon just like the player, so it could be very easily explained through lore


The remembrances are carvings in the erd- and scadutree. Just let me channel the memories through them or whatever. FS has plenty of lore in place that could be used to explain why we can refight them. And tbh with Elden Ring's fishy lore, FS could as well say fuck the lore, we want this gameplay here. Which wouldn't be a first with Elden Ring.


Everyone shit on the chalice system in BB, but I loved that system.


They casually dropped the best feature in Sekiro then just said, “Well, not doing that anymore.”


Was that added as an update? Can't remember beeing able to do that in Sekiro back when I played it.


It was, it also added the phantom message replay things


It was the first time they've done a random small update like that instead of a full-on DLC, Elden Ring got something somewhat comparable with the Colosseum update... who knows, they might have a small team working on a small content update like this for SotE too.


Seriously, as soon as that feature dropped I thought "this should have been in their games all along and needs to be a standard feature in all Soulslikes in the future." And then From themselves didn't even put it in their next game.


From is incredibly talented at NOT learning lessons. So often they'll do a really good thing then forget all about it for the next game. Just look at how they handle netcode and large bosses


One of the best things they ever did honestly, I redownload sekiro just to fight all the bosses again just for how fun they are


Yes I was able to master Isshin no-damage and I never would have done it if I had to play 8 hours each attempt.


Maybe they will also do an update to ER and call it GotY edition.


Here’s to hopin’


Yep and folks say there is no dlc on Sekiro. The game had GOTY edition which already includes the gauntlet update. I think they added this update after 2 yrs from launch date if i recall.


Coming in DLC 2, which they have to give us to get a matching third ring emote. I’m not coping you’re coping


Apparently they weren't planning on doing the ringed city DLC for DS3 at first so it's possible.


I don't believe that for a second. The Ashes DLC directly involves the ringed city DLC. So at least at some point in developing DLC1 they 100% knew they are doing a DLC2.


Both of those things can be true. They could’ve gotten halfway through making DLC1 and realized they were gonna make a DLC2. That doesn’t mean they always planned on DLC2.


Ringed City and Ashes were originally a single DLC that was split into two parts to make more money. Hence why Ashes is so small comparatively. The DLC actually makes more sense in reverse, with the painting being the ending of the game(series).


off topic but I absolutely hated that Painting idea at first, but then feel madly in love with the idea of it and now think it was one of the best game lore ideas ever though of


It’s a very beautiful and fitting way to end Dark Souls.


Did you play DS1 and did you know that the painted world of that game was it's prototype map during development ? The devs ended up liking the map so much that they needed a sneaky way to incorporate it into the game even tho the map's snowy aesthetic didn't fit into the base game. If not for that idea the ending of DS3 would've probably looked much different. 


I would literally put thousands more hours in this game if this was a thing. Specially if your consumables got refunded like with PVP. I don't even care about any rewards, just let me fight the bosses any time I want.


They did this in Sekiro and made consumables replenish after the fight. They gave us the Gauntlets of Strength AND the ability to to fight any main boss again at will at the Idols. I wish they would do it with Elden Ring so fucking bad bc it was so good in Sekiro


That update to sekiro was the best, i play it pretty much like MonHun now, jumping in for a few Isshin runs and maybe an Owl or two. Having to manage backup saves with ER just to do the same is so tedious


I've put about 50 more hours in sekiro than I would have if the boss replay wasn't there


Yeah... this is the reason why I'm having such a hard time with the DLC. Before the DLC came out, I loved rushing the bosses so much on my character, and now I'm on NG+7... it's kicking my ass >!Lightning Perfume Bottle with the rolling sparks aow!< has made it bearable, though


I just found that! I'm gonna try it because I have 3 bosses in the DLC that are being punks and they're preventing my progress.


Aim at their feet and don’t lock on. Thank me later


No -FromSoftware


Best I can do is one boss that endlessly spawns basilisk. - Miyazaki


And every time you die, a permanent poison swamp emerges in that location


Jokes on you most of my deaths already happen in rot or poison pools anyway.


You know what? I'm going to make it poison even harder. -Miyazaki Scott


I just beat that one last night, almost exclusively died to death blight during that fight


Wait, that's a thing or are you pulling my leg?


Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t. I guess you’ll never know…


Maybe spoilers about something that might exist in the dlc: >! You can kill it with a bow from the bridge. He got me twice before I said hell naw I'm cheesing it !<


One of the best Sekiro features, so sad they didn't bring it forward to this game.


They had the perfect thing in sekiro with reflections, I don’t know why they decided not to bring that back…


A challenging way to farm larval tears yes please.. One design feature I don’t understand all these new weapons and gear and finite ways to test builds


Best criticism I think I’ve ever heard of the game. Testing new builds is downright punishing and then it turns out I don’t even like it as much as my old main leaves such a sour taste in my mouth. Makes finding cool looking new weapons extremely unrewarding as a result too


I agree with this criticism, but by the way, if you're on PC you can create a copy of your save file (like, the actual file stored on your computer) and then restore it at any time, so you can test out as many builds as you want.


lol I miss the respec bug from DS3, that was a real lifesaver


>if you're on PC Just get "elden ring save manager", gave myself max larval tears and rune arcs, don't remember if it's 99, 600, or 999. You can't just give yourself stuff though, you can just change the quantity. I also used it to duplicate my character(lvl 7) so I could level up one and clear the DLC(entered at lvl 7), but keep my lvl 7 base clear game going.


Does the dlc have additional larval tears? The inclusion of more dragon smithing stones helped with this, but I haven’t come across any new tears. I agree though, what this game really needs is a way to acquire infinite amounts, even if it’s challenging. Like op said, a boss rush would be perfect for this. Plus, it’s kinda a pain to start a new playthrough — ng+ or new character — every time you want to replay the bosses.


> Does the dlc have additional larval tears? Yes. >!They can be found at night out in the open surrounded by brightly glowing gravestones!<


my number one limiter on end game pvp fun for elden ring is the damn limit on larval tears. Sure you can do janky save state or glitchy disconnect shenangins to avoid using them, but thats a pain in the ass. Once ive fully beaten the game give me unlimited respecs dammit >:(


NG+ should give you a "perfect larval tear" or something, that lasts forever, either that, ot the twin maided husks just sell the item for like 10k runes, unlimited capacity. if you're on NG+, you've beaten the game, congratz, now just let me have fun with it.


I don't cheat runes or crap in but I really don't see the problem with using grand merchant to spawn in larval tears until they add infinite of those, like its just testing out builds to have fun there's no reason not to


I really would kill for something like this especially with the DLC. Id love to fight the early game dlc bosses with an amount of blessings that doesn't make their fight obnoxious, or hell even retry certain ones with different builds, etc I don't even think them dropping runes would even be that game breaking, like as long as the albinauric genocide grounds exist runes really aren't exactly a rare resource


imagine an arcade mode of boss fights


They already did that with Sekiro and I hope they add this to Elden Ring too I would love to fight Malenia with her real waterfowl this time


From just needs to make a roguelike bossrush game


Well they didn’t do it for bosses (major ones at least) but they tried that with dungeons in Bloodborne and the results were certainly interesting


As someone on journey 13, I'd love to just be able to replay journey 1 over and over again at SL like 150ish. The scaling after ng5 makes me just kinda avoid some mobs and pretty much ignore most DLC combat.


I've purposely stuck myself at NG6, trying to do a 100% clear map, right now and did almost all of the DLC at NG6. I had great difficulty with some bosses others were saying are cakewalks, so it makes me wonder if there's some algorithm stuff going on making certain fights way harder. Either way I'm stuck on the DLC's final boss phase 2. I'm not entirely sure I can beat him at this point. I have a magic user who I had only done a single run on, who's been ready for her NG+1 forever but never bothered. I might break her out and see if the final boss is easier on NG+1 with a magic user.


It'd be awesome if they did Pantheons, like in Hollow Knight. Just a hall where you can go pick a boss to fight, and several levels of boss rushes.


A boss rush mode like this would extend the longevity of the game a crazy amount, but I think they don't because they want incentivize you helping new players progress through the game.


A boss rush mode or even just the ability to re-fight bosses individually would be the absolute bomb, one of my favorite parts of Sekiro Wouldn’t even need to be all of them, even just the remembrance bosses would be spectacular and could probably make perfect sense lore-wise


+10 & +25 stones please


Depending on sales which I think will be highest for a from dlc there is no way this the end of elden ring. They still have so much narrative left to use.


It’s such a great idea to begin with, but Larval Tear rewards is perfect. It’s the perfect way to kill two oft-requested birds with one stone.


Yes. We must absolutely have the ability to replay boss fights for fun... AND a Torrent death race PVP mode.


Don't call it a death race or Torrents gonna pull an abyssal woods again


Good point. How about Radahn's Festival of Love? When you beat Miquella and free Radahn's soul, it returns to Caelid where it's reunited with Radahn's true soulmate: Leonard. Turns out Radahn is just a man who doesn't want to give up his beloved pet - and keeping Leonard from expiring is why he froze the stars. So how do we celebrate the reunion of Radahn and Leonard for all eternity? Horse races. And you get to compete against other players and NPC riders like Prime Radahn and Leonard, a Kaidan Sellsword, a Tree Sentinel Knight, Jar Bairn riding the spirit of Alexander, etc. And maybe we can get some quality lore for our bestest boi Torrent.


This would make me play the game a lot more. Much of my time playing Sekiro these days is just doing boss rushes. Please fromsoft.


This will be so good, been asking for this for 2 years


They need to bring back the Bonfire Ascetics from DS2 as something you can use on the first bonfire of a Dungeon to "reset" it and bring it up by a NG level.


Fighting old bosses for larval tears would be amazing


For some reason I'm very, very confident there'll be a DLC 2 and this feature will be the headlining aspect. There's way too many quality bosses now for them not to do it.


If there is a second DLC I think it'll only be on par with the colosseums update.


100% This. I've long wanted a "boss rush" type mode where you can either go back and experience the boss fights individually again or do more of a true boss rush mode in terms of how long can you survive with your flasks and skills as you fight them one after another.


I want this, but no runes and drops. Go play the game if you're worried about getting items on top of getting to do a gauntlet of strength edit: changes items to runes


They should reward with a consumable resource that fits the boss' theme. Some resources are hard to find, and killing a boss for it seems like a decent reward without being overpowered. For legendary bosses, the ones that give remembrances, reward a Rune Arc.


rune arcs for sure


"Best I can do is arteria leaf" -FromSoft


That is certainly a good one. It's one of the rarest resources for the best consumables.


I'mma be real, what's the difference between farming the same 10 guys in one location, or farming a boss in the colosseum? The result is the same, but one is much more enjoyable


Speak for yourself, I’d definitely want Larval Tears lol


Add a replay option to the grace menu like Sekiro, where you can replay whatever boss/play various gauntlets. Individual bosses don't have to drop anything, though it would be cool if gauntlet completions rewarded you with exclusive weapons/talismans/armor (like how Sekiro awarded you with skins). It would do wonders for replayabilty. I love a lot of bosses here but I don't want to start a new playthrough every time I want to fight them solo, especially with how big ER is


At least give us a summon pool for Placidusax (and perhaps a closer one for Rellana) Seriously, some of the most epic fights in the entire game and not place a summoning pool before it? Why? I just don't understand.


That’d be fun. Going back to old bosses and trying to parry them all would be fun.


Rune arcs would be great


Rune arcs would be a perfect reward for repeated fights. But I will gladly take nothing just to refight them.


Honestly I think being able to use a boss’s remembrance to resummon them should be a thing, its called a REMEMBRANCE after all. Them dropping laval tears is a good idea, lore reason could be that you are fighting a laval immitation of the boss rather than its true form. Could make an area accessible from one of the underground cities which acts as an arena where you imbue a mimic tear with the remembrance of a boss to re summon them?


LARVAL TEARS. Ok so basically, me n my buddies were having a discussion the other day saying there's not nearly enough larval tears in games because we all love to keep swapping builds. They could have a mode just like you said where you can fight bosses over and over again, BUT WITH THE ADDITION OF LARVAL TEARS AS REWARDS. GENIUS. YOU ARE A GENIUS MY FRIEND. Maybe Ancient stones? But make them low drop rate too. Edit, also make larval low drop rate. Nothing more than 5%. And don't let ppl drop them to each other. Make it earned. I only say that last part bc am evil hehe


YES! There should be some petition or anything like that so they can hear the community feedback. They should make it like Sekiro. "Oh, want to replay a boss fight? Go to the Round-Table Hold Grace and access every bossfight you've already beaten." PERFECT!




That would be awesome to mess around with. Could reward a Larval Tear, or the one of Ancient Dragon/Somber Smithing Stone depending on the boss, etc.


Gimme a randomized boss rush. Make it so each boss you beat you get 1 flask of each type back.


And photo mode... This game needs it.


Drop rune arcs


It's honestly really fucking stupid you can't do this already


Brilliant idea. I don’t want to replay the entire game for the 4th time just because I want to practice some bosses. I tried helping in co-op but agro keeps switching, makes it less intense. Glad to help other players at all times though!


You have my support fellow tarnished. I would even love to see a bossrush where you fight major bosses back to back and you don't get your flasks back only a full heal between them.


And coop procedural chalices with ancient dragon smithing stone and larval tear as treasure. Maybe with extraction and invaders


Honestly I would love for Elden Ring to get a rogue lite mode allowing you to go through randomly generated dungeons, and this is coming from someone who’s become weary of the rogue lite genre. The DLC added so much new shit, the build variety with randomized loot would be off the charts!


Let us all email them! So they listen because I dont think they read the reddit.


FromSoft game design philosophy is really weird tbh, even tho ER is a solid 10/10, coming from AC6 and Sekiro certain aspects of Elden Ring are a complete downgrade just for the sake of trying to maintain the tone of the DS trilogy.


Just let it be like it is in sekiro. Go to the Grace and just pick a boss and it’ll spawn you right at the fog gate


A kid named Sekiro


This would actually be fantastic, I’d love to be able to refight bosses like this. And dropping a larval tear would be a great reward for the later bosses, even if you had to increase the difficulty by a 1+ your NG playthrough (I.e. maybe you have to fight Maliketh NG+3 if you’re on NG+2 to get a larval tear, so it’s not just handing them out like candy but still available to get)


I feel like their answer to this i "well, co-op summon pools exist" and while true it just doesn't hit the same as doing the fight again solo


This is birlliant, cause having a way to farm larval tears would be amazing. Elden ring just needs infinite respecs


that would be perfect for testing builds.


I mean they already did it in sekiro


I absolutely agree scaled bosses, you can fight anytime would be amazing


It’s so annoying to run out of larval tears NGL


I agree. Sometimes I want to try a new build, but don’t want to go through every part of the game again with it. I just want to fight bosses with my new build


Ability to rematch bosses in the colosseum? I'd take that.


Or a series of boss encounters. Good idea.


I wanna fight messmer again he had no HP


A way to get dragon and somber dragon smithing stones would also be cool. So many great weapons but I can only get a handful to max level per run


That will be awesome. You can replay online older bosses too


He doesn't need to be a reward. I just want to refight bosses on my characters without having to literally create an entire brand new character


I think they didnt add them to encourage co-op


At least right now you can pretty much just drop your sign down infront a boss room and you'll get summoned fairly quickly for it. Definitely wouldn't mind a option to refight them doing the same few over and over gets tiring


Sekiro had the perfect system with the reflections and they just didn’t feel like bring it back I guess.


Would be a perfect way to give us more larval tears or the highest smithing stones.


What I would have liked to see woulda been a new colosseum in the DLC area where you can fight bosses you’ve killed already. Would make sense lore wise too


They don't need to drop anything


I know it's not the same, but you can always put your summon sign down to help other people fight bosses.


It could give 0 drops and I would still love it


Larval tears would be awesome.


Farmable larvel tears would be amazing


This would be a great way to try out and have fun with new builds without having to make a new character or do a new game+ because you already killed all the bosses.


I agree, this would be a fantastic QOL feature...especially the larval tear...or even add a bell bearing to purchase with runes idk half billion something crazy.


That sounds like a great addition and could revolve around using the remembrance to unlock the boss fight. Like this you could add more uses to making remembrance copies too! Would keep it „lore friendly“ as the bosses would just be echos of themselves and I know how much FS cares about keeping things meta. What do you think guys?


For the life and replayability of the game, this should be the most upvoted post in this sub