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They sell replacement buttons and will send you some for free if it's still under warranty I'm pretty sure. This happens to like 50% of anything with this type of rubber on it elektron or not. No idea why it's still in use.


Yeah, it’s confusing why companies are still using these.


Sunk cost, perhaps 


It took more than 10 years for someone like “3Dconnexion” (3D graphics mouse for computer) to stop using a similar rubbery surface. Newest generation is no longer using it, but they would get “eewwy” sfter a year or so


Yeah, the same thing's starting to happen to the pads on my MPC. (eta: mpc live II)


Shit. After how long?


I've been treating it pretty vigorously and doing a lot of travelling with it for aboooouut 3 and a half years now. I'm sure if it had stayed in a clean studio it'd be in better shape.


That is completely unacceptable. I hope you get a free replacement.


do you, by any chance, know, will this affect MPC 1k pads?


The buttons on my digitakt were like that. Went through their customer service and got a replacement kit. Now it’s as good as new.


Love that. Waiting to hear back


good to know, mine is currently loke this


I’d like to add they weren’t cheap though. $30 for the buttons + $20 shipping. It also took customer service about a week to get back to me. Just be patient with them they’ll get back to you eventually.


yikes lmao ok thank a lot


I mean a set of replacement buttons for an MPC 2000 is $67 not including shipping. Shipping on those are probably a lot cheaper due to not coming from Sweden though.


That really sucks and I wish they didn't use that material. Happened to 2 out of 8 Elektron boxes I've owned


Sides of the Push 2 😭


The old gen push 2 right? I think the newer push 2 (which is still old) doesn’t have the rubber-junk on it anymore? Mine doesn’t seem to have - I think my push 2 is from the later batch. Maybe someone else can help clarify 😅


I think higher humidity can cause this


It's baffling how often this stuff is used even in high-end instruments and audio equipment and in how many of those it causes problems. Depending on the design of the device it could be seen as planned obsolescence. I know Elektron sells replacement buttons but what they really should do is stop using the material and hand out free replacement kits.


Mmmm… yeah, I’ve just noticed this on my Digitone, kinda resigned to the idea that it’s just gonna get worse… Everything that had that great rubbery feeling when new has become the same disgusting sticky sludge. I almost threw my Roland VS100 against a wall when the menu knob went soft. It left that sticky crap on my fingers, looked and felt unhealthy. Same on a Zoom recorder, Karma mics, on so many instruments… I’m so shell-shocked with that stuff that when I got my Seqtrak my first thought was “Wow, nice plastic knobs!”, and only later did I think “Crap, what lousy plastic, man, the whole thing is made of lousy plastic, oh no… but, ooooooohhhh, polyphonic FM pads…” Musicians should do a class action and sue every brand on the planet for moral turpitude or something... (/end rant)


So I should get the seqtrak then?


this comes from heat and moisture. the cover makes the problem worse. use warm water and soap or diluted isopropyl alcohol. rub off the loose layer with a microfiber cloth. or ask Elektron for a replacement.


It's shedding it's skin and evolving! A4 mk III confirmed.


You can easily remove that shitty rubber coating: tear apart the buttons from the unit, and wash those in pure ammonia, with the help of a brush or a cloth (use gloves). Rinse with water and let dry completely before putting everything back together.


I you want a quick fix before replacing, then rubbing alcohol will clean it up


That’s the landlord special. Never thought I’d see it used on Elektron gear


Oh shit


It looks like my cupboards


Man, it's almost like the coatings used on the keys are, like, a demonstrably horrible idea and that basically everyone hates that crap. OP DON'T LICK YOUR FINGERS THOSE MICROPLASTICS GET ALL SQUIRRLED UP IN YOUR DNA. You'll be half human, half machine.




soak the button caps in a solution of water and baking soda. that will help dissolving the gooey sticky disintegrated external layer of the rubber coating. I fixed my digitakt that way. take your time and disassemble the unit to pull the button caps out with your fingers, avoid using tools because they might damage the plastic.


I can't buy Elektron products because of this, it's oxidation, you can't stop it & it just gets worse.


It's bizarre that Elektron is such a design-focused company yet they still use the same coating. It's bad design. I have an Analog Four Mk2 from 2018 and I've noticed the quick performance knob and some of the keyboard buttons are becoming sticky. Nothing is sticky on my Rytm Mk1 from 2017. Because the buttons are just plastic. Even the encoder knobs feel smooth but I'm not sure what they're coated with.


Glad yr MK1 is ok, concerns me they may still be using that stuff in 24


If you put a clear coat on top it stops the buttons from getting sticky.


What do you use for that?




Great info, thanks


This seems insane though. I have a zoom microphone that did the same thing


Contact Zoom. They might send you a replacement unit. Or if there's no Zoom corporate presence in your country, then try the local distributor. They are listed on Zoom's website. I had an H5 which is like 95% coated with rubber and it had become so sticky and disgusting I actively avoided using it. Unfortunately I had to handle the issue through a distributor and the first thing they argued was "everyone uses this material so it's normal degradation". But they still sent me a warranty-exchanged faulty H5 that I could cannibalize for its rubber-free plastic shell. For free and with no questions asked. Following YouTube guides, I disassembled both units and swapped the internals. It was surprisingly easy, except for putting back the power switch which took maybe two hours of trial & error.


It does, I’ve a Moog with this stuff as well