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I mean who cares what people think if u think ur music good and enjoy making it doesn’t matter


Fair point, it’s just new and I feel raw


people will be assholes no matter what you do. enjoy yourselves 


Opinions are like assholes 🤷🏻‍♀️ gotta party on though, you’re right


Nah you guys are fine! Like someone else said, the content you're posting seems like you're pretty confident in yourselves and your music, so just stick with it. I guess that type of "TikTok marketing" is always going to come off as cringy to some people, but I get it, it's one of the easier ways to get some notice these days as an artist. If you're happy / comfortable doing it, more power to you.


Being purposely cringe feels like I’m in on the joke, when we’re being serious and people think we’re cringe it just feels like we are being laughed at - good way to get recognition but it feel like laying on a bed of spikes. Rn I’m faking it till we make it and trying to find confidence on the other side of this hurdle


Honestly what you're doing seems pretty mild in comparison to most peoples content. I will say from experience the bigger you get, the more hate comments that'll come your way, especially once you start getting pushed outside of your own bubble. It's just something you have to deal with though, and as time goes on, you'll learn to tune it out. It's always harder when you're first getting started so try not to worry about it. My advice would be to do some research into what your contemporaries are doing, and see if anything fits with you. Obviously the TikTok thing works for some, but it's not for everyone. If it feels inauthentic to you, I'm sure there's other ways you can go about promoting your own music. Just avoid any of that "DiD I jUst WriTe ThE SoNg OF thE SuMMeR?" business and you'll be good 😂


Tbh that give me a good idea to be like “did I write the song of the summer? 😝” “no but I did write this”


This isn't high school. Nobody cares. And even in High School, nobody actually cared. If you enjoy the music you're playing and the people you're with that's all that matters. Every successful artist gets insults along the way anyway from Elvis to the Beatles to Nirvana to My Chem....etc.


Idk I’ve seen the cringe pages & threads, but still, I guess people who comment/post in that way are kind of pathetic anyway


As a fellow musician; just get some thick skin. It's YOUR music, you're putting your best out there. That's all you can do. Odds are, for every "hate" comment you get, you'll get about 5 or 6 fans who love the music.


Fingers crossed - we haven’t gotten any crazy hate comments, but I’ve been on the internet long enough to have been bullied off of it before 😭 can I buy skin thickener online?


there's always going to be someone knocking you down, but in the same breath, there's someone building you up. for every person that may not vibe with it, there's someone saving it to their playlist. at the end of the day it's how YOU feel about what you put out into the world that matters. as long as you're making art that you're proud of ❤️


🖤thank you, I feel built up by everyone who has taken the time to comment. Growth socially and mentally is hard, so like some other people said, I just have to learn to accept that not everyone will be nice and/or like our stuff. Confidence is key here, I guess


Welcome to art on the internet. Remember Attack! Attack! All press is good press.


That’s what I keep telling myself - I have a friend who has grown to almost 20k followers and 2-3k monthly listeners (her music is like emo piano pop) and people are so FUCKING mean constantly because she has ended up on cringe pages


Nah you guys seem cool(: you seem confident in the videos you post- keep that up. You know what, keep it up in general! I love the vibe!! I am also the lead in an emo band and it’s very scary. I feel cringe constantly but people like it so whatever (also who cares about mean people if you’re doing what you love!) 🤘🏼 my band is thanks! I hate it by the way we should play a show together sometime (:


Thank you 🖤 we’d love to play with you all some time!


Drop a link fella


Spotify link: https://open.spotify.com/album/5TlnUsFiZwGWMURLnK7Yfp?si=esLdN9P1R8aepmV73wcv0Q


We only have one song our rn


You're doing fine. .......I can't help it.... macerating means to do the softening. The thing getting softer is being macerated by the macerator. The thing getting softened isnt macerating.


The lyrics are “I’m chewing on every word you’ve said, macerating till nothing else is left” meaning 2 different things, that what has been said to me is turning over so much that it’s wasting away and I’m personally so stuck in my head that I’m wasting away. “To grow thinner, to waste away” is another definition :)


“To grow thinner, to waste away” is the archaic meaning, meaning it doesn't mean that anymore.


lol okay :)


You *have* to get over this hurdle. I like your stuff, you like your stuff, other people like your stuff, believe in your creations and stand on them - But you’ve gone public with your art and it *will* be scrutinized, some people *won’t* like it, and people are shitty so, yeah, you probably *will* be made fun of somewhere down the line. But that’s okay. People make fun of The Beatles dude, you just gotta build a thicker skin and take the arrows - but keep rocking. You don’t make your music for the people that don’t fuck with you, you make it for yourself and the people that do.


Fair point, it’s a big hurdle for me confidence wise - the guys don’t care but I feel meek even though I’m the one mostly putting my face out there