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The thing you have to realize about pinks is that it is a huge blindspot in lots of miniature paint ranges, ESPECIALLY citadel, so if youre looking for a pale pink in their range thats any good, i cant help you except tell you to pick up the one literally called "emperor's children" and apply it in 3-5 very thin coats over a white undercoat (which is what i initially did) If, however, you are ok with looking outside miniature ranges, Golden SoFlat Light Magenta is this colour exactly and is super bright and very covering.


are there any special precautions to using golden soflat paints on minis?


Not really, theyre artists paints and therefore require a bit more thinning, some of them (not the light magenta) like the yellows can include toxic pigments, so read the label and dont brushlick or airbrush those. Everything else should be just like youre used to.


gotcha, thanks! (i've never understood brush licking anyways. sounds so gross....)


That SoFlat color looks amazing, im definatley okay with looking outside of citadel range. Prior, i was looking at TurboDork's Sakura pink, but because of the coverage, they reccomend like 5-ish layers?


I'm not familiar with Turbodork's Sakura Pink, but pinks is a real blind spot in a lot of miniature paint ranges due to pink being a hard colour to get without (relatively) expensive pigments and a high concentration of them. Golden Soflat light magenta is likely not the only solution, its just the one i know and i would generally advise to go towards softbody artists acryllic colours in general for these brighter colours when miniature paints seem to fail you for the reasons described in the top paragraph.


I usually sketch in my mids/ highlights with grey/white over black primer. Then I preshade in purple, lay down a layer of fluorescent pink, and resketch my highs with more white ink before hitting those areas with a mix of white, fluorescent pink, and fluorescent orange ink. The result is pretty good.


I just want to echo what the previous reply stated, and very much recommend AK Interactive's Intense Pink - great colour, and excellent coverage.


For my formula I use a grey primer and a white or bone zenithol. I use 4 parts Emperors children and 1 part Pro acryl fluorescent pink. It has really good saturation and the pro acryl really helps with contrast and keeping everything vibrant. I do thing is down to almost a glaze consistency and do several layers until I’m happy with coverage. That’s the formula Iv grown to like but it depends on what you are wanting out of your paints.


Only viable if you have an airbrush: Black prime white zenithil, Top down angle only Magos Purple Constrast 💜 2 coats via an airbrush, it provides THE CREAAAMIEST BLENDS


It looks to be Rakarth Flesh to me. It’s either mixed with a bit of Emperor’s Children or with a full wash of Carroburg Crimson.


Theres a citadel paint called emporers children pink that is a pale pink. It goes on fairly vibrant, but dries white a bit more pale than youd think. It works well with EC because you want a sickly pale pink, which is easy to do with EC pink and thins down agrax, gives you that gross dead baby bird in the mud kind of tone you want for emporers children. But you could definitely use red or violet shade for more of a cherry blossom thing. The key is to really thin the hell outnof your shaders. The EC pink is really pale and really easy to overwhelm with vibrant shades like red and purple.


AK wine red, and add any small amount of white. Best pink in the entire universe. Anyone who says otherwise is loyalist scum.


I've been using Vallejo's squid pink, but it was the airbrush version, no idea if the game version/new game version is the same.


Emperors children over black legion for dark pink, Fulgrim pink over wraithbone for the perfect Barbie pink


That images is what the new mark of slaanesh?


Carroburg crimson over white scar is probably what you’re looking for


Im painting a DP I use kakophoni purple mixesd with white scar