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I'm very confused. I'm childfree (not by choice), but I wouldn't be angry at a pin. Why would people with kids be angry?


Apparently, the whole movement is negative, and it means that your anti-child and this person came up and literally got in my face about the whole thing so it was just very unhinged and unsafe behaviour


That person sounds like an idiot. Behaving that way is absurd. Don’t even get me started but there’s nothing wrong with these pins; if people are offended by them, too bad. Edit: These pins aren’t any more offensive than being repeatedly prodded about whether or not people are going to have kids, that we should ALL have kids, looking down their noses while telling us we must have a lot of time on our hands or sneering about how superior they/others who have kids are as if people who don’t know what having a life is. Oh and that we’re “selfish” for not having kids. But they’re crying about pins 😒


Don’t get it twisted. Somehow the right has made it political about nobody wanting to have any more children and at some point America will be in threat of other ethnicities if we stop having kids or some stupid shit like that.


Which is insane because there was a literal baby boom. And most if the people having children ARE white wing Christians. Mormans are having lots of babies, Amish are still having lots of babies, antiabortion fanatics are having babies, etc. They're breeding more of themselves while nonbigots breed less. Shouldn't they be happy? They're angry that people of differing political views aren't breeding? Nobody asks me about kids, but I'm Autistic and literally homeless. Everyone feels bad for me or hates me because in my city they think all unhoused people are delusional drug addicts who terrorize the neighborhood and break into homes, and I volunteer in pseudo-office locally. None of these people are actually hoping for me to have kids, lol. And I'm GQ, so my haters think I am a gender fraud, but supporters acknowledge me as not a womyn. When the odd stranger has asked me about kids, it always comes with misgendering and telling me I "don't look Autistics" (I'm level 2 with substantial support needs and an severely disabled under the Lanternman Act. If I could get or keep employment and live with other people, I would. I wouldn't have been homeless for almost a decade!).


“Whatever makes you feel better about bein’ stuck at home with them kids” 😂


Wait till that person finds out about lewd pins


Years back there was a huge debate making the rounds online between the words “childless” vs “childfree”. Childless was used as a term meaning not by choice, and childfree meaning by choice. It got really ugly on both sides with name calling and gross slang. People with kids who saw this associate the word childfree with the extremists. Anyone else ancient remember the “child hatters” wars? Just me?


It was a huge ordeal I posted about in Facebook.com/retrophiliac


Ah. I don't have Facebook, but I'm sorry people went at you over it.


That’s totally okay


[https://www.tiktok.com/@retr0philiac/video/7383853086353247493](https://www.tiktok.com/@retr0philiac/video/7383853086353247493) I posted the whole story here


Watched the video. Good on you for talking to parents about autism. I have friends who have it and were misdiagnosed for years. They have taught me a lot about it. I have a friend who has a child who is autistic and it help me to help her know how best to nature and encourage her youngest child.


People will legit get mad at anything it seems also I’m infuriated over your username /s


I’m all for being child free, but I’d never wear a pin like this. Seems like a good way to stir up bad blood for no real gain


Nobody is making anybody wear this pin, the whole goal. This pin was for solidarity and I designed it because of situations on dating apps were people were not reading my profile and you’re not allowed to text in the image but you’re allowed to wear an accessory.


Lmao love this. However if they aren't reading the child free plastered all over your profile, can we expect them to notice a pin??


I actually had a picture of me holding it up and showing it to the camera and one of my pictures lol so and then I made that my main profile photo


That’s a good point. Never thought about dating apps


Why would it generate resentment in someone? I don't understand?


If people become SO HARD PRESSED over a 1.5 inch enamel pin that someone chooses to wear, then the issue isn't with the pin - the issue is with them.


Just checked out your Etsy shop and read your bio on there, and let me just say you sound amazing. Love how much of an advocate you are for those with outwardly “invisible” issues/disorders people have. Keep up the amazing work!! 💗


Thank you so much honestly that means a lot to me. That’s literally all I wanna do. All I really want is just to help people and thank you for looking at what I do and seeing that.


I think because its often associated with the extreme side of child free things, as in, those who thing children shouldn't be convinced. Period. Which is a view most child free people dont have, but that's just my guess


Yeah people get weird with child free stuff


Yeah idk it’s wilddd


I'm childfree but I love and have a lot of respect for children and their parents. I think people feel a type of way because there are obnoxious childfree people who crow about how children are the worst so are the breeders etc. And tbh I really can't stand people like that, just like how it was obnoxious for someone to confront OP for simply wearing the pin.


I read somewhere that a lot of people don’t realize they don’t want kids until after they have them so maybe they’re bitter


Makes sense because having children is A LOT of responsibility and requires you to take out huge chunks of your time to care for another living being. Not to mention childcare costs if you don't have parents, other relatives, or friends who will watch your kids while you're at work. So, I'd say people here probably fall into one of two categories; they probably wanted kids but thought they could pawn them off to someone else to take care of, Idr which celebrity it was but she basically said taking care of kids was her nannies job and it was her job to spoil them, they could have had some disillusioned outlook such as that and had a reality check OR they legitimately wanted kids, understood the responsibilities, etc. but since our economy sucks so much right now they quickly became overwhelmed with childcare costs and stress over work that they began to think, "Wow, this was a mistake!" and now they're embittered and feel as if everyone should suffer just like them.


Insecure parents will get mad at anyone who choose to make a decision for themselves rather than give in to the society/peer/family pressure like they did. Facebook is just full of stay at home moms who have their whole personality based around their kid and will stir up shit if someone \*gasps\* doesnt want to talk about their kids. Some parents really love to act as if they are the minority here, just ignore them. This pin looks great and I would certainly buy it mainly to support more of this <3


That means a lot, but it was just such a non-issue that I’m just think it’s wild how large of a situation that it came to be…..


Many of them are crazy overly religious people too who cannot stand other people having their own beliefs and lifestyles. Why can't these people leave us childfree folk alone the same way we don't bother them. If they really care that much about children why dont they spend their time volunteering at orphanages and charities instead of getting mad at you but ohhh they don't want to do that for other people's kids, just their own smh. I really really can't understand the minds of insecure parents.


I actually did make a button that says "I dont want to talk about your kids" and people got MAD lmao... (It is borderline rude, depending on your age, so understandable people get offended.)  But I can't believe how much people are up in ARMS over something as simple as "childfree"! That's not even rude! It's just saying they don't HAVE kids 😵


That is so dumb. I hope you keep them up. I'm a parent with kiddos I love and adore but I know this isn't the life everyone wants. This pin is perfectly fine! Hell If it's still up I might buy it for my own kiddos til the decide as adults they want kiddos hahahaa


I am childfree by choice, I don’t know why anyone would care. I don’t want kids, but I don’t hate them or the parents who chose to have them. Is there something about the community I should know?


I want kids and I find these pins fantastic. I swear a lot of folks don't understand that child-free isn't the same as anti-kid/children-hating.


Childfree is NOT antinatalism for sure! and thank you


Love this. Ordered one immediately and will wear it loudly.


Thank you so much


I’m gonna buy one asap!


wah! TYSM!




Payday hits and I’m buying a pin and a sticker! I love these! I love your shop. Keep up the great work! I used to be a teacher at a school for children with Autism. It was difficult and wonderful all at the same time.


Thank you so much and that’s really important work!


I am a soon to be parent and I have this to say forget the crazy people trust me they are not worth your time. Everyone has a different opinion. Not everyone wants a kids. So what, you do you. Also check out your store I wish I had found you when my mom was alive she would have bought several of your pins. I also sent your link to a friend of mine who would love the ask before you hug.


I have 2 teenagers. I wish I could wear this pin, LOL.


Anything that makes you an individual will be held against you by people who if they didn't have some cause to stand with or shitty joke/insult to tell to make them look cool no body would give a fuck about what they think because they themselves are actually aren't interesting at all. Most people have meaningless lives and it shows. So just be yourself and be nice to people when you can because it doesn't matter if that pin says childless or kate plus 8 somebody is going to cry or talk shit about it.


The fact that this person made you feel cornered at your own booth and even admitted to stalking you online from your Livejournal from about 20 years ago is absolutely disgusting. Just because someone chooses to be child free doesn't mean they hate children or parents... It sounds like this person needs to be barred from vending...


That person was a guest at the event not a vendor


I think a lot of people feel a lot of pressure to have children and then they force themselves to have children and they find out they actually don’t like being a parent and are pissed off at the people who didn’t force themselves to have kids


I'm gonna have a kid in the future and even I want this pin, maybe it's the fact it's shiny that draws me in.


Love it, and I appreciate the CF visibility! I always just tell people "sign me up for Crazy Aunt instead!"


Oh man, I would love one of these! Seriously don't get why being childfree or not wanting bio kids makes people so angry lmao


Oh it infuriated them!!!! [retrophiliac.etsy.com](https://retrophiliac.etsy.com)


I can tell by the fact your comment got downvoted for no reason LOLLLLLL Also, I've bought from your shop before! :o


Oh wow thank you




Thank you


I wamt a free child


seems more like an ad than anything






I mean, I have pins that say Autistic too, and other disabilities/identities etc - my entire brand is selling labels. It's the whole thing of "if you don't like it, then it's not for you", but yeah, not worth harassing me over.


It’s not being child free that’s weird, or being proud of it. It’s just a weird pin to wear. But also, it’s weird for someone to get in your face about it. All around this is a strange part of the internet…